Gontents Map of the book Acknowledgements Introduction Un¡ñüf UmfiüZ Is tlrerea bank? Airmail,pleasel 4 6 -7 10 14 'lB Urafit4 what'son? what's in yourluggage? 22 Umfit5 Whereshallwe eatit 26 Umñt6 somewhere to stay 30 Un¡flt? on top of TabteMorurtain 34 Un¡ñt8 lt's ringing 3B Umfit9 Don'tworryl 42 UnltS UmfiülO what'sinthe news? Umilr:l I I'll checkmy email 46 Rcmewi tr,4 Umfitl2 Is that speltcorrectty? 50 60 Un¡fit13 Howdo I ioin? Un¡Etl4 At the sportscentre 64 túmEtl5 I'd tiketo üuorkhere UmEtl6 Justthelobl 7) 76 Revñew2 BO 6B Appendices Appemdkl Usefullangruage 82 Appemdffi2 Learningtips 87 AppemdkO Using a dictionary J1 Answer key 96 Unit number Title Topic Howto ,,. I I$ there a hanle? Shopsandother se¡vices ó scana textto find particular piecesof information s find outaboutservices in theareawhereyouarestaying a readnotices in shopwindows andfindoutexactly what services areavailable 2 Airmail, pl€as*! Sending mail abroad s reada postofficeleafletquicklyto geta generalideaof whatit isabout s findtheinformation youneedto decidewhichisthe bestwayto sendlettersandpostcards abroad o find outhowto sendpackets andpackages abroad 3 Vllhat's on? Theatre and cinema o understand a textwithoutknowingthe meaningof every word o reada theatreprogramme andchoose a showyou wouldliketo see o reada cinemabrochure, andfindoutaboutpaying for tickets andmembership 4 Whaü'sin ycur Iuggage? Handand checked-in ru88a8e o findwordswithsimilar meanings in a text o findoutaboutrestrictions to yourhandluggage o decideif youneedto declare anything at Customs 5 Whereshatrl we eát? Foodandeating ouf understand descriptions of dishesandrecommendaüons, andchoosewhatyouwouldliketo eat g workoutthefunctionof eachsentence in a text o understand webrecommendations andchoose a place to eat 6 Someurhereto stay Hostel accommodation useyourknowledge andexperience to predict the contentof a text e findoutabouta hostelandwhatit offers c findtheanswers to frequently askedquestions 7 On top sf fahle Mountain Sightseeing readandfindtheinformation youneedwithoutfocusing on unknown words o tryandworkoutthe meaning of unknown words findoutaboutanattraction fromleaflets aboutit I It's ringing Telephones s usea chartto makenotesandcomparethings o choosethe bestmobilephonepackage for yourneeds c decidehowto payfor callsfroma publicphonebox Map of the book Unit number TiUe Topic How to .,. * identifythe mostimport¿nt partsof sentences * followinstructions in a firstaidmanual andgivefirstaid * findoutabouttreatment at Accident andEmergency (A&E) # ffisx*'tw*ssleq Firstaidand accidents $# lfiiBnÉt'$ i* á*:e a¡g¡gr*? Newspapers useheadlines to predict thecontent of newspaper articles understand shortnewspaper articles identifywordsthatareusefulto you X'!$e3ce*3< rxag *ra?aáE Keeping in touch workoutthemainpurpose of an email understand emailabbreviations and'smileys' identify different typesof emailanddealwiththem 12 Is rhat spelr correctly? British Checking spellings o identify English andAmerican English spellings o addwordsto thecomputels customized dictionary o identifu incorrect -- - - spellinss -r .-o- 13 How do-Iioin? Usinga library 14 At the sports Genüre Staffnoticeboard o usea varietyof approaches whenreading texts o readadvertisements on a noticeboard anddecidewhat youareinterested in findoutabouttakingup a newsportandhavinglessons f5 I'd like fo work here Working in a music store t6 Jusrúheiob! Finding a job dd E* o putthesentences of a textintoyourownwords o findoutabouta librarywhatyoucanborrowandwhat youhaveto payfor usea dictionary withEnglish definitions to findoutthe meaning of words o findoutaboutjobsandbenefitson a company website 0 choose a iobyouareinterested in skima pageof advertisements in a newspaper to find outwhichonesaremostusefulto you job advertisements understand andchoose a jobwhich suitsvou complete a job application form Xs*ketre& fussrk? read i * Lookat the listof placesagain.Whichplacesareshops? Whichprovideotherservicesfor customers? Wntetwo lists shops - ----"u-&y.r-'"s--- - serulces .-.---_-9_s4y-_"---" S Lookat the photographs. Whataretheseshopsand services? Choosefrom the wordsin the box. i i bake/s i l/eiir¡te<qan ¡ newsagent's I ^t-^*l^+,^ i chemist's bank drfe}eaners ontician's butche/s hairdresser's st¡tinneis ll t; uh t' o. ^t y, +"-,,^l -^^^+'ilcvtrt dEct lL > & Add someotherplacesto the h,voiistsabove. & lmagineyou are doinga languagecoursein Britain. a -.-.---fui*d.wq lp--.-.. b d € C +I Lookat yourilstof shopsand seruíces. Whichshops and servicesare most importantto you?(X: not very rmportant, /: important,'/,/ : veryimportant) 1 l m a g i n e y o u a r e d o i n g a l a n g u a g ec o u r s ei n S u m m e r t o w n and you see the leaflet on the opposite page on the school noticeboard. Look quickly at the leaflet. What is ¡t about? Tick / one of the boxes. , . [ : : u m n e r t t w .I b .cervrces in SumrlertownI c :rirops ¡ird seruices in Summertown[] Learning tip We sometrrnes look througha texl to find a particularpieceof rnformationThls type of readlngis cailedscanning.Whenwe scan,we clon'treadeveryword.We f,nd the rnformatronwe're lookingfor and then stopreading.We don't pay any attentionto the rest of the text fg S Socialand Travel Scanthe leaflet on the opposite page and find the answersto these questions.Answer yes or no" a ls ther-e a bikerentaislore rn Sumnrefiown? . g9l .". h l sl l e r e a p o s to f i r c e ? c ls therean internetcaÍé? ,.j .cfhere¿ ctnerf¿? e ls therea drycleaner's? """ i I ' t h e r ca n o p l i t i a ns ? Is tlrere a bank? [t:]ii¡Eü't Which of the serv¡ces¡n Exercise2 are in Banbury Road?Which are in South Parade?Write BR or 5P after your yes answers¡n Exercise2. is a busycommun¡q/ We hopeyou will enjoyyour stayhere!Summertown north from whichhasbuiltup aroundBanburyRoad,themainroadheading the centreof Oxford.lt is a mainlyresidentialarea.Here are somenotes whichwe hopewill helpmakeyour stayenjoyable. What other shops and serv¡cesare there ¡n Summertown?Write a list. 59 and Oxford City Centreiswithin easyreach.Several buses- 7,7, 17,25,27, 2 I 8 - run frequentlyto andfrom the centre.Alternatível¡you canrent or buy a bikeandcycledown BanburyRoadin aboutten minutes.(Youcanhirea bike Cycles,or buyyour own.) at Summertown Shops and other serv¡ces Youdont needto go into Oxfordfor your shopping asyou will find you needherein Summertown. Mostshopsarein Banbury everyth¡ng for food shopping.The Co-op(at the Road.There arethreesupermarkets southernendofthe shopingarea)is openunt¡l lOpmon weekdayevenings food shopsincludea andhasthe longestopeninghours.Other specialist fruit shop,a delicatessen, a Lebanese shopandtakeawa¡a butcher'sshopand two bakert.Unlessotherwisestated,shoppinghoursare from 9.30amuntil 5.30pm,Monday-Saturday. in Summertown, Thereusedto be three newsagent's but now there is only one.Martinsis at the northernendof the shoppingarea.Martinscanorder foreignnewspapers for you.Speakto one of the salesassistants if you'dliketo arrangethis.Youcanalsobuystampshere.Thereis no longera postofficein nearestpostofficeis in the centreof Oxford. Summenown.The - Lloyds, Therearethreebanksin Summertown HSBCandBarclays. Openinghoursare 9.00am-4.30pm. All of themhaveATM machines outside. Other shopsin BanburyRoadincludea stationerl,a book store,a health is alsoan internetcafé,a computershopanda shopanda cardshop.There homefor you branchof MAILBOXESETC.whichwill shipyour possessions at the end of your stay. whichis at the northernendof Summertown Libraryis in SouthParade, libraryis openeverydayexceptWednesday BanburyRoad.The andeveryone is welcome.You'll find lots of informationaboutthe areahere,andyou can alsoreadthe newspapers. Thereisnt a cinemain Summertown, but therearetwo videorental in BanburyRoad,offersthe usualma¡nstream films. stores.Blockbuster, in SouthParade, Videosyncratic, on the other hand,hasa wide selectionof foreignfilms. travelagent'sandlaunderetteare both in SouthParade.There Summertown's is alsoa dry cleanerlin BanburyRoad.You cangetyour photosdeveloped there too, For your medicalneeds,there are two chemist'sin BanburyRoad. Thereis alsoan optician's. Thereare severalhairdresser's, bothfor menandwomen,in Summertown. T¡ro of them -Wendy Burnett'sandAnthonyLawrence- alsooffer a range of beautytreatments. Are thesesentences true (T) or false(F)? a Thereis a good bus seruiceinto Oxfordfrom Summertown.__J__ b Mostshopsin Summertownare closedon Sundays. _--_-_ is c The Co-opsupermarket oppositethe newsagent's. _____ d The newsagent's sells stamps._____e The bestdayto go to the libraryis Wednesday. --____ f Therearetwo hairdresse/s in Summertown.___--- Classbqrus Writesomequestions aboutthe 2 or some textlikethosein Exercise sllementslikethosein IueÍalse_ 5. Civeyourquestions/ Exercise statements to anotherstudent yourpartne/s questions Answer or decideif his/herstatements are ' trueorfabe. Are there any other shops or servicesyou would like to find in Summertown? E brapracbice youaredoinga language lmagine coursein anotherBritishtownor for this city.Lookat thevr¡ebsite town/city.Scanthewebsiteto find you outif it hasallthe services notedin Getrecdytu reed. tl ,*:litjt Is therea bank? B I saw iü in tÉ¡ernrimdemr Look at these noticesfrom windows of shopsand placesin Summertownwhich provide other services. Where would you see each notice? 1 Complete these sentences. viA*n rexlnL sbre lf I wantedto renta bike, l'd go to a raararalal h ,pEN 7.DDam uAar wAaH -7.DDpn CLO5E 8,4OPN 6ERt/LcE wAail 4.7Dan - 2.3Oyn Mondag - FrLdag company and will soonbe ;,$b"ary, to all our patients, In order to aseLef cue{omere, * on a voluofarg .fo{f m¿mbers "{ baeLs - are wLllLng fo oamplofe washLag later, befween do aof loes @ Sociat andTravel whLch wLll be dallaoted ThLs Le a prLvafe ar oqstomer aooepf damage a"d arra.^gemenf sta{f, respoasLbLlLfg fo the a^d {or t4e ang eaLd tlashLng, t .t Is therea bank?Un¡iltt Scanthe noticesand answerthese questions.The question letters match the notice letters. a Whatexactlv canvourentfor €9? -1--vptw.o..N-!cil9.2--ht--L--MY'!-a 4 Look at this notice from another shop in Summertown.This shop sells things, but what is different about it? Complete this sentence. Oxlan sdls ütnqs b Canyou get takeawaymealshere? c How muchtime do you getfor the cheaperbudgetcard? S *xrarn d Whymightsomepricesbe higher? Opening Times andhealth? e Dotheyonlydealwithmedicine Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday f Whencan'tyouusetheATMmachine? g Whosephonenumberisgiven? h Whatisthelatesttimeyoucanstartyourwashing? Focuson... g'-tB 9.3Oam9.3Oam9.3Oam9.30am9.30am9.30am- 5.3Opm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm CLOSED We are very gratefulfor your donatedgoods. Please help us by leavingthem when the shop is OPEN. for and from Leavingdonationsoutside the shop at any other time presents a fire risk, and donationsget STOLEN. We use for Thankyou for your cGoperation, - to showanamountof moneyandtime:2 forE7for2 nights - whensomething canbe usedbysomeone or something: Discounts Mondoyonly for students Weusefromto show - wheresomething Breodfreshfromtheoven started: - whensomething pricesfromApril2006 started:Revised * the startingprice:/A/IERtuET from90p on hour withfor ar from. Complete thesesentences is open---.-{tg-----7.00am. a Thelaunderette fishcomes thesea. b Fresh f5. budgetcard----------------c Youcanbuythecheapest peoplewithoutwashingmachines. is --.-------------d Thelaunderette freshfruit. e Youcangoto thesupermarket f A haircut costs----"-----.-----89. fromthetext. Complete thesetwo expressions further information, contact 01865244699. R __-__--------.--. h Wedo notacceptresponsibility anylossor damage. Did you know ...? Odamwasstartedin Ig42andis the IJK'slargestaid agency.'Oxfam'js shortfor'OdordCommittee for Fa¡¿ine Relief'.Its headguarte¡s usedto be in Summertown andits fustshopis in the centreof Oxford.TheSummertor¡m shopis oneof 5001ntheUK. ,t_t'd.i'l.. 5 Look at all the noticesagain.Which of the shops and serviceswould you use if you lived in Summertown? $$$s$$s$$*$$$.$#*s $s$$"$"s$ $.$#$#$sr Can-dochecklisb lck whatyoucando. piecesof information. I canscana textto find particular in the areawhereI am staying. I canfindoutaboutservices what I canreadnoticesin shopwindowsandfindout exactly services areavailable, kolea¿o /rinka 5oo Raba, ul|-ña zo't¿t'Pola¡d A tam I hawea stisker? Learning tip Weoftenlookat a text qulckiyto findout whatit is about or to geta generalideaof its meaning, Welookat pictures andheadings, aswell asthe text itself.Thistypeof read"ing is caliedskimñng.\ly'henwe skim,we don'treadevery word.Wegetthe marnideaanddon'tpayattentionto the smalldetails. You are going to read a text from a leaflet called Mail made easy. Skim the text on the opposite page. What is it about? Tick / one of the boxes. a sending letters andpostcards withinthe UK f b sending letters andpostcards withinEuropefl c sending letters andpostcards allovertheworldf, Skim the text again.Which of these sentencesis true?Tick / one ofthe boxes. a Airmail isfasterbutmoreexpensive thansurface mail.I b Surface mailis slowerandmoreexpensíve thanairmail. I c Airmailis cheaper andfasterthansudacemail.tr @ SociatandTravel 3 How do you addressthe envelopes? Completethe sentences. a !t. Hgy..y? -!?-t9-Í{!*_z _!o! g-y?rg.?.\tfu bJf .-s-o-q..4f t9--T.s!¿_s9_{ Fccuson ... pounds aneipence "'F* u,t '. ," '!; Lookat thelistof airmailpriceson theleaflet. Círcle thefigures fortheseprices. a onepoundforty-one (pence) b threepoundsten (pence) c sixty-four pence d fourpoundsandh,vopence Nowwritetheseprices in words.Practise saying the prices aloud. e fO.72 ---?-e-y%fu:W9_-p94*_-_-__-_.--. f g n t 81.O2 E1.79 €2.14 E2.7O i F<NR Airmail, please! Lüf¡itp Surface mail Sending mail abroad forsending non-urgent 0ureconomical service international mail. What are you sending? Lettersand postcards Lettersand postcards to Europecanonlgbe sentbg Airmail - up to a maximumweightof 2kg. How to use Surface itemsshould beaddressed asnormal. Airmail Airmail forsending 0urstandard service international mailto angwhere intheworldquicklg andcosteffectivelg. How to use Stickourbranded Airmail freefromPost sticker- available - ongouritemofmailandpostit inanUpost Office@ branches branch. Alternativelg, boxorPost0ffice@ Uoucansimplgwrite 'BYAIRMAIL - PARAVION' inthefronttopleftcorner. ry G?01 lllill Thenameof the countrgin CAPITALS mustcomelast. (^lcarte) Oür Surface rnaildeliveryalms are; 2 weeksfollowing dagof posting 4 weeksfollowing dagofposting siaAnalr!¿z I¡Érnacioúal si- Thenameofthecountrgin mustcomelast. CAPITALS M¡rber6 6s1 ELel! (A¡cante) SPAN Bto,12weeksfollowingdagof posting Surface mail prices Our Airmail deliveryaims are: W 3 dagsfollowingdag of posting Pssrcai'ds 2og 6og , 100g ' 150g @ dagof posting 4 dagsfollowing @ dagof posting 5 dagsfollowing Where is it going? Airmail pr¡ces notin eitherEurope 1 coversallcountries orWorld Postcards 1og 7Bg 4og 6og B0s 100g tz|/s 1r';flo 1609, f0.44 ÍD:44 ta.44 f0,64 f0,83 "f1.02 LT.L! Et.4L f 1;60 t1,.79 f¡.50 fu.50 t0,72 f.r.a f0.50 f0.50 f0.?z [rjldr1.". F1 1q Austmlia rl.fl ¿r.oo f 1.91 Í?,31, t2.70 f3.10 f3.49 F7 1L Í2.61, f 3.08 Philippines Japan F? qq f.4.o2 How much would it cost to send the following letters and postcardsby airmail?Write the answersin numbers. a a postcard to ltaly -"...-.-,9.'Y"-.-..b a letterweighing 85 gramsto Australia c a letterto Argentina weighing 55 grams postcard a to Taiwan d e a letterto the USweighing 150grams f a letterto theCzechRepublic weighing 55 grams Which of the postcards and letters in Exercise4 can you send by surfacemail? How much longer would they take to reachtheir destinations? Classbrus Choose somemoreweights and for mailyouwant destinations to send.Civeyourlistto another student.Canyouworkorrtthe pricesfor yourpartner?, Umñt2 Airnrail,pleaset B Can you fiII this in? I lmagineyou are in Great Britain.You are going to send the following gifts to friends and family abroad. Match the gifts with the three headings under What areyou sending? Write the numbers in the boxes. Did you know ...? Addressesinthe USalwaysinclude a zip codea g"roupof lettersand/ornumberswhich areat the end.Tte tIK equivalentisthepostcode.Compare thesetwo addresses. Noticethat the housenumbe¡ is beforethe nameof the streetin both countries. StefanoMusetti AnnaLindaToreni 1819M¡:rdochSt Flatt,7 MiltonSt Fitfahrrrah Edinburgh . PA15217 EH8BE2 USA LK. (PAstandsfor {Ull standsfor Pennsyivania,) Edinburgh.) ! ¡uuevsv¡r 2 Readthe section Custornsinformationbelow. Whichof the gifts in Exercisef do you needto senda customsdeclaration form with? a bookaboutBritish customs to yourpenfriend in Cermany I moneyto yourcousinin the USwhois comingto Britain nextmonthn a T-shirtto yourbrotherin Australia I Gustoms Information YouDON'Tneedto complete a customs declaration formif gou're sending: . letters, postcards anddocuments alone . smallpackets andpackages containing goods to countries intheEuropean UnionIEUJ. YouDO needto complete a customsdeclaration form if gou're sending: . smailpackets andpackages containing goods to countr¡es notin theEuropean UnionIEUJ. Sending ma¡l abroad What are You sending? 1 SmallPackets rateifgou'resending offersgoua cheaper Thisservice write'SMALL Please samples' gifts,goodsorcommercial a include also can You F¡cxir in thetopleftcorner' gou necessarg' Where contents' the to letterrelating Themaximum shouldalsoattacha customsdocument' weightls 2kg. 2 Printed PaPers books' ratewhensending Youcanalsogetacheaper andpamphlets n.*.p.p.tt, leaflets maqazines, thecontents' abriad.Youcanincludea letteruelatingt0 'PRINTEO The corner' left top the in PAPERS' write Piease books' for Skg or is Zkg places most t0 weight maximum andPamPhlets. leaflets 3 Valuable items itemsabroad isuchas.moneU' lf uou'resendingvaluable usethe should metalsJ, 9ou andprecious ieñellerg with conjunction in service i.tt.r, J, Stttl Packets For@' Signed lnternational or eitherAirsure@ ff -¡4rv'^..-.^.a 16 -Y1sr*:l.-n-*-:*i-tff @ SocialandTravel *'*<t*t**_"':*4 What do you need to write on the envelopes for items a and b? What else do you need to find out before you can post these gifts? Complete the sentences. a Beforeyoupostthe boo( youneedto findout how much b Beforeyoupostthe money,you needto findoutabout Airmail, please![:mEüZ Readthe instructionsfor the customsdeclarationform and complete the form for item c (TheT-shirtweighs approximately 250g). You can ignore the Frenchwords on the form. CUSTOMS DECIáRATION lnstructions cN 22 fickane ornorcboxes quantitg description, [ 1) Givea detailed foreacharticle, andunitof measurement e.g.threeDVDs. t z l ,( 3 1[,6 ) a n d[ 7 ] G i v e t h e w e i g h t andthetotal andvalueofeacharticle Ind¡cate item. the of value weightand forpounds used,i.e.GBP thecurrencU sterling. andthedateconfirm [8JYoursignature fortheitem. gourliabilitg conbnb {1} p) Value prdiculars l,üeundersigndnwhe name and addrcss ihn,cerlifyñaliln arcgiuenonüe giuen inüisdedanüon and üat item arscorscl üh üoes nolmnhin any dangu!$ arlioh proh¡bited 0rertidss bylegidalion regülallom w!yposhlw cusluns 0ale and sender's signatre {8} Which parts of the form did you not need to complete? E . brapra$ice and Lookat thewebsiternnnnnr.royalmail.com andfindoutabouttheAirsure@ lnternational SignedFor@(Airmail) selices.Complete thesesentences. á -------.;----;----.---is cheaper, D L Youcan use--------.-"--r----.-. to anycountryin the world. --ís2kg. o Themaximum weightfor $$-$$#.$'.$. $'$$s"$'$$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$.$*.$$* Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatyoucando. I canreada postofficeleafletquicklyto geta generalideaof whatit is about. I canfindtheinformation I needto decidewhichísthebest wayto sendleüersandpostcards abroad. I canfindouthowto sendpackets andpackages abroad. Can do Need more practice A At Brighton Theatre Royal 3 Merve's friend Kristen has seen these shows. She is telling Merve about them. Which show does each sentence describe? (The shows are described more than once.) Merve is living in Brighton. Her sister is coming to visit her in February and Merve would like to take her to the theatre. She is looking at the programme for the Theatre Royal.Scan the programme on the opposite page. Are allthe shows on in February? .B.bpL.F:Mc{-t What kind of shows are on at the theatre? Write three sentences. Igp--P--oSp--!,a--s Did you know Here Theword taphasmanymeanings. the where a typeof dancing it describes dancerwearsspeelalÉhoesúrh bonom or91sof1etalo1,lhe which makea noise. 18 @ SocialandTravel 4 What other things could Kristensayabout the shows? Write one or two more sentencesabout eachshow. in Exercise 3 as models. Usethe sentences .B.hú.b.rM.s?--h4É--!-ü-cn.&.t4r..a!Nbr.--fu.r-.-B-p-*-lfip-q{-ü.--h--Lsn4.s What's on? i i,ij¡¡,:.fi$ -.r$ ufttt tEf,: tIg,!-E ^vrtffE arm,q '"Tfr'Fqw'lr$Ij:i mfTffrlf*." r¡r:¡L ^^^-:-r ^,,^-¡v Y r L r| ) P e r ¡ d r B U E 5 L > 0ffiqE$#mffimgY lreland's ThreeTenors ilüSNTR]F.ffiTT lrishin origin,this powerfulshow combines lrishDancewith the sensual Latinorhythmsof Ftamenco and RedHot Salsain a thriltingproduct¡on of strength andDassron. Spiritof the Danceisone of the most successfulshows to comeout of lreland andhasbeenseenby morethanthirty mittionpeoptein fifteencountries around the world. guestsin thisyear'sshoware Special lreland's ThreeTenon,who bringa selection of songsandsomeof the greatestvoices everheardto Spiritof the Dance. Not one lrishdanceshoestepsout of [ineastheir thunderous feet performas one,with an excitementthat leavesthe screaming for more. audience Mon 28 Feb- Sat5 March A smashhit sinceits firstperformance in 1995,OlivierAward-winning lap Dogsreturnsto Brightonaspartof an international tour.Dressed in Levisand Blundstone Boots,the exDlosive castof sixstrappingAussie tapdancers return to the TheatreRoyalstagein a feastof stylishroutines. Therawenergrof TapDogshasthrilled andastonished audiences across the gtobein equalmeasure.They were the toastof the SydneyOtympics, entertaining over3 billionpeopleat the openingceremony. Youwon'twantto missthís- the hottestshowon legs! Mon7 - Sat12 Feb Giassbonus Foet¡son ... Workwitha partner. Readoutyoursentences fromExercise 4, but beginthe sentences with/f - for example: It hoswonfourawardsfar Best Musicalin Londan.Workoutwhichshowyour partnerisdescribing. uocabulary Mervet sister likes dancing.Which show do you think Merve will buy tickets for? whv? Would you like to go to any of these shows?Which one(s)would you choose?Why? ' t"t""*. i .€, . Therearelotsof usefulwordsin thissection aboutgoing .i to thetheatre. Readthedefinitions of someof thewords. Writeeachword. playing people a actingsinging, dancing, musicto entertain pg-r I o r m o.n c e b a prizegivento someone/something fortheirachievement a____ alltheaaors/performers in a play/showc d the raisedareain a theatrewhereactorspedorm s e whenpeoplestandwhenclapping to showthattheyhave enjoyed something verymuch the peoplewho sit and watcha performance at a theatre a on? UmEtS Ullhat's B fne Duke of York's Picturehouse 1 Merve's friend Kristen asks her if she would like to go and see lhe H¡storyBoys on Friday. Answer these questions. a Haveyouheardof thefilm? b Havevouseenit? c Ooyouknowanything aboutit? 2 Skim what Kristen says about The History Boys.Would you likato see the film? It'sabouteightboyswhoarestudying historyat school. Theyallwantto goto Oxfordor Cambridge - an oldEnglish University. Theyhavethreeteachers teacher, a newyoungteacherwho hasrecently left university, andtheonlywomanteacheron thestaff - whotryandhelpthemto geta university place. The filmísfunnymostof thetime,buta littlebitsadas well.I'veheardit'sveryenjoyable andnottoo difficult to understand. 3 Merve and Kristen decide to go and see the film at 4.30pm. Kristen is a mémber of the Picturehouse,but Merve is not. Scanthe page from the cinema brochure below. How much will each of their tickets cost? 4 Merve then remembers that she is going to the dentist's at 4.00pm on Friday.Scanihe text and completé these sentences. a Theirtickets willcosta totalof .-------,..---.-...--.. if theygo to the latershow. b Theirticketswouldcosta totalof -_--__-__----__--_-__-if Mervehada studentcard. Did you know ...? if youarea student,youcanget concessions. reductionsin the priceof ficketsfor the cinema/theatre, buses/trains,etc, Youwill needa validstudent cardwith a photoin orderto provethatyou 6¡ areastUdent. ._,-ffi Cinema information Ticketpr¡ces: DAYTIME (Films commencing before5pm) Fullprice. .... ..f5.50 Members. ......,t4.00 Concessions .,...€4,50 EVENINGS & WEEKEND Howto pay: ¡ TheBoxOfficeopens30 minutes beforethefitstperformance andcloses l5 minutes after thestartofthe lastoerformance. o vlsA,Masterclass, 5olo,Electron, switchandMaestro cardsaccepted. soloandElectron are onlyaccepted in person. I Please haveyourcardto handwhenyoutelephone, Advancebooking: o FROM THEBOXOFFICE: Duringusualopening hours. . BYTELEPHONE: 08708505465.Please havJyour cardto hand.Bookings canbemade several weeks in advance, butno laterthanl5 minutes before theperformance. There isa f i.50booking fee(waived formembers). Please bringyourcardto thecinema. Electron & 5olonotaccepted overthe phone. o ONLI NE BOOKI NC:www.picturehouses.co.uk Customers receive immediate confirmation if seatsareavailable, Bookings canbemadeup to l5 minutes beforethe screening. Please bringyourcard withyou.please noteadvance MEMBERSHIP .I,50 webbooking (waived feef for members). Single.. ....,...f25.00 . PLEASE N0TE:Latecomers areadmitted at the manager's discretion andnotafterl5 Joint... ,....,..€40.00 minutes fromthefilmstartinq. Concessions .,,..É18.00 (Films commencing at or after5pm weekdays, all dayat weekends and on BankHoliday$ Fullprice. .......É6,50 Members. ....,.,É5,00 Concessions ..,..f5,50 Rightofadmission isreserved bythemanagement. PROGRAMME MAILINGLIST Gettingto the Dukeof York's Foroneyear. . . . . 8 1 0 , 0 0 BUS:5/5A,z5Bfrequent fromtowncentre; nightbuses to Falmer. TRAIN: Brighton station15mins;London PLEASE NOTE Roadstation5 mins(evenings: every30 minsto Falmer Advance web./phone booking fee until11.35). PARKINc: multi-storey off London Rd(free f 1.50(waived for members), parking after 6pm), Please avoid in surrounding streets ¡ I it as can a nuisance cause for residents. t ' 20 I Soc¡a¡andTrayet tuqi¡m fifiIridffi krrü&I¡jl Friday evening is a popular time to go to the cinema,so the girlsdecideto booktheirticketsin advance. Scan BgCOme '-;; a mgmbgf 0f the ":;-';. the text on the oppositepage and completethe chart. c'an.pag c¿óh 11he4 iNo , , ^-;Duke ofYork'sPicturehouse . or bg *eAth c.o.xd". ib i'fneA,a i : , c :1 h e g ; i i ¡.*-.-].'.---*-*'-__'****"'.*........:-.*.,-*',.]-....-'-'-*-*Merve thinks she might become a member of the picturehouse.Kristen is explainingwhat v." g"ilrr"" you join. Look at another section of the brochure on the right and decide if what Kristen says is ,¡ true rr us \(T) r, frr or farse (F). NOWYOUCANWATCHEVENMORE FILMSFORLESSMONEYWITH OUR BrGcER, BETTER MEMBERsHtp oFFER: . 3 freetickets perperson (woühupto F r qs 0 ) -. ;l^",Y:' ::::T:::.:", 81.50discount onallyourtickets, withno feesto pay booking ' ' . --T_-. 'lB membership' f concessions previewscreenings FREE thebestof everything theDukeofYorrs priority hasto offer'including booking forspeciar events anddiscounts onthe balcony box plusourbrochure maibdto you,email listings, discounts around townandat all otherPicturehouse cinemas l0o/o discount at theSanctuarv Café Would you want to become a member of a cinemaif you were living in Britain?Why? / Why not? €, brapraÉiee FindoutwhereyoucanseeEnglishlanguage filmsin yourtownor city.Coandseea film. Alternatively, renta DVD.Thiswillprobably havesubtitles in yourownlanguage, which willmakethefilm easierto understand. $.$$$.$$$s$ $$$.$$.$$ s$$$$$$#$$s,,T.$s Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatyoucando. I canunderstand a textwithoutknowing themeaning of everyword. I canreada theatreprogramme andchoosea showI wouldlike to see. I canreada cinemabrochure, andfindoutaboutpaying for tickets andmembership. Needmorepractice SWneffitos ñmy$ur Isnffiffffitre? resd s Matchthe wordswith the pictures.Writethe lettersin the boxes. bumbag @ penknife f hairdryer handbag I I rucksack suitcase I fl laprop f walking stickf * Whichof theseitemsdo you takeon holidaywith you? 6 lmagineyou areflyingabroadon holiday. Wheredo you do thesethings?Tick/ the correctplacein the chart. K a checkin yourluggage b -t^^.^,.,^, ) i l u v v y u u r P d > > P U rL c showyour boardingcard d go throughSecurity 7 e collectyourchecked-in luggage f on thrnrroh Crr<tnmc o-' ""ó' htto:/,/www.llaa.com/security & 1 You are going to fly from Manchesterto Athensfor the weekend.The day before you fly, you hear on the news that securityhas been increasedat all Britishairports.You decide to look on the Internet,and this is what you find. Skimthe webpage.What is it about? Tick / one of the boxes. ¿ checkec," ,ggug"] b handluggage I c checked-m luggage andhancl ruSSage Ll Did you know ...? o n db a g u , r g e :. tv'tC 'uJgdqo aresvnonynts(theYhavelhe same ireanrng).Howevet,Passengers talk aboutthelr lugrgaEe usi.iai1,¡ anil airltnesusuall\¡talk abcLtt.cagTgage. 22 @ SocialandTravel T h ef o l l o w i n g i t e m sa r e p r o h i b i t e di n h a n d l u g g a g e .l f y o u h a v ea n y o f t h e s et h i n g s ,y o u m u s tp u t t h e m i n y o u r c h e c k e d - i b naggage (suitcases, etc.)or disposeof them safely.You cannottake these itemsthrough Security. Any itemspurchasedafter Securitycan be t a k e n o n b o a r d .S p e c i anl e s t r i c t i o nmsa y a p p l y t o i t e m st a k e n o n t o f l i g h t st o t h e U S . ,p '-1-./* No liquids In :.lJ l,* ruI'smet¡cs "':,.m One bag only J6cm Max¡mum dimensions ..:'.:.rÉ -r^ I¡I No toiletries IJ ! * No gels or pastes includingfoodstuffs No sharp items No lighters Not allowed through Secur¡ty or in luggage.Pleasethrow them away safely. 048 Learning tip http://wwwbaa.com/security As youread,try to workout themeaniagof unlmornm words.Useplctureswherepossible. Findotherwords in the text whichcanhelpyou.Forexample, find a synonym(awordwith a simiiarmeaningto the unknownword),an antonym(awordwhichmeans the opposite), or an example. Onlyusea dictionaryto checkyourguesses. You had plannedto take the following things with you to Greece.Why can't you take them through Security?Complete the chart with the singularform of words in the webpage on the opposite page. 2 Pleasenote: Othersmallbags,suchas handbags, maybe carriedwithinthe singleitemof cabinbaggage, All items will be x-rayscreened, caniedby passengers items(e.9.hairdryer) must . All laptopsand largeelectrical be removed from the bag and placedin a trayso that such itemsneitherobscurenor areobscured by the bag. Pushchaa i rns dw a l k i n ga i d sa r ep e r n i t t e db u t m u s tb e x-rayscreened. Wheelchairs areallowedbut they mustbe searched thoroughly. Before Security:All shopsand cateringoutletsareopen to all passengers, but any liquidsand gelspurchased must be packedinto yourluggagefor check-in. Any other purchases mustfit intoyour handluggage. some skincream t -ro*. a penknife C nuir!"i Oncethrough Security:All shopsand cateringoutlets areopento all passengers. lf you aretravelling to any destination exceptthe USAthen you cantakeall items purchased loungeintothe aircraftcabin. in the departure You had also planned to take the following things in your hand luggage.Can you take them through Security?(,,/= yes, f = no) Leavethe box empty if the answer is not clear from the notice. a bottleof waterforthejourneyffi b a toothbrush andsometoothpaste I c a laptopI lighterI d a cígarette Here are five words/expressionsfrom the webpage on the opposite page. Readthe webpage carefullyand underlinethem. Find five other words/expressionswhich have similar meanings(synonyms)and write them down. (Thewords in the list come before the words with a similar meaning.) a I I tcoSutc5 b items reslx'r.Uans nrnhihita¡l d ruó546c g disposeof them Scanthe second part of the webpage Further passengerínformatíon on the r¡ght. Can you take your laptop through Security? Readthe second part of the webpage again. I you buy the other items in Exercise3 (a, b, an d) in the departure lounge, can you take then onto the plane? lf you are travelling to the USA: Extrarestrictions purchased arein place.No toiletries or cosmetics in the departure loungewill be allowedintothe aircraftcabin and anydrinksor liquiditemsmustbe consumed before boarding. Food,however, is allowed.Passengers boarding flightsto the USAand itemstheyarecarrying, including point,will be thoseacquired afterthe centralscreening subjected to secondary searchat the gateand anyliquids discovered will be removed. Underlinethese five words/express¡ons¡n the second part of the webpage. Find other words/expressionsin the first part of the webpage on the oppos¡te page which have related meanings.Are the words synonyms (S)or antonyms(A)? More than one answer is sometimespossible. singleitem of cabinbaggage b normiitorl C evrent d ^.^ crc :^ ^l-^^ il | PloLc one bM onw l-- L:I n n f T Umflt4 What'sin yourluggage? B Anything to declare? 1 Look at the countriesin the box. Divide them into two groups - Europeanand nonEuropean.Write two lists. '! -{ j ¡üstria Brazil Canada Creece Japan Poland SaudiArabia Sweden the Netherlands Tunisia European Non-European Austrt* rerc 200 cigarettes 0R 100cigarillos 0R 50 cigars0R 2509of tobacco Skim this customsguide for travellersentering the UK. Complete the sentenceswith the numbers1-ó. a Parts and ,.---------"areaboutwhatyoucan bringin. b Parts and , --_--__-__-areabouthowyou shouldgothroughCustoms. Did you know ...? TheEuropean Unionis an economicand politicalalliance betweenEuropean countrieswhich wassetup in 1gb8.Thesix orignnal memberswereBelgium,F?ance WestGermany, Italy,Luxembourg andtheNetherlands. Theywere joinedby theUK,Denmarkand theRepublicof Irelandin 1973.Therearenow 27members. f 145worthof all othergoodsincluding gifrsandsowenirs HOWTOGOTHROUGH CUSTOMS .'T.ry5f¡S3jf.ry.1¡$qEf; @ SocialandTrayel I IITREof spiritsor strongliqueursover 227ovolume 0R 2 LITRES offortified lyine,sparkling wine or otherliqueurs 4!rt?T: What'sin yourluggage?Umfit4 Look at the parts of the customs guide which are about what you can bring in. Complete the sentences. forpeople a Part(s) --is/are Union(EU). fromtheEuropean travelling b Part(s) --islarefor people whoarenottravelling fromthe European Union(EU). Complete these sentencesabout yourself. l'mfrom --(nameof country). Part(s) islaremostusefulto me. ___-__,-_-". Focus on... Answer these questions. a Whydon'tpeoplecomingfromtheEUpaytaxon goodswhenthey arrivein the UK? b Whichgoodsdon't peoplecomingfrom outsidethe EUpaytax on? Look at the parts which are about how you should go through Customs.Complete these sentences. Unionshouldusethe a People fromtheEuroDean - if customs chahnel b Otherpeopleshouldusethe q' FF must,mustn? and don't hqve td*"C theseexpressions from Complete thetext. a VoU DaV anvtax b you--.---.---.sellthesegoods c you--,---.-.--. declare thegoodsin theRed Channel Readabout these travellers.Which customgchannel should these people go through? Complete the chart. !Cintia brinein themaximum h You for bothcigarettes andcigars. allowance i You--.--------" declare anygoodsthatare overtheallowances. befor this.--------.-i lf youbringin alcohol, purpose. a commercial ,(e4 I 5UCCOT ieaudetoilette j25 crgars asa birthday Matchtheverbswiththeirmeanings, it is necessary d must notto it is necessary e mustn't to f don'thaveto it isn'tnecessary to withmusf, Complete thesesentences mustnfor donthovefo.Youwillneedto readtheguideagain. s You declare siftsworthlessthan i i litreof spirits+ 2 litresof E bra pracüice for yourcountryon the lnternet. Checkthe customsrqgulations fromthe UKregulattons? Whatarethe maindifferénces $$$-$ $,$.$$$ $$$.$$t $$ü#$s$$"s*sss* ü$$ i Can-docheklisb Tickwhatyoucando. I canfindwordswithsimilar meanings in a text. I canfindoutaboutrestrictions to my handluggage. I candecideif I needto declareanything at Customs Can do ,',"' Wfker&sflnil we ea$? r*n* S Lookat the food items.Underlinethe correctword in ^--t- -i. soLr I Poil. aD \&. S Matchthesefoodspecialities withthecountries theyare from.Haveyouevertriedanyof thesespecialities? a tempura 1 Austna & jre - b c d e f QuicheLonaine Baklava Pekingduck Nasigoreng Enchiladas o t2nn^r r¡ah h Wiener schnitzel a sadic/ pepDer b onion/ asparagus c nlirrcc -/ oranpc d artichoke I orange e cucumber / melon f lemon,/ lettuce $á You havejust arrivedin Andaluciaand you are lookingat the food sectionof your guidebook. Underlinethe words you would NOT expectto find in a text about food and eating out. ingredientsspecialitysavourysltce grilledi batier mixture beach order trees i Scanthe text and underlinethe words from Exercise1. (Thewords in the text do not always appearin the sameform as in Exercise1.) Look at the pictureson the oppositepage. Match them with the specialitiesmentionedin the text. Write the numbersin the boxes. a Patolosbravosf e Arrozo lo norinero lf b lortilloEspañolalf f SaladsI c Cozpocha g Oliveorl I I d Calomores l) Readabout eachspeciality.Underlineall the ingredients.(Not everyspecialitycontains ingredients.) @ SocialandTravel Q I 3 4 5 6 7 I Lnrna France Indonesia Japan Lebanon Mexico Turkey Youare goingto readabouteatingout in Andalucia- an areain southernSpain.Haveyou evereatenSpanish food?How manySpanish dishescanyou name? Localingredientsare of a fantasticquality and this is the secretof Andaluciancooking.Hereare some of the speciatitiesof the region" B o t ho f t h e s ed j s h e sa r ev e r yp o p u l a rn, o tj u s t ' i n Andalucia, but al"[overSpain.Thefirst consistsof frjed potatoeswhjchareservedwith a spicysauce.The secondis a heavypotatoomelettewith onjons,fried i n t o a s a v o u r cy a k eI.t j s s e r v e d e i t h e rh o t o r c o l db y t h e s t i c ea n dj s s o f i L L i ntgh a t j t c a nm a k ea f u [ | 'm e a l . T h i sf a v o u r i t e A n d a l u c i adnj s hi s a c o [ ds o u pm a d eo f f r e s ht o m a t o e sg,r e e np e p p e r sc,u c u m b egr ,a r [ í co, t i v e o i [ , L e m o nb,r e a d c r u mabns ds a L tT. h e r ea r el o t so f L o c a l v a r i a t i o n sw,h i c hm a yj n c l u d ea l m o n d sg,r a p e sm , elon, r e dp e p p e r sa,n db o j l e de g gg a r n i s h e s . ALL a L o n tgh e c o a s yt o u w i I f i n d g r i L L ebda b ys q u i d - w h o [ es q u i da r es i m p l ea n dd e [ c i o u sa, s l . o n ga s t h e y a r ef r e s h A . common a L t e r n a t i vi set o c u t t h e mi n t o ringsandfry themin batter- again,if they arefresh, they wifl tastesweetandtender. Thisis riceservedwith a mixtureof shellfish- it is t h e A n d a L u c i vaenr s i o no f p a e | ' [ aU.n [ i k et h e t r a d j t i o n a I paellafromVaLencja, arrazü Iq marínerq doesnot c o n t a i na n yc h i c k e n0 r s a u s a g e A.v e r yg o o dc h o j c ef o r l " u n cihn a b e a c hr e s t a u r a n t l Iluhereshall we eat? [f ih:lfitg Readthe text again. Decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Focuson... vocabulary a Patotosbrovosis eatenthroughoutSpain.__1__ b Tortillois alwayseatencold. ___-__ c Cazpochois alwaysmadefrom almondsand grapes._____ Squidcanbe eatenwholeor cut intorings.__-__e Thereisn'tany meat in orroza lo marínero._-_-__ f Andalucian saladsusuallyincludelettuceandtomato. Lots of olives are grownin Andalucia.______ o a Youcan cookfood itemsin the followingways: boke,boil, fry,grill, roosf. Scanthe text for one of thesewordsand for three relatedwordswhich end in -ed. Underlinethe wordsin the text. b Whichwayscanyou cookthesethings? t- Learning tip Ourpurposein readinga text is to understandthe wnter'i message. Thrsmeansunderstanding the words the writer usesandaisounderstandingwhat the writel wantsto do \ ¡iththesewords.Theycoui be givÍng presentingfacts,givingthe writer's anmstruction, opinion,etc.Understandrng a text requiresus to work outthe funcüonof eachsentence. Choose threeotherfooditemsandwritethemin the chart.Whichwayscanyoucookthesethings? Look at the sentencesin Exercise5 again. Are these about facts or opinions? Read the section Arroz a la marinera again. Read each sentencecarefullyand work out its function. Complete the chart. I /' il f1l i.. "- - ----i- r /ocrrihec tho : : dish/ingredientI i .- *, '.'.-- =-. "-l igivesotherfactsI ¡ r aboutit recommends thei dishor makes a i ' suggestion Read the last two sections of the text. Work out the function of each sentenceas in Exercise7. Make and complete two charts similarto the one above. Sala¡js Andatucian satads arelargeandoftencomewith hard-boiled eggs,tuna,artichoke. asparagus, olivesand onions, in addition to lettuceandtomato.Youcanask for anyof theseingredíents to beleft off yourorderif youprefer. Mátaga satadis a deticious mixture of smat[ pieces greenolives of cod,boiledpotato,oranges, andonion,dressed withgoodotiveoit.Saiads arevery heatthy too! 0tive+iL 0l.iveoit is oneof the mainingredients of theAndalucian diet.Spainis thebiggestproducer of oliveoi[ in the wortdandhatfof its production comes fromAndatucia. 0[ivetreeswerefirstintroduced to theareamorethan yearsagobythe Phoenicians, threethousand whobegan exporting otiveoit to otherpartsof the Mediterranean. Whynottry rubbinga pieceof toastwithgarticandthen pouring oliveoi[ ontoit? It makes a wonderful breakfast! i; o: 'i:l Would you follow any of the author's recommendations?Which dish(es)would you most like to try? tümñt$ Whereshall we eat? B rnis looks good 1 When you are choosinga place to eat, which of these things are important to you? Put them in order. (1 = most important, 5 = least important) a locationof the restauranVcfé f] b priceI c sizeof thedishesn d service! e themenuf, ffieating out 2 Skim these messagesfrom a website about eating out in Seville, the largest city in Andalucia.Did the people who wrote the messageslike the placesthey reviewed, or not? Put a tick / o¡ a cross I next to each restaurant. Did you know ...? SeuilleistheEnglishnamefor the Spaaishcity SerzIIa. Thisis the onlySpanishcity thai hasa differentnamein English. On theotherhand,severalltaliancity names(Roma, Venezia, Firenze,etc.) havedifferentnamesin English(Rome,Venjce, Florence, etc.). *@ Las Coloniales Posted by jqtls] 14September El Cordobes The tapas(barsnacks)hereare enormous,which meansyou can eat very cheaply. Youcouldeasilyhavea goodmealwith a drinkfor €5. My favouritedish is pol/o con salsade almendra(chickenin almondsauce)and I also lovetheir c hampiñonesrebozados(friedmushroomsstuffedwith ham and sausage). Theyalsodo lotsof grilledfish and meat. lf you wantto eat outside,you will needto get hereearly- this is a very popular place- and writeyour nameon the chalkboard.The restaurantis at PlazaCristo de Burgos,19. The squarehas quitea few treesso you can get someshadewhile you wait for yourtable.There'salsoa wonderfulheladeria(café sellingice cream) nearbyand ihe squaregetsvery busyon SundayafternoonswhenSpanishfamilies visit.Youmightwant to go thereyourself- this heladeria(l can't rememberits name) is expensive,but it's got the bqst ice creaml've tastedin Seville.(PlazaCristo and east of the mainEl CorteInglés de Burgosis just past Plazade Encarnación depadmentstore.) The menudel dá (menuof the day)is very good valueand you can haveit at anytim€ of day.The menuis advertised^ €7 and that's what you pay.Thereare no additional charges- unlikesomeotherplacesl've beento. Postedby lsabel2 November seyilte I ealhg I LrarI lamJyi busge-t 100%agreed 12 people El Faro de Triana PosiedbyAlVl-L15November , I Sgvj}g i ga!$g I bar l farniivI irudqet 50% agreed 8 people d ll Vesuvio Postedby rebs;ec 16 October b I El Cordobesis in SantaMaríala Blanca,a busysquarein the Santa Cruzarea.Youcan eithereat insideor out. I preferto sit outside underthe orangetrees. lt is worth goingto El Faro(lighthouse) for ihe viewsalone.lt's right next to the riveron the Trianaside,at the end of the Puentelsabelll (lsabelll bridge).(Locals call this the Puentede Triana.)Also it's on four floors.Froma table on the rooftop terrace,you get a fantasiicview towardsthe bullringand the cathedral.lt's easyto get a tableon the tenaceat lunchtime, but you'llsoonfind out why- the suncan you burn at ihis time of day. El Farois famousfor its fish and seafood.The garnbas(prawns)andpescadofrito - we shareda plateof fish and it was big (mixedfriedfish)arehighlyrecommended enoughfor two. Sev¡ile eatinq bJar I familvI i:ucjqet 80% agreed 4 people I don't want Spanishfood everyday of the week and ll Vesuviowas exactlywhat I was lookingfor.ltalianfood is usuallygreatand hereit's very reasonablypriced and very freshtoo. I lovedihis restaurantso muchthat I wenttherefourtimesin a week. ll Vesuviois at CalleTetuán,15 (Pasajede las Delicias) in the maincentralshoppingdistrict and it's easyto find.lt's openeverydayfrom 12.30pm*4.30pm and 8pm-1am.Ybudon't needto book a table in advance,but the phonenumberis 95477 83 iust in case. gevilleI eaiingI ltalian 40% agreed 6 people fi !t: ryil i¡ !:: ,;' *¿oi ryryiryry*"'$:ry+:1 2A @ sociatandTravel Whereshallwe eat?Unnts Readthe messagesagain. Did each reviewer mention featuresa-e in Exercise1? What did they say about them? Complete the chart where possible. (Not every reviewer mentions every feature.) tMessage a Pl¡za. C¡'wfndn Burgos, 1?, 'vz-cxean near a shop sd$xg Message b Two of the messagesmention other placesto eat in Seville. Which messages,and which placesdo they mention?What do they say about them? Complete the sentences. a Messase mentions b Messaee mentions Classbonus Chooseone of the restaurants. youwenttherelastnight lmagine Writea shortnoteto a friendabout yourevening. Readoutyournote Howmanypeople to the class. wereat the samerestaurant? Other people have read the reviews. Did they agree with them? Match the beginningsand endings of these sentences. H¿lfthepeople withmessage agreed a. Overthree-quarters of thepeople agreed withmessage b. Allthepeople agreedwithmessage c. Morethan a thirdof the people agreed withmessage d. ó Whichrestaurantwould you try first?Why? E ürapracüice Lookon the lntemetandfindother recommendatrons tor restaurants in Seville. Youcouldtry vr¡,vw.exploreseville.com. Would youliketo goto theserestaurants? $$$$.$'$$s$ $$,$$* $$$$$#$$$$$$$$$$$* Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatyoucando. I canunderstand descriptions of dishesandrecommendations, andchoosewhatI wouldliketo eat. I canworkoutthefunctionof eachsentence in a text. I canunderstand webrecommendaüons andchoosea placeto eat. Cando Needmorepractice Did you know...? A ffiasaffY hñCI¡rxetañm &mdg* 1 In this unit, you are going to read about some holiday accommodationin Banff,Canada.Skim the webpage. What kind of accommodationdoes it describe? Eile Edit lieil Fgvoriter loüls Canadais the secondlargestcountry after Russia,but its populationis less than 30 million. 34o/oof.itspeople are British in origln and26a/o are French.Canadahas two offlciallanguages* English and French. Most French speakerslive in Ouebec province.Banlf is in the RockvMountains. lElp nÉdrÉii http://www-hostelbookers.com/hostels/canada/banff/6082 Banff Y MountainLodge 102SprayAvenue,Banff,AB,T1L1A6,Canada- mao- direction$ Welcome!We areamonghugepinetreesrightnextto the Bow River,yet close to downtownBanff.Makeus your homeawayfrom homefor any reasonin anyseason. Overallratings- as reviewedby Hostelbookers customers 2,¡*77% Atmosphere Fun 73% Locationü 95% StaffEü 83% Ei+ Facilities 83% CleanlinessE$ 87% SafetyE;l ValuelEi 88% 88% We offerprivateand dormitoryroomsfor budgettravellersand short-termresidents,and areopento women,men, familiesand alltypesof group. We alsoofferinternetkiosks,and kitchenand laundryfacilitiesfor yourconvenience. Sharedfrom 31.00- Privatefrom 75.00" -allpricesin Canadian dollars Bed linen*r free Towelrl free 30 I Social andTravel AirportpickupX not included LuggageRoomX noi included somewhereto stay tljjii¡iljQ Focuson... Beforeyoureada text,thinkaboutthe topic- either in yourownlanguageor in English.Useyour knowiedgeandexperience to try andpredictwhat text - the whole text and/or parls of it - will . You probably wont be able to predict the exact words,but it will helpyouunderstand the text if you canprodictthe kind of thing it will say. 2 Before you read the webpage more carefully, think about what you expect to find in this type of accommodation.Which of the things (a-f) in Get ready to read can you usually do in this type of accommodation? Write down three other things you can do in this type of accommodation. Look at the icons.Match them with the nine blue ticked / features of the hostel. .: 'f:, voeabulary Readthesecommentsthat puestsof the BanffY Mountain Lodge havemade.Complete thecomments withsomeof theeiehtwordsvouunderlined in Exercise 6. Full a 'Thepeoplewhoworkedtherewerewonderful. marksto the-_"___--Et¿f_f-----.-_ l' b 'l haveno complaints . l didn't about----------seeanydirtanywherel for monev.lt's c rThishostelis preat private for only75 dollars a rooml d 'The lt's __of thishosteliswonderful^ \/pn/ c2q\/ tñ otrf tñ' e f 'The otherpeoplein my room weregreat.In fact, everyonewas veryfriendlyand relaxed.Therewas a reallvpood : 'l met a greatgroupof peopleand had a lot of -- herei 7 Look at the overall ratingsfor this hostel on the webpage. Which aspectof the hosteldid guests like the most? Underlinemore informationon the webpage about this aspect. '@"ffi'm Readthese questionsthat guests ask about the hostel.Then scanthe rest of the webpage and answerthe questions.Answer yes or no. '@'ffiffi b c d 'ry o n i t Choosethe two most important and the two least important featuresfor you. mostimportant leastimportant f, and f] I and I ó Backpackerscan rate (= judge the quality of) each Hostelbookershostel.They judge the quality of eight aspectsof the hostel by giving a percentage(%). Underlinethe eight aspects on the website. f@ t.o1oo1-'T'r"l'*L-J 9 What other questionswould you ask when finding out about staying in a hostel?(The answersto your questionsdo not need to be in the text.) stay Umñt6 Somewhereto B tr'requentlyAsked Ouestions E¿ gü !b, Frd6 Ii.& 1 Look at the website in SectionA again. How do you think you book accommodation at Banff Y Mountain Lodge? Booking onfine - do I need a credit card? In orderto bookonlineyou will needa validcreditcard (we Youcannotbook another only acceptVisaor Mastercard). way. Here are three FAOs (FrequentlyAsked Ouestions) from another webpage on the Hostelbookers website. Read the answersfrom Hostelbookers. ls the short answer to each question yes or no? Can I use aomeoneelee'ecneditcard if I don't have one? As longas you havetheirfull permissionto usetheircard, then it is OK.Youwouldneedto makethe cardholder awarethat if you area no-show,or do not cancelwithinthe cancellation time,the creditcardwill be chargedfor the first night'sstay, Do you charge a booking fee when I reeerye accommodationonline? Whenyou bookwith Hostelbookers, we proeessa 10% depos¡t(downpayment). Thisamountwill not be refundedto you on arrivalat the hostel,but acts as a part payment.The balanceof 90% ofyour accommodation as shownon your bookingconfirmation is due on arrivalat the hostel.We do not chargeyou a separatebookingfee likemostotheronline bookingsites.Our serviceis free. a D Here are some more FAQs from the webpage. You probably do not know the answers, but what do you think the answersto questions (a-k) could be? Some answérs are simply yes or noi others are longer. Hdp *3Eeg* Fev0Es lmh H.b FAQs(FrequentlyAsked Questions) Booking online Qan I book over the teLeplroneor bv email? Dp-i¡ecdlo be a member of arrv hostel or youth organisation to book? Do I need to book in advance? Ügn }¡ou oive-me direcjions arrd contact details of a hqstei before I book? Your booking What do I do if ! make atnistake in mJ bookino? Do I receive confirmation after I book? C¡ln I cancela booking or change my booking on Hostelbookers? ln the hostel Do tlre-bosieighave age restrictionso!"limitétions? What does Private room' mean? Wlratle a dormitorv roqm? Vrllratdoes 'errsuite' mearr? 32 GB Soclal and Travel ,'l 1 ..t .' _., A Xafu&effiffi*as,se6a9xc #mfuXeqrlr*W 1 lmagineyou are having breakfastin your hotel in Cape Town in South Africa. lt is a wonderful day with clear blue skies.You pick up a leaflet in your hotel. Skim the front of the leaflet and answerthe questions. a Whatcanyouseeon thefrontof theleaflet? b Wouldtodaybe a gooddayforthistrip? Scanthe front of the leaflet. Which of these things is the leafletgoing to tell you about? Put a tick / or a crossX. a somewhere to buythingsfi b the nriee n{ tirl¿ct< l-.l C somewhere to eat f d theopening hoursof thecableway f e somewhere to havea drinkin theeveningf Did you know ...? The rand (R)ls the curency of SouthAfrica There are 100 centsin onerand. @ Social and Travel On top of Table Mountain :i'r1,,t,,3 3 Now scanthe inside of the leaflet. Does the leaflet tell you about the other thing in Exercise2? You are not sure whether to do this trip immediately.Find the answersto these questions. a What's thelasttimeyoucan -.hl^ .-'? ^ ^ u P ;i l- r +Lhrr -s L ourc Lor r óu "^ Howmuchwilla normal returnticketcost? You notice that you can buy a one-wayticket. What does this suggest you can do from the top? W I : $ I T E R R A T ES 1 g 1 M A Y ? O o 4 - l 5 T H s € P T E M B E R ?. O 0 4 . R 80'00 Relurn One WoY R 4¿ O0 ;::" R 4{,00 Rétutn OnéWEy R.22,00 (lnderi',,€dr'll SA $enior R€sldenfs: (ovnfheosÉoróoyeo6wFi'sAl0 ) R 44,0ü 8?t,rlr.n R 22.00 Return R ó0.00 O n é W q yR 3 1 . 0 0 RESIAURANT SEtF-SERVICE CATERTNG CABTEWAY The self-servicereslouronl offers o full breokfost ond on exlensive hot ond cold buffet, lnternet focilitiesond coin-operoled telephones ore ovoiloble rhe restoJrontissfuoted on the top of TobleMounloinond directlonscon be found os vou moke Vourwoy to ll^e top CURIOS CABTEWAY SHOPATIHE TOP GIFISAND CURIOS Shop ot the ToPis situoted in the originol stone cofioge ond offersvisitors o wide ronge of merchondisebeoring the insignioof South . Africo's premier . tourlsi crftroclion, . Toble Mounfoin. ffiil,:-:**"'""'. QÉiurn CABLEWAY OPENINC W!NTER . n2'l0.@ TIMES SEAgON : tir¡i cor upr QBh3o Lo$tcar up: 17h00 Lost cof down: 18h00 You are interested in buying a souvenirof Table Mountain.Tick / the part of the text which is most likely to tell you about buying souvenirs. ovoiloble ExclusiveCoblewoy clofhing ond gifts Filmond stomps ovqlloble All mojor Vlso & Mostercordswelcome CATERING CABTEWAY THECABTEWAY BAR COCKTAIT Eniovthe views of fhe city ond Robben lslond from the highest point on Toble Mounioin' Sunsei cocktolls ond full bor focllitlesare ovoiloble The Coblewov CocHoil Borcon be found insldethe top coble siotion. Learning tip Illhenyoucomeacrossan unlcrown word,don'tstop.Continuereading and- if you think ít is an important word - comebackto it later Try andworkout its meaningDecide whetherthewordis an adjective, noun,verb,etc.Thinkaboutsimilar wordsin yourownlanguageand similarwordsin Engllsh. Lookfor anyexampleswhich illustratethe unkno¡¡rm word.Lookat anypictures for help Lookfor a wordyouknow within the word.Also,the conte)ft - the wordsaroundtheunknown word- shouldhelpyouto try and work out its meaning,Ask yourself: Vvhatcouldrthiswordmeanhere? Youmightnot be ableto workout the exactmeaningof a word,but youwiü probablyhavea goodidea. Underfinethe words cottage, merchandise,insígniaand exclusivein the leaflet. lf you do not know their meaning,try to work it out. Usethese questionsto help you. Doesthepicture Whatkindof thingscanbe madeof stone? help? a cottoge: Whatdo shopsusually sell?Findexamples of merchandis b merchondise: in thelistof points. word.Couldinsignto be some c insignia'. Lookinsidethewordforanother kindof signor symbol? Lookat boththefrontandtheinsideof theleafle andseeif youcanfindone. d exclusive: Doyouthinkyoucanbuythesethingsat anyotherplacein CapeTown? Would you like to go up TableMountain?Would you like to buy a souvenir? H, *r* pr**Stce Theleafletmentions Robben lsland. Whatdo youknowaboutRobben lsland? Findoutaboutit in a guidebook Wouldyoulike or on thelnternet. to so there? 35 ljjnñil? on top of TableMountain B The sable cars 'l Scanthe two sides of this ticket for the Table Mountain cable car.What date and what time did the person buy the ticket? TableMountain Rgtair guide Information r¡vww.tab lemou nta i n.net Welcome The RotairAerial Cablewayhas been in operationsince "ffi- MOU¡llAlti ¡A¡rÉ AERIATCAilEs Y Co'lld' 2UAA02 A Did you know...? Notice the way in which the date is written in two diffelent ways on the ticket - once with the month beforethe day and once with the day beforethe month. In Britain,peoplewrjte the day beforethe month; in the US,they write the month beforethe dav UK US 10.1.08 1.10.08 Yousaythisdatein two ways: ThetenthofJanuarytwo thousandandeight Januarythe tenth,two thousandandeight. cablecar runsfrom Cape October1997.The 5S-passenger Mountain' Table famous the of to top Town the fulfils two functíons: cabin Rotair The round form of the can enjoy first. thanksto the revolvingfloor, passengers the 360' degreepanoramicview.Secondit is aerodynamic the filled water tank ¡n in hioh winds.In theseinstances, the fioor of the cabinoffersadditionalweightand stability' Duringnormalweather,the tank is emptiedat the upper stationandthe water issuppliedto the restaurant' fususo¡l... vocabulary ,...,,1 You pick up another leaflet about Table Mountain when you buy your ticket. Skim the leaflet quickly. Which two parts of the leaflet are about the cable cars?What is the other part about? Complete these sentences. a Parts and-_______-_-areaboutthecablecars, b Part isabout A friend has alreadytold you that you can have a 3ó0oview from the cable car. How is this possible?Underlinethe answer in the first part of the leaflet. lgnore any other unknown words - they are not important to you in this exercise. You have bought your ticket. lt is a bit windy at the bottom of the cableway.Why don't you need to worry about this? Underlinethe answer in parts 'l and 2 of the leaflet. Again, ignore any unknown words. @ Socialand Travet €rp' rArlt Ht!{¡}l{ ¡l*lAL eA¡l¡WAlf¡ ¡rd '. fl** *f' Complete thesesentences withwordsfromthe B youreadin Fxercises sentences 3 and4. a lf a shophas"--__I_9_v-e!.v-t¿g__--doors,peoplecan usually onlyenteroneat a time. b Wehada --------------------,-viewof the cityfromthe topfloorof ourhotel, c lf something hasa shapethatmoveseasily through :ir rt ic d Thegovernment usedto change frequently, butnow we haveoolitical e Theltalianpaintings areonthe _-floors of thegallery. f lf youtakea tripin a balloon, therewillprobably be sandbags usedfor Classbcnus Howmuchcanyouremember aboutthecablecars? Playa memorygame.Taketumsto makeonesentence each.Don'trepeat anything thatanother studenthas already said. On top of Table Mountain 5 Look at part 3 of the leaflet. Try and work out the meaning of the following words. a biodiversity:This refersto the different(or diverse) typesof what?Findtwo wordsin the section'Please helpus by'---------.-...-. b degradotron: Finda word in the samesectionwith a similarmeaning. _-"_-__--__" -__ ___--_ c minimize:Findtwo wordsin the samesectionwrtha similarmeaning. --.---_ __-__-____ í Readthe three parts of the text again without focusingon any unknownwords. Use a pencil to quicklyunderlineany words you do not understand. Readthe text again.Try and work out the meaningof the words you underlined. $$$tü$$$$¡ü$$$$$$$ $$$ü$$$$$$$$$$$ü Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatyoucando. Can do Need more oractice I canreadandfindtheinformation I needwithoutfocusins on unknown words. I cantryandworkoutthe meaning of unknown words. I canfindoutaboutanattraction fromleaflets aboutit. 37 grem&Smmkmg*s A WEas'ee 1 Readthe questionsbelow and try to work out the meaning of the words in italics.Then answerthe questionsby underliningthe part of the sentencewhich is true for you. a Doyoucallyourfriendsor do youfe,ifthem? b DoyoubuyCDsor do youdownlood musicfromthe lnternet? Didyoubuyyourcomputer andscreen separately or as a packoge? Doyoupayeachtimeyougoonline, or do youhave unlimited access to the lnternet for a fixedfee? Areyourfriendson thesamemobílephonenetworkas youor aretheyon a different one? Haveyouthoughtaboutgetting broodbond or haveyou gotit? already Doyouspeak to yourfriends onyourmobileor on a londline? Doyouspeak to yourfriends during thedayor onlyat off-peoktimes? 2 You are thinkingabout changingyour mobile phone package.Scanthe brochureon the oposite page about Pay monthly. Who are the three optionsfor and why is eachmobile good for that type of person?Complete the sentences. 1 "._._.P..slPhi4_._. .. isfor peoplewho-.!*.*__q-.bk Theywillget .. is for peoplewho Theywillget who .- isforpeople Theywillget tearninq tip Il/hen you read a text which comparessimilar things, use a chaft to recordthe mosl imporlant poinis for comparison.This type of note-tahng helps to simplify the informationin the text. @ SocialandTravel It's rinsinglUin:fi'ü$ ,;vii,lrl tl'ir*i+ürüei pa{rl"{agos tc give y*u alv.i:i:iilr Vi:irrtll#rl unlimited texts 500 cross network minutes unlimited free calls to your Magic Number* (add a new Magic Number every six months) 4 free downloads every month on Dolphin 835 PLUS free broadband unlimitedlandlinecalls 500 cross network minutes 200texts unlimitedfree callsto your MagicNumber* (adda newMagicNumber everysix months) freetrafficTVfor threemonths freeAnswerPhone everymonth on Racoont35 unlimited Orange off-peak minutes 600 cross network m¡nutes 400 texts unlimited free calls to your Magic Number* (add a new Magic Number every six months) free Orange photography for three months every month on Canary 040 PLUS free broadband PLUS fr*e br*adh*r¡* .When you join Orangeon an 18-month contract and choose an Orangenumberas your N,4agic Nlrmbet you can make unlimitedfree callsto that number. 3 Scanthe brochureand complete the chart. eh*s bonus and Chooseoneof the packages it to ¿nolherstudent.Include describe oneextrapieceof information - or onepieceof rnformation thatis lnconect. Canyourfriendidentifythe pieceof information or mistake? extr,a Look at the text again.Which two things do all three packages ot{er? What extras does each packageoffer? Complete the sentences. a Dolphin offers -----------_and_-_"-"-______ b Racoon offers------___--_ ^ L a^^-^, LOrOry ^ÍÍ^"Uilgr> ____________ Which packagewould you choose?Why? g &rapracüice Findoutaboutanother mobilephone package byüsitingthewebsiteof a youknow.How mobilephoneprovider withthe doesthispackage compare abouil threeyouhaveilready'read ,,''r¡,¡i{l$It's ringing B Xf;sms *xla*#&a wiñEÉt sss€? 1 An Americanfriend is visiting your country.He does notwant to use his mobile phone because ¡t ¡s too expensive.Answer his questions (if you can). You have lost your mobile phone and you need to make some callsfrom a public phone box in London.You are worried about how much callsmight cost. Skim the phone box notice on the right and complete the sentence with the correct section numbers. Sections and____.___--__ areabout paying forcalls. @ SociatandTravel (020)78393450JCTADELATDE STDUNCANNON SI LONDON, WC2N4JF It'srinsinsUjmflü$ Focuson... lmagineyou have these coins in your wallet. Then answer fl'" nounsand verbs Findthewordschongeandcollinthenotrce page. ontheopposite (Theybothappear several times.)Whatarethesewords? a nouns b verbs c bothnounsandverbs Complete thesesentences fromthenotice. Arethemissing wordsnouns(N) or verbs(V)?Circlethecorrectleüer. a Payphones operate and--..d¿¿p-t+U--. in f sterling. N 0 b Seethepayphone for details. N V . c Cashcalls,--_-._-..-_._--_ 70pforthefirstminute. N V d This is at (020)78393450. N V e SOSemergency calls* _______--"--_--._ 999or I 12free N V a WhichonesareUKsterling? b Whichof theUKcoínscanyou usein allpublicphones? c Whenphones accepteuros, can youusethemfor alltypesof call? Complete thesesentences withsomeof thewordsabove. Arethemissing wordsnouns(N) orverbs(V)? f Myparents---_-tgll--._--me everydaywhenl'mawayfromhome. N 0) g I usually myfriendsin theevenings. N V h BTdon't for reporting faults. N V i The----___-__-__---of mobilephonepackages isgoingdown. N V * theyhavebuttons. N V j Modern telephones don'thavea ---___--_-___-___ d lf yourcalldoesnotuseallthe moneyyouputintothephone, whatwillyougetback? gotenoughmoney, lf youhaven't canyourfriendscallyouback? Whatnumbershouldtheyuse? You want to phone a friend in London.What is the minimum cost of your call if you pay in the following ways? How long can you speak for? Complete the chart. iminimum cost : 4op : l"l"4hofcall You want to phone a friend in Edinburgh- more than 500 kilometresaway in Scotland.Would the call cost more than the call to your friend in Exercise3? You want to phone a friend in Florence,ltaly.What information does the notice give you about the minimum cost of your call? Tick / one of the boxes. a Theminimum costisf 1.20,f b Theminimum costis f0.a0.I givethisinformation. c Thenoticedoesn't I l Did you know ...? Theeuo (cunencysign€) is the offlcialcurencyof manyEuropean Unioncountries. Eurasandcents wereintroducedin 2002and replacedtheItalianlira,Spanish peseta,etc.Thecunencyof thetK is sterling(cunencyslgn[). youcan useeurosin someBritishphones andshops(especially in London andat airports), but thisis notcommon. 7 What advicewould you give to your friends about paying for their calls? $$$'sss s$$"$.$'$ $$$$.$#$ssss$$ss* $$$"-$,, Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatvoucando. I canusea chartto makenotesandcompare things. I canchoosethe bestmobilephonepackage for my needs. I candecidehowto payfor callsfroma publicphonebox. Needmorepractice A #aE*sssss ffreffies 1 Cilka is a nanny.She looks after two young children. One of the childrenhas fallen on the pavement outsidethe houseand hurt his knee. Cilka has got a first aid manual. Skimthe page of the manual.ls this the page she shouldread? Scanthe page. One word is used many times instead of the nouns cut or graze. What is this word? Which word is used to refer to the little boy who has hurt his knee? ' ....: : Small cutsandgrazes soonstopbleeding withouttreatment. However, anybreakin theskin, evena smallone,canallowgermsto enterthebody.cermsaremicro-organisms, sucnas bacteria, thatarecarried byfliesor byunwashed hands; if theyareallowed to settleon anopen wound,theycancause infection. Youraims , > Stopwound from becomingintecte¿ ) Conrrolanybleeding You will need ) Disposable gloves ) Sterile gauzeswabsor antiseotic wipes ) Plasters or srerile wounddressing > q3.n_d_g-s". : : ) Do not touchthe opengrazewith your : fingerswhileyou aretre¿lirgthe casualty. I : ) Oo not tfy to femoveanythingthat is embeddedin lhe wound. ) Do not usecottonwoolon or neaTan openwoundbecause flbresmaystick to the wound. iae¡tt Heipthecasualty to sitdown. Puton disposable gloves, if available Raise theinfuredpart. Rinse thewoundundercold funningwaterto remove anydirt or gr¡t. Í.j t Usinga freshswabor wipefor eachstroke, clean aroundthewound,workingfromtheedgeof the woundoutwards. 'eCarefully pickoff anylooseforeignmattelsuchas glass, metal, or gravel, fromor a¡ound thewound. 42 F @ Social and Travel f4i,. : *: Withoutdisturbing thewou¡d, gentlydrytheareaaround it witha gauzeswab. :í:l ;r* ..xF.f, ¡FFofa smallcut or graze,apply a plasterto rhe affectedare¿; makesureyou do not touch the sterilepart of the plaster. ll the cut or grazeis loo large for a plaster,coverit with a sterilewound dressingand securethe dressingwith a bandage. É Advrsethe casualtyto restthe injufedpart and.if possibie, to supportit in a raisedposition. Don'tüuorry!|Jltilti$ What are the four basicsteps you should take to prevent a cut or graze from becoming infected?Complete the sentences. a Youshould--------n4t-?-------it. b Youshould it. -__"_. c Youshould it. --_"__ d Youshould rt. Cilka is looking in the first aid box. Scanthe page of the manualand write the namesfor these things. Readthe instructionsunder the secondheading. Decide which is the most important part of each sentence.Tick / the correct option. a I Usinga freshswabor wipeforeachstroke,f 2 cleanaround thewound,! 3 working fromtheedgeof thewoundoutwards. tr pickoff anylooseforeignmatter,I b t Carefully 2 suchasglass, metal, or gravel, f 5 fromor around thewound. Readthe instructionsunder the third heading. Underlinethe most important part of the sentence. Readthe instructionsunder the fourth heading.Which is the most important part of the first two sentences?When should you do these things? Complete the chart. a b .sr!-t-z9fu*.-P-w-eÍ c d Read all the instructionsunder the fourth headingagain.What elseshouldyou do? Make notes. Learning tip w¡"n,yno.*o *r,**roffi iu*fu r¡u "m - this mostimporlantinformationin eachsentence tellsyol whatyouhaveto do Writeisoflenuse (,)to separate a wold or Sroul of words _commas 1 fromanotherword/ groupof wordsm the sentence. canusecommasto h:11youworkoutwhichis J.ou the mostÍmportantpartof the sentence Faeuscn... stap 1 Completethesesentencesfrom the text. a Smallcutsand grazessoon ctñn treatment. b YouraimsStop infected. Underlinethe correctwordsin this sentence: In sentencea above,'stop'means finish/ prevenf and in sentenceb, 'stop' meansfinish/ prevent. Matchthe beginnings and endingsof thesesentences, Thendecide if the verb meansfinlsh (F) or prevent (P). 1 stoppedme from laughing.----a It'snotfunnyb Healthworkers 2 stopwatchinpso much TV. aretryingto c WhenCilkagavethe boya 3 pleasestoplaughing. .-E-4 stopthe diseasefrom sweet,he d lf youwantto havemorefreetime, spreading.-----e Thegirlwasa goodswimmer andshe 5 -) +L v^ ^P^P^E, .u1 L^ -r ,y;i-l^1 6 . _ _ _ _ _ _ f Mydadlookedveryserious, andthat 6 stopped thechildfrom drowning. -_-___ U:mEt$Don'tworry! B Going t0 A&E 1 Cilka and her friend Marta were playing squash when Cilka felland cut her head. They have gone to A&E in a taxi. A nurse has looked at Cilka'sinjury and told her to wait. Cilka is reading this leaflet while she is waiting for treatment. Skim the leaflet and match topics a-d with the paragraphs. a b c d whatmighthappen afteryourvisitto A&E! howstaffdecideif youareableto waitfortreatmentI conditions thatdon'tneedA&Etreatment I whypeoplemayhaveto waitf tlsw do Accidentand Emefgencydepartmentswork? I a qualified Whenyou reachthe A&Edepartment,you will be assessedstraightawayby person(this could be a nurse or a doctor).Youmight be treated immediately,but will usually more often you will haveto wait for treatment' How quicklyyou are treated dependon: r Howseriousyourinjuryor conditionis is, and r HowbusYthe dePartment if left r Whetheryourconditionwill $et r,rv6¡5s you at the A&Edepartmentby ambulance' arrive if even The processis the same you Dependingon yourinjuries,you maybe treatedby a nurseo.ra doctor.often, is more will be allowedto go homeafteryourtreatment.lf yourinjuriesor condition further for hospital Serious,then you might be sent for an X-rayor admittedto yourown treatment.when you are allowedto go home,you will normallyhaveto make to get homefrom the hospital. arrangements Waiting in A&E units youmayhaveto wait,eventhoughyourinjuryseemsquiteseriousand sometimes, if the seriouscuts).Thiscanhappe.n youarein pain(e.g.nrokenbones,dislocations, is busytreatingpeoplewithevenmoreseriousinjuries,for exampleafter department a seriousroadtrafficaccidentor aflerdisasterssuchas traincrashesor terrorist but pleasebearin mindthat hospitalstaffdo all attacks.Waitingcanbe frustrating, theycanto treatpeopleas quicklyas posstble' to anotherpartof the care,thenyoumaybe referred lf youdo notneedimmediate to seeyourGPor to makean appointment youmaybe advised NHS.Forinstance, if yourinjuryis minoror if your Thisoftenhappens totdto callNHSDirectfor advice. morethan24 hoursbeforegoingto the department. accidenthappened I SocialandTravel Don'tworry![llmfit9 Did you know ...? A&Estands for Accident and Emergency'. GPstandsfor'Generalpractitioner,(a doctor who seespeople in the iocal areaand treats illnesseswhich do not need a hospitalvisit). M1,9standsfor'National Health Service'.NHS Direct is a telephonehelplinethat you can call for advlce. .., Do you thinkCilkat injuryis veryserious?Readthe leailetagain andfind reasons for your answer.Writeone or two sentences. --!.--{.,¡k--l-l-.dp¡ll--ür¡nk--941s*l¡-niqy!.-1.t.-y.r¿y..?er-ptr-"rw?.?,* Readthe first paragraphagain.What are the two most important points in this paragraph?Complete these sentences. a b Skim the other paragraphs.Underlinethe most important points in each paragraph. Readthe text again.What are the main differencesin A&E treatment for someonewith a minor injury and someonewith a seriousinjury?Write four sentencesfor each. Classbqrus Workin pairs. Another friendof (youchoose Cilka's thename) wantsto knowwhathappened. Thefriendwantsto knowhowthe accident happened, howCilkagot to hospital, long how shewaited andwhattreatment shehad.Make a listof questions. CIhetextwill giveyouideasfor someof your questions.) Thenworkwitha differentpartner. Oneof youisCilkaandthe otheristhefriend.Actoutthe conversation. E brapra*ice Whatdo youthinkCilkashould dowhenshegetshome?Lookup heodinjuryon the NHSwebsite wryw.nhsdirecLnhs.uk andfindout whatadvicelitgives.Whatadviee wouldyougiveCilka? Makenotes. & mtnor u4,tuYu I I i After waiting four hours,Cilka'shead cut was treated. How would she then go home? $',$s$ s$$$.s#$.#" $$$$$#s$$$$$,$s* 's,ss s* Can-dochec*lisb Tickwhatyoucando. I canidentilythe mostimportantpartsof sentences. I canfollowinstructions in a firstaidmanualandgivefirstaid. I canfindoutabouttteatmentat Accident (A&E). andEmergency MAN FINDS CAR AFTER SEVEI\MONTHS Ball boy scoresgoal A WWPssg's fi&abcut? 1 You are going to read three short articles.Theseare their headlines.Useyour dictionary if necessaryand answerthe questions. a Whatdo you think hashappened in eacharticle? b Aretheseunusualstories? 2 Fatherbreaks leg'curing' daughter's fear of heights Look at the words below. Match five of the words with each articfe.Write numbers'1,2 or 3 in the boxes.Do not check your answersat this stage. bottomI bridgeI cystI eyen goalkeeper hurtI I jurp f knifeI nervous fl netI pitch operation I f pondfl .^+^"^^ r s r c r E s l--l [_l wideI What do you think might happen in each article?Write a sentenceabout each one with some of the words from Exercise2. @ Sociat and Travel 'lfglu'goldfish gets G0smGtic s¡figGfy Readthe three articleson the opposite page. Checkyour answersto Exercise2. Compareyour sentencesin Exercise3 with the three articles.Which of your guesses were correct? Five of the words in Exercise 2 are connectedwith football. Readthe article about football aqain.Underlineanv other words that are connectedwith football. what's in the news?iüiliiiiÍ$ Fo*u**n."" Ball boy scoresgoal A Braziüan referee faces suspensionafter she awarded a goal that was scoredby a ball boY' The 89th minute goal allowed Santacruzenseto snatch a 1-1 draw at home toAtletico Sorocabaon sunday inthePauüstaFootballFederation Cup, a regional toumament played in üe stateof Sao Paulo' Television pictures showed that after a Santacruzenseplayer shot , narrowly wide, the boy collected the ball with his feet and took it back on to the pitch. Howeveq instead of returning it to the goalkeeper,he subtly tapped it acrossthe line into the net' Although there were nearly ten secondsbetween the shot going out and rhe boy placing the ball over the line, referee Silvia Regina da Oliveira awarded a goal amid furious Sorocabaprotests' verbs in headlines 1 Complete the headlines of the threearticles. a Ballboy_...--._"._,....-_____. goal b Father __leg'curing' daughte/s fearof heíghts c 'Ugly'goldfish __cosmetic sursery Inwhichtensearetheverbsin the headlines above? Underline thecorrect tense. 2 nrFccnt nar{crt h nrecent cimnlo c pastsrmple Nowreadthefirsttr¡'ro arlicles andfind another formof thesameverb.Which tensearetheverbs? Complete thechart forarticles 1 and2. Fatherbreaks leg'curing' daughter's and jumpednearlyZ0 feet into thewater.MeganStewartwasnor hurt,butherfatherbrokehisleft legwhenhehitthebottom. "He thoughthe couldbreak herfearof heights by doingthat. Instead,he brokehis leg',said man and his 10-yearold LantanaPolice CaptainAndy daughter wereonanevening Rundle. "l wouldn'tconsiderthis bikeridewhenhe suggested they an appropriate methodof trying jumpoff the Lantana Bridgeand to breakyourkidof a phobia. She intotheIntracoastal Waterway. couldhavegothurttoo.,' The nervouslittle girl agreec Theyhad to swimabout50 and at 7.40pm on Monday, feetto shore,andMeganran two Troy Stewart,31, grabbedhis blockshometo get her mother, daughter's hand,counted to three MandyPotter. fear of heights 'Ugly'goldlish gets sufgGflf GosmGtic cosmetic hasundergone onshowat a museum A goldfish ugly' looked said it atthemuseum aftervisitors surgery of Museum Thefish,whichlivesina pondattheRoyal an to remove knife the under went in Edinburgh, Scotland itseye. cystfrom unsightly had growth somevisitors washarmless, the Although andit appearance the creature's about concern expressed alongwithoneof itseyes. asa precaution, wasremoved intothe thrown waspaidforusingcoins Theoperation athe museum. fishpond Now readthe thirdarticle.Finda different verbwhichmeansthe sameas the verb in the headline. Whichtenseis the verb? Completethe chartfor article3. Lookat thesenewspaperheadlines. Write first the sentenceof eacharticle. a PoficerescueUKtouristfrom Outback twicein one week b Wifekillspet spidersin toilet c New childseatlawscome into force d ShoppersleaveOAPtrappedin a hole 7 Readthe articlesagain. Write six questionsfor eachafticle beginning with these words: who, what, when, where, why, how. Make sure that the answersto your questionsare in the articles. Classbonus yourquestions Exchange withanother yourpaftner's student. Canyouanswer ouestions? Which of these stories do you think is the most unusual- or funny? 47 Ufmñülo What'sin tñe news? B Strange,but truel 1 Think about your answersto these questions.Checkthat you know the meaning of the words in ítalics. a Haveyougota bonkoccoun{'! b Whereisthe nearest bronchof yourbank? c Howdo youpayforthingsyoubuy? d Howoftendo yougeta bonkstotemenfl e H¿veyoueverbeenin deáil 2 Look quickly at the text below. Where does it come from? 3 Look at the headline.Use the dictionaryentries on the right for help if necessary.Answer these questions. a Whatdoyouthinkhashappened? b Whvisthisunusual? to officiaily banned banl ¡ben¡ueró[Tlban¡ingpas, saythat someonemust not do somethingA/ol af peoplethink baxing shauld bebanned.a ti Itor * doingsrht Ian's been bannedfrom drlutngfor 2lears. v,Cat l'vtke,lrnzn fcl a priest in someChristian cnurcnes l,euva'dmln/adiectiuvIf you are overdrawn overdrawn, you have taken more money otlt of your bank account tban you had in it. Web¿ gonet200overdrawn! 4 Look at the photograph. Who can you see?Scanthe articleand@lldr the persont name. Scanthe article again. Underline the namesof any other people and places. @ Social andTravel Bank bansyicarts sonfor life for going llp oYerdrawn by Geoff Maynard Bank chiefs have banned a schoolboy for life because his account went 11 pence into the red. Vicar's son Jerome Jacob, 15.was told he could never have another account at HSBC, despiteoffering to repay the money. Jerome, who holds down two part-time jobs in between studying for his GCSEs, went ovordrawn when he bought a football magazine using his debit card. After receiving a monthly statement, Jerome and his father, the Reverend Neville Jacob, went into their local branch in Romsey. Hampshire, to clear the debt. But they were amazed when staff told them the account had been closed and they could not open a now one. Jeromesaid: "Their customer service was awful. When I openedthe account, they told me it would be impossible to go overdrawn when using my card." Mr Jacob, vicar of Copthorne, Hampshire, added: "We don't fault the bank for applying its rules. All we wanted was a bit of common sense.'o "My son was willing to repay the 1lp and apologise,but they just were not interested.It was a flat refusal. My son was quite upset." oolt's the first time he has gone overdrawn and I'm astonished at their attitude. To say he can never go back is ridiculous and the way he was treated was outrageous. If they treated adults this way, they would soon be out of business." A spokesmanfor HSBC said: "This does not appear to be in line with our commitment to our customers. Being overdrawn by llp would not trigger the decision to close the account and we will be investigating this incident." Jerome,who doesapaperround and works part-time in a tea room, has now applied for a Barclays account. Whafs in rhe news?lltiniii€* Did you know ...? Tabloids In the UK,therearetwo typesof newspapers with a lot of aretradilionallysmaltnewspapers picturesandshort,simplenewsstories(e.gDaly Express,The Sun,DailyMirrol TheTimes,TheDaily TheGuardian,TheIndependent,elc are Telegraph, andmorediff,cultto read' moresedousnewspapers usedto belargeandtheywere Thesenewspapers alemore Now all newspapers ca[edbroadsheets. or lessthe samesize.Theartlcleonthe oppositepageis fromthe DaityExprcss In which order did Jerome do these things? bankstatement. a Hegothismonthly ! b Hewentto thebankw¡thhisdad.I c Heopeneda bankaccount at HSBC, f, d Hefoundouthewasoverdrawn. f e Hedecided to openan account withanother bank f f Heusedhisdebitcardto buya magazine. ! g Hesaidhewouldpaythemoneyhe owed.f What did bank staff do? Write a list of sentences.Number your sentencesin the correct order in which they happened. 1 'fhe baxk stalÍ alnwei" Je¡ome üo ope.naA araunt What does Jerome'sfather think about the situation?Which adjectivesdoes he use to expresshis opinion? Complete the sentences. Jerome's fatheris of the --at theattitude (ofthebank)to say bank.Hethinksit is__-_______-."_-..__.".. goback(andopenanother thatJerome cannot account), . andthewayhewastreatedis----------"-----"-.---- tearning tip Reading nleasur.e is the bestwayto improve f3i yourreading. It is alsoa wonderfulwayto meetnew wolds.Identifywordsthat areusefulto youandkeep a vocabulary notebookof thesewords.Giveeach pagea title,eg. sport,education, andwriteuseful wordsin a list.Foreachword,notethe meaning, the partof speech(noun,verb,etc.),anythingspecial aboutits grarnmar or style(fonnal,informal,etc.)and i writea s€ntence whichis reievantto you. Underlinethe words in ítalicsin Exercise1 in the text. Underlineother words in the text which are connectedwith banking.Add the words to your vocabularynotebook. lf you do not have a vocabularynotebook start one now! ñ brapracbice Readanarticle in an EnglishJanguage newspaper or look youhaveread on the lnternet.Perhaps findsomething aboutin yourownlanguage. Askyourself andanswer questions withwáo,what,when,where,why beginning andhow aboutthearticle. ü $$#$$$g$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$'$$$r Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatyoucando. I canuseheadlines to predict thecontentof newspaper articles, I canunderst¿nd shorlnewspaper articles. I canidentify wordsthatareusefulto me. Cando Needmorepractice A lt's from a friend I gg* T¿: Giul¡aMartinuzzo From: Ryuichi Tashita SBbjPrt: Sorry I missedyour call yesterday.Yeah,the new pizzeriasounds great. I'm not here all next week, but the followingFriday'sfine. Why not see if Raquel'sfree as well?TAFN Ele 1 Readthe three emailsand match each one w¡th ¡ts main purpose. email1 email2 email3 makesarequest makesasuggestion givesawarning Edit giew lnserl Fgrmal loúlE Ue55¡ge HelF &!for ¡ giul¡amart¡nuzzo@yahoo,com FrErn I Sara Loefler S.bFd: I Youranival Whattimedoesyourtraingetto Brightonon Friday?Can'tmeetyou at the stationif it's in the morning'cos l'vegot an exam. {-# Did you know ...? comis giuliamartinuzzo@Yahoo. WesaY Giuüa'semailaddress. this as:GiuliaMartinuzzo dotcom. atYahoo *ri @ Soeial and Travel Youknowthe photosyou tookin Brightonlast month? yousendthemto me?MycousinZuzanna's Coutd thinkingof goingthereto studyandI saidshecoutdhavea lookat them. is that 0K?TIA I'll checkmy email Uln¡¡ijl f Readall the emailsagain. What do you find out about Giulia?Write six sentences. Focuson... crnail English TheEnglish usedin emailsis usually peopleoftenwrite informal because in thewaytheyspeak. Theyuseshoftformsof wordsandmissoutsome words.Theyalsouseabbreviations, suchasBIW (bytheway)andIMO(in my Theyalsouse'smileys', opinion). suchas :,¿,r(l'm happy). abbreviations page. anda 'smiley' in theemailson theopposite Whatdo youthinktheymean?Herearesomeclues: T : thonksor thot's A: oll or advonce Workoutabbreviations fortheseexpressions. a asfarasI know b foryourinformation c hopethathelps d in otherwords Ryuichiis unavailable for a meal nextweek. Raquelcanjoin Ciuliafor a meal nextFriday. Ciuliadoesn'twantto havea pizza. Sarawill be ableto see CiuliaearlyFridaymorning. Ciulianeedsto arrivein time for Sara'sexamon Friday. Saracan collectCiuliafrom the stationon Fridayafternoon. Ewawantsto studyin Brighton. Zuzannawould liketo find out about Brighton. Ciulia'sthinkingof takingsome photographs of Ewa. Read the emails on the right and choose the best answer for eachquestion.@T'e>R, B or C. 1 Why hasStefanemailedCiulia? A to giveher some details B to let her knowthat he'sill C to remindherto do something filE Edil Uiew lnserl Fqrmat lools @lor ! GiuliaMart¡nuzzo Fcñr: I SlefanAmundsen yW-nme-va-llWtawzzp -.-. ----- 5 Readthis reply to one of the emails.Which of her five friendsis Giuliaemailing? qql Readthe emailson thgoppositepageagain.Thendecidewhich sentences are correct.Qt5pA, B or C. I A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C H e r.Ím She Her She She She - , .,...-cl I'm workingevery day this week,so won't leavebefore 6pm. Will get a taxi to your flat. Goodluck BTWI G i u l i aX ó Chooseone of the other emails.lmagineyou are Giulia and write a reply. Cbsshnus Exchange emailaddresses with anotherstudentin yourclassand becomee-pals. Tryandwriteto eachotherin Englísh everyweek UesrÉgÉ Help 6-üFd : i F i l mc l u b Feeling anybetter? Don'tforgetto register forthefilmclub.Emailmeif you wantanyinformation aboutit.BTWthefirstfilmis TheImportance of Being great! Ernesf. lMOit's WhyhasRaquel emailed Ciulia? A to thankherforlunch B to offerhercongratulations C to givehersomeinformation 2 psg ro, GiuGFrom: Raquel sub¡ecr:Nice to see you It was niceto seeyouyesterday. I forgotto askaboutyournewjob WelldonelYoumustbe pleased.Let'smeetfor lunchsoon. A lt's from a friend I ü s.s. ..:,,.,,.. , To: GiuliaMartinuzzo F¡qm: Rvuichi Tashita Sub¡Ért: Pizza Sorry I missed your call yesterday, Yeah, the new pizzeria sounds great. I'm not here all next week, but the following Friday's fine. Why not see if Raquel'sfree as well? TAFN 1 Readthe three emailsand match each one with its main purpose. emailI email2 email3 makesarequest makesasuggestion givesawarning : q|: . Edil.;Uiiü Jn:elt lprlnat Iüols @¡e: I giuliamartinuzzo@yahoo,com fifiÍ.. g-bFct: Yourarival I Whattimedoesyourtraingetto Brightonon Friday?Can'tmeetyou at the stationif it's in the morning'cos I'vegot an exam. &S Did you know ...? giuliamartinuzzo@Yahoo. comis Wesay Giulia'semailaddress. this as:GiuliaMartlnuzzo dotcom. atYahoo '# .J. Youknowthe photosyou tookin Brightonlast month? Couldyousendthemto me?MycousinZuzanna's thinhngof goingthereto studyandI saidshecouldhavea lookat them. Is that 0K?TIA ezr:*s.rr1!/.¡jr:J?-*i, 50 @ SocialandTravel ¡''rri1r,i:*-r:,¡r1¡4::::ir¡:r¡qlq:jttarr.f.ii!1r*!.:.i.rlIl,¡11ir5ji:1i:18!¡.r¡:11ir 4;a.:74/-.¡'.. j.r I'Il checkmy email[_UnfiütI Focuson... s'"*tsbt the English usedin emailsis usually peopleoftenwrite informal because in thewaytheyspeak. Theyuseshoftformsof wordsandmissoutsome words.Theyalsouseabbreviations, suchasBfW @ytheway)andIMO(in my opinion). Theyalsouse'smileys', suchas iüi (l'mhuppy). /--qq9two abbreviations anda 'smiley' in theemailson theopposite page. Whatdo youthinktheymean? Herearesomeclues: f : thonksor thot's A: oll or advonce Workoutabbreviations fortheseexpressions. a b c d as far as I know for your information hopethathelps in otherwords She >ne She 5 Readthis reply to one of the emails.Which of her five friends is Giulia emailing? ?-9-?*,'_-,-, Readthe emailson the3p¡rosite page again. Then decide which sentencesare correct.Q'nDA, B or C. I A Ryuichi is unavailable fora mealnextweek. B Raquel canjoinCiuliafor a mealnextFriday. C Ciuliadoesn't wantto havea pizza. 2 A Sarawillbeableto seeCiuliaearlyFriday morning. B Ciulianeedsto arrivein timefor Sara's examon Friday. C SaracancollectCiuliafromthestationon Fridav afternoon. 3 A Ewawantsto studyin Brighton. B Zuzanna wouldliketo findoutaboutBrighton. C Ciulia's thinking of takingsomephotographs of Ewa. Readthe emailson the right and choosethe best answer for each question.@ibn, for C. 1 WhyhasStefanemailedCiulia? A to gíveher some details B to let her knowthat he'sill C to remindherto do something Readall the emailsagain. What do you find out about Giulia?Write six sentences. Her --{En4u-ng,lre-!e--!!WLazzs.------>ne ner__-_----.-_,___ aE E_dit Uiew lnsert Fqrmat lools ._...__., -q I'm workingevery day this week, so won't leave before 6pm. Will get a taxi to your flat. Goodluck BTWI G i u l i aX ó Choose one of the other emails. lmagine you are Giulia and write a reply. Cbss bonus Exchange emailaddresses with anotherstudentin yourclassand : becomee-pals. Tryandwriteto eachotherin English wery week Eessage tlelp Mro: lGiuliaMartinuzzo fiorfi i StefanAmundsen sLüFcl.lFilmclub Feeling anybetter? Don'tforgetto register forthefilmclub.Emailmeif you wantanyinformation aboutit. BTWthefirstfilmis TheImportance of Being greatl Ernesf. IMOit's , ,t'i :.,1.l|;É WhyhasRaquel emailed Ciulia? A to thankherforlunch B to offerhercongratulations C to givehersomeinformation 2 gae ts: Giulia From: Raquel Subjeci: N¡ce to see you It was niceto seeyouyesterday. I forgotto askaboutyournewjob. Welldone!Youmustbe pleased.Let'smeetfor lunchsoon. I I'll checkmy email ¿nitl B What's your addrws? 1 Look at the six emailsin Giulia's inbox. Complete the chart with the answersto these questions. a Whoaretheemails from? b Whichonesarereplies to emailsthat Ciuliasent? c Whatisthemainpurpose of each email? I e66 gixe hex ne*,t emaiL a.dd,xess 4 e6e D e a ra l l Pleasenote that my new email addressis sallyl.iones@btinternet. com love Sally Hello.I am awayuntil10 Octoberandam unable to readmy emailuntilI return. Ryuichi :..i¡::.¡:i ¡:ia Edit !B lnd Fqd r¡¡!:!{jt;¿.:jje.¡i:rt s ia6;:-.; !k!. :.; <saraloefl er@virgi n.net>: doesnotlikerecipient. Remote hostsaid:550RCPT T0:<saralOefler@virg¡n,net> U s eur n k n o w n Giving up on64.97.139.1. - - - - - - -B- -e l o w t h li isn el s a c o p go ft h em e s s a g e . . - - - - - - - l'mworkingevergdaythisweek,sowon'tleavebefore 6pm.Willgeta tax¡toUourflat.GoodluckBTWI G i u l iXa a2 @ SocialandTravel D1.-r,r-::!.ja¡1¡{r.r1.,"r¡,-,"...,-,". f:! Hi Giulia, 6 of my friends have joined my network so far on PALSINC.Join me and my friends on pALSINC and meet more than 6 MILLION members from all aroundthe world! '. :'¿",¡,jj¿Fl J4fgii#5ÉüÉbIüHF i *. Hi.Thisis theqmail-send program at gahoo.com. I'mafraidlwasn'tableto deliver gourmessage to the following addresses. Thisis a permanent erro4I'vegivenup.Sorrgit didn't workout. * "=l 4¿' # DearGiulia Thisis just a testto seeif l'vegot yourrightaddress. Hopeyou'rewelll LoveYvonne 4':j:1¡:f'::a¡;i.é5:¡jr!¡¡r.!:i¿,. _*_*** Learnmore Name: CurrentLocation: . J : . :-¡., : H ome Locatio n : i: :t'i :rr:i :.r.i;3. r'-,;: r,: l,-J r'r',¡¡. i,ii.;;:¡: ¡ Gender: Age: Th¡sinvitationwas sent to giuliamartinuzzo@yahoo.com on behalfof Marcos(mmh@hotmail.com). If you do not wish to receiveinvitatíonsfrom Marcos,click If you do not wish to receive¡nv¡tationsfrom any member, I'll checkmy email [f l,rlñr¿tI Enter your own birthday into Stefant calendar. Do you ever receive any emailslike the ones on these pages? Who are they from? Hi, .: bra,pracüce f I am creating a birthday calendar of all my friends and family. Can you please click on the l¡nk below to enter your birthday for me. Therearelotsof siteson the Internetwhichcanreuniteyouwith oldfriends'-oneof theseis called 'WAYN'. WAYN standsfor llftrere areyounow7Readmoreabout thiswebsiteon wvw.wayn.com. lf youwantto,youcanjoin. h t t p : / / w w w . b i r t h d a t e .c o m Read each email and answerthese questions. a Whichemaildo youthinkCiuliashouldreplyto? b Whatshouldshe do when she receives the others? Giuliawould like to receivea birthday card from Stefan. She has alreadyclicked on the link. What should she do next? *; ¡' +; N . ElirthDare.com Enten Yeur Birthday into Stefar¡'s ealendar Stefan Amundsen wants to be reminded of your birthday each year by email, Members of BirthDate please click here now. Non-members please add your name and date of birth below: FirstName l_ Last Name t Date of B¡rth .--__ 'á [[;i,r,_ _"*- i"D.""'y. -_,,,__ +.- Year ---_... _,...-.,...t' Emailaddresslsi{iqn-e$i!:!-W:._o"-@JOtr,9_o-,99q! f[i f $ [! : ss ss*$s$$.$"s s$$$ s$$$$s$-$ $s$$*s$* Can-docheckl¡sb Tickwhatyoucando. I canworkoutthemainpurpose of an email. I canunderstand emailabbreviaüons and'smileysi I canidentifydifferenttypesof emailanddealwiththem. Needmorepractice P A Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? pieceof information, 1 lf youarelookingfor a particular you'llneedto readeverywordof a textin orderto (unitr) findit. -----2 lf youwantto geta generalideaof whata text is about,youmustreadfromthebeginning and continue to theend.--.---(Unit2) everywordin a text 3 lt is not necessary to understand youarereading. ------(Unit3) 4 Asyou reada teK,try andworkoutthe meaningof anywordsyoudo notknow.------(Unit4) of 5 Thereis no pointin tryingto workoutthefunction - thiswouldnothelpyouat all.-----eachsentence (Units) canhelp 5 Thinking abouta topicin yourownlanguage youto understand a textaboutthetopic.------(Unít6) 7 Whenyoucomeacrossan unknownwordin a text, lookoutfor wordswhichmighthavethesameor a similarmeaning. ---..-(Unit7) 8 Whenyouwantto compare two or morethingsthat in a text,usinga chartis a goodwayto arementioned takenotes.-----.(Unit8) wordsin lists. 9 Writersonlyusecommasto separate ---.--(Units) 'lO Youcanlearna lot of usefulwordsthroughreading. (UnitlO) -----I I Someemailsyoureceivedo nothavea real purpose. ------(UnitI I ) D Leok at this list of real-life reading situations. text type in each situai'ron.Then @tt. decide whether you would skim or scanthe text in each situation. Tick / lhe correct box. at a noticeabout 14 Youarein London.'You arelooking hoursoutside a bank.Youwantto know opening if banksin Britain areopenthesamehoursin your country. scan[ skim[ Youwantto l5 Youarelooking at a theatreprogramme. knowwhatison in thelastweekof themonth. scanf skim! Youwantto know review. l6 Youarereading a restaurant is. wherethe restaurant ¡'r scanL_J sKlml-J '17 Youarelooking at a leafletabouta touristattraction. Youaretryingto decidewhetherto gothereor not. scanfl skimI Youare l8 Youarelooking at a pagein a newspaper. you. tryingto findan articlethatinterests scanfl skimf l9 Youhavejustreceived an emailfromyourfriendLuis. hisexam. Youwantto findoutif he passed skiml scanl E The way we read a text depends on our purpose in reading. Two people can read the same text in a different way. Think about the text types in ExerciseD again. Complete the B Now read the Learníngtípsfor Units 1-11 on sentences with scan or skírn and the text types. pages 87-89. Do you wantto change any of 20 Youwould your answers in ExerciseA? if thewriterlikedtherestaurant. zl Youwould C The first time we read a text, we usually morning. if thebankis openon Saturday either skim or scanit. Can you remember the to findout 22 Youwould -----difference between skirnming and scanning? whatkindof showsareon thismonth. Complete these definitions. 23 Youwould - - to findout go it in. how much costs to 12 lf you what --a text,youknowexactly to findout 24 Youwould -----youarelookingfor andyou searchthroughthetext just you people. for for lots if it is of or pieceof information. quickly untilyoufindthatspecific to findout 25 Youwould i3 lf vou a text.vouwantto peta seneral if yourfootballteamwonyesterday. ideaandyou lookat thetextquicklywithoutfocusing on anydetails. I Social and ltavel unitsr-tr frEffieVTi Skim these texts. What is each text, or where does it come from? Choosefrom the following. a cinemaprogramme a hospitalnotice a phonebox notice a guidebook a theatreprogramme an email a hostelleaflet a postofficeleaflet a newspaperarticle 26 TextA 27 TefrB Read Text A again. Which five sentences describe Slava'sSnowshow?Write the letters in the boxes. 28-32 tr[nnr a b c d e f g h i j Thedirectoris fromNewYork. Slava's Snowshow hasbeenon tour. Scarlett Johansson lovestheshow. Slava's Snowshow isa musical. Thereis morethanoneperformer in Slava's Snowshow lt isfreezing coldin thetheatreduringa performance. Children enjoySlava's Snowshow Youcanbuya bookaboutSlava's Snowshow. Tickets fortheshowareon salenow. Theshowis on duringthesecond weekin March. Decide if these sentencesabout Text B are true (T)or false (F). 33 Youcanalways havelunchat a taverna. -.---34 Tavernas do notalways havea menuto choose from.---.-. 35 Thebakeddishesareusually cakesor desserts. ______ 36 Themaincourseusually arrives afterthestarter. -__--37 Vegetable disheslikestuffedpeppers arequite l-río Thebestplace to eatanddrinkinGreece isthe taverna. These late in stayopen theevening and sometavernas areopenat lunchtime too,You -andwhen won'talways finda menuina taverna thereis one,it ¡snever verylong.Usually, there (starters willbefiveor sixmezédes or snacks) and youaretaken threeoffourmaincourses. Often intothekitchen to inspect what's onofferthatday: meat usually lamb- andfish,pans uncooked of stewandvegetables, traysof bakedsavoury dishes. andmaincourses Starters areusually served together inGreece. lf youpreferto havethehruo courses separately, thenorderyourmaincourse whenyourstarter arrives. Maincourses of meator - youwill fishdonotinclude andvegetables salads needto ordertheseassidedishes. Youmaynot wantto eatmeator fishasmanyof thevegetable aredelicious. Youcouldquiteeasily dishes have peppers tomatoes, or aubergines stuffed withrice asa ma¡n course. RCVfrCWl units1-11 I Skim these texts. What is each text, or where does it come from? Choose from the following. a cinemaprogramme a hospitalnotice a phone box notice a guidebook a theatreprogramme f; o""ommodation pricesat YHA Manchester an email a hostelleaflet a post officeleaflet a newspaper afticle 38 TextC 59 TextD 40 TextE TextD Womentrapped in car T\vo elderly women are recovering f¡om heat stroke and heat exhaustion after locking themselves in a hot car in Daytona Beach, Florida. Police say that their battery apparently died, the automatic locks failed, and they didn't know they could unlock the doors manually. TextE Who are you? To make sure that you receivethe safest possiblecare whilst beingtreated, it is importantthat we identifyyou correctlyat all times. Therefore,beforeyou haveanytest, treatmentor procedure,beforeyou see a doctoror nursein outpatients,and beforeyou are givenany medication, we will ask you to identiff yourself. The women were trapped for nearly two hours before a passerbyspotted their pleas for help, which they wrote on the back of a tissue box. We will ask you to state: O yourfull nameor hospitalnumber(if you haveone) O yourdate of birth Sometimeswe mayask for otherdetails,suchas youraddress. lf you look after a child,or if someoneyou carefor cannotgive us this information,we may ask you to ¡dent¡fythem on their behalf. Rescueworkers smasheda window to get the ladies out. Althoughit can be annoyingto be askedthe same questionmanytimes, pleasehelp us to helpyou by makingsurethese importantcheckstake place. Answer these questions about Text C. Write one or two words only. 4l 42 43 44 45 Howmanybedsaretherein a shared room?--_._______ CanI havea roomof mv own? Aretwinroomscheaper perperson thanshared rooms? ls breakfast includedin the price? Howmuchcheaper is it if I ama memberof theYHA? -__-_______- ReadText D again. In which order did these things happen? Write the letters in the boxes. There is one extra sentence which is not part of the story. 461 o 472 4Bn 4en s0x Someone sawa message thewomenhadwritten. b Thewomenwererescued fromthe car. c Thewomenbrokethe carwindow. d Thewomendidn'tknowhowto getoutof thecar. c f Thecarbatterystoppedworking. Therescue services werecalled. I Sociatand Travel L ReadText E again. Underline the correct word or phrase in these sentences. 51 Youconreceive/ canf receive treatment beforestaffknowwho youare. 52 Youmoy nothove/ musthove a hospital number. 53 Youdon'thoveto give/ must giveyourdateof birth. 54 Youmighthoveto identify/ wonf hoveto identi{yyoursell morethanonce. 55 Youmayhoveto soy/ willhove to sly youraddress. units r-m ffigffie!fif f M Where would you see these notices?Match the notices with the places.Write the letters in the boxes. s6 bank[ 5/ opflcran s LJ 58 theatre I 59 aírport f, 60 bookshopI 6t A&EI bz posrDoxLl 63 restaurant ! 64 cablecarf b5 DUSsiop Ll Look at the notices again. Tick / the correct explanation. 66 A I Thedriversellstickets. I 2 Youcant buya ticketfromthe driver.I 67 B 1 Youmightgethurt.I 2 Thewindowshouldbe closedat alltimes.tr 68 C I Wesellbooksforstudents. I 2 Wewillsellyouroldbooks. f, 69 D 1 Youcan'tpostyourlettersandpostcards after 7.OOpm. I , 2 Youcanpostyourletters andpostcards for abroadhere,I 70 E I Thereis onlyonecashier working here.f] 2 Youmayhaveto waitto be seen.I 71 F I Youmustcarryyourbagswithyouat alltimes.I z Yourluggage shouldbe checked in.I 7 2 C 1 Theshowhasoneinteryal only.f z lf youarelate, youwillmissthefirstpartof the showI H ] Noteverything willbe halfprice.I 2 Alldesigner brands willbe halfprice. f 74 l t Onlypeoplefromthiscountry getfreetreatment fl peoplehaveto payfortheirtreatment. z Some I J I Youcanchoose an expensive dishandstillonly pay15.Ll 2 Youcaneata lotif youwantto.! 1 R,¡:t¡ie.,ii,y $ Units 1-11 O You are in Denmark,and you have picked up the brochure CopenhagenThisWeek,Answer these questions. 76 Skimthetext.Whatisthe mainaimof thearticle? Choose fromtheseoplons. a to explain whythegardens havebeenclosedI b to givetourists a general introduction I c to describe thegardens andflowers I 77 Whichof thesetopicsdoesthearticleNOTmention? Circle thecorreclletter. a theopening hours b thehistory of thegardens c othertouristattractions in Denmark prices d admission e thenumberof peoplewhogothere TivotiGardens Reopen TivoliGardens- probably Europe's mostsophisticated park- opensonApril12for itssummer amusement season, the eventof the monthlFounded in 1843 TivoliGardens hasbeenintheamusement business for 163yearsanddrawsaroundfourmillionvisitors a year makingit Denmark's numberone tourist attraction- and one of Europe'smost popular amusementparks after EuroDisneyParis and Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Sporting 25 amusements including no fewerthan four big dippersand a new carousel, Tivoliis an elegantfunfairin the very heartof Copenhagen, with good music in abundance throughoutthe season, some40topclasseateries andrestaurants, flowersandromance in the air. Tivoli Gardens Main entrance on Vesterbrogade3 (map: 4/C4) Summer Season April 12 - September24 Opening hours S u n d a y- T h u r s d a y1 1 a m- 1 1 p m Friday 11am- 0:30am Saturday11am- midnight Admission prices Adults DKK 75, children (aged3-13 yrs) DKK 35 $eason passes DKK 195{adults},DKK 110(children) Multi-r¡de tickets DKK 200 (adults).DKK 150 (children) @ Social and Travel World's taltest carousel Brandnew at Tivolithis seasonis the AustrianbuiltStarFlyer- the tallestcarousel in the world, standing metres 80 high.Thisridehasa capacity of 960passengers an houranda maximumrotary speedof 70 kph.StarFlyer, withitsgalactic design 'l6th and centuryDanish astronomerTycho Brahe's universe as its theme,is locatedin Tivoli'sMerry Cornerbetweenthe Concert Hallandthe Spinning Topamusement. Amusements account for morethan50 percentof Tivoli'sturnover, helpingfund the delightsof the gardenssuchas the flowers,the music,andthe fireworkdisplays. Unitsr-rl ffigrwfrewi Find other words in the text which have similar meaningsto these words. 78 sophisticated park 79 amusement 80 amusement O Find words in the text for two types of amusement. 81 82 Find the namesof two of the amusementsat Tivoli Gardens. 83 84 What is reallyspecialabout the brand new amusement?Write one letter in the box. sc l-l a lt is 80 metreshigh. b lt cancarry960 passengers eachhour. perhour. c lt turnsat a speedof 70 kilometres d lt hasa galactic design. V J U You have bought your admissionticket and you have gone into Tivoli Gardens.Make a list of five things you can do. Do you have to pay extra to do these things? Here is another part of the brochure Copenhagen This Week Are these sentences about Tivoli Concert Hall true (T) or false (F)? 91 lt isthebiggest concert hallín Denmark. f 92 lt wasnotopenlastsummer.I 93 lt hasa newcaféandbar.I 94 lt is a venuefor popandrockconcerts. I 95 lt is notopenattheweekend. f TivotieoncértSeason takesoff TivoliConcertHall - home of the biggestmusic festivalin the Nordicregionandone of Denmark's - is backin full operationthis mainconcert.venues season afterbeingclosed6lllastsummerto undergo majorrefurbishment involving the construction of a foyerwith caféandtwo-storeybar newcircular:'glass with stunning viewsoverthegardens. TivoliConcertHall'sextensive summerprogramme performances involves 105arrangements. including20 bytheTivoli Symphony Orchestra andtheappearance of someof the world'sgreatestsoloistsin the world of classical music.Kickingoff the seasonat 730pm '12 on April is the BelceaOuartetwith a Haydn,Britten andMozartchamberconcert. TivoliTicketCenterTel33 15 1012 Vesterbrogade3 Open:Mon-Fri9am-.5pm V lt is SaturdayApril 8th and you have just arrived in Copenhagenfor a week's holiday. You look at the brochureand find that theret a concert you can go to. Answer these questions.Write notes. 96 Whatdateistheconcert? 97 Whattimeistheconcert? 98 Whois givingtheperformance? 99 Whatmusicarethey playing? 100 Whenistheboxofficenextopen? reñd Therearesomedifferences betweenBritishand American ln whichwaysaretheredifferences? English. Trck/ oneor moreof the boxes. a srammar|-l b pronunciation f] c spelling fl* d vocabulary [ Canyouthin'koianyexamples? Howgoodareyouat spelling? Tick/ oneof the boxes in eachcolumn. notverygood! notverygoodI nrrte onnd f-l nr rite onnd l-l verygood f verygood f, Howdo youcheckyourspelling? Ttck/ oneor moreof theboxes. I lookin a dictionary. I iiilt;;ffiJJ;.'-'perins. fl I usean electronic spellchecker. f, I usethespellchecker on thecomputer. I I lookat my ownvocabulary wordlists.f I thinkaboutwhereI haveseenthewordandlookfor it there.f, A British and American English Look at these words. Do you think they are BritishEnglish(BE)or American English(AE) spellings? a defence_FI__ b non-member __--_c traveller ______ c colour--_-__ e litre___._. 3 Scanthe text aga¡n.Are these words used in British English(BE)or AmericanEnglish(AE) - or both? Tick / the boxes. BE AE both a b c n c The text on the opposite page is from a book cafled lmprove your spelling.Scanthe text and checkyour answersto Exercise1. Then write the other spelling of each word. a def-ew-e---b non Irav______-_--., d col_____-___.-lit--._-"...__. c license I practise n chilli n woollen tl enrol n f fulfilled n o behaviour I h glamour f n n n f tr n f n V I n n T f T u 4 Were these questionswritten by British(B) or American(A) people? Tick / the boxes. BA C a b c d Whatflavorice-cream do youprefer? you Are a non-smoker? Haveyougota drivinglicence? Whendidyoulastgoto thetheater? IV NT ur nn ls the text about generalspelling rules or individualwords? 60 @ Wor* and Study Is that speltcorreÉly?Umml2 British and American English Wehayereallyeterythingin commonwith America nowadays, excEt,of course,language. oscar wilde Therearemanydifferences betweenBritishandAmerican Englishspelling,both in generalspellingrulesand in individual words.The main differencesareoutlined in this chapter. oe,se Somewordsthat end in cein British Englisharespeltsein AmericanEnglish: BritishEnglishdefence, ffince, pretence AmericanEnglishdefense, pretense offense, BritishEnglishlicence(noun),license (verb);practice(noun), pracüse(verb) AmericanEnglishlicense(noun andverb);pracrlce (noun andverb) Hyphens AmericanEnglishusesfewerhlphens than British English. To takejust oneexample,in AmericanEnglishwordsformed with non. (= 'not') aregenerallywritten assinglewords (nonmember, nonsmoker) wltereasin British English,they are normally hyphenatéd{tton member, nan-smoker). Look at the pictures.Match the BritishEnglish words with the pictures. axe cheque doughnut Srey kerb moustachepyjamas tyre .-------¡s!.------.-e b c d t b n Singteand double I WhereBritishEnglishdoublesa final I beforea word-ending suchas-edor -ing,in AmericanEnglishthe final I is not doubled. BritishEnglishequalled, travelling,trweller,counsellor AmericanEnglishequaled,ffaveling,traveler,counselor jewellery,marvellous, NotealsoBritishEnglishchilli,jeweller, jewelry, woollenbutAmericanEnglishchili or chilli,jeweler, maryelous, woolen. On the otherhand,in somewordswhereBritishEnglishhas a singlel,AmericanEnglishhas/l: BritishEnglishappal,distil,enrol,enthral,fulfiI, instilor in still, skilful,wilful AmericanEnglishappall,distitl,enroll,enthrall,futfll, instill, skillful,willfulor lesscommonlywilful -our. -or Mostwordsthat endin -o¿¿r in BritishEnglishendin -or in AmericanEnglish: BritishEnglishbehaviour, colour,favour,flat our,harbour, honour,efc. AmericanEnglishbehayior, color,favor,Jlator,harbor, honor,etc, In AmericanEnglishglamouris the preferredspelling,but glamorís ¿lsocorrect. re, er Mostwordsthatendin rein BritishEnglishendi¡ erin AmericanEnglish: BritishEnglishcentre, meffe,sombre, fibre,litre,meagre, spectre,theatre,etc. ArnericanEnglisltcenter, meter,somber, fber, Iiter,meager, specter;theater,úq Write the American Englishspellingsof the words in Exerciseó. Checkin a dictionaryif necessary. a --.--.-------.q4$D L c e f o o L #w@ f tl @tuww Is ühatspelt correetly? Umñt12 B I'll add it to my dictionary fu,$*$TEB{HS SEsKL¡"Eruü TSNRECTÉruT Youmightnoticeredwavylinesundersomeof yourtext' Theselinesflag checkerisactivated. the automaticSpelling possible spellingerrorsbecause go you backandeditflagged can Onceyouarefinishedtypingyourdocument, isdisplayed' menu the flaggedword.A shortcut text.Todo this,right-click ignoreme You can givingyousomecorrectlyspelledwordsto choosefrom. if youlike.Youcanalsochooseto addthe flaggedwordsto a suggestions terms, that youbuild,whichcanincludespecialized dictionary customized 1 Skim the extract CORRECTING SPELLING MISTAKES. What kind of book is this text from? Look at the sentence below. Read CORRECTING SPELLING MISTAKES again and find out what this shortcut is showing. acronyms,andnamesthatarenotinc|ude$inthestandardWolddictionary' spellingerrorin asa possible lf youadd a word,it will no longerbe underlined laterdocumen[s. 1 ii Df.uminr ". ;-r¡l*'i ¿i . iF i l¡- i1¡¡11qñr¡r, ¡a--¡:¡r-5-*E F*;l nitre I I I niohtI l "mite Ll My parentsand I wenttherelast I I f, Readthe extract below. How would you add the correct spelling of nite to your customizeddictionary?Underlinethe part of the text which tells you what to do. UsrNc AUTocoRRECT The AutoCorrect feature allows you to set up the automatic correction of words that you often misspell or mistype. Many common errors are alreadyset up in AutoCorrect, but you can easilyadd you own. You can also use it to capitalizewords, such as daysof the week, and to insert symbolssuch as@by entering (c). l{g_ciÍ9E:iF"qli:FsKt ADDING WORDS 1 AUTOCORRECT: I r " As an example,we'll use the common misspelling: decieve for deceive. " Click on Tools on the Menu bar and then on AutoCorrect, ' The AutoCorrect dialog box opens.Click on the AutoCorrect tab to bring it to the front. In the Replace:text box ente¡ the inco¡rect g Cerc l1¡ft rlif¡l CApltdi g C¡tb$rc ñÉr btrF d tcnre! g C$t¡éli* nffir qf d¡yr $ ncpha t*xt u 9o* rypr spelling: decieve.In the With: text box, enter the correct spelling: B.drR; deceive.Then click on Add. type decieve,it will be replaced automatically with the correct spelling '. :":üg F¡lc Edtr v¡rw rrr€n rorm¡r ron¡@.-¡4lt_ryI!gL'Ugk -1-*r ! * L-,l1rtp ,;, * :. ga I d : -: <ñ¡rrrñr .¡¡ a.¡ññr, !r. l : ¡ ;i q dS¡i f"*j, r d i a i ' " i s p e l r ¡ n s a ¡ d G r ¡ m m ¿ r " ' "il*" r. y.r*1*1e ;l is. ",¡ B . . .r. -,'. .,ffii - . . , -lfill,H:.. { woll S ¡i , ,r f:.¡ ir '. lj . , - . . rimrsmryu¡*rB t:n*'; .i6F rr' 62 ' i.'- ',' l ¡ * i l . c _ ¿* ". , : , d .i- @ wor* and Study Witt!: inaaúíf " The AutoCorrect entry that you havejust made is now displayed in the list of AutoCorrect entries,Click on Close and eachtime that you now d!t¡!É dtdltó dlrl¡¿nt dt6r d.feidrñ dí¡ñ{.F d{rw i!4{l!!,tr : gyp¡.nu¡on. $ nro|lrM¡ r* :. ili.': r¡,.r -- Í:;i::,t--ji,"a d¡ct¡¡¿ A.irt r,atldoñ dcdfúnt d{rgr drtardfl dclinli.ly tdr¡w . .. q_.ly-4I¡il lThr$¡$rüs"".\SR oocum:ntt4 wordcounr... .l-1" I Autosumm¡rze,.. {: q{iq!!r,¡-i ñ s ...-..,.., - ,....-.,.. ..:. l.+iir *Ñ rul$rtBhÁ hom tk ¡Fclhñ9rkk r 'i-n#@ Is that speltcorrect$r @6fit12 you know Englishspelllng ileo BritishEnglishspeliing onollorl uPvuvu nr cnali customizeorcustomise speclalizeor speciause capitalizeor capitalise dlalogue (but USspellingis always usedfor computers) ._-3 4 Which of the words in the Focuson spelling do you often spell incorrectly?Would you add the correct spelling to your autocorrect feature? 5 Look at this list of the top ten spelling errors often made by learnersof English.Which word in each pair is spelt correctly?Underlinethe correct spelling. Do not checkyour answersat this stage. a accomodationaccommodation b sincerely sincerly c advertisment advertisement d wich which e because becose f beginning begining g comfortable confortable h successful successfull i embarassing embarrassing j receive recteve ó Checkthe spellingsin Exercise5. Use one of the ways you ticked in Get ready to read. &s$ssss#.$"$ #*$$s$$$-$#s s.s*&#*s** Can-dochecklisb Tíckwhatyoucando. C a nd o Needmorepractice I canidentilyBritish English andAmerican English spellings. I canaddwordsto the computer's customized dictronary. I canidentifyincorrect spellings. 63 tre&{g *. Underline thewordsin thesesentences sothattheyaretrueforyou. I read/ I don'treoda lot in my everyday life. I read/ I don'treadmagazines andnewspapers^ I reod/ | don'treadbooksandnovels. I buy/ I don'tbuybooksfromshopsor online. There's / Therersn?a librarynearmy home/school. I use/ I dont usea library. I borrow/ I don'tborrowbooksfromthe library. I read/ I don'treodmagazines andnewspapers in the library. Writetwo moresentences thataretruefor vou.Usethewordsin brackets. (read) (library) i+ Joining a library 1 You are thinkingof joining a public libraryin Oxford. What kind of things do you want to know about joining the library?Write down three questions. a tC tearning tip \Mhenyou read a difficult piece of text, you v'nllneed to read somewords and sentencesvery carefully.ln orderto understanddifficult parts of texts, il is a good idea to try and put ihe sentencesof the text into your own words. 2 Some of your friends are alreadylibrarymembers. Readwhat they have said about usinglibrariesin Oxford. Then read the text from the OxfordshireCounty Councilwebsiteon the opposite page and decide if what your friends say is true (T) or false (F).Correct the informationthat is false. 64 @ worn and Study b@.@ I application formonli5_J .fG;...b*;;;l [jlgIf:: -----2r ) - -----[ oneweekor payextra. ] r@ U'b:rluo'wantthemoutagain ) - Hon¡do I ioin?Umñtl3 Look at the questionsyou wrote in Exercise1. Does this leaflet answer your quest¡ons?Write the answers if you can. Oxfordshi re CountyCour¡ci I Page 1 of 1 Ioin a library a It's free to jo¡n a library, Find out how to join and borrow books, videos and other media. Everyoneis welcome:adults and childrenalike are free to browse, read books, newspapersor magazines,ask for information and join in organisedactivities. Select three other pieces of information from the website to tell a friend about the library serv¡ces.Use your own words. In order to borrow booksor to hire videosor other media,you will need to join the library.Membershipis free, and open to everyoneliving, working or studying in Oxfordshire, Above all, library servicesare provided for you. No-one is too young or too old to join the library,Our staff are eagerto help you get the most from your seryice, lust ask! How to join Fill in an applicationform (availablefrom any Oxfordshirelibrary) and prov¡de confirmation of your name, address and signature, such as a family allowancebook or driving licence.There is nothingto pay. H"-o_w_ yg"tgg¡ "b-g¡,¡"o""w [!gly- t!"gm"_s_ It is usually up to twenty books at any one time, There are separate l¡mits for other media. Pleaseask for our current leaflet on hiring CDs, videos, DVDS,aud¡ocassettesand CD-Roms. !:|"-o""w" !"en"g 99t!f99p !!:!"e-lT "yg"!:t Normally three weeks for books. Other media are hired by the week, The date of return is stampedon the date label. If you haven'tfinishedwith them You can renew books by telephone, post, by us¡ng the online borrower services or at the library unless someone else is waiting for them, you must pay an additionalhire chargefor other media. What it costs Mostservicesare free.w";;;;; ;"; rp"füfür"r,r, ri ;' ::1: .i :i; Did you know...? ln theEngrish-speaking worrdtherearemorethan2,800publicribraries. ThePublicLib¡aries Act of 1BE0 enabred townsin rheuKro ,0.^o *i.. (nowcounciltax)on ribraries, whichanyonein trredistriciilü;;; of charge.Bonowinghasremainedfreeto thisday. Libraries arerun by iocalcouncils,andyoucanflndout about them r on councilwebsites. *6*,-l Uf¡fit1$ Howdo I ioin? {}trffiru*{$tr ür{Affi&trs Fsffiffi#*K$ ts Paying for library seruioes ln the text in SectionA, you read that borrowing books from librariesis free. Did the website say anything about what you have to pay for? Look at the three things on the right (a-c)that librariesask you to pay for. lmagine you are telling a friend. Complete the sentencesin your own words. Skim the three leafletson this page. Match the headings(a-c) in Exercise2 with the leaflets (1-3). How quickly can you match them? aEbIcn ü&iü}is Fi?r{lÉ *FtÁ*tsñs -,5** *!-"*^"" rEilItU,"- ***-* --1-** ?**- -3gold yellow greenredspot blue spol sPot sPü star 9r * :***t-?*,--.$-*:9-{9YllgF[**.p-erqw!*-.* qJ'j***"--l*-*-*-u-* --- **i?*--,*{**FS -J?**-!g *--:---- *1---Jl'.?9_ca10r-,*-': CD MUSIC t1 [1.50 t2 t3 3-qe9!s *"----Iq- U.il"--11i9,""---*--.4ullggggIJer '' PACK LANGUAGE T1 f1.50 impaired tovisually isFREE B00Kservice TheAUDIO orwhohavea disability people, withdyslexia to people printed andto books, themfromusing whichprevents care. inPublic children There maybehired' ineachcategory Upio 5 items the rightto reserve Staff rates' aren0concessionary canying andDVDs videos inissuing discretion exercise 12,15and1Bcertificates' inevery arenotavailable hireservices These the through itemsmaybeobtained However, library. is casea hirecharge inwhich service, reservation fee. t0thereservation payable inaddition 66 @wor* andstudy ,.. j ,:1: .itr,r,,e:Pi üHeHüHS ffiffi$ÉHU&TI#Ft A€.snsü sE$iiet HtffiÉ ssffiuttss 1ir¡.&% forthreeweeks'Fines beborrowed mayusually Books thedate keptbeyond are which books on arecharged encourage to purpose is offines The dueforreturn, thatthe to ensure inorder ofbooks return theprompt stock. book the of is made use maximum to books willnotbeapplied charges Overdue or house-bound as registered byreaders borrowed sickanddisabled. chronically willbemadeoneachbook charges Thefollowing late: returned ---4qrls-g${q{$q 1 5 p-***:P_** Perdayforfirstweek 2ndweekorPartweekoverdue1 1 .05 0 50p 60p --.*?"9!. by intervals atweekly Rising -*;.----96,30 12.30 of Toamaximum Standard rate70p Concessions 3Sp (payable whenreservation is made) Concessionary ratesapplyto persons whoare: under 1Byears ofage chronically sickanddisabled A reservation feeof 70pwill becharged to youraccount you if reserve youareeligible online unless forthe concessionary rate. Thefeewillbepayable onyournext library visit. Youwillbenotified bypostwhenyourreserved item isavailable forcollection, lf younolonger wantan itemthatyouhavereserved, please yourlocal contact library. lt isnotpossible tocancel a reservation online. Weregret thatthereservation feeisnotrefundable. Howdo I ioin?Umñtl3 Read what members of staff said to six library users.Are the userscoming into the library (C),or are they going out (G)? BothDVDsareredspot, sothafs€4.00.They're duebacka weektoday. Focussr... l word famllles Findh,voor morerelated wordsin theleaflets on theopposite pagewhichstartwiththeseletters. Arethewordsnouns(N),verbs(V)or (A)? adjectives a char.-q-es--íN)--.üsr-s?A _(\)_ h /ic¡h c hir-------.----1, rnneo e f "@boo( it'llcost70 pence. I v r[1"rr.dy*_l-I I can'thavesixCDs. I 5 What exactlyarethe usersin Exercise 4 doing?Complete thesesentences. aH-e--/--5tre:p--t-?fu tr!rg-*-l-oe[--Elü-y?-W._ b l.e__/."54.?.p_. c tc-/.__s_b_p:.p__ d He./..5b_d_o__ e \c__/__fu.d-.s__ f He / she'' ó Scanthe leafletson the opposite page again and underline the information which confirmswhat the members of staff are saying in Exercise4. 7 Look at the questionsyou wrote in Exercise1 in SectionA. Do these leafletsanswerany more of your questions?Write the answersin Exercise3 in SectionA if you can. Findwordsíntheleaflets whichare related to thesewords.Decide whah¡v partof speechbothwordsare. g week_(_tl-)_..N_eÉ*.q._(A)_. h print I Pay j follow k collect I refund Complete thesesentences withsixof thewordsfromthe leaflets. m Myglasses weren'treadywhenI wentto theoptician's, so I hadto go backthe________&!,{p,b,_bg_.-._ day. n Therearespecial seatson buses forelderly and_-.---_-_-_____ people. o lf you'vegota student card,youcan get usually on ---__-.ticketprices. p Thisticketis non-_______---.--_ - youcan'tgetyourmoneyback. q Yourwashing willbe readyfor at seveno'clock. r l'm seeingJononTuesday for my prrvate lesson. -_-____- ü'$$'$$$$*$$$,$..$$s $s$.'$$$.$$$ ss$s*.s $* Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatyoucando. I canputthesentences of a textintomy ownwords. I canfindoutabouta librarywhatI canborrowandwhatI haveto payfor. Can dc; Needmorepractice re*s S Whatarethesedifferentsportsandphysical Writethe nameof eachactivity. activities? a -------%9aÉ--kstmg----b k+ffi* # c e t How many other sportsand physical activities canyou name? How manyof thesesportsand physical activitieshavevou tried? Tick/ the sentences thataretruefor you. I don'tlikesportor physical exercise. f I do sportor physical exercise morethanthreetimesa week.fl I am on a sportsteam.f, I belongto a sportsclub.I I goto the localsportscentre.I I do sportwithpeopleI work/study with. f & I don't fancy playing Learninq tin Weskimsometexts- readqurckiyto getthe generai Wescanothertexts- readquicklyto flnda sense. padcular pieceof information.Sometimes we can : combinethesetwo approaches to reading:skimming first to get the generalsengeandthen scanningfor a cna¡ifi¡ nni¡f What could Nobu do at lunchtimes?Scanthe noticeboardagain and write short notes. Someonehastold Nobu that there is football once a week. Answer Nobu's questionsabout football in no more than three words. Nobu hasjust started working for a company in Cambridgewhich has its own sports centre. Skim the noticeboardon the opposite page. Can Nobu only do sports at the sports centre? a Whichdayis it? b At whattime? c Who shouldhe contactfor more information? Nobu is interestedin doing some physical exercise.Scanthe noticeboardand answer these questions. Nobu is not sure that he is good enough to play football. Readthe same notice again. Underlinethe words in these sentencesso that they are true. a Whichactivities areweeklvclasses? b Which sports activityis not a class?______-_____------_c Whichnoticeis for a classthat mighttakeplace? @wor* and Study The noticementions/ doesn'tmention how good you needto be. He wouldhave to play / wouldn'thave to play if he went alongthis week. At the sBort$centreUmfltl4 Tlne$pen&s ffiemtre 3'i:ltl,",s.:x1f'r,, ' ñirw Stalsa Algeriancultural night wark;hopl L::;fJ3;3."3jI Featuring the RaibandNossim Friday5th Mayat 7pm Clothing: comfortable shoesandlooseclothes Bdngpfentyof water(energy snackswill beprovided) in the SportsCentre Ticketsareavailable from Rashid Amrani(ext6721) andcostf 10whichincludes traditional Algerian buffet. All proceeds to be donatedto victimsof the recentAlgerianearthquake. Theworkhopwillgivea thorough grounding inallbasic salsa movetandhopes to bringpeople upto a bEinnerintermediate level.' Noneedto bringa partner, Forfurtherinformation please contactMaria-José Luque onExt.6266 Gircuit training Yogacontinues A <óurseof 5 lunchtime selsionsfor anyone. whethef n e w t o y o g ¿ o r w i t h s o m ee x p e r i e n c e , W h e n : M o n d a y 12 . 3 0 - 1 . 3 0 p m W h e r e : S p o r t sC e n t r e- S q u a s h< o u r t 2 I n s t r u c t o r :5 i s s e F l owler C o s t :É 2 0 f o r 5 s e s s i o n s T o m a k e a b o o k i n go r a q u e r y : p l e a s e( o n t a c t J a n eN o r m a n - E x t 7 5 4 3 . l f y o u h a v eq u e s t ¡ o n s ¿bout style or strength of the yoga, pleaseemail s ¡ s s e l @ v i ri ng.n e t . Aerobics CleeswlthPamEgton -Wedneodag Luncht¡mes Wednesdag lunchtimes from - 1.15pm 12.3Opm inSquash Court2. Price{3 persession.Allabilities welcome. ror runnerIni0rmatt0n please contactJudUShakespeare on ext.3342 VYhynot try a c¡rcuit class? It involves no coordination! A fun overallbodyworkoutand you canwork to your ovrnlevel At the SportsCentrein SquashCourt2 ftom 12.l5pm- l.00pm,every Ihursday 13.00perpe$onper class FormoreinformatiolLpleasecontact AlanMcleanon ext.2145 ü P :ilaf,es l-.I gou líLe to strengthen, lengthcn realign gourboágz "ná n".d í*prou. to gour posture, boJg uhupe rnJ sports perfomance? f)o gou $orlJ fould gou particípate Ín an exercisemethod that línksthe mínJ a.J the bodgr l[ so,filates could b. lo.gor. l{ gou'r. ínterested ín taking part in lrnchtíre filates lessons in thc $po*s fentre, please contact (íchard fiurronJ o. ext*151. Focuson... -ing lorms I Wordsendrng in -ing whichareformedfromverbscanbeverbs, nounsor adjectives. Thewordfeoturing in theAlgerian cultural night noticeis a verb- it comesfromthe verbfeaturewhichmeans'include someone or something parf. asan important ó What sports activity would you do if you worked for the same companyas Nobu? Would you be interestedin any of the other activities? a Findsixmore-rngformsin the notices. Decideif eachwordis partof a verb (V) or a noun (N). daütna l1[l ............... r "",... n f tr r Complete thesesentences withthewordsabove. Someof thewordscanbe bothverbsandnouns.Decideif eachwordisa verb(V)or a noun(N). b I haven't been.--____p-t4gi¿g_-_-__ muchtennisrecently. I c l'm interested in --_-____-__--".-__-__-a tenniscourt.f, d Theraceis nextweek.I'vespentages--,--______--_._______forít. I e Thecourse gavemea good---___---_ in posture andbodyshape. f] f Makesureyoubringwarm _-forthewalk.f g Doyoufancy____"--__-__partin a I O-kilometre runfor charity? [ 69 Umñtl4 At the sports üerlfr* B lt's a racquet game Look at the photograPh on the right. What is this sPort? Have you ever played it? Nobu has never played squash,but he would like to try. Scanthe sports centre notice and answerthese questions. for himto trythis a ls it possible nornr cnnrtT ug5 b When? c Where? d Couldhe havelessons? e When?----------------f Where? How much wouldthey cost? o New members and new playersof all abilitiesare alwayswelcome' join us in Fridayeveningis squashclubnightfrom 5,Sopm onwards come and the SpontsCentrefor a game and a dnink. For further informationpleasecontact first team captainArthur smith on ext 5381. gquash Coaching at the tPorts Centre Aneyou interestedin perticipatrngin squash coachingsessions?All standards anewelcome. is a fully qualifiedEnslandSquashLevel2 coach and will be ;.";";';;;"t otf".ing her serüces to'staff and setácteOgues1sas a squash coach in t'he near futune. Times of coachingsessionsare flexible. For instance,they could be offeredat lunchtimesand straight after work, coaching dependingon demand.Individual sessionsor gloup sessionscould be arranged.Priceswill be €2O per hour fon cne peison, and E5 e*na for each Nobu also sees an advert for real tennis. He asks himselfthe same questionsas in Exercise2. Find the answersto the questions' ffi *-Rr Ree[Terrrris A compelling opportunitJ this sumnrerat GrengeRoad,Cambridge Yourchanceto enjoyRealTennis,the king of racquet sports,startson 6th f uly with theWoildChampion. world eveningwith RobFahey, A wonderfulintroductory asthe greatestplayerever' andwidetyregarded champion TheWortdChampion match: exhibition lnctuding anexciting Woodman. David Champion, Amateur British vsThe P l u s. . . Your turn t0 pleY duringa two'hourgrouplesson expertcoaching Friendly provided by the club'steamof give you the basics, to professionats at a timeto suityouthis summer, first-class andbaltsprovided.lt's indoors,so thereis with racquets no chanceof beingrainedoff! A lasting m€melrto bool<Rea[Tennisin Cambridge: A copyof the fascinating the Yearsto helpyouto appreciate TheFirstSixHundred placeof the gamein our greatcity. @worx and study TheRealTennisClub andbatlsProvided Racquets Ladies'morning in nationat competing Teamsof a[[standards c o m p e t i t i o n- sa n dw i n n i n g ! andctubnightssuitablefor atl Ctubtournaments Why not becomepert ofthis intriguing, rewerdingend entertainingworld? - by sportthissummer andtrythisfascinating Come A[[arewetcome. or asa famity. yourself, withfriends, f;xtrserdi$ary vstue - introductory evening, package Thewhoteintroductory - isiustf5o perperson. book,andgrouplesson contact orto bookyourplace, Forfurtherinformation tel:07223 HeadProfessiona[, 357741 Simpson, Manuel mani@curtc.net emai[: At the sportscentreUmfltl4 What are the similaritiesbetween the squashclub and the real tennis club? What are the differences?Complete the chart. Would you rather try squash at the sports club or real tennisat GrangeRoad? whv? ti4hL5 Did you know ...? Focuson... -inglomts2 Thewordcompelling in thefirstlineof therealtennisadvertis an adjective. Findtheotheradjectives endingin -ing in theadvertisement, Complete thewords. laexcLLLnjbf ct dr ee 2 Matchthebeginnings andendings of thesesentences. game. a I hadto finishthebookin onego - 1 1 ít'squitean intriguing b Thefilmmademe laugh \ z Uutiflsalsoveryrewarding. \ 3 it is socompelling. c Learning English is hardwork* people d I lovefilmsaboutreal 4 it wasquiteentertaining. e l'vealways beeninterested in chess5 I findthemabsolutely fascinating. 'very Whichthreeadjectives in the exercise abovemean veryinteresting'? Realtetnisis alsocalledroYal or couÍt tennis.ItÍsa game playedindoorswith racquets andballsanda net in an area It whichlookslike a courtYard. with roYaltY wasveryPoPular andnobitityÍn the 16thcentury' TodaythereareonlYabout45 realtenniscourtsin theworld. Themoremoderngameof quicklY tennis(or lavmtennis) becamemorePopularthan realtennisat the beginningof the twentiethcentury.Modem tennistookonthe samesystem of scoring,wherezero ' is'love'andone " is'fifteen'. $$sss* s"$.s#T*$$$s$$$$$$$s$s**s* Can-dochecklisb Trckwhatyoucando. I canusea varie!of approaches whenreading texts. I canreadadvertisements on a noticeboard anddecidewhatI am interested in. I canfindoutabouttakingup a newsportandhavinglessons. Cando Need more practice r+e-i =trffi -üF:- yjil.-*ffi*1Tr*i','*;:ffi[ii::J::[ffi'J Ú w-, _. ?.".J:i'Í?:"H*.1':;*;,#f,;:l"S^ f',1 ?..........]......]...,:....... & Job profiles 'l In this unit you are going to read some texts from a company website.Scanthe webpage below and completethese sentences. a The nameof the companyis b It sells - sP_L-. (:l f r;. http://wwhmvcareers.co.uk/case_studies/ hmv "HMV pays well and we get bonuses based on customer service and sales every three months.The discountis also fantastic.but I probablyuse it too much." "Workingin HMV at Christmaswas the best temporary job I have ever had." "Working at HMV is different every day. lt is challeng¡ngbut very satisfying." 72 @ worr and Srudy I'd like ts ?$orkhere $6fitf5 Skim what the people say on the webpage. Do they like working for this company? Learning tip Whenyouarereadingyoucanuseeithera dictionary with Englishandyoü language or a dictionarywhich hasdefinitionsin Engtish.Themaiaadvantage of uslngthis sec'ond typeof dictionaryis thatyouare workingin Englishall thetime.Anotherbenefitis theycontainlotsof examples of howwordsareused. 3 Scanthe webpage and find the words in italics. Do you know what they mean? There is not much context to help you, so if you do not know the meaningof the words, use the entries below from the Cambridge Learner's English Didionary. :'' ',. I , , I I I'beútftrl noun [c. u] 1 somethingthai benefitt you or gives you an advantage - I'oe had ';h;ü;"friáfiniaipvcn¿wnooa. helps employee /rm'pbri:/ ¿oun lcl someonewho is paid t0 work for a Personor comPany *logs /lns/roan 1 lÑoi-HAffil lc, ul when you do not have someoneor somethingthat you had before, or when you have iess üf somethivlg than before loss of incotne/meftl'ory a bloodl húirlüeight loss c io¡ loss'es epr6duct I'pr}d^ktlnounIC]1 somethingthat is made or grown to be sold f¡4' haue a nuo range of skin-care PrÚducls. /'penÍir/noun[c] aoney that is paid pensionr regularly by the govemmentor a private com' pany to a personwho has stoppedworking be' cause they are old or ill retailr /'ri;terll noun lul when products are sold to customers from shopsiobs in retdil Seasonal /'sirzantlladiecliuehappeningor exist" ine onlv at a particular time of the year o seo' mtgrdtion of birds worker': the seasonal so-nat Complete thesesentences withjob,jobsof l4lork. Note * youcannotsayo work. thatworkisuncountable c l'vegota new---."___.__in thepersonnel department. d Hundreds of people mightlosetheir.-_._....__. . e I goto by publictransport. f Teaching mustbe aninteresting 4 Skim the webpage again. ln which job are you most likely to sell directly to customers? : bonus I'b¡un¡r/noun lcl 1an e:{traamountof money tllat you are given, especiall]¡because you háve worked hardA¡lemployeesrecetuedQ bonusof f500. tareerl lka'rr.'l nounlcl 1 ajob that you ¿lofor a lo}1gperiod of your lifb and that gives you the chance to move to a hi-qherposition and career in mar earn more money a succes$ful keting rGomDanv /'k¡mp¡ni/ noun I [6-u3iÑr3] fcl an orgánizaiion whlch seils goodsor services a soÍtwar e/ teleqhonecamqan? Focuson ... iob andwork Thewordslbóandworkareoftenconfused by students of English. Underline thecorrect wordin each sentence. Thencheckyouranswers in thewebpage on page. theopposite a 'Working in HMVat Christmas wasthebesttemporary job / workI haveeverhadi b 'l havea greatrelationship withthestoreteambothin job / workandsocíally1 5 Look at the webpage below. Use the dictionaryentr¡esagain if you need to. In your opinion,what are the most important benefitsof working for this company?(1 = most important, ó = least important) Write the numbersin the boxes. i' i af, bI cI t dn eJ rI http:,?M.hmvcareers.co.uk/store*careervbeneflts.asp hmv hn¡lrc*rn One of the highest rates of pay in retail Quarterlybonus scheme 30% product discount 23 days paid holiday- we ask that you don't take holidaysin December,our busiesttime of year e Companypenslonscheme f Structured developmentand training a b c d stockr /stok/naun 1 W lul aU the goodsthat are available in a shop We're expecting some new stock in this afternoon' e:t;i,-.,: i..:i'.:-r/'str^ktjá'/noun 'l lC, Ul the way that parts of sornething are arranged or put together Scanthe first webpage aga¡n.Answer these questionsabout benefits. a Whichbenefits doesthestockroom assistant mention? .'tempererii existÍng or ddj¿f,liDe témpofary hapbening for only a short or li-rnitedtime a temporary iob b Whichof the benefitsdo the otheremploveesmention? Woufd you like to work for HMV? Why? / Why not? 73 Umñtl5 I'd like to work here B Ttrse are iobs auailable 'l In this section,you are going to read two job profiles.Look at the job titles. What do you think people with these job titles do? hmv hñw'cofil Look at the sentencesin Exercise2 which describe only one of the people. Decide why these sentences are nottrue for the other person and write true sentences. L¡an Liam joined as a Christmastemp in the stockroom in Putney, wherehe quicklylearnedabout processingstock duringour busiestperiod.He then joined HMVWimbledon,focusing on customer returns,maintainingstock levels,arrangingfor s faulty and overstocked product to be returned.Liam now plans to attend the Fast TrackAcademy. "Workingat HMV ¡s great, the people are reallyfriendly and of course everyonehas music in common. Although I have always been interestedin music, my knowledge is now far 1o wider as I see all the product as it arrives in the store. HMV pays well and we get bonuses based on customer serviceand sales every three months. The discount is also fantastic, but I probably use it too much!', Readthe profiles again. Write your answersto these questions. .ea6''_ hrnv a Whenexactlyis HMV'sbus¡'esf perioú (lines3-4) b Overstocked producthasfo be returned. Wheredo youthinkit hasto be returned to?(lines6-7) Nataliehadretoilexperience. Whatdoyouthinkthismeans? (linel) "When ljoined Leicestereveryonemade me feel really welcome. lt was easy to fit into the ieam of permanent staff and I was quickly invited out to enjoy the social element of the job as well. Working in HMV at Christmaswas the best lo temporaryjob I've ever had. lt was good to help the customersfind their purchasesand they reallyappreciatedmy help. The pay is good for both temporary and permanentstaff and the discount is fantasticl I was keen to stay in HMV and accept a permanentrole, as I have seen how quickly others progress,as HMV believesin promotingfrom within." 2 Readthe two profiles.Whichof the peopledo these sentences describe?lt couldbe Liam,Natalieor both of the-.@one or both words. u @Z@rtarted workat HMVasa temporary seasonal employee. b He/ Shestillworksin thesamestore. c He/ Sheis nowa manager. d He/ Shegetson really wellwiththeotherstaff. c He / Sheis lessinterested in musicthanfilms. f He/ ShebuysthingsfromHMV. 74 @ work and Srudy What is fhe sociol e/ernenfof the job?(linee) I'd like to work here @g¡fit{5 Look at the webpage on the right. Liam plansto attend the Fast TrackAcademy. What positionscould he get at the end of his training? hmv hmv.com As the leadingmusic, DVDand games retailerin the UK and lrelandwe are lookingfor bright,energeticand committed individuals. Look at the list of positions. Selectthe role you would be most interested in. We can offer you excellent pay and benefits, as well as structured training and developmentthat can leadto excitingcareeropportunitieswithin our stores. Nearly all of our Team Leaders, Assistant Managers and Store Managers have been promoted internallythrough our structured Developmentand Fast Track programmes. The following positions are all availableat HMV; please select the role you are interested in for further information: . . ¡ . o TemporarySeasonal Employee Sales Assistant (Full-time and weekend) Loss PreventionOfficer Stockroom Assistant Cash Office Assistant (Full-timeand part-time) Did you know ...? HIWVstandsfor'HisMaster,sVoice' andis thenameof a painting by FrancisBanaud.originaryHMVwasknownastile cramopiro"ne company; it was started in 18gg,to impofi gramophones and z gramophonereco¡dsfrom Germany into Britain. By the end of the year, il was making its ornmrecordings.The companybought the picture,asked Baraud to repaint the gramophoneso that the dog was listenlngto oneof its own gramophones, andhasusedthe imageeversinceasa logo -:1 $s$$s$${ü$$ $üs$$$$$$5{ r $ü$$$f $rr Can-docheckl¡sb Trckwhatyoucando. I canusea dictionary withEnglish definitions to findoutthe meaning of words. I canfindoutaboutjobsandbenefits on a company website. I canchoosea job I am interested in. Can do Needmorepractice r€e# €3 lmagineyou needto changejob or geta job.Howwouldyoutryandfinda job?Tick/ the methodsyouwoulduse. I'daskmyfriendsif therewereanyopportunrties wheretheyworked.I l'd liketo workfor. I I'd writeto companíes I'd lookat advertsin the newspaper. n I'd searchon the Internet.f] l'd lookat advertsin shopwindows.fl l'd go intoplaces andaskaboutworkopportunities. I youarestudying lmagine youare!).Whatkindof jobwould in York(perhaps youlookfor íf youneededsomeextramoney?Complete the sentence. l'd liketo be / wark Did you know & Can you start immediately? 'l Blancais from Argentina. lt is the end of June and she is studying Englishin York. She is hoping to find a job for two or three hours a day. She thinks she might be able to use her first language.What is her first language? Tick / one of the boxes. a ltalian f b Portuguese I c Spanish f Learning tip ' Weoftenscana texl-- Iookat it quickly- to fild thepartof thetext whichis mostusefirlto us.We canthenignorethe restof thetext andfocuson the importartpart.Wereadtheimportantpartslowly, andwe probablyreadsomewords/phrases/sentences morethanoflc€:inorderto understand the details. ' , if somethlng is justthejab,it is exactlywhatyou wantor need.If yousaysomethmg is iust thejob,you areprobablynottalkingaboutworklA cupof coffeeln themoming,for example, couldbejust the job if youaretired,thirstvor boredl Read the last two advertisements carefully. Which advertisementgives the following information? a thenameof thecompany/person offering thejob @ b themoneyyouwillearnf c thenumber of hoursa weekyouwillworkf d thetimeof daywhenyou'llbeworking I person! e thephonenumber of thecontact Blancadecidesthat the two jobs are no good for her. lmagineyou are Blanca.Write a list of the possiblereasonswhy the jobs are no good. ..1--4rnlL-rr.q¡i-k --rl-qrk--fr-qr..hqt c-.-!--ht4{É-.to-.ri.x --w-*l--------qvs{-P?ppk.- 2 Scanthe advertisementsfrom a newspaperon the opposite page. Are there any jobs in which Blancacould use her first language?Which jobs? 5 Blancadecidesto read the other advertisements.What exactly are the jobs? 1 -----l,Dr-e&--A?p-!?fu!t9.---4 .--------,------. 2 _______-_..._..__ 5 "_.._____"_.___._ 36 @ wortr and Study rusrrheiontgg¡¡915 FulfordLibrary ñ hasa vacancyfor a Saturday \/ Library AssistantTwo Saturdays per month 9.30am- 1.00pm We arealsolooking for someoneto work alternateThursdayafternoons ¿-)Dm Startingsalaryf7. t8 per hour Application forms availableat the counter Closingdate9 July €6.50p/hr (3 hrs a day- mornings, Mondayto Friday) large publishingorganisaüonseela an enthusiasticand committed team memberto providebasic administrationsupport,deatwith post, distribute post and paSnüps, organise travel accommodation for the team. Youwill harrepreviousexperience usinglVord.Exceland 0utlook. 0tfsto j.lawrie@actionrecruit.co.uk lT Technician fNon-teachins) r:rÉl lL4_]ll.=ll +l¡.ll Fequinedto suppont fhe ICT F¡rr tl:ll depaftrnentandthe schoolneüwonk, a wellmotiv€tedlr technician. Applicants offer"ing fulFtime, flexitimeor part-time hourswillbe welcome. LetLerof application, fullCV and detailsof two refeneesshouldbe sent to lhe Headmistress by the closing date of FnidayZPndJuly. THEORATORY SCHOOL OUSEBURN TERHACE YORKYOEO4EE Telephone: 01 9O4 241291 email:headmistness@onaLoryonk.org Furtherdetailsavailable on the webshe:www.oratonyork. org Temporarygardenersneeded, Iuly - end September period:4weeks Minimum 40 hoursa week,flexibleworkinghours No previous knowledge or experience needed,traininggiven App! ffilPoppleton GardenCentre, $York 01904342652 ó Underlinethese words in the advertisements. What do you think they mean? part-time, a full-time, flexitime b temporary seasonal Seasonal workersneededfor fruit pickingand packing Accommodationprovided, good ratesof pay Phone01423 7835ó5 We needhapp¡hardworking bar andfloor staff.Part-time or full-time,evenings and weekends. Good tipsand goodfun.CallChrisor Gailon 09675433423 CanyoureadSpanish? Familiar withMicrosoft 0ffice? 11hoursperweekfromhome 17.69perhour 01904408305 Hotel receptionisl required even¡ngs:experience ond knowledge with both fluent Englishond one foreign Ionguoge.Enquiries@ mqrlborohotel,co.uk Some advertisementsdo not includethe words in Exerciseó. Which of the words could you use to describethe jobs in those advertisements? 1-..F.q!&r.4.l,Aw!-.A?2FfuU-.:_.psr.!:_tl'rtr. Focuson... vocabulary Therearelotsof usefulwordsin thefirstthree advertisements aboutapplying forjobs.Complete the definitions of someof thewords. a A -----.y4{4r:zu--..-is a jobthatisavailable. b Your __isa fixedamountof moneythat yougetfromyouremployer. c An-_-___..-_-- isa document thatyouuse officially to askfora job. d The_-.-.._.__ isthelastdayon whichyoucan applyfora job. e Your your ,- is a document describing qualificatíons andthejobsthatyouhavedone,which yousendto an employer thatyouwantto workfor. f A _----___-__--______---is someonewho knowsyouwell andwritesa letterto sayif youaresuitable for a job. How do you apply for the jobs? Complete the sentenceswith the job numbers. a Youapplyforjobs rnwriting. b Youphonesomeone aboutjobs Which of the jobs would be good for these people? Write the job numbers.(Sometimes more than one job would be good.) a someone wholikesbeingoutdoors ----1¿-"?_-_ b someone whoisdoinga full-time Englísh course c someone whoknowsa lotaboutcomputers d someone whoonlywantsto worka fewhoursa month Umfitl$ rusttheiob! B I'm going to apply 1 Which of these things do job applicationforms usuallyask for? Tick / the boxes. a yourpersonal detailsn e details aboutyourhobbies andinterests I b youreducational qualifications f the namesof two referees I f] c details of otherjobsyouhavedoneI youwouldbegoodatthejob I forthinking I yourreasons d details aboutyourhealthfl h yourreasons forwanting to workforthecompanyn CALLEDTO THE BAR Called To The Bar opened.in 2006 with the aim of providing its customers with fine food and wine. We are'alwayslooking for staff who can help us to do this. If yotiire interested in working for us, then we're interested in hearing from you. Pleasecomplete the following using BLOCK CAPITALS: POSITIONAPPLIED FOR: What attracted you to Called To The Bar? Full-time E Part-time ü What do you think you canbringto CailedTo The Bar? Title (Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss) Do you have a valid work permit? (if applicable) YES tr Name and address of Émployer PERIOD Dates employed from / until Position Held FTIPT NO ft Reasonfor leaving PERIOD Lunchtimes Evenings Public Holidays Ifyou ve answeredNO to any of the above,pleasespecifi' when you will not be able to work. 1 How will you travel to work? 2 Do you haveexperience and/orqualifications relevantto this business? YEStr NO tr (lfYES, pleasegive details) 3 Which, if an¡ additional help/facilities will you requíre to enableyou to carry out yow duties?e.g.wheelchair access 4 What commitments do you have outside work?........................................ It is the poliry of Called To The Bar üat there shall be no discrimination in respectof se5 marital status,colour, creed,race, nationality and ethnic or national origin, disabilit¡ political or religious beliefs,and that equal opportunities shali be given to all employees.ln order to ensurethe effectivenessof our Equal Opportunities polic¡ it would be of great help if you would tick the appropriate box. It is not, however, compulsory to complete this section and it will not affect your chancesof selectíonif you choosenot to do so. Pleasetick the appropriate ethnic/racial group to which you belong. Afro-Ca¡ibbeantr Asianü EuropeanWhite¡ Othertr Address 2 Name.......... Address I understand that any inaccuracy or falsification of the information I have given may result in termination of my employment. I have completed this form personally and declarethat the above information is true in all respects. 7a @ wor* and Study rusrrheiob!umfrt16 i Skim the applicationform on the opposite page. What kind of vacanciesdo you think this company might have?Complete the sentence. What things does the applicationform tellyou about? Complete the sentences. a lt tellsyouabout ilhs'*e.-ni4hb--b*-yo"sqAds.s--Ípr. b lt alsotellsyou about Which of the things in Exercise1 does the applicationform ask for? Put the things in the order they are mentioned. Choose the job you would most like to do for Called To The Bar and complete the application form. You may need to continue some parts - previous employment, for example - on another piece of paper. rI 2n in 4l sn What other things does the form ask about? Why do you think it asksabout these things? Complete the sentences. a lt asksabout -nhgrr--e-X !s-tJU-go-V. -W-- !-ü-qrk-(-k¡{iJ¿!-qt,--?y9rw2,-.&) because Called ToTheBarneedsto know when uou'll be o.vúa,b|/- to r^lork b lt ask about Did you know ...? The Commissionfor RacialEquality (CRE)is a public organization in thetK whichdealswith racial discrimination andpromotesracialequality. It wassetup to enforcetheRaceReiations Acr of 1976. ,d becauseGlled ToThe Barneedsto know c lt asksabout because Called ToTheBarneedsto know d lt asksabou't because Called ToTheBarneedsto know e lt asksabout because Called ToTheBarneedsto know sffi "s$s#ffsffsss-'f**#***#* Cando checklisb Tickwhatvoucando. Can do Need more practice I canskima pageof advertisements'in a newspaper to find outwhichonesaremostusefulto me. job advertisements I c¿nunderstand andchoosea job which sultsme. I cancomplete a job applicatíon form. 7E A Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? lnformation istheonlythingyoucangetfromreading (Unit 12) a text.-.---lf youhaveto understand a difficultpieceof text,tryand putthesentences intoyourownwords. ------(Unitl3) Youusuallyskima textbeforeyouscanit.------(Unit l4) Youoftenfindlotsof examples in a dictionary which in yourownlanguage. hastranslations ---.-.(Unitl5) partof a text, Onceyouhaveidentified theimportant youwillonlyneedto readit againquickly. -_..-. (Unit16) J B Now read the Learningtipsfor Units 12-16 on pages 90-91. Do you want to change any o{ your answersin ExerciseA? C Skim the five texts on these pages. Decide which text these people would read. Write the letter of the text in the box. whowantsto do someexercise 6 someone ! whoapplied fora jobI 7 someone 8 someone whowantsto f¡nda JobI whowantsto sendan emailff 9 someone I O someone whowantsto checktheirspelling I Infairness islimited toa toall,useoflibrary computers peruserperday,subject maximum t0availability. of60minutes isrestricted to15or30minute Useofsome computers sessions, and0nthese computers thedaily maximum maybe spread thanonesession. lf nobody elseiswaiting, overmore allowyout0stay0na computer staffmayattheirdiscretion forlonger time,butyoumustleave it onceit is thantheallotted yourcomputer required Youmustleave atthe byanother user. endofyourallotted timeandwhenrequested todosobylibrary libraries. staff. Booking systems areinoperation atmany youleave your youmust Before term¡nal, clickonthe'End Session' icon, andfollow thesimple onscreen instructions. Thisclears allyourworkfromthecomputer. lf youdonotdo this,yourworkmaybeviewed bythenextuser. Please willbeunavailable forthelast15 notethatcomputers minutes thelibrary before closes. isfreeofcharge, butprinting 20pper Useofcomputers costs A4sheet or Please the Print colour). click on button only {black print. w to buy sh a Vou lf TextC OasisSportsCentre TextA -abte a Add -able to words which make senseon their own. able+drink=drinkable able+adapt=adaptable b Use-able after a hard "c" or hard "g'1 educable navigable amicable [The "c" and "g" here are hard letters.l c Drop the "e" when you add -able to a word that ends in "e'i value+able=vaiuable -ibte a Add -ible to lettersthat do not makesenseon their own. sens+ible=sensible vis+ible=visible b Add -ible to mostwordswith "s" or "ss"beforethe ending. responsiblepermissible c Use-ible aftera soft"c" orsoft "g'1 legibie eligible invincible[The"g" and"c" herearesoft letters.l @ worx and study - Memberscan book most Bookingsand cancellations activ¡tiesup to six daysin advance.Non-mernbers can up to fivedays in advancebut must book mostact¡vit¡es pay at the time of booking.48 hoursnoticeis requiredfor cancellations. Failureto complyor no-showswill resultin the full chargebeingmade. PersonalBelongings- Bagsare not allowedin activity areasand mustnot be left unattended. Lockers- Lockersareavailablefor yourbelongingsat all centres.t1 refundable, [0.20 non-refundable. Faeilitieainclude: Indoor/Outdoor SwimmingPool FitnessCentre GroupExerciseClasses Squash Café Openinghours Monday- Friday6.30am- 1Opm Saturday- Sunday9.30am- 6.00pm ttnits 12*16ReVfieW2 TextD ffi¡:- " - ,. -.- -;r:¡$*EÉryg ?Áe!É";.;--__._ -. ---.--**ñ Job Title Admin¡strator Safary/Rate E7.67per hour Location Liverpool Job rype TEMP Job reference 4475432 l.| ll lll ll lii l-3i, sEND ro A FRTEND aoo ro BAsKET ron roe $$ F $ 1i $ lmer_v Description lll A n e n t h u s i a s t i cn d i v i d u awl i t h a l i v e l yp e r s o n a l i t y a n d g o o dc o m m u n i c a t i osnk i l l si s n e e d e do n a temporarybasisto coversick leave.Main responsibilities include:enteringinformationinto d a t a b a s ef/i l i n ga n d p h o t o c o p y i n tga, k i n gc a l l s a n d b a s i ca d m i n i s t r a t i vt e a s k s .A p p l i c a n tm s u s tb e availablefor an immediatestart and be IT literare. Benefits Canteen,free parking ll ll TextE Dear Ms Maldini, APPOINTMENT OF JUNIOR SALES ASSISTANT Thank you very much for attending an interview last week. We had an enoÍnous responseto our advertisement. This meantthat it was very hard to choosejust one person from the many applicants, yourselfincluded, who had the experience, qualifications and personality we were looking for We wish you every successin finding a suitable position. Ii in the future, we advertiseanother vacancy,pleasefeel free to apply. We will be very happy to consider your application. Yours sincerely, Kylie Graham(Mrs) PERSONNEL MANAGER".WR . ,.. .i, lil lli lil u D Readthe rules in Text A. Tick / the correct word ¡n each pa¡r.You will find only two of the words in the text. 11 sensable sensible fl I l2 valueable valuable I f] 15 payaDre payiblef, Ll 14 impossible impossable I f, A friend tells you about using the library computers.ReadText B and decide if what yóur friend says is true (T) or false (F). youcanonlyusea computer 15 Sometimes for quarter of anhour..--___ 16 lf nobodyiswaiting youcanuseit to usea computer, foran extrahour."-.--_ 17 Youmustclickonthe'EndSession' iconbeforeyou beginwork._._.__ 18 lf youclickon theprintbutton,youwillhaveto pay 2op.-----. Read Text C. You have joined the sports centre and you decide to book a squashcourt for the following Sunday.Answer the questions.Write two or three words. l9 What's theearliest timeyoucanplay? 20 Whichdaymustyoucancelif youcan'tplayandyou w¿ntyourmoneyback? -----_-_____ 21 Wherecanyouputyoursportsbagwhileyouplay? 22 Canyou havesomethingto eat afteryour match? G Readthe advertisement(TextD). Here are some sentencesabout Gabi Zilliken.ls the job suitablefor her? Write (Y)yes or (M no. job.______ 23 Sheis looking fora permanent 24 Shedoesnotlikeusingthetelephone. ______ 25 Shehasjustarrived in Liverpool andhasnotgota job...-.-26 Shehaslotsof experience usinga computer. ____.. H lmagineyou are LuciaMaldiniand you received the letter (Text E).Which of these sentencesare true? Write the letters in the boxes. 27-30 rNTf, Thejob on offerwas in a shop. Luciawas interviewed lastweek. Lotsof peopleappliedfor the job. Workingat Wright'sis veryhard. Luciadid not havethe rightqualifications. Shehasalreadygot anotherjob. Thereis anotherjob available at Wrighfs. o h Luci¿didn'tget the job. d b c d e f Thissection contains a listof wordswhichareimportant for canyrng outthereadingtasks for eachunit.Youcanusethe listin threeways. I Youcanlookatthe listbeforeyoubegintheunitand makesurethatyouunderstand the meaning of thewords bylooking themup in a dictionary. 2 Youcanlookat thelistbeforeyoubeginthe unit,buttry andworkoutthe meaning of theworáswhenyoumeet themin the unit. 3 Youcanlookatthe listwhenyouhavecompleted theunit andcheckthatyouunderstand thewords. Whenyoustartusingtheboo( youmaypreferto usethelist in thefirstway.However, youwillfindeachwordin oneof thetexts,andtheconteK- thewordsaroundthe unknown Ur¡Etl ReadingA (bewithin)easyreachexpression takeaway noun (+ odjective) statione/s noun --________--_. store noun word- willhelpyouto workoutitsmeaning. Asyoudevelop yourreading youwillprobably skills, realise thatit is nor necessary to lookat thelistbeforeyoubeginthe unit.You mayalready knowsomeof thewords;youwillbe ableto workoutothersfromthetexfor thetask. Eachlistisa recordof thevocabulary of the unit.Youcanuse it asa checklist whenyouhavecompleted the unit.There is spaceaftereachwordto writea translation in yourown language or an English expression usingtheword,Markeach wordthatyouunderstand pen. andcanusewitha highlighter Thereis alsospacebelowthe wordlistfor youto writeother wordsfromthe unitwhichareimportant to you.Lookat Appendix 3 for ideason whatto recordfor eachword. Umffi2 ReadingA packetnoun package noun (alsoeconomic) economical odjeAive (non-)urgent odjective branchnoun laundereüe noun drycleaner's noun optician's noun bikerental(store)noun ReadingB prescription noun (check)noun maintenance (For)furtherinformation expression (on a) voluntary @asis)adjeAive (for)noun responsibility donation noun 82 ReadingB goodsplurolnoun (samples) commercial odjective pluralnoun customs formnoun gift.noun valuenoun pamphlet noun u¡etuIlansuaseAfOpemdfiXf Umilü3 Umñt5 ReadingA ReadingA production noun ovationnoun ÍrioA adiortÁp ReadingB concession noun bankholiday noun bookingfee expression boxofficenoun noun discount noun Parntsn tender adjective exportuerb ReadingB chalkboardnoun enormousooteúrve reasonablypricedexpressr on ---------.-.---- membershipnoun UmiltG UmEü4 Reading A restrictionnoun plurolnoun cosmetics toiletrynoun getnoun pastenoun sharpodjective disposeof phrosalverb cabinbaggage noun obscureverb destination noun departure loungenoun consume verb acqureverb ReadingA downtownnoun (no) curfewnoun overallodjective noun ratrnS atmosphere noun budgetnoun kiosknoun laundry noun bed linennoun accommodation noun ReadingB validadjective no-snow noun chargeverb ReadingB plurolnoun customs declareverb prosecute verb allowance noun process verD refundverb balancenoun due odiedive fee noun ln acvanceexpresston confirmation noun ---------. outstandingodjective AiOPertdnxf usetullansuase Umfrt? Umilü9 ReadingA cablecarnoun ReadingA noun Sraze tre¡tmenf uaarial u,lul n¡lia¡+Áta u u,LL.rvL self-service odjectwe Aelm nnr rn nñl ln bacteria noun woundnoun infectedodjective (gloves) disposable adjective sterileadjective swabnoun ReadingB antiseptic(wipes)o djective stability noun ------------ bandagenoun -----------casualW noun injuredodjectíve r"!mfit8 ReadingA pacKaSe noun Értverb downloadyerá unlimitedodjeaive networknoun broadbandnoun landline no¿ln off-peakodjective ReadingB injurynoun condition noun makeyourownarrangements expression dislocation noun frustratingodjective iUmfrt {$ ReadingA cureverb Reading B dial (diea\ vcrh incoming adjective taultnoun hearing aid(set)noun casnnoun award verb 80 under the UsetullanguaseAfOnem6rilX f ReadingB ReadingB noun Oank)statement acronym noun tripserverb Umffil3 I1 Umñü ReadingA browse verb---.---. - --application lormnoun confirmation noun ReadingA familvallowancebooknoun 'smiley'noun currentodjective hveverb renewyerá ReadingB inboxnoun giveup verb workout verá unableodjecfive linknoun ReadingB overdueodjective (fee)noun reservation visually impaired expression disability noun publiccareexpression concesstonary tale noun discretionnoun lssuenoun finenoun registered odjective UmEt12 ReadingA eligibleodjectrve notlfyverb refundable odjective -----------:-----.--- APPemdnXf usetullansnrase Umffi14 ReadingB availableodiective ReadingA (not) fancyverb --,----------culturalnightnoun process verb focuson phrosalverb workshop noLtn ------------ leaclins66licrfive noun ------.--..srounding Íaulty odiedive J"1l-t'-1'Íi1íÉ-¿ noun Astroturf realignverb noun_-_--------posture ------..-infhirosatverb iu,ti.iput" Umñt16 ReadingA noun-----------v¿cancy salarynoun---vitae)noun CV(curriculum ReadingB noun-----------coaching t6.l'rnlar:n nnr rn lLlr rrrrL¡ur I (well) motivatedodiective UPH'¡!v' ¡t ¡ exhibitionmatchnoun naryadiective extraordi noun introductory Package Umffi15 ReadingA profilenoun noun-----------' employee seasonal temporary noun -----------officer prevention loss noun.----------department Dersonnel ReadingB specifyverb ------------noun- ---------cualific¡tion enableverb noun access plurolnoun -----------equalopportunities noun-----------discriminatron maritalstatusnoun --rraaA nat tn elhnicodiedive odjedive compulsory noun inaccuracy noun -----------falsification termlnatlon fioull ---------:-- Eachunit of this bookcontainsoneLeorningfrp.However, this doesnot meanthatthis Leorningfip is usefulin only that particularunit.MostLearníngtips canbe usedin several differentunits.Hereare all the Learningfips in the book.Each one is underits unitheadingandyou will alsofind a listof the typesof textyou readin that unit. Whenyou havecompleteda unit,decidewhichtextyou used the Leorningrtp with (thiscouldbe morethan one tefr type). ln addition,lookat the ofherLeorningripsand decideif you alsousedany of thosetips in the unityou havejust finished. Makea note of the unit nameand numberand the texttype on the emptylines.In thisway,you can keepa recordof the readingstrategies that you are developing. lfr¡Eti{ Is there a bank? ililiiliti* Airnmit, ptease! Learning tip :..: Weoftenlookat a text guicklyto findoutwhat it is aboutor to get a generalideaof its meaning. Welook at picturesandheadrngs, aswell asthetext ltself. ThÍstypeof readingis caliedskimmingWhenwe getthe rnainidea sklm,we don'treadeveryword.:We anddon'tpayattentionto the smalldetails. A leaflet B leaflet n T Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? Learning tip Wesometimes iookthrougha text to flnda particutar pieceof information. Thistypeof readlngis called scanning.\Mhen we scan,we don'treadeveryword. Weflndthe information we'relookÍngfor andthen stopreading. Wedon'tpayanyattentionto the restof the text. A leaflet f] B notices n l{jr:iiü* whar'¡ on? Learning tip Whenyouread,it isn'tnecessary io understand every word in the text.Youonlyneedto understandthe partsof the text which contairlthe hformatlonyou a-a oIv Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? la^lr-^ rvv^[lg {^- IuI. A programme B leaflet T T Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? a7 tÉsrs APPgmd Ex2 x'e*rxa*lxs :,,¡il4 what's in your luggage? .,fii;;:'.iffisomewhereto stay Learning- - tip tearning tip As youread,try to work out the meaningof unknornm words.Usepictureswherepossible. Findothelwords inthe text whichcanhelpyou,Folexample, find a synonym(aword with a sÍmilarmeanlngto the unimownword),an antonym(awordwhich means rhe opposite),or an exampie.Onlyusea dictionaryto checkyourguesses. Beforeyou reada text, think aboutthe topic - either in youroumianguageor in English.Useyour knowledgeandexperienceto try andpredÍctwhat thetext - thewholetext and/orpartsof it - w111 say.Youprobablywon't be ableto predictthe exact words,but it will helpyou understandthe text if you canpredictthe kind of tfung it wiii say. A webpage B notice n tr A webpage B webpage tr n Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? .-':,-:=r.S $lhereshall we eat? ,,,r,,'-,:i..? On top of lbble Mountain Learning tip Learning tip Ow purposein readinga text is to unde$tandthe wdter'smessage. Thtsmeansunderstanding the wordsthe writerusesandalsounderstanding what thewriterwantsto dowith thesewords.Theycould presenting be grvinganiristruction, facts,g[vingrhe writer'sopinion;etc.Understandilga text requiresus to workoutthe fundionof eachsentence. IAIhenysu comeacrossan unknownword,don't stop. Continuereadingand- if youthirlk it is an important word- comebacktoit later.TTyandworkoutits meaningDecldewhetherthe wordis an adiective, noun,verb,etc Thinkaboutsimilarwordsin yourown languageandsimilarwordsin Engllsh.Lookfor any examples whichillustratetheunknornm word.Look at anypicturesfor help.Lookfor a word youlnow wÍthintheword.Also,the context- the wordsaround ihe unknownword- shouldhelpyou to try andwork outits meaning, Askyourself:\iVhat couldthisword meanhere?Youmight not be ableto work out the exactmeaningof a word,but youwill probablyhave a goodidea. A guidebookI B webpage n Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? A leaflet I B ticket f leaflet I Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? 88 i,':'' fipp*mdilxz It's ringing ",,',,$ tearning tip What's in the news? Learning tip Whenyoureada text whichcompares srmilarthÍngs, usea chartto recordthe mostimportantpointsfor comparison. Thistypeof note-taknghelpsto simphfy the information in thetext. Readingforpleasureis the bestwayto improve yourreadingIt is aisoa wonderfulwayto meetnew words.Identifywordsthat areusefulio youandkeep a vocabulary notebook ofthesewords.Grveeach pagea title,e.g.sport,,educationandwriteuseful wordsin a hst.Foreachword,notethemeaning, the partof speech(noun,verb,etc.),anythingspecial aboutits grammaror style(fonnal,informal,etc.)and writea sentence which1srelevantto vou. A leaflet I ó nolrce I I Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? A newspaper articles B newspaper article T T Which other units have you used this Learningtip : , l'i:ii:Don't worry! tn! Learning tip youneedto ldentifythe Whenyoureadinstructlons, - this mostimportantinformation in eachsentence tellsyouwhatyouhaveto do.Writersoftenuse commas(,)to separate a wordor a groupof words fuomanotherword/ groupof wordsin thesentence. Youcanusecommasto helpyouworkoutwhichis pan of thesentence themostimportant A pagefrommanual f} B leaflet I Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? r':,rir]r I've got to checkmy email Learning tip Whenyoureada message thatsomeone hassent you,aiwaysaskyourse)f why thepersonhassentyou themessage. Thinkaboutits mainpurposebeforeyou readmorecarefullyforthe details.Thlswrllhelpyou to understand themessage moreeastly. A emails B emails T T Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? a9 APPemdfix2 Learninstips Ur¡ffií2 Is tlrat spelt correctly? A chapterfrom book n B sections frommanuals n Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? Um"ñ13 How do I ioin? A webpagetr B leaflets tl Which other units have you used this Learning tip rnl Umffil4 At the sportscentre A notices n B notices I Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? Umffil5 I'd tike to work here A webpage X B webpage X Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? Learninstins A[arpgüildnx2 Umfitl6 ¡ust tlre iob! Learningtip w. or,* ,*l i.", -,ookatit quickly- to find " whichis mostusefulto us.We thepartofthetext canthenignorethe restof the text andfocuson the impor[antpart.Wereadthe importaff part stowly, andwe probablyreadsomewords/phrases/sentences morethanoncein orderto understand the d€tails. A advertisementsn B application form n Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? What kind of dictionaryshould I use? lf possible, youshouldusetwodictionaries: (in bothyour a goodbilingual dictionary ownlanguage with and English translations) anda goodmonolingual dictíonary (English wordswithEnglish definitions). A monolingual dictionary maygíveyoumore information abouta wordor phrase; in addition, it is a goodideaforyouto workin English asmuchaspossible. Theexamples on thesepagesarefromtheCombridge Leorner's Dictionory. What information can lfind in a dictionary? Themostcommonreason for looking a wordup in a dictionary isto findoutits meaning. However, a dictionary c¿nalsogiveyoua lotof otherinformation abouta word.Ihe CombridgeLeorner's Dictionory, for example, cangiveup to sixtypesof information beforethemeaning of thewordandtwofurthertypesof information after rt.Theseexamples areallwordifromUnitL 1 thebaseformof theword ixTI?"tffi',#'1,"'0 rlibrary l'l^tbraril nfru\ {cl a room or building that contains a coüection of books and other w]lltten materi,al that you can rcad or borrow 2 thepronunciation of theword fhesesymbolsshowyou howto saytheword. r-**,**..*"./{t'%-*fu*!!^b j *frequently /'fri:kwanrli/ adverb formal | ÍreawntU a^sled ouestinn a 3 its partof speech Thistellsyouwhatpartof speechnoun,verb,adjective, etc.- a wordis. enjOyable /rn'dgrrabl adjectiúe An enjoyable evgnt or expérience gives you pleasure. lüe hid a úery en|otablz euming. 92 of\ena { f, Using a dictionary 4 anyspecial grammatical features of theword - but [Q showsthatthe nounis countable in thiscasethesingular formis lesscommon \ POSSeSslOn lp¿'zefnl noun 1 tljla thing tbat ;' you own [usuallyplural]personal possessions o He woke up n dismuer that all hispossessricns : had beenstalen.2lülfonnalwken you have or j ou¡n something I haae in my possesston a pholograph uhitl¿ nay be of ¿nterestto yau. \ ¡ ,' i: I I L***r**t*-,*.*'-.f+-eg5a"."1.eÉ,*s'5pr*".-*t=.Á' pasttenseforms,pluralnouns irregular andcomparatives/superlatives Plurals whicharenot regularareshown. -**--_i j*-'-*^-*.j *hus n nv nnun lcl plr¿ral busesa large vehicle that carries passengersby road, usually along ; ) afixed routea schaolbus t¡, li. ü4ffi 1f1+- whether thewordis usedonlyin British (UK)or American English (US) English I ¡, +Í:q"fq:ryh:eetC .:dY.+¡é€¡rf UKmeansthata wordis onlyusedin Brit¡sh English; USmeansthata wordis usedonlyin American English. i takeaway ,"terkawer/UII (üS takeout/'rcrkaot/) nnun lgl a meat that you buy Ín a restaurant buteatathome i i!-F€Édry-F{f i !¡M,'::¡¡*-4}l1if; ,"-n 7 the meaningof the word t É i ir:1*rydrF+, *-',-".". _ l t q i?.:ry:; .--.-'-.-""-,,rt rf"¡-+"4-, ' gel lO3elrnnun lC,ul a thick. clear, liquid sub.t;, stan@,especialJya product used to style hai¡ hatr gel o shower gel j' L*rft lry,tf phrases 8 example or sentences :,t:::€*:tiF9!flnitnf ?i*.t- l Thedefinition tellsyou whatthewordmeans. : t -**.'f OV€ñ /'rv'r¡/ noun lcl a piece of kitchen equipment with a door which is used for cooking food an elpctrir aum o d mi$ówaoe oúen ai'-picture cofour lhe Kitchenonpage2. i' :/j, (n rtollcs)can Examples you show howa wordis usedin a phraselsentence. 9 otherwordsthiswordgoeswith(collocations) I i i il discountt i'drsk¿unr/no¡n [c, U]a reduction in pfice Th4t affer a 10 Wcent dl.5count ok rail trd9elfor stud&ts, t**:+jryt'::t:r::.s:+.r¡de:n$f 1F€g "q¡er?:a¡++¡.¡: Wordsin bold in an exampleshowyou whichwordsareoftenusedtogether. { É É AppCmdfiXS usins a dictionary How should I use my dictionary? i At thetop of eachpagein theCombridgeLeorner's Dictionory, thereis a wordin bold black type.Youcanusethiswordto helpyoufindthewordyouarelooking forquickly. Thewordin the top leftcornerof theleftpageisthefirstwordon thispage;thewordin thetop rightcornerof therightpageisthelastwordon thispage.lf youarelooking forthewordwithdrawn,it willbe between thetwowordswitch (topleftcornerof theleftpage)andword (toprightcornerof the rightpage). wlü*.M r.st quhrül /É!¿'dhd rd@ir d übgto M !¡¡& rple N.r. ¡Y¡F /,ffijuret/ @ ffiñ iir.¡ tW, d ¡¡6 tuiMn: lo¡ p€s@ *hiaü6&a d I ¡uMbh, hd pento Eachtimeyoulookup a word,youcouldusea highlighter markthewordin yourdíctionary. Whenyoureturnto a pagewith a híghlighter mar( lookatthewordquickly andcheckthatyou remember itsmeaning. f*--"*-*--' Fssrci /r& ru, i K q ¡tu krd tessFdded¿p&r/d¿tat(¿b No&)aldFr@olrrssMq|@€d nakilal tui '--".'*-*"--*- j mainframé /'rnernfrerm/nnun lCl a large, powerfti computer which nany people can , useat the sametime mainland /'mernland/¡wun te mainland the mail part of a country, not including the islandsaroundit Adailyterry linhs the isldnds to the mainland- ¡ mainland a.djectiuelalway betorcftounlmainl¿,ndBritain ernainly lmenll a.duerbmostly or to a large degrce The u]r¿iavsses dre nwinly Ftürch. -: f' i I g l; l. ; ¿i i \ :t i-rgae.911%3::& A wordin yourdictionary maynotbe exactly the sameasits formin thetextyouarereading. Thisis because thewordin thetextmaybe:a verbendingin -s,-ed,-ingor an irregular formof a verb;a comparative or superlative formof an adjective e.g.bigger;a pluralformof a noun,e.g.children. 94 I Socialandtravel reh¡l{: /rjarldl ttoun lq plurat {hitdren1 a young psrson who is not yet an adult an eight-warold child o How many children are tfure in your class?2 someone's son or daughter, also when they are adults Both our children haw gÍoun up and fi$tled auay. oSeealso:onlychild, I Using a dictionary : Thewordsthataredefinedin thedictionarv arecalled headwords. Sometimes a headword canhávemorethan Thefirstmeaning onemeaning. in thedictionary is not alwaysthe oneyouwant.Readthroughthe different meanings anddecidewhichoneis correct in thiscontext, Wordswhichhaveseveralmeanings sometimes havea guideword youarelooking to helpyoufindthemeaning 'part', for e.g.in theexample belowthewords'region', 'subjecfand'size'areguidewords. Usually themost commonmeaning appears first.Thefirstmeaning in the dictionary is notalways theoneyouwant.Readthrough thedifferent meanings anddecíde whichoneis correct in thiscontext. Somewordsin yourdictionary mayhavemorethan (Smallnumbers oneheadword. afterthe headword will indicate this.)Thisis because thewordcanbe usedas partsof speech- forexample, different a verbanda noun. Thepartof speech of the unknown wordshouldbe clear fromthe context. i**-*---.h' residentiat l,rvt'óeafll / '\ { i i, afujwtire 1 A residen tial area has only housesand not of[ces or factories, 2 ¿rKA residential job or courseis one where you live at the sameplace as you work orstudy. Sl & F F 1 eafea /'eárial rozz I @! fg a region of a country or eity an inú,$tri&l area o a nnuntd,innus area o the tnndnn areo 2 tFÁRTl tci a part of a building or piece of iand used for a particular purTos€ a plailplcnic area 3W tl f lcl á psrt of a su\iect or actieity tufiaare is rmtrealty ft¿yarü oÍ ercperTts¿. 4EE lc. Ul the size of a flat surface calculated by mulüplying its width by its length csee also:catchmentarea,no-goarea. ehirer /h¿ra'/uerá[¡l I ull (yS rent) to pay money in order to use something for a short time TIW hird a cor fol a few ¡¿'¿elrs. OSeeCommon learner erroral rent. 2 to b€gin to employ someone Wehird a.ncw sÉretd¡n la.st¿oeeh, hire st'h out tIffto allow someoneto borrow sometiing ffom you in exehange for molrey ?he shap hir* out elec'trhelequipntpnt. hirgl /hare./ noun lul UK when you arrange to use sooeething by paying for il Th¿ price ¿nefud6Ílightsdr¿dcar hire. o hyouhann bi*es for hire? When should I use my dictionary? A dictionary isveryusefulwhenyouarelearning a foreignlanguage. However, when youarereading, do notuseyourdictionary toomuch.Usingyourdictionary will yourreading interrupt andslowyoudown.Inyourownlanguage, youdon'talways understand themeaning of everyword;it is notnecessary to understand everything in English either. 1 Whenyouseean English wordthatyoudo notknow,firsttryto guessthe meaning (thewordsaroundit).Youmayfind of thewordfromitscontext another wordwitha simílar meanin& a wordwhichmeanstheopposite, or somewordswhichactually explain theunknown word.Onlyuseyourdictionary to checkyourguess. 2 Theonlyothertimeyoushouldlooka wordup in yourdictionary is if thereare no cluesin thetextandyouaresurethe unknown wordis important. - i.e.morethan ('Therearesevgralhairdressers' f False, two.WendyBurnett's Lawrence arethe andAnthony whichalsooffeibeauty namesof thetwo hairdresser's treatments) l onqw€r: YourownenswerPossible I sendpresents ld liketo finda postofficebecause to myfamilyin Japanquiteoften.I'd alsoliketo findsome clothes shopsanda placewhereI canbuyCDsand games. computer Umf,tl B I b launderette d E f b d A t I lc 2b no la cyes dno eyes fyes BR b (thereis no longera postofficein Summertown) c BR d (thereisn'ta cinemain Summertown) e BR f BR threesupermarkets,, busservice, fruitshop,delicatessen, Lebanese shopandtakeaway, butche/s,'two bake/s, newsagent, threebank, statione/s, bookstore,health shop,cardshóp,computershop,branchof MAILBOXES EIC.,librarytwovideorentalstores, travelagent's, launderette, two chemisfs,hairdressels busesrunfrequently a True:(rseveral to andfromthe centre') True.(Unlessotherwise stated,shopping hoursare from9.30amuntil5.3Opm, Monday-Saturday') ('TheCoop is at the southern False. endof the (Martins) shopping areaandthe newsagent's isat the northern end') True.('Youcanalsobuystampshere - i.e.at Martins, the newsagent's) ('Thelibraryis openeverydayexceptWednesday' False. - Wednesday is theonlydaywhenit is closed) 96 ó n 5b d I n ' internetcafé/líbran¡ ' postoffice optician's bikerentalstore supermarket internetcafé hairdresser's chemist's bank optician's launderette yes(hotfoodto go) 5 hours Yourhairis longand/orextratimeis needed to cutyour i : ' hairin a certainstyle. no (development & printing- of photos) from lam to 6am Sunday 5rd September (ldeatEyeslld) Theoptician's Z0Opm Focnson forandfrom b'fromr c for d'for e for f from g for h For Yaurownanswer.Possible onswer: : Oxfamsellsthingsthat peoplegiveto the shopbecause Themoneyfromsalesis theydon'twantthemanylonger. usedto helppeoplewhoarein need. , Yourownonswer.Possible onswen l'd usethe supgrmarkets, the internetcafé,the chemist's andoneof thebanks, Answer key ,";:i Get ready to read Obposrcard cletter (parcelis alsoconecthere) d package O b leter c package d postcard e packet/package f letter O Theposcardfromyourbestfriend(d) andthe present (c) mightcomefromabroad. (TheCD-ROM (a) andthe packet fromthehotel(e) mightalsoconrefromabroad.) 9 Yourownons ler Possible answer. I sornetimes receivepadretsfrommy relations ín the USwhenit'srnybirthday. partsof the form shouldbe completed: 5 Thefollowing (t) large,cottonT-shirt (2) 25Og(approxi mately) ( 3 ) € 9 . e 9C B P (8) today'sdateandyourname 6 Youdon't needto completeparts(4) and (5) as it is a gift and not a commercial item. l.r.i'i1':r.'i! a":1'.¡,t¡.:ri-:.¡ a b c d International SignedFor Ahsure lnternational SignedFor Airsure .: lc 2a 5 a lf you areusingarrmail, you haveto stickan airmail * PARAVIONon the item sticker- or writeBYAIRMAIL of mail (envelopeor postcard). b lf youareusingsudacemail,you address itemsas normal. , a b c d .f f"1.21 €3.10 f0.64 84.02 one poundandtvropence (pence) : 8 one poundseventy-nine , h h,ryo poundsfourteen(pence) ' i trrvopoundsseventy(pence) j threepoundsand eight(pence¡ 4 b f2.61 c f].51 d €0.50 e fi.tO f €0.8j 5 Youcan sendthe lettersin b, c and e and the postcardin d by surfacemail.Theywouldtakebeh¡veen 7 weersand 2 daysand I I weeksand 2 dayslongerthanairmail. Get ready to read O Yourownenswer. Q Yourownonsr'/er.Possible onswer: I goto thecinemathreeor fourtímesa month. Q Yourownonswes. I Yes,allthreeshowsareon in February. fihe third- Spirit OfTheDance is onlyon foronedayin February or l,vo if it isa leapyearl) 2 TapDogsisa danceshow BloodBrothers isa musical. Spirit of theDance isa danceshow 3 b Spiritof theDance c TapDogs d BloodBrothers e Spirit of theDance f TapDogs 4 Yourownonswerc. Posstble onswers. TapDogsisa showwithAustralian dancers. TapDogshaswonanOlivier ¿ward T-^ n^^^ ;^ ^^ +^,,, r o P u u 5 > 1 5u | L U u t . I a2 b3 cl 2 c (because Australra is not in the EU)'Coods'means objectsratherthan money. a: printedpapers, b: smallpacket(if you aresendingit in a smallpacket- if you aresendingit in an envelope, you don't needto writeanythingon it) Yourown answers.Possíble answers'. a Beforeyou postthe book,you needto find out how much it weighs- it mustn'tweighmorethan 5 kilos. b Beforeyou postthe money,you needto find out about eitherthe Airsureor lnternational SignedForservice. BloodBrothersis abouttwo brothers. BloodBrothershaswon four awardsfor BestMuslcalin Londonand sevenTonynominations on Broadway(,A/ew York). BloodBrothershasbeenon tour to NewYork. Spiritof the Dancehaslotsof dancers. Spiritof the Dancehasthreetenors(srngers). 5 Yourown onswer.Possibleanswer'. I think Mervewill buy ticketsfor TapDogsbecauseher sisterlikesdancingandthisshowis on for a fullweekin (Theotherdanceshow- Spiritof the Dance- is February. onlyon for one day in February.) 97 Answer keY onswer" 6 Yourownúnswer.Possible the so I wouldn'tchoose much, very I don'tlikedancing My Brothers' Blood choose probably l'd danceshows. andhetoldmethatthe brotherstudiedin Liverpool, funnY' peopletherearevery Fosuson vocabulary b award c cast d stage f audience 7 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer: Yes,I wouldwantto becomea memberof a cinema'I soI wouldsavea lotof mone lovegoingto thecinema, Umf,ü4 ovation e standing 3 onswers" Possíble t Yourown onswers. I'veheardof thefilm.I thinkmy parentssawit whenthey t knowit'saboutsomeboyswhowantto werein London. goto OxfordUniversitY. onswer'. Yourownonswer.Possible Also,l'm goingto a quite interesting. sounds film The so l'd quitelike summer, in the Oxford in school language it, to see ticket: 85.50 Cilka's Kristen'sticket:f4.OO a € 11 , 5 0 b fro.50 A tb 2 'lhe4 c.an go tn üe boxo|frrn. 'lhe4 c,an pog cz.;.h or bg c.teüb cañ'. Theyneeda credit Yes(thereis a card(andtheyhave €1.50booking fee- for nonto takeit to the cinemawhentheY members collecltheirtickets). only) Theyneeda credit Yes(there card(andtheyhave i sa € 1 . 5 0 fee booking to takeit to the cinemawhenthey - for noncollecttheirtickets). memDers only) 6a (3 freeticketsPerPerson') on alltickets.Daytimetickets D F (Youget€ L50 discount cost andweekends for evenings tickets cost€4.00,but f s.) feesto Pay') c T (with no booking Café') at theSanctuary discount d T ('100/o person worth€ 19.50. per e T (Yougetthreefreetickets you to savea need E25, so costs membership Single ticket, each on get discount further€5.50.You € l.5O This €5.50. save to thenvouneedto seefourmore to start films of seven meansyou needto seea total money.) saving a LoüztrY a sharpitem a gel 5bx c (lt is notclearif youcantakeyourlaptopthrough fromthe webPage.) Security dx b things c notallowed d luggage e throwthemawaY Yes.(Youcancarrya laptopin yoursingleitem.of cabin A laptopmustbe removedfromthe bagand baggage. placedon a trayto gothroughSecurity.) in the departure a Yes.(Youcantakeall itemspurchased you aretravelling unless cabin loungeintotheaircraft anydrinks you finish must to the USA,in whichcase the Plane.) beforeboarding in the departure b Yes.(Youcantakeall itemspurchased you cabinunless aretravelling loungeintotheaircraft (e'g.toothpaste, to the USA,in whichcasenotoiletries soapetc.)areallowedin thecabin.) d No.(lt isveryclearfromthe webpageon Page22 that youcannottakea lighteron a plane') Anewer key b allowedS/ prohibited R c including A d applyS o nr rrrh¡<cd ( Yourfriendcanbuythewater,andthetoothbrush and toothpaste. However he/shecannottakethemon the plane(notoiletries purchased or cosmetics in the loungewillbe allowed departure intotheaircraft cabin andanydrinlsor liquiditemsmustbe consumed before boarding). 6 Possiblelnswers: a People fromtheEuropean Unionshouldusethe blue customs channel if theyarenotoverthelimitsfor importsfromthatcountry. b Otherpeopleshouldusetheredchannel if theynave goodsto declare or arenotsurewhattheyshould declare. lf theyhaveno morethanthecustoms allowance, theyshouldusethegreenchanner. B - Austria, t European Creece, Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands - Brazil, Non-European Canada, Japan, Saudí Arabia, Tunisia 2 a 1 , 2a n d 3 b 4,5and6 5 D 2ano5 4 Yourown onswer.PossibleGnswer. l'm fromRomania. PartI is mostusefulto me. | (if treis notsure, ^1 ot Focuson must, mustnT and danT have to a b c d e f g h i j 5a don'thaveto mustn't must it is necessary to it is necessary notto it isn'tnecessary to don'thaveto mustn't must mustn't People comingfromtheEUdon'tpayUKtaxbecause theyhavealready paidtaxon thesegoodsin the country wheretheyboughtthem. People comingfromoutside the EUdon'tpayUK taxon thegoodsshownin theposter- evenif they haven'tpaidtaxon themin thecountry wherethey boughtthem(unless theybringin morethanthe customs allowance). UrilfitS A I Youwouldprobablynotexpectto findbeochandfrees. (Although thesewordsareactually in thetextin this section.) 2 Youshouldunderline thewordsasfollows: - ingredients, Eating outin Andalucia specialities - savouryslice Pototos bravosandTortillo Españolo * grilled,batter Colomares Arroza la morinero- mixture,beach - order Salads Oliveoil- trees Answerkey c4 dl e5f 5b6 3 g2 - potato,sauce 4 Patatas bravas - potatoandonions(eggsarealso Tortilla Española neededfor the omelette, although theyarenotlisted) - tomatoes, greenpeppers, Cazpacho cucumbe¡garlig oliveoil,lemon,breadcrumbs, saltandsometimes grapes, almonds, melon,redpeppers, boiledegg - no ingredients (butsometimes Calamares thesquidis friedin batter) - rice,shellfish Arroza la marinera - asparagus, hard-boiled Salads eggs, tuna,artichoke, olives,onions,lettuce, tomato;Malaga salad- cod,potato, greenolives, orangesr onions, oliveoil Oliveoil- no ingredients Focuson ... vocabulary a fry fried,boiled,grilled b Possibte answers: I Salads givesotherfactsaboutit recommends thedishor makesa suggesüon Oliveoil givesotherfactsaboutit Yourown onswer.Possible onsweri I wouldn'ttry the calamares or arroza la marinera because I don'tlikeseafoodverymuch.l'd liketo trythegazpacho anda saladfordinner. B I Yourownanswers. 2a/ b./ c/ b False(lt is servedeitherhotor coldl) (Therearelotsof localvariations, c False whichmay grapes include ...') almonds, d True(A commonalternative isto cutthemintorings') e True('Thisis riceserved witha mixture lt of shellfish. doesnotcontain anychicken or sausagel) f True(Theyoftencomewithasparagus, hard-boiled eggs, tuna,artichoke, olivesandonions, in addition to Iettuce andtomatoJ) g True('Spain producer isthebiggest of oliveoil in the worldandhalfof itsproduction comesfromAndalucial) Thesentences areallaboutfacts. givesotherfactsaboutit recommends thedishor maKes a su88esüon loo d/ Answerkey Message a V,aza"C.rbto dz Bu',rgos,19t nen¡ verycneap- you thebarsnacks are a shopsdlxg ire c.rw,m (Las couldeasily have enorm0us Coloniales) a mealanda drink for €5 includes chicken in almondsauce, fried mushrooms stuffed withhamandsausage andlotsof grilledham andmeat Message b rightnextto the riveron theTriana (ElFarode side,at theendof the lsabelll Triana) bridge famousfor itsfishand seafood; themenu includes prawns and mixedfriedfish includes a menuof theday Message c in a busysquare(Santa Malala - youcaneatoutside (El Blanca) Cordobes)undertheorange trees Message d CalleTetuán, 15 in themain (llVesuvio) centralshopping district oneplatewasbig enoughfor two people verygoodvalue; menuof theday costs€7 veryreasonably pr,iced Message a mentions a cafésellingicecream.lt saysit is expensive, butít hasgotthebesticecreamthe reviewer hastastedin Seville. Message c mentions otherplaces (no names) which include additional charges whenyouhavethemenuof the oav. Halfthepeopleagreed withmessage c. Overthree-quarters of the peopleagreedwithmessage b. Morethana thírdof the peopleagreedwithmessage d. Yourownonswer.Possible onsweri l'd liketo goto oneof theSpanish restaurants first.l'd probably goto LasColoniales. I wouldn'tgoto ElFarode Triana because I don'tlikefishandseafood verymuch. Also,halfthe peopledisagreed withthereviewof El Cordobes, so I wouldn'tgothere. Yourownanswers.Poxibleonswersi Youcanusethelnternet. Youcancomebackat anytimeof night. Youcaneata mealthatsomeone elsehascooked. b z+-hourhotshowers c Restaurant d Internet e Lounge area f Setf-c¿tering facilities g Creditcardsaccepted h Safety deposit i Nocurfew 5 Yourownonswers. 6 Students shouldunderline: Atmosphere; Location; Facilities; Fun;Staff;Cleanliness; Safety; Value Focuson vocabulary b cleanliness c value e atmosphere f fun A I (youth)hostelaccommodation 2 Inthistypeof accommodation, youcanusually: - cookyourownmeals(b) - washyourclothes(c) - payby creditcard(f) Italianfood,veryfresh d location Cuestslikedthe location the most.At thetop of the webpage, it saysthatthehostel'isamonghugepinetrees rightneKto the BowRiver, yetcloseto downtownBanff'. b Yes(Private roomscost$75.00) c Yes(thehostelis'opento women,men,families and alltypesof group') d No('breakfast notincluded' in theprice) e No ('bedlinenfree') f Yes('luggage roomnotincluded' in theprice) Yourownonswers.Possible onswers: ls the safetydepositat Reception, or do we getourown boxandkey? Howmuchdoesit costto usetheInternet? Arethedormitories mixed? HowcanI booka bed? tol Answer key B theteKisa Howeve¡ givetheanswer. I Thetextdoesn't bookonline. soyouprobably webpage, byes cno 2ayes The answersthat 3 Thereare no rightor wronganswers. giveare in the longtexton page33' Hostelbookers 4 b 7 c 4 d 6 e 3 f 8 I 10 h ll i 1 je ks 5 Yourownznswers. onswersi 6 Yourownonswers.Possible ratedo youusewhenyoutakea deposit? Whatexchange HowmanypeoplecanI bookfor? Aretherespecialpricesfor groupbookings? Umffi7 7a Thestonebuildingin the photois a cottoge. 'clothing'and'gifts'areexamples af merchondise 'symbol'or 'logo'.Thisisthe pink, means here c Insignia thecableway blue,redandgreensymbolrepresenting The leaflet. the inside of the front and the is on which 'sign'insidernsrgnro clue. gives another us word at theyarenotavailable No,if the goodsareexclusive, k any otherplace. 8 Yourown onswers. B 2O04,l0;40am l 29thAugust 2 a PartsI and2 areaboutthecablecars. b Part3 is abouttheenvironment. 'thanks floor, to therevolving shouldunderline: Students vieu/' passengers canenjoythe360' degreepanoramic ' in highwinds' Firstpartof leaflet:... it is aerodynamic thefilledwatertankin thefloorof the Intheseinstances, Duringnormal weightandstability' cabinoffersadditional ... ' station upper at the is emptied the tank weather, cablecarscarry4 000 litresof partof leaflet:'The Second ' thewindyseason... during for ballast used water Focuson vocabularY b panoramic c aerodynamic d stability e upper f ballast animals,flowers 5a h l^-^^^ uor I IdSE reduce,lower Umflü8 A onswersi I Yourownonswers.Possible andtheseaonthe a Thereis a cablecar,a mountain A frontof theleaflet. b Todaywouldbe a gooddayfor a cablecartripbecause l Yourownonswers. Learner's fromthe Cambridge definitions Dictionary thereareclearblueskies. are: in l¿ollcs words for the Dictionary e{ dX c/ 2 b,/ froma (writtenmessage a text:to senda textmessage hours/times) 5 Yes(theopening phone) mobile 4 a 17h00 programs or information b downlood:to coPycomPuter adult)returnticketwouldcost b A normal(standard to a smallone large computer a from usually electronically, R80.00;a childticketwouldcostR 44.00;a senior plans, arrangements or objects, of packoge: a c BrouP ticketR44.00;a studentticketR 60.00;a familyticket e.8.o computer together, thataresoldor considered R2 1 0 . 0 0 pockoge thatyoucanwalkdownfromthetop of Table It suggests anylimrts d unlimited:wrthout Mountain. that or radiocompany large television a e netvvork: withthe heading: shouldtickthe paragraph Students this in olso areas, many programmes in broadcasts CURIOS SHOPATTHETOPCIFTSANDCURIOS CABLEWAY comPanY a telephone context r02 Answer key + broadbond:a system thatallowslargeamounts of information to be sentveryquicklybetweencomputers or otherelectronic equipment londline: telephone thatis nota mobilephone o [Advonced Learner's Dictionory only] n off-peak:notat themostpopular andexpensive time 2 1 Theywillgetloadsof inclusive texts,plusfree downloads to personalise therrphone. Racoon isfor peoplewhocalllandlines a lot.Theywill getextraminutes to standard UKlandlines, plusAnswer Phoneisincluded too. 3 Gnaryisforpeoplewhotalka lotoff-peak (rnfhe evenings ondot weekends). TheywillgeteKraminutes to chirpaway(the noiseo conorymokes,meoning'nlk' here)through thenightandallweekend long. mrnrmum cost lengthof call B I Yourownonswers.Possible onswers: a In ltaly,youneed509 I euroand2 eurocoinsto make callsfroma publicphonebox b Youcandialthe USdirect. c I thinkyoucanpaybycreditcard. d Theinternational codefor ltalyis 39. e Thenumberfortheemergency seruices is I 12. f I don'tknowthe numberfor directory enquiries. 2 Sections 1 and2 areaboutpaying for calls^ I minute exchange i rate i No.Thecallto Edinburgh wouldcostthesameasthecall wñhinLondon. (Localandnational callsarecharged at 40pforthefirst20 minutes. Thecreditcardcharge isthe samefor localandnational calls.) c (Thenoticedoesn'tgiveanyinformation aboutthecost of international calls. Theratesmentioned for Coinsana Credit/Debit Cardsexclude international [donotinclude] calls. Thissuggests thatcallsabroadaremoreexpensive thanlocalandnational calls.) a I lp, 2 2Op, 4 SOp,6 ft, 7 E2 bzzop,45op,6ft c no,onlydirectdialledcalls d onlyunusedcoins(if youputin a 5Opcoinandspear for 2 minutes, youwillnotget 10pback) e yes,incoming callsaccepted (O2O)78393450 Yourownznswer.Possible onswer. Usesterling coinswhenyoucan- it'scheaper. Forshort calls,usesmallcoinsbecause youdon'tgetchange from largercoins. 4 freebroadband, unlimited freecallsto yourMagicNumber 5 a Dolphin offers4 freedownloads. b Racoon offersfreetrafficW forthreemonthsandfree AnswerPhone. c Canary offersfreeOrangephotography forthreemonths. Yourownlnswer.Possible onswen I'd probably chooseRacoon because I usemy mobileto phonemy parents on theirlandline. depends on curreni Umñü9 A I 2 5 4 5 6 7 I Yes.(Hehasprobably cutor grazed hisknee.) wound casualty b cleanaround c dryaround d cover b plasterc disposable gloves d bandage a2 b I gentlydrytheareaaroundit Focus on nouns and verbs 2bdisplay c cost d phone e dial N V N V gphone/callV h charge V i cost N j dial N r03 Answer key also: 9 Youshould partof theplaster nottouchthesterile witha bandage secure thedressing to restthe injuredpart advisethe casualty (advisethe casualty to) supportit (theinjuredpart)in a raisedposition ¡uitha mi¡or Someon¿ lYoumightbe treated i4jurgmagh*ve to wath. limmediately. Youmaybe treatedby a Youmaybetreatedbya nurse- ratherthana doctor.doctor. Often,youwillbe allowed Youmightbe sentfor an Xrayor admittedto hospital to go homeafteryour for furthertreatment. treatment. Youmaystillhaveto wait Someone witha very ' Focuson sfop without 1 a bleeding b woundfrombecoming [: prevent 2 sentence a : finrsh; sentence P 3b4 c5 d2 e6 f I is busy minorinjurywhodoesn't if the department needimmediate careor treatingpeoplewitheven injuries. whohaswaited moreserious someone morethan24 hoursto go to to A&Emaybe advised seetheirCPor toldto call NHSDirectforadvice. lF P P B b l c4 d3 I a2 onswer: 2 Yourownonswer.Possible injuryisveryserious because sheis I don'tthinkCilka's - thíssuggests waitingfor treatment thatherinjuryisn'tso On A serious injurywouldbetreatedimmediately. serious. butthe injurymaybeveryser¡ous, theotherhand,Cilka's isverybusy. A&Edepartment straightaway by a qualifiedperson a willbe assessed haveto waitfortreatment b willusually paragraph 2; youmaybetreatedbya doctoror a nurse; you youwillbe allowed to gohomeafteryourtreatment; youwill to hospital; mightbe sentfor anX-rayor admitted to gethome normally haveto makeyourownarTangements fromthehospital paragraph 3: youmayhaveto wait;hospitalstaffdo all aspossible theycanto treatpeopleasquickly paragraph partof the 4: youmaybe referred to another NHS to get 6 Shewouldhaveto makeherownarrangements - shewouldprobably haveto call homefromthehospital a taxr. tümfrtlO A Possible onswers'. 1 Yourown onswers. theballwhen ArticleI A ballboyis a boywhocollects Thisis unusual match. it goesoutof playduringa football scoregoals! because ballboysdon'tusually Article2 Thefactthatthefatherhasbrokenhisleg withherfearof heightsis whiletryingto helphisdaughter - it istheopposite to of whatyouwouldexpect unusual happen. is intendedto improve surgery Article3 Cosmetic yourappearance. Coldfishdon'tusuallyhavesurgery - especially surgeryl cosmetic answersi 5 Yourownonswers.Possible the goalafterthe ballboy ArticleI Therefereeawarded goalkeeper. kicked theballpastthe Article 2 Themanwashurtafterhe iumpedfroma heightof two metres. to removea cyst Article3 Thegoldfishhadan operation Answer key Article1 goalkeeper, net pitch,referee, wide Article2 bottom,bridge,hurt,jump,nervous Article3 cyst,eye,knife,operaüon, pond 5 Yourown lnswers. 6 ballboy,scores, goal,suspension, draw,cup,tournament, play,shot,ball,feet,tapped, line B I Yourawnonswers.Possible onswers: Focus on verbs in headlines la ID scores b breaks (present simple) c gets 7/4 2 5 pastsimple(active) * (Notethat'get'is usedto meana lotof different things(e.9.'have','receive', etc.) Yourown onswers.Ihesesenfences ore from the website in whichthe orticles appeoredon the lnternet. a A Warwickshire manrescued afterspending three nightsin theAustralian outback hasbeensaved again* aftergeüinglostin thebusha second time. b A vengeful wifeputherestranged husband's dogin a home- andflushedhisprizedspiders downthe toilet,a courtheard. c Newruleswhichmakeit compulsory for more children to usecarseatshavecomeintoforce. d A 65-year-old manwaslefttrapped downa manhole for 45 minutes whileshoppers ignored his criesfor helo. Yourownonswers.Possible answersi ArticleI Whowasthereferee? Whatwasthefinalscorein thematch? Whendidtheballboyscorethegoal? Wheredidthe matchtakeplace? Whydoesthe referee facesuspensíon? HowdidtheSorocaba players reactwhenthe refereeawarded the goal? Article 2 Whojumpedoffthebridge? Whatdidthemanhit whenhejumpedintothewater? Whendidthe accident happen? Wheredidit happen? Whydid jumpingoffthebridge? thefathersuggest Howdid hegetoutof thewater? Article3 Whodescribed thegoldfish as'ugly'? Whatwas thematterwiththegoldfish? Whéndidthe goldfishloseoneof itseyes?Wheredoesthe goldfish live?Whydidit havetheoperation? How wastheoperation paidfor? Yourown onswers. 4 5 6 7 a Yes,I'vegota bankaccount. b Thenearest branch of my bankisabout2 kilometres frommy house,but I usethe banknearmy office. c I payforthingsI buybycreditcard.I payfor small thingswithcash. d I geta bankstatement oncea month. e Sometimes I'vehadto bonowmoneyfrommy parenTs , but l'veneverbeenin debtat the bank. It comesfroma newspaper. \bur own answers.Possible enswersi a Thesonof a vicarhasbeenbanned fromusinga bank because hewasoverdrawn by I I p. b lt is unusual for a bankto bansomeone for beingI i p overdrawn. Theheadline saysthattheboyisa vic¿/s son- vicars don'tusually do an¡hingillegal. Jerome Jacob People: the Reverend Neville Jacob Places: Romsey, Hampshire, (theban( a tea Copthorne, room) a3 b5 d4 e7 g6 {2 2 Theytoldhimit wouldbe impossible go to overdrawn whenhe usedthecard. 3 TheysentJerome a bankstatement. 4 Theyclosedhisaccount. 5 Theyrefusedto acceptJerome's apologyor to openhis account again. 6 A spokesman forthebanksaidtheincident wouldbe investigated. He'sastonished at theattitude of thebankHethinksit's ridiculous (of the bank)to saythatJeromecan'tgo back (openanother account) andthewayhe wastreatedis ou$a8eous. Otherwordsconnected withbanking are: intothe red: overdrawn debitcard: a plastic cardusedto payforthingsdirectly fromyourbankaccount Answer key Sheshouldreplyto Yvonne's email(2) - to confirm thatYvonne hasgotthecorrect address. h I SheshoulddeleteSally's oldaddress fromher address list.Sheshouldaddthe newaddress to the list. - it is 3 SheshouldcheckSara's emailaddress inconect at themoment.lf shereplies to oneof Sara's emails, sheshouldhavethecorrect address. Email1 makesa suggestion. 4 Sheshoulddo nothing. Ryuichi willreplyon or after Email2givesawarning. l0 October. Email 3makesareouest. 5 Shecaneitherdo nothing andignoretheemail- or she can learn more about PALSINC byclicking on Focuson email Engllsh the Learn more link. : that'sallfor now TAFN 6 Sheshouldclickon thelink. : TIA thanksin advance 5 Sheshouldenterhernameandbirthday intoStefan's @: l'msad,l'm nothappy, etc. calendar. a AFAIK b FYI c HTH d IOW 4 Yourown onswers. Possible onswersi First Name Matteo 2 IA 2C 3B LastNameBaldini 2B I 1C Dateof B¡rth12 lO 88 4 Yourownonswers.Possibte onswers: Emailaddressmatteobaldini @yahoo.it . ShecalledRyuichi yesterday. 5 Your Possible own onswer. onswer'. . Heremailaddress isgiuliamartinuzzo@yahoo.com. Yes,I getemails frommyfriends whentheychange their . She'sgoingto Brighton on Friday. (email getanautomatic email I Also, I reply addresses ). ¡ Shewentto Brighton lastmonth. (email fromoneor twopeoplewhentheyareon holiday o Shehasn'tbeenfeelingverywell. 4). l'veneverreceived theothertypesof email. . ShesawRaquel yesterday. . She'sgota newjob. ¡ She'sgotfriendscalledRyuichi, Raquel, Sara, Ewaand Stefan. AI F 2 F 5T 4T 5F 6T Sara(weknowthisbecause shewishesherfriendgood 7 r 9 F t 0 T i l F 8T luckandwe knowthatSarahasan examon Friday) C 12 scan Yourownonswer.Possible onswer l3 skim (Hi Raquel) It wasniceto seeyoutoo!Ryuichi andI arethinking about D 14 (notice)skim 15 (theatreprogramme)scan goingtothenewpizzeria notnextFriday buttheoneafter. l6 (restaurant review)scan Areyouinterested? Wecantalkaboutlunchthen. 2a ReMewi gwrxgher rtew ewüL *d.d¡ess checking Ciulia's emailaddress returning an emailwhichCiulia sentto the wrongaddress and/ortellingher that a messagedid not arrive Ryuichi - automatic response explaining whyhe can'treply invitingCiuliato join a website network for Ciulia's asking birthday l7 (leaflet)skim 18 (pagein a newspaper)skim l9 (email)scan E 20 skima restaurant review 2l scana notice 22 skima theatreproSramme 25 scana leaflet 24 skiman email 25 scana pageof a newspaper F 26 a theatreprogramme 27 a guidebook G 28-',2 DCeSr H55F '4T 55F 36F | 58 a hostelleaflet 59 a newspaperarticle 40 a hospitalnotice '77 Answer ke¡¡ J 4I maximum6 42 yes 45 no 44 yes 45 E3 K46e 47d 48a 49f 50b L 5I can'treceive 52 may not have 55 mustgrve 54 mighthaveto identify 55 may haveto say M56 E 57 H 58 C 59 F 60c 6ll 62D 65J 648 6sA N662 67 1 681 692 702 7tt 722 751 742 752 076 b 77 c P 78 elegant 79 funfair 80 ride 82 carousel Q 8l big dipper R 85 StarFlyer 84 SpinningTop 585a T Umñü12 Set ready io read Therearedifferences in all categories, a, b, c andd. , Yourowri ont*n1f?! Possible ."r!*/:t: .answers: - In British a grammar youusethe present English, perfectfor an actionin the pastwitha presentresult, e.g"I cant call'Sophie. I'veforgottenhernumber. In American youcanuseeitherthe present English, , perfect(asabove)or the pastsimple,i.e.t can'tcall Sophie.I forgothernumber. - In American b pronunciation English, tomotorhymes withpofofo.In British English, the'alíspronounced . fike'a( in poft. c spelling- Catalogue anddialagueareBritishEnglish spellings; theAmerican En$ishspellingsarecatalog anddialog. - Queue,lorry d vocabulary and/rtareBriüsh En$ish words;theAmerican wordsare/¡ne,truckandelevator. Q Yourown onswers. Q Yourown onswers. I A ; ag : goto an eatery/restaurant or youcanhavesomething : to eat l AIIthewordsareBritish English. 2 b nonmemberc traveler d color e liter 5bBE cboth dBE e BE f both I BE h both 4 bB cB dA 5 general spelling rules 6 b pyjamas c tyre d axe e Srey f cheque g moustache h doughnut b pajamas c tire d ¿ X e gray f check g mustache (or moustache) h donut(ordoughnut B u9l F 92 T 95 T 94 F 95 T V 96 Aprrl12 97 7.30pm 98 Belcea Quartet 99 Haydn, Britten andMozart chamber concerr 100 9amon Monday I TheteK isfroma computer manual. 2 Thewordnireis speltinconectly. Theshortcut is showing possible alternative spellings. 5 Theínstructions aregivenin thesectionI AUIOCORRE ADDINC WORDS. Notethatthecorrect spelling of niteis night. Fosrs on spelling Thewordsareallincorrect, andshouldbe spelt: b dictionary c error d feature e misspell f symbols g entries h automatically 4 Yourown onswers. 6 b sincerely c d e f advertisement which because beginning comfortable n successful i embarrassing I recetve 6 Answer key A I Yourownonswers. Possible onswersi Howmuchdoesit costto join? I'mnotBritish. CanI ioin? Whatkindof bookscanyoubonow? Whataretheopening hours? HowmanybookscanI bonowat a time? HowlongcanI keepthem? T (Thewebsitesays:'opento everyone living,working or studying in Oxfordshirel) b F (Youcangetan application form'fromany Oxfordshire library.) c F (Youcanusually borrow'twenty boolsat anyone timel) d T (Please askfor ourcurrentleaflet on hiringCDs, videos,DVDs,audiocassettes andCD-RomsJ) e T (Othermedia[i.e.otherthanbooks]arehiredbythe week-'You mustpayanadditional hirecharge for othermedial) f F ('Youcanrenewbook bytelephone, posfby using theonlineborrower services or at the libraryJ) Yourown answers.Thesomplequestionsin Exercise I whichore onsweredore: a lt costsnothing to join. b Yes,youcan. e Youcanborrowup to 20 booksat a time, f Youcanusually keepthemforthreeweek. Yourownenswers.Possible answers It'sfreeto joina library. Children canjoina library. Youmustshowa document withyourname,address and signature whenyouapply. a b c d e f 2 a B I Thewebsite says'youmustpayanadditional hirecharge for othermedia'(CDs,videos,DVDs,audioc¿ssettes and cu-Roms). 2 Yourown onswers.Possible enswers: a OVERDUE CHARCES FORBOOKS Youhaveto payif youreturnthe bookto the librarylate. b RESERVATION CHARCES Youhaveto payif youwantto reserve a book(orothermedia). Thelibrary willkeepit foryou. c AUDIOVISUAL HIRESERVICES Youhaveto payif you bonowa CD,video,DVD,etc. t08 !a2 b3 cl 4bC cC d C e C/C (botharepossible) fC Yourownanswers.Possible answers: b borrowing two DVDs c returning twobookswhicharelate d borrowing a yellowspotaudiobook e beenlookingfor a book.Nowhe/shewantsto reserye it f tryingto borrowsixCDs Students shouldunderline thefollowing information: Perdayforfirstweekl5p (leaflet 2) b DVDperweek€2 redspot(leaflet1) c 2ndweekor partweekoverdue € L5O(leaflet 2) .1 Audiobookper3 weeks 75p(leaflet1) c rate70p (payable Standard whenreservation made) (leaflet 3) f Upto 5 iternsin eachcategory maybe hired.(leafletI ) 7 Yourown Gnswers. Theanswerto one more possible questionin Exercise I in ReadingA is: f Youcankeepbook for threeweeks. Focuson word famllles (N),disabled(A) b disability c hired(\i), hire(N) - also(\r) (N),concessionary (A) d concessions (V),reservation (N) e reserve (V)- whicharereturned f return(N),returned h (v) printed(A) (A) i (\r) payable j (\r) following(A) (N) k (V)colleaion (N^/) (A) I refundable n disabled o concessions p refundable q collection r weekly Answer key B I Thesportis squash. 2 a (Thenoticesaysthatnewplayers of all abilities are A I No.(Hecando otherthingsat thesportscentre. Thereis anAlgerian cultural evening, andalsoa salsa workshop. yoga,aerobics, Inaddition, circuit training andpilates are formsof physical exercise ratherthansports.) 2 a Yoga, Aerobics andCircuit training areallweeklyclasses. b MixedS-a-side footballis nota class. c ThenotíceaboutPilates isfora classthatmighttake place. - YoSa 5 rvroncay - Aerobics Wednesday - Circuit Thursday training 4 a Tuesdav b +.sopmto 6pm c JohnCurrie 5 a doesn'tmention(lt saysthateveryone iswelcome.) D wouldnlhaveto play(Thenoticesuggests thatpeople goalongandwatchif theydon'tfancyplaying.) Focuson -lng forms I a grounding N booking V c booking V d training V e grounding N playing V taking V f clothing N g taking V always welcome, andthatthereisfreesquash coaching for beginners.) b Friday evening is squash clubnightfrom5.3Opm onwaros. c Thistakesplaceat thesportscentre. Clubnightis probably the bestplacefor Nobuto start. d yes(Hecouldhavelessons froma fullyqualified 'England Squash Level2 coach.) e Hecouldhavelessons whenit suitshim- at lunchtime or afterwor( for example. f Thelessons wouldtakeplaceat thesportscentre. lhey would cost f20 pei hourforoneperson, butif I Nobuhada session withtwootherpeople, thecosr wouldbe € 1Operperson foran hour. a Yes,it is possible for himto tryrealtennis.(Thereisa two-hourgrouplessonto give[him]the basics.) b anytime(Ata timeto suit[him]thissummer) c Crange Road, Cambridge d yes(a two-hourgrouplesson) e at a timeto suit f (sameasc) g Forf50 yougetan introductory eveninga two-hour grouplesson anda book. t,boü clubs h*ve :ctub ni4hIa trainrng N 6 Yourown onswer.Possible answer: l'd probably do theyogaclass- because l'vealready beento yogaclasses andI knowwhatit'sabout.I'd be - especially interested in theAlgerian cultural evening if someof myfriends wantedto go. bothclubshave TEAMS :thesquash clubisa workclub r- it'sforpeoplewhoworkat this :company - anyone canjointhe realtennisclub ,therealtennisclubhasexhibition - thesquash clubdoes , matches i not , bothclubsoffer I coaching ,youhaveto payfor an introducory ,lesson at therealtennisclub- it's freeat thesquash club welcome get :allabilities iyou a freebookat thereal glgb; 1a!u_o1f ilelllsglub i I onlytherealtennisclubholds lonlytherealtennisclubcompetes championships , in national Answer key B Foq¡s on -lnglotms2 b fascinating b 4 c intriguing c 2 d rewarding d 5 e entertarnlng e 1 The adjectivesintriguing,compellingandfoscinotingall 'very mean veryinteresting'. I Yourownonswers. Possible onswersi I thinka stockroom assistant checks theCDs,DVDs, etc,beforetheygo intotheshop.A temporary seasonal employee worksin theshopfora shortperiodof time, probably selling to customers. b She c She d Both e She T 5 Yourawnonswer.Possible onsweri l'd rathertrysquash atthesportsclub.lt wouldbe easy gamesbecause to arrange allthepeoplewhoplaythere workin thesameplace. Umfrtl5 S*€ ready t* rea$ * Yourown onswers. € b clothes c CDs d chocolate andsweets e jewelleryf DVDs * Yourown onswers. bOIN b Liamjoinedasa Christmas tempin thestockroom in Putney ... HethenjoinedHMVWimbledon. c Liamnowplansto atténdthe FastTrack Academy to get intomanagement, '... I havealways e Liamsays: beeninterested in music...i Hedoesn't mention films. a Christmas b to thewarehouse or to thecompany thatsentit to the shop c Shehadalready worked in a shop. d Thisisthesociallifewithotherstaff- whatyoudo together afterwork. 5 TeamLeader, Assistant Manager, StoreManager 6 Yourownonswer. A IaHMV UmEtl6 D MUSIC 2 yes Focns on joó and work a job b work c job f iob &** reaa*y** res# d jobs e work Youaremostlikelyto selldirectly to customers if youarea (Thestockroomossistant temporory seasonalemployee. and/ossprevention officerdon'tsellto customers. The managers willspendsomeof theirtimein theshop,but areunlikely to workdirectly withthecustomers.) 5 YourownonswerS 6 a Thestockroom assistant mentions thefirstthreebenefits: Oneof thehighest ratesof payin retail-'HMV pays well' - 'bonuses bonusscheme basedon Quarterly customer service andsaleseverythreemonths' -'The discount product 500/o discount is alsofantastic' b Thestoremanager alsomentions thatHMVpayswell -'HMV isa greatemployer, payswell' Yourownonswer.Possible answer: I don'treallywantto workin a shop.Butif I hadto work in a shop,HMVwouldbea niceshopto workin.I love watching DVDs, sothediscount wouldbe great. @ Yourown onswers. * Yourownonswer.Possible onswer'. l'd liketo bea tourguideor workin a shop. A I Spanish 2 7,8 5b7 c7 d8 e7 4 Yourownanswers.Posstble answers'. l'm notfamiliar withMicrosoft Office. I don'tusea computer veryoften. I don'twantto workevenings. I'd ratherworkmornings/ afternoons or weekends. I don'thaveanyexperience or knowledge in a of working hotel. I don'tthinkmy English isgoodenough. 5 2 Administrator 3 ITTechnician gardener 4 (temporary) 5 fruitpickerandpacker glasses 6 barandfloorstaff(peoplewhocollect in a bar) A¡¡r¡ 6 Yourown enswers.Possibleonswers(thesedefinitionsare takenfrom the CombridgeLeorner'sDictionory): a full-time: workingfor the wholeof the workingweek and not onlypartof it port-tíme: workingfor partof the workingweekand not all of it flexitime: a systemof workingin which peoplework a set numberof hourswithina fixedperiodof time, but canvarythe time they startor finishwork b temporory: existingor happeningfor onlya shortor limitedtime seosonol: happeningor existingat onlya particular oeriodof time Focr¡son vocabulary b salary ^ L -^^l:^-+:^^ f^.* dPPilLCLTUTI rUr il l d closingdate e CV (curriculumvitaelofin) f referee 2 Administrato¡:part-time(3 hrsa day - mornings, Mondayto Friday) : flexitime(flexibleworkinghours) gardeners 4 Temporary with Spanish: part-time,flexitime 7 Assistant : part-time 8 Receptionisl a 1,2,3,8 b 4,5,6,7 b 1 (Saturdays) 6 (eveningsand weekends) 7 (workfrom home) B (evenings) c 2,3,7 ol B t Applicationformsusuallyaskfor a, b, c, f, g, h; they sometimes askfor d and e. Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. Theremightbe vacancies for bar,restaurant and kitchen staff.Theremightalsobe vacancies for cleaners. 5lh Lrf 2g Theapplicadon fum qualificaixr)d educational e (detailsaboutyour hobh6 rrd Yourown answers.Posgblecn9/ver:t b how you will travelto work relersr o üc c any experience and/or qualificatro;rs business d any helpfacilitiesyou may needfor a di-brlr, e what commitmentsyou haveoutsidework Giieo ic .The Barneedsto knowabout b how you will get home afterworkinglate c how suitableyou arefor the job you are applyingfor d whetherthe correcthelpfacilitiesislareavailable e how manyhours/whathoursyou wouldbe ableto work Theapplication tellsyou about: a how and when CalledTo The Barstarted,and what it aimsto do policy- there b CalledToThe BarEqualOpportunities (whensomeoneis treatedunfairly is no discrimination becauseof theirsex¡race,religion,etc) 6 Yourown Gnswers. The CombrídgeAdvoncedLeorner'sDictionory hasthe followingdefinition:be called to the Bar - to qualifyas a lawyerwho canarguea casein a highercourt Someof the othermeaningsof barare; 1 noun a placewhereespecially alcoholicdrinksare sold and drunk 2 noun a straightstickmade of metal 3 noun one of the smallequalpartsintowhicha piece of musicis divided Rewñeury2 AIF 2 T 4 F 5F 5T 7E IOA C6C 8D 9B D l l sensible l2 valuable l5 payable l4 impossible l8 T E 15 T t6 F 17 F F l9 9.50am 20 Friday 2l in a locker 22 yes G25 N 24 N 25 Y 26 \', H 27-30 abch Real skills for real lif A brand new, four-levelskills serie skills Forphotocopiable try these activities, titles... 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