Andrea C. Hadisurja NIM: 01012170113 Akun C 2017 (Monday, 7.15 A.M.) Lecturer: Mr. Harriman Saragih Essay Topic: Implementation of Technology in Financial Services Thesis Question: How does the implementation of technology affect financial services? Financial Services Financial service is a general term referring to the services being provided in the finance industry in the finance market. The financial service industry holds a crucial role regarding the economy because they are a major help in the movement of funds from one entity to another. The entities in this industry are normally involved with management of money such as trading, lending and investing. The types of businesses identified in the industry include banks, stock brokerages, financial advisory or planning, securities trading, investment management or advisory and credit card and insurance companies. The financial services industry is the leading industry in earnings and equity or capital with the largest market resource globally. This industry features a fastchanging aspect or element in which the market of Financial Services can create the requirement for an entirely up to date network of solutions that are completely dependable and can operate effectively. The financial services market features an intense economic force; this includes being a powerful propeller of the nation’s economy. This is due to the fact that financial services organizations are needed by almost every company in existence in handling not only their entity but also in carrying out the best they can to satisfy their customers, handling other business practices, and in making day to day operations go smoothly. Many companies today and in the past considers working with institutions offering financial services nationwide or even worldwide as they are able to connect with other companies, their suppliers, shareholders, employees and customers better. Therefore, they are able to operate daily more efficiently with their finances being professionally handled. Technology in the Finance industry The role of technology in general is to increase efficiency in day-to-day activities. Similarly, technology in the business industry has also helped companies or businesses to minimize cost and maximize their output and profit. Due to the improvement of technology, businesses are able to make more environmental and customer friendly decisions, which increases customer satisfaction. In the recent decade, technology has played a crucial role in the business industry. Efficiency and effectiveness have greatly increased as companies started switching to more technology-reliant methods. Innovations such as high-tech machineries, artificial intelligence, and digital marketing emerged in the 21st century and almost every business in the world today have access to and or using at least one form of technology in their everyday operation. Technology has given businesses today an increased efficiency in dealing with problems within the business; in other words they are able to come up with faster methods to solve their problems. Predictive data analytic tools are available to help businesses detect and anticipate problems even before they happen, giving them an opportunity to form a plan and act as efficiently as they can when the problem then arises. Technology also provided easier and faster ways for businesses to reach out and connect with their customers. Technology is able to help businesses provide better service and satisfaction for their customers. With a single click, they are able to send orders to suppliers or a response to their customers. Employee training and selection for workforce became more efficient because online training and can now be conducted, including online interviews and education programs for specialized employee degrees. Other examples that can be included are videoconferences or teleconferences for remote interviews, virtual classes and online classes. The financial service industry uses technology as much as the business industry does – if not more, as they are also a form of industry in business but dealing more with currencies and money. The financial service industry has a direct link or connection to the nationwide or even the worldwide economy, therefore they must ensure their day-to-day operations to be as effective as possible as one mistake may be crucial. The industry requires extreme accuracy since a slight error or a slight mistake in currency and money can be a great cost to the nation. Technology in finance is known as FinTech – or Financial Technolgy. The online market is developing vastly, and it is expected that in the future people will make more remote payment transfers than in person. FinTech defines the disruptive technology that entered the financial service sector. People believe that technology is disruptive in this industry; mainly because of the way it was able to change the way we manage money. Financial activity is significantly transformed, from the way wealth is managed and payments are made. In some cases, technological advancements may cause the inverse of our expectation. Technology has helped to make everything move in a faster pace and more effectively, increasing the efficiency in the business world, but it is normal to expect a phenomenon such as cybercrime since everything exposed in the Internet is hackable and prone to it no matter now protected they are. Cryptocurrency: Digital Cash Cryptocurrency is a secure form of digital money, which is mainly and more commonly than not anonymous. The word ‘cryptocurrency’ is derived from ‘cryptography’, referring to the writing and solving of codes that are converted from information, making them impossible to crack. Cryptography is not only uncrackable, but it also allows transfers and purchases to be untraceable. Cryptocurrency is highly reliant and correlated to the Internet, which makes use of this cryptography. Cryptocurrency was created in the Second World War, where a more dependable or secure communication was required in order to exchange secret and confidential information. The concept was then developed as the era of modern technology emerges, where it was combined with information technology, computer science and mathematics to create a safe online platform where information, communication and money could flow and be exchanged. The earliest form of Cryptocurrency was found in 2009 by an alias known as Satoshi Nakamoto, called Bitcoin. One main characteristic of Bitcoin, is that transactions can be done directly person-to-person without any middle men required. Bitcoin is powered by the Blockchain technology, and it decentralized, meaning that it is not specifically linked to any governmental party. Without any links to an authority from the government, Bitcoin has no links to a bank or financial ministry as well. Due to this, Bitcoin can be sent to anyone in any place, at any time of the day, mostly for free without boundaries. Because of their anonymity, Cryptocurrency has been widely known as the center of money laundering and tax evasion due to its nature of being untraceable and uncrackable. The Cryptocurrency technology in general is not overlooked by any governmental instituition, making it easier for illegal activities to take place. The existence of such technology such as Cryptocurrency has its benefits, yet a number of drawbacks. With Cryptocurrency, two parties can easily carry out a transaction of funds. These transactions are minimal in cost, unlike the fees that are charged through a wire transfer through a bank. All the transactions that take place in Bitcoin is stored in an online ledger powered by a block chain. This ensures the safety of Bitcoin from hacker threats. This block chain method is also able to conduct online voting and crowdfunding, which in turn is able to minimize the cost of transactions and process payments more efficiently. One main drawback of Cryptocurrency is that due to its virtual nature and is not in a centralized server, a computer crash could easily wipe away all of the digital Cryptocurrency balance. A digital copy of the transactions must be made to avoid such situation. The price of Cryptocurrency exchange rate can change drastically depending on the demand. It is also important to keep in mind that anything regarding the Internet can experience cyber crime such as hacking. Although Cryptocurrency may be safe and receive less threat from hackers, it is not entirely immune to hacking. Although Bitcoin claims to be safe from hacker threats, it has experienced over 40 thefts, some involving over a million dollars. However, Cryptocurrency is still seen as a hopeful effort to a currency that does not involve a governmental party. The transactions done on a site like Bitcoin are irreversible; this is another downside to Cryptocurrency. Once a transaction is made, nobody can reverse that transaction. Since it is not linked or in authority to a third governmental party, the bank, the nation or even Bitcoin itself can stop that transaction even when it is done by mistake. Bitcoin accounts are not required to be linked with real-life identities although the transactions sometimes could be traced back. This means that the chances of error and illegal exchanges such as black market payments may be greater since every exchange done on the site is completely anonymous. The value we have on Cryptocurrency sites such as Bitcoin does not allow us to convert those that we have on the site to a more liquid form such as gold. However, Cryptocurrency is still heavily relied on because it is can be used in a fast and global manner, easily accessed, secure and without boundaries and influence from a nation’s political changes. The birth of Bitcoin encouraged the emergence of other forms of Cryptocurrency such as Ethereum, Okcoin, Ripple, Litecoin, etc. The Cryptocurrency market evolved faster and uncontrollably. The innovation of new Cryptocurrencies became an ongoing trend of attracting the crowd and getting left behind when a newer and more technologically advanced one emerges. Although new competitors came and go, Bitcoin remained to be the leader of the Cryptocurrency market. As a new Cryptocurrency site enter the market, users quickly invests and if the fail to adopt with the fast-changing market, they may never have their investment returned. This may seem as an uncomfortable way of gambling and currency trading, but people have always viewed it as a new generation of freedom in controlling how they want their money to flow and traded. Since it is not influenced by politics, the rise and fall of a national currency does not affect Bitcoin, which is why people prefer to invest in them since they consider this to be a much safer option. We are currently living in an era where technology takes over our financial advances. Companies have adapted their ways to suit to the new cybermarket that have been created, making their products tradable with the new form of currency. As more and more people start to invest in Cryptocurrency, the role that banks and financial institutions had are no longer significant. Banks and the government are no longer able to control the coming and going of the currency they once had control on. In relation to Cryptocurrency, the Internet and technology age have created a new space and medium where finances can be traded, not just in the traditional market of wire transfer and banks, creating an entirely new economy in its own name. Big Data Analytics: Making Better Decisions The tern ‘Big Data’ refers to the sets of data of high volume, velocity and variety. Big Data can be in the form of networks, files, transactions, applications, website and social media. One characteristic of Big Data is that they are mostly produced in real-time and at an enormous scale. The birth of the Big Data technology and the analyzing of it have allowed business researchers, analysts and companies themselves to be more efficient in decision-making as they are able to make their decisions more accurate and at a faster pace. Big Data comprises a collection of data that the business may not have access to previously, or the data could not yet be analyzed. Big Data makes use of complex techniques to carry out a large-scale and accurate analysis such as text and predictive analytics, machine learning, statistics, data mining, etc. With these advance techniques, businesses are able to explore and evaluate various data sources they previously do not have access to. A more accurate comparison for the new gathered data and the existing data previously collected by the firm could be conducted, therefore making decisions faster and on target. When we obtain more information and knowledge, we become more confident with the decisions we make. Big Data is able to hand us the important information needed to curate the best business strategy. In the world today, Big Data is important because it is able to change the way information is managed and derived. The use of business information is slowly being changed and evolving with the existence of Big Data analytics. The main users of Big Data are industries such as banking, education, health care systems, manufacturing, retail and the government. Each industry has one use of Big Data in common, which is the insight that Big Data can give and the access to multiple sources of information, making them more efficient in decision-making and minimizing cost. Big Data is most effective not on its organic form. It is useful because of its ability to process and analyze data, giving special insights and services. The existence of such technology increases efficiency and encourages innovation. The information obtained from Big Data can be easily stored with minimal cost, cheap and abundant. An example of the use of Big Data in real life is in UPS (United Parcel Service), an American company that specializes in package delivery. UPS places sensors in their transporting vehicles to track their movement and whereabouts. A company as big as UPS with motion activities going on each and every second require such technology to ensure everything is going well and is in place. The sensors release data, which are collected by the server. These sets of data are collected and are used in monitoring the company’s day-to-day performance. UPS also uses these data to reroute their drivers in order to get their packages as effective as they could. With the help of Big Data, UPS is able to save on gallons of gasoline, in other words they managed to minimize cost. As the number of customers increase, organization in the financial service industry, including banking and insurance seek to incorporate technology in every aspect of their operation. They are working towards transforming their system to convert to a fully data-driven approach to improve their services for better customer response. Techniques such as analytics are as important in the financial sector as they are in other industries. The level of services an organization has is in relation to the number of customers it is currently serving. As the number increases, the levels of services are also affected since there is only so much a level of service can handle. The common process of data analysis is able to simplify the process carried out in banks in monitoring and evaluating, this includes sorting through the huge amount of data only containing customer’s personal and security information. Big Data allows the development of such data to keep up with real-time customer behavior while presenting any resources the company may need any time they need them. Real-time evaluation is able to improve the performance and profit turnover, providing support for the organization for further growth. An example of a company providing Big Data services is Datameer, who served big name such as Citi, HSBC, Barclays, etc. They claimed that in the combination and analyzing of data in high volume such as location, information and transaction is able to help organizations in the financial services industry to pinpoint any inconsistency or irregularity that may lead to embezzlement. The use of Big Data is able to reduce the risk of these embezzlements drastically and heighten security of within and outside of the business. Based on the discussion above, it can be seen that the use of Big Data is mainly focused on supporting customer experience, operation optimization and employee engagement. Although Big Data may offer great benefits to businesses, there are also some downsides. Errors and embezzlements are detected at a faster pace with Big Data, avoiding loss for the business. Businesses equipped with Big Data advancements may experience advantages from a competitive standpoint. Business strategies and tactics can be formulated faster and effectively, allowing the business to respond to trends and changes in the market quicker. Overall, Big Data is able to improve profit turnover and increase customer service quality. However, challenges may emerge no matter how valuable the data could be. By getting on the Big Data bandwagon, the company would need to transform the logistics of their firm entirely to be suitable with the Big Data requirements. This could mean that the business would need to exert even more finances and alter their entire strategic approach. Big Data is also considered a cutting-edge and sophisticated analytical method, and if used incorrectly, it could backfire to the firm itself. Companies may also be overwhelmed by the surge of data that they now have on hand that they may not know how to make use of the data correctly according to their company’s strategy. Aside from that, one unsettling aspect of Big Data is privacy. Big Data may pick up and collect data uncontrollably, which could cause disagreements from one party to another due to its nature. Machine Learning: The Age of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning can be defined as the science of having computers respond on their own without any explicit programming We have witnessed the outstanding outcomes that Machine Learning have produced such as self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search and improved understanding of the human genome. Machine Learning is very common in today’s era, we might even have contact with a form of them without us realizing. The basic understanding of machine learning is minimize the amount of effort exerted to as little as possible, and getting the work done for you. There are slight differences between Machine Learning and AI, which is short for Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence encloses technology such as machineries and equipment being able to do jobs or tasks that could be considered as ‘smart’, while Machine Learning is actually a form of Artificial Intelligence application. Machine Learning takes the concept of Artificial Intelligence basically allows machine to have the access to available data in order for them to learn and apply the data themselves. The year 2018 has been dubbed as the ‘biggest year for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning developments in the financial service market’. This is because we have seen how greatly this technology has become and how useful it has been to mankind. In recent years, there has been a growing use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in financial services. Institutions involved in financial service are focusing on the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in all the systems in financial service to evaluate a range of different data from credit quality to client interactions. With Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning advances, financial institutions are able to maximize the capitals that are scarcely available. Machine Learning is also able to analyze the models in which strategies are applied and see the reaction in the market. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning both can be useful in the public and private sector. They are used mainly as the backbone for surveillance, data quality assessment, regulatory compliance, and fraud detection and resolution. The application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can increase efficiency in information processing. One accurate example can be seen in credit decisions, financial markets, insurance contracts and customer interactions that contribute to a more efficient financial system. By applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, the supervisors can increase the regulatory compliance and improve the effectiveness of the supervisors. The application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can also aid in the connection between financial markets and individual institutions by relating the data that are used by the institutions to that of the unrelated data that were available. However, the emergence of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning may upset the third party authorities due to its nature of being highly scalable and broad in networking. This can cause the rise of new institutions that are unclear of their own perimeter. Since Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methods are non interpretable or auditable, they could become risky when put at a large scale. When used incorrectly, it may backfire and cause more harm than good for the company, just like the other two forms of technologies mentioned in the financial service industry; Cryptocurrency and Machine learning. To avoid any unwanted response from these technologies, it is crucial that the use of such advancements be tested prior to its use at a bigger scale to avoid any risks that cause any losses. They have to be tested whether they breach any privacy that may be sensitive to boundaries and how safe and protected they are to cybercrime, or how strong their cybersecurity are. With adequate testing and experiments regarding how the advances work, it could ensure that the applications are secure and they will respond how they are expected to respond. Conclusion It is understandable why the presence of technology in the business industry, including the financial service industry may lead to disruption. Before technology in the business and financial industry existed, information may be harder to obtain, and decisions may be made in a much slower pace, but the world is safer from offenses such as cybercrime, which may be more costly than a normal bank robbery. Technology has created a whole new economy, such as Cryptocurrency, where cash could be digitized and branded as an entirely new currency that could be traded and invested in by firms and business. It also became a way people orders and pays that shows us how the business sector nowadays are developing – more virtually than physically. Cryptocurrency became a whole new medium where transaction and exchanges could be made in a much more simpler and quicker process. Technology has also affected the way data is collected and handled. With analytical advances such as Big Data, information could be obtained far easier; giving access to a new pool of capital that can be substantial for the firm. The data obtained from Big Data are mostly real-time, meaning they are happening very recently. Big Data can help the financial sector in conducting analytics that can help avoid or resolve fraud, or even predict them before they even happen. Lastly, one form of technology common in the financial sector is Machine Learning. As an applied result of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning in a way is also the product of Big Data. It obtains various data from various resources, giving it access to machines and systems in order for them to learn the data and apply them on their own will. These three methods of technological advancements may be different. One is involved with currency, trading and the value of money, one focuses more on the gathering and obtaining of data at a large scale and high volume, and the last one is linked with Artificial Intelligence and smart software and innovations. These three advancements shares common qualities, and they are improving the quality in decision-making, customer service, and efficiency. Their aim is to help businesses be as efficient as possible, minimizing cost and maximizing profitability. However, they also have another aspect in common, which is prone to hacking and cybercrime since they are all exposed to the Internet medium, meaning it may not always be entirely safe no matter how much it claims to be. In conclusion, technological advancements have affected the financial service sector greatly. The industries we know today have made use of these advancements, making it almost impossible for us to continue on without them. Technology has proven to be useful in terms of increasing profitability and efficiency, but it may cause more harm than good when handled incorrectly. Bibliography Anon, (n.d.). Cryptocurrency. [online] Available at: Anon, (n.d.). How Technology Has Changed The Financial Services Sector - IBM Developer Cloud Blog $utils.escapeHTML($model.weblog.websiteAssocs.get(0).assocName). [online] Available at: or?lang=en. Anon, (n.d.). Machine Learning: What it is and why it matters. [online] Available at: Anon, (n.d.). Technology is disrupting the financial services industry — here’s how. [online] Available at: Anon, (n.d.). The Right Technology Increases Business Efficiency And Profitability. Anon, (n.d.). What is Big Data and why it matters. [online] Available at: Anon, (n.d.). What is Cryptocurrency: Everything You Need To Know [Ultimate Guide]. [online] Available at: Anon, (n.d.). What is Machine Learning? A definition - Expert System. [online] Available at: Deloitte Insights. (2018). 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