NMIFEG: Neodymium Magnet Free Energy Generator Research

Miniature Neodymium Magnetically-Induced Free Energy Generator (NMIFEG) as Step-up
Transformer for Power-bank
Galeon, Gwyneth Zoe
Labajo, Angel
Ladao, Mavel Eliane
Gusa Regional Science High School - X
Senior High School Department
Access to sustainable energy has a direct relationship with job creation,
industrialization, health, climate change, food production, and consequently economic
growth. With the level of technological advancement of this generation, energy has become
essential to people’s lives. However, the grid-based power generation capacity is insufficient
and unreliable to meet the increasingly growing demands of the population. Low incomes and
huge cost of electricity make electricity unaffordable for citizens, despite the availability of
renewable resources. Third world countries can readily harness the cost-effectiveness and the
availability advantages offered by free energy option to meet continuously growing demands
as encouraged large-scale ownership of expensive generators.
Energy accounts for about 60 percent of total greenhouse gas emitted worldwide.
There is an ongoing drive to significantly increase the proportion of renewable energy in the
global energy mix. Renewable energy is a form of alternative energy source that can be
conserved and can continuously replenish without any adverse effect on the planet. Common
energy sources in the Philippines include hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, solar, wind
and biomass energies. Out of all, solar energy has proven to be the most promising owing to
its unparalleled potential for power generation. The Philippines has unlimited renewable
resources but the large-scale conversion of these abundant resources into usable form has
been the challenge. Home users and small companies have started exploiting alternative
energy to meet their energy needs. Solar energy seems to be receiving more patronage but its
output performance is subject to unpredictable weather condition and limitations of
geographical locations. The durability of photovoltaic panels is not satisfactory enough for
sustainability. In addition, power generation using solar energy tends to be more costintensive to run on long term. Therefore, low incomes and exorbitant cost of energy make
energy unaffordable for citizens, despite the availability of resources.
Off-grid power generation is an effective energy solution to curtailing business
downtime that unreliable power grid has introduced. This will help to revamp the current
economic decline. Low-income countries can readily harness the cost-effectiveness and the
availability advantages offered by free energy option to meet continuously growing energy
demand in the region, without any adverse effect on the environment. Neodymium
Magnetically-Induced Free Energy Generator (NMIFEG) is a form of “free energy‟ source
since no external force is required to drive the system. It operates purely on the principle of
magnetic field induction and it is sustainable for households and small businesses in the
In this paper, the researchers will be developing NMIFEG that uses neodymium
magnetic field that exists between similar magnetic poles to generate electricity. The magnets
allow NMIFEG to operate continuously without depending on any external source. It is a
complex design that involves the interconnection of diverse components of power generation
and distribution. The repulsive force produces a torque which serves as a prime mover for
rotor blades. The energy generated is transferred to a charge controller connected to the
battery bank. The battery supplies the inverter with a direct current (DC) input voltage for
electricity generation in alternating current (AC) form.
Conceptual Framework
•Neodymium Magnet
•Magnetic Wire
•Transformer from electronic
•Laboratory work, trials with the
placement of the copper wire
and neodymium magnet
•Free energy generator
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. The figure shows the conceptual framework of this research study. The study will
gather the raw materials, the project will then undergo the experimentation process in the
laboratory to ensure the most efficient way to harness free energy derived from the materials.
The output of the study shall produce an independent free energy generator.
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to identify the effectiveness of free energy using neodymium magnet
as an independent source of electricity.
Specifically, the study intends to answer the following questions:
1. How effective will the use of neodymium magnet be in producing electricity for basic
electrical appliances
2. How much voltage can be produced from this innovation using neodymium magnet as
a source of free energy?
3. How can this independent source of electricity contribute to the local community?
Scope and Limitation
The study will focus on creating an independent source of energy that uses
neodymium magnet that creates magnetic field that exists between similar magnetic poles to
generate electricity. In addition, this energy source will be tested on selected appliances to
perceive the effectiveness of the independent electricity source.
The study will be only utilizing one type of magnet which would be the neodymium
magnet which is an appropriate strong magnetic field.
The study will be conducted in the premises of Gusa Regional Science High SchoolX.
Significance of the Study
The researchers believe that the results of this study will be beneficial to the
To the Researchers
This study will help the researchers to have additional knowledge and help the society
to have alternative energy from the resources people can easily obtain.
To the Students
This study will help the students to appreciate sustainable energy sources to help the
society and make more innovations that are accessible. They can develop, enhance, or
improve more innovations.
To the Community
The study will help the community because this will give alternative energy sources
with the use of materials easily found at home. It is cheap and easy to do which makes it
To the Future Researchers
This study can help the future researchers to conduct the related innovation and use
this study as their reference for the betterment of the society. In case these future researchers
have better ideas to make to improve the study.
Definition of terms
Magnetic Wire
- According to tech-faq.com, it is a copper or aluminum wire that
produces an electromagnetic field when wrapped into a coil and
connected to a power supply. Magnetic wire is used in transformers
to increase the voltage of an electrical current that is carried
through traditional power lines.
Off-grid power
- According to offgridworld.com, The term off-the-grid (OTG) can
refer to living in a self-sufficient manner without reliance on one or
more public utilities…”
Neodymium Magnet
- According to kjmagnetics.com, Neodymium magnets are a
member of the Rare Earth magnet family and are the most
powerful permanent magnets in the world. They are also referred to
as NdFeBmagnets, or NIB, because they are composed mainly
of Neodymium (Nd), Iron (Fe) and Boron (B).
- According to circuitglobe.com, it is a static electrical machine
which transfers AC electrical power from one circuit to the other
circuit at the constant frequency, but the voltage level can be
altered that means voltage can be increased or decreased according
to the requirement.
Magnetic Field Induction - According to Techopedia, Electromagnetic induction is the
production of voltage or electromotive force due to a change in the
magnetic field.
This study will make use of Product-Based Research Design. The researchers will
conduct tests in order to test the efficiency of the neodymium electromagnet as a source of
electricity. The researchers aim to harness the energy produced by this product to power
various devices and store ample amount of electricity.
Research Design
The research project is product based due to the fact that the researchers are aiming to
produce an improvised device for generating free energy to solve the problem of the low
income populace and the growing need for larger supply of electricity. The product is still a
prototype and the researchers are testing the feasibility and efficiency of this product, thus,
experimenting with various ways to achieve the product’s maximum efficiency.
Research Setting
This research study will be presented in the school campus of Gusa Regional Science
High School. GRSHS-X is a science high school located in purok 4a of Gusa, Cagayan de
Oro. It is a public science high school managed by the Department of Education. Although,
the product to be constructed in this setting is made to be efficient in any other settings as
Materials Used
Neodymium magnet
Charge Controller
Battery Band
Magnetic Wire
Heavy Formic
Ethical Issues
The conduction of this research study in the premises of Gusa Regional Science High
School was permitted by the school administration as per fulfilment of the requirements for
capstone research. This study can benefit aspirants, especially students, in the field of science
and technology as a pioneering study about using easy to obtain energy sources to power
electrical devices. All referenced works, inputs, paragraphs, phrases and concepts are cited
and credited properly in this study. After all experimentation and lab results, the outcome of
the study shall be fully disclosed during the presentation and final defense of the researchers
to the panel.
Data Gathering and Analysis
The researchers plan to produce a prototype product. The product shall be constructed
and modelled to the researcher’s initial design. The product is not constructed for show and
therefore shall only be made by the researchers to function for optimal use. The researchers
will conduct trials and record data in constructing the product and simulate tests to measure
the efficiency of the product. The researchers may add various other materials aside from the
initially proposed materials depending on whether these may improve the performance of the
Initial Product Diagram