English Language and Literature Unit title Key and related concepts Writing Through the Ages Perspective, Character, Point Orientation in space of View and time Getting the Message Across Communication Scientific and technical Effective writers understand that A,B,C,D innovation audience, purpose, and structure influence how a reader interprets a text. Communication:Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences, Use a variety of medi to communicate with a range of audiences Whale Rider Connections, character, context, setting Fairness and development Our gender, age, culture, location A,B,C,D and position in society, affect the way we are perceived, our opportunities and relationships. Creative-thinking, Critical-thinking One World Connections, perspective, character, intertextuality, point of view, structure Identities and relationships Different populations and cultures A,B,C,D share the same problems, ideas and dreams. Creative-thinking, Critical-thinking More Than Words Creativity, audience imperatives, genres, selfexpression, style Personal and cultural expression Writers follow established conventions to engage an audience in different types of visual texts. Media Literacy, Collaboration MYP2 Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Authors create works for specific audiences and purposes. A,B,C,D Collaboration, Reflection skills, Research skills including referencing(All group presentation) A,B,C,D MYP3 Unit title Key and related concepts Reading for pleasure (throughout the year) Creativity, character, genres, Personal and cultural self-expression, structure, expression style Reading for pleasure can be used C, D to develop creative writing skills and increase an understanding of the structure, style, and purpuse of a variety of text types. Plan long-term assignments; read for pleasure; create original works and ideas; use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences. Who do you think you are? (non-lit) Creativity, genres, purpose, structure Identities and relationships Non-fiction text types can be used B, C, D to develop creative skills and express individual desires and identities. Write for different purposes; Poetry - other Englishes Identity, context, point of (poetry) view, self-expression Personal and cultural expression Language use is very individual A, Biii and a way of expressing cultural identity, and therefore no one has the right to tell you that your use of language is 'wrong'. Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument; Change the world (non- Communication, audience lit) imperatives, context Orientation in space and time Actions and words have the power B, C, D to change an audience's views, ideas and beliefs. Write and speak for different purposes; Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication Homecoming // Wheel Connections, character, of Surya (Novel#1) setting, style Identities and relationships Individuals are shaped by and develop in response to their environment, circumstances and those around them. Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument; read critically and for comprehension Our Day Out (play): Walk a Mile in My Shoes Fairness and development The environment you grow up in A,B,C,D has a significant impact on you as a person and how successful you will become. Creative-thinking, Critical-thinking Orientation in space and time How we interpret literature is subject to our understanding of context and purpose. Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument; read critically and for comprehension Identity, perspective, character, context, point of view Animal Farm (Novel#2) Perspective - Context, Purpose, Setting Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives A, B, C, D A, B, D ATL skills Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives Reading for pleasure (throughout the year) Creativity, character, genres, Personal and cultural self-expression, structure, expression style Reading for pleasure can be used C, D to develop creative writing skills and increase an understanding of the structure, style, and purpuse of a variety of text types. Plan long-term assignments; read for pleasure; create original works and ideas; use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences. UNIT 1: Of Mice and Men (Novel#1) Connections, character, context, setting Identities and relationships Language can help us read between the lines. A, B Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a wide variety of sources and media; read critically and for comprehension UNIT 2: Advertising (Non-Lit - Media) Creativity, audience imperatives, purpose, structure, style Personal and cultural expression The media reflects as well as influences social values. A, B, C, D Identities and relationships Critical readers understand that historical context and authors' perspectives affect readers' interpretations of literary texts and of the concept of truth. A, B, C, D Use intercultural understanding to interpret communication; understand the impact of media representations and modes of presentation; communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences Communication; Collaboration Skills; Critical Thinking Skills A, B, C, D MYP4 UNIT 3: Lord of the Flies Perspective - Character, (Novel#2) Context, Purpose, Point of View. UNIT 4: A Midsummer Night's Dream (Play) Perspective, genres, point of Orientation in space view, setting and time The language of humor is not limited to a specific day and age. UNIT 5: Poetry Across the World (Poetry) Creativity, self-expression, structure, style Individuals make creative choices A, B, C, D based on their cultural beliefs, values and perspectives. Personal and cultural expression ATL skills Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups; Encourage others to contribute. Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument; Create original works and ideas. MYP5 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills I have a dark and dreadful secret Communication Creativity Personal and Cultural expression Poetry can be a very effective means of self-expression A B C D Analysing, Organising ideas Producing Text Using language Research Life of Pi – Yann Martell Culture Perspective Identities and Relationships Works of literature aim to A influence the reader’s perspective B on issues presented C D Communication Information literacy Transfer skills News Coverage Communication Perspective Globalisation and sustainability What is communicated in newspapers and on tv news broadcasts is true. B C D Communication Collaboration Information literacy Media literacy Character, Theme, Purpose, Structure Plays can change our perception of concepts. A B C D Analysing Organising ideas Identity and Relationships Writers follow established conventions to engage an audience in different types of visual texts. A B C D Short stories are carefully constructed pieces of writing The concept of news Equus – Peter Shaffer Perspective Short Stories & Creative Creativity Writing Dutch Language and Literature Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Jan Terlouw - Koning van Katoren Change, Perspective Fairness and development The author's work can show Criteria A, B, C, D his outlook on the world. Communication, Systems; Scientific and technical Technological advancement innovation impacts the way we communicate Criteria A, B, C, D Communication skills, Research Script Intertextuality, Setting, Structure MYP2/3 - Year 1 Objectives ATL skills Communication Skills, Media Literacy, Finding your never ending story Communication, Creativity; Design Adaptation Personal and cultural expression Stories are adapted to different forms in order to engage the audience and provide different perspectives. Criteria B iii, C, D Communication skills Creative Thinking Comics Creativity; setting Orientation in space and time There is knowledge and wisdom to be found in comics. Criteria A, B, C, D Research, Critical Thinking Skills, Transfer Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Thea Beckman Connections; Character, Orientation in space and time The body of work of an Criteria A, B, C, D author can tell us a lot about the ideas and viewpoints of that author. Communication Skills Genres, Setting, Theme Objectives ATL skills Poetry in Notion Aesthetics, Creativity; Audience imperatives Intertextuality Purpose Style Personal and cultural expression Poetry allows for the Criteria A, B, C, D exploration of the marvels of language Communication Skills, Creative Thinking Mirjam Mous TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC |World literature TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC MYP2/3 - Year 2 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Kwaad met kwaad bestrijden - Een goede dag voor de Ezel Perspective, connections; character, point of view, structure, context, theme Fairness and development It is fair to repay evil with evil Criteria A, B, C, D without consequences. communication skills, critical thinking skills, reflection skills Korte verhalen Creativity; setting, Personal and cultural character, structure, style, expression theme, genres A short story is just that short! communication skills, creative thinking skills, information literacy skills Tekstanalyse Connections; audience imperatives, context, purpose, style Globalization and sustainability In non-ficition texts words, Criteria A, B, C, D sentences and paragrahs are connected to communicate the main idea and purpose to the intended audience. communication skills, information literacy skills, meia literacy skills Wilhelmus en de anderen Communication; audience imperatives, genres, selfexpression, context, theme Indentities and relationships In songs from the 1500 -1700 Criteria A, B, C, D you see the same themes that we see in today's songs. communication skills, information literacy skills, collaboration skills MYP4/5 - Year 2 Objectives Criteria A, B, C, D ATL skills MYP 4/5 - Year 1 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives Perenbomen bloeien wit' - Point of view (perspectief) Perspective; character, point Indentities and of view, setting relationships Books adapted into films Communication; character, genre, point of view, audience imperatives, setting, Scientific and technical Books and films use different Criteria A, B, C, D innovation techniques to communicate a message to the receiver. communication skills, creative thining skills, critical thinking skills Poems Creativity; intertextuality, structure, style, context, style, selfexpression Personal and cultural expression In poems we can express our Criteria A, B, C, D cultural background and personal feelings in a creative way with using only few words. communication skills, creative thinking skills, information literacy skills Burggravin van Vergi cold case Perspective; point of view, audience imperatives, context, genres Fairness and development A literary work from the middle ages can show us a perspective on fairness applicable to everyday life. communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, information literacy skills The point of view in a book Criteria A, B, C, D helps us to empathize with a character. Criteria A, B, C, D ATL skills communication skills, creative thinking skills, organization skills English Language Acquisition Phases 2-3 Unit title Key and related concepts 1. Where in the World? Connections / Structure, Conventions, Word Choice Global context Identities and relationships Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Our choices and actions as tourists have A, B, C, D impacts on our destinations. The connections we have with places form part of our identity. Research skills (including referencing), Creative-thinking, critical-thinking, communication The media has a powerful role in influencing our view of world events, cultures and communities. Creative-thinking, critical-thinking, Media Literacy, Collaboration. 2. Newsflash! Communication / Audience, Structure, Conventions, Word Choice, Function Scientific and technical innovation 3. Slugs and snails and puppy dog tails Culture Personal and Different cultures have different perspectives A,B,C,D cultural expression on gender roles. Media literacy, criticalthinking, creativethinking, reflection. 4. Walk a Mile in my Shoes Perspective Fairness and development Critical-thinking, reflection, collaboration. MYP2, MYP3, MYP4 & MYP5 year 1 Inequality and injustice are present in every society. A, B, C, D A, B, C, D MYP2, MYP3, MYP4 & MYP5 year 2 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context 1. What's in a neighbourhood? Connections / Globalization & Structure & empathy sustainability 2. How do you pass your time? Creativity / Word choice, purpose Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills The conventions and structure of our different A,B,C,D communities connect us to the world, allowing us to share different interests and value. Information literacy, creative-thinking skills, communication skills, reflection skills, collaboration skills Personal & cultural Hobbies ans leisure activities allow individual A,B,C,D expression creativity for personal and cultural expression and have a purpose to enhance physical and emotional well-being. Talking about our hobbies and interests by making the appropriate word choices can help us to connect with others Communication skills, information literacy, critical-thinking skills, , reflection skills, 3. In a world where Communication / there are 6500 Message languages, how can we understand each other? Identities & relationships Being able to speak more than one language allows us to communicate a familiar message in a new way and can give us the means to develop relationships with others as well as preserve our individual and collective identities. A,B,C,D Information literacy, creative-thinking skills, communication skills, reflection skills, collaboration skills 4. Eat to live, or live to eat? Fairness and development Choices we make about what we eat are influenced by our culture and the context in which we live and send messages about the lack of fairness in the division of resources. A, B, C, D Communication skills, collaboration skills, information literacy, affective skills & thinking skills. Culture / Message Phases 4-5 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry 1. Is it raining cats and dogs Communication / message Globalization & sustainability In today's world, there is a need for us to A, B, C, D communicate a new message: as members of a global community, it is our responsibility to sustain our environment by taking a stand against climate change 2. What if everybody looked the same? Culture / point of view Personal and For centuries we have used external cultural A, B, C, D cultural expression signs a vehicle for personal and cultural expression. In today's world, however, teenagers are being constantly bombarded with messages about how they should look and dress and are under immense pressure to conform to certain points of view about beauty. 3. What's your story? Creativity / Empathy, Orientation in conventions & Voice space and time The conventions of story writing not only A, B, C, D allow writers to express their creativity but also give them a voice through which they can express a certain point of view and create empathy for others. The act of reading and sharing stories can help us better understand our orientation in space and time Creative skills, critical skills, information literacy skills, transfer skills, communication skills & collaboration skills 4. Where do I belong? Connections / context Identities & relationships A person's cultural identity and sense of belonging may derive from connections to family, language context, ethnicity and social backgrounds. Communication, collaboration, selfmanagement, thinking, transfer skills MYP2, MYP3, MYP4 & MYP5 year 1 Objectives A, B, C, D ATL skills Communication, organization, collaboartion, thinking and reflection skills Communication skills, collaboration skills, affective skills & informaton literacy skills Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry 1. Is my identity my brand? Connections / message Scientific and technical innovation Messages received through social media and A, B, C, D social networking help us connect and express our identity and shape not only future forms of self-expression, but also influence technical innovation. Communication, organization information literacy & thinking skills 2. What determines health? Culture / point of view Identities & relationships Point of view health and well-being are influenced by our identities and relationships with each other, and the messages we find in the media , on social networks and in our cultural environment. Communication, affective , reflection, information media literacy skills 3. Is there an art to persuasion? Communication / messages & bias Personal and In modern life, it is essential that we have skills A, B, C, D cultural expression to evaluate the messages we hear. It is even more important that we decode different forms of communication that present personal and cultural expression to understand if they are encouraging biased views and judge how ethical they are. Communication, research, thinking 4. Can words paint a thousand pictures? Creativity / voice Personal and Writers use their craft not only to create and A, B, C, D cultural expression let their voice be heard, but through the process of stylistic choice they bring to life worlds to share with their audiences. They use their words for personal and cultural expression in the same way as artist uses a paintbrush. Communication, social, self-management MYP2, MYP3, MYP4 & MYP5 year 2 Objectives A, B, C, D ATL skills Dutch Language Acquisition Phases 1-2 MYP2/3 - Year 1 MYP2/3 - Year 2 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives Welcome to the Netherlands Communities Identities and Relationships Exploring a new culture can broaden Crit A, C, D horizons and open up opportunities to immerse one in new communities. Communication Music Communication, Creativity Personal & Cultural Expression Music allows for true personal expression Crit B, C, D Fairytales Connections Culture Fairytales are a connection to our cultural past Food design has seen great technological advances over the ages. Crit A, C, D Food Orientation in space and time Scientific and Technological Innovation Communication, Media Literacy, Selfmanagement Communication, Creative Thinking Communication, Media Literacy, Creative Thinking Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives Welcome to the Netherlands Communities Identities and Relationships Exploring a new culture can broaden Crit A, C, D horizons and open up opportunities to immerse one in new communities. Communication Sports Connections Globalisation & Sustainability. Sports allow for global connections, creating bonds that go beyond the local community. Crit B, C, D Communication, Media Literacy True Store-y Culture Fairness & Development Small stores vs big chains: a world of Crit A, C, D difference Communication, Media Literacy, Critical Thinking Crit B, C, D ATL skills ATL skills Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Welcome to the Netherlands Communities Identities and Relationships Exploring a new culture can broaden Crit A, C, D horizons and open up opportunities to immerse one in new communities. Communication Music Communication, Creativity News Perspective Personal & Cultural Expression Orientation in Space and Time Music allows for expression of true Crit B, C, D personal expression Different sources of news provide us Crit A, B, C, D with many different perspectives. Food Culture Scientific and Technological Innovation Food design has seen great technological advances over the ages. Crit B, C, D Communication, Selfmanagement Communication, Media Literacy, Critical Thinking Communication, Creative Thinking Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives Welcome to the Netherlands Communities Identities and Relationships Exploring a new culture can broaden Crit A, C, D horizons and open up opportunities to immerse one in new communities. Communication Sports Connections Globalisation & Sustainability. Sports allow for global connections, creating bonds that go beyond the local community. Crit B, C, D Communication, Media Literacy True Store-y Culture Fairness & Development Small stores vs big chains: a world of Crit A, C, D difference Communication, Media Literacy, Critical Thinking Communication, Research MYP4/5 - Year 1 MYP4/5 - Year 2 Where in the Change, Culture Netherlands is Carmen Sandiego? Scientific and technical The Netherlands were built on innovation transportation and trade Objectives Crit B, C, D ATL skills ATL skills Phases 3-4-5 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Culture of the Netherlands Culture; audience, context, word choice, empathy Identitites & Relationships Culture connects people by using universal themes that express traditions, beliefs and values. Crit A, B, C, D communication skills, creative thinking skills, reflection skills Music Creativity; audience, Personal & Cultural purpose, message, structure Expression Music is a form of art that will be part Crit A, B, C, D of your life. Animals Connections; message, point Fairness & of view, conventions, Development purpose Our connection wtih animals has a positive influence in our lives but it also means animals are not always treated well. Crit A, B, C, D Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives Fairness & Development Sport can change peoples lives, but it Crit A, B, C, D requires fairness and understanding of other cultures. MYP2/3 - year 1 Sport Social Media MYP2/3 - year 2 Food Culture and creativity; point of view, empathy, word choice, coventions, context Communication; audience, purpose, coventions, structure, idiom communication; audience, point of view, structure, empathy, word choice, message Identitites & Messages received through social Crit A, B, C, D Relationships; scientific media and social networking faciliate & technical innovation the communication of identity as a brand and not only shape future Globalisation & Points of view on what is 'good' food Crit A, B, C, D Sustainability. are influenced by your view on sustainabilty and globalisation and the messages we find in the media. communication skills, collaboration skills, information literacy skills, reflection skills communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills ATL skills communication skills, organisation skills, affective skills, creative thinking skills. communication skills, creative thinking skills, meida literacy skills, reflection skills. communication skills, critical thinking skills, media literacy skills Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry WO II Communication; point of view, purpose, empathy, bias, context Orientation in space and time Initiating change after a conflict Crit A, B, C, D (war), requires clear communication and consideration and understanding of other people's points of view. Diary's can play a big rol in this. communication skills, reflection skills, creative thinking Culture; audience, point of Globalisation & view, context, purpose, Sustainability. conventions, structure, word choice, argument The Dutch history with controlling Crit A, B, C, D the water has influenced the identity and culture of the Netherlands and provided opportunities in the whole word. communication skills, information literacy skills, organisation skills Art Creativity; point of view, context, word choice, stylistic choices, message, voice Personal & Cultural Expression Art is a creative form of cultural and personal expression and often a commentary on society. Crit A, B, C, D communication skills, critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills. Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Film Communication, Creativity; stylistic choices, word choice, audience, conventions Personal & Cultural Expression Film is a creative art form that shares Crit A, B, C, D personal and cultural expression and a commentary on society with its audience. communication skills, critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, collaboration skills News and media Communication; purpose, audience, conventions, structure, bias, stylistic choices Scientific & technical innovation Everybody is influenced by what the media in our lives communicate. Crit A, B, C, D communication skills, creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, collaboration skills Can words paint a thousand pictures? Creativity; stylistic choices, Personal & Cultural voice, word choice, message, Expression idiom Writers use their craft not only to create and let their voices to be heard, but through the process of stylistic choice they bring to life worlds to share with their audience. They use their words for personal and cultural expression in the same way an artist uses a paintbrush. Crit A, B, C, D communication skills, creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, reflection skills MYP4/5 - year 1 Water MYP4/5 -year 2 Objectives ATL skills Individuals and Societies MYP2 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry What does it mean to be a global citicen? Global interactions Power Choice Global problems are a reality, but A - all individuals have the power and B - all the choice to make a difference. C - all D - i, iii, iv Critical thinking 8b Civilisations have developed at different times and locations bringing about change and innovation that often influence how we view them today A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information literacy Reflection Globalization and sustainability Objectives ATL skills Communication 1.1.a / 1.2.n (poster) What can we learn from different civilizations? Time, place and space Innovation Revolutions Scientific and technical innovations Where do we live? Change Process sustainability Identities and relationships Settlements develop and change due to a variety of processes and their sustainability allows them to function successfully, affecting the identity of that location A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information lit eracy What does our natural Systems world look like and how do our actions affect the system as a whole? Sustainability Globalization and sustainability Only sustainable use of our natural environment will ensure that the system as a whole will be able to survive A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information lit eracy Transfer How can maps provide Time, place and space us with a sense of time, perspective place and space? Scale Orientation in space and time Maps provide insights into time, C - all place and space and show how the world has changed over time, but they can be affected by different perspectives Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information literacy Reflection Unit title Key and related concepts Global context What was life like in the Time place and space middle ages? Fairness and development What do people believe Systems in? Personal and cultural expression Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills The identity and development of past soecieties can be explored through the perspectives of the people who lived there. A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information lit Reflection MYP3 What factors contribute Global interactions to the fairness and development of societies Fairness and development How has globalization shaped the world? Globalization and sustainability Change Belief systems provide guidance to people in different ways and can shape personal identity a Access to resource and equality A - all Creative thinking of opportunities can help B - all Critical thinking societies to develop to become C - all Communication fairer places but is often D - all Information lit dependent on global interactions. Globalization has occurred due to a variety of processes that have changed the world bringing both opportunities and challenges. A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information lit MYP4 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills How does exploration affect global interactions? Global interactions Orientation in space and time In the past, humans explored the world and continue to do so, for a variety of reasons. This exploration often affects global interactions in both positive and negative ways. A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication How have innovations and ideas changed the world? Change Personal and cultural expression innovations and ideas are developed by a variety of causes and can bring about lasting change to individuals and societies. A - all B - all C - all D - all Critical thinking Communication How are societies governed? Systems Globalization and sustainability The governance of societies is organized by different systems that are used to distribute power, affecting fairness and development. A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information lit What is culture? Time place and space Personal and cultural expression Culture forma a part of our shared identity with others, is often dependent on time, place and space, and can be expressed in many ways A - all B - all C - all D - all Creative thinking Critical thinking Communication Information lit Unit title MYP5 Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills How can new Global interactions Identities and relationships Technological innovations have technologies affect our Perspective different effects on our identities identities and Innovation and revolution and relationships with others relationships? A - all B - all C - i,ii,iv D - i, iii Creative thinking 9a Modernisation in Change farming techniques and Management and their impact intervention Scientific and technical innovations Scientific and technical innovations enable us to change our farming techniques to make is more sustainale and to enable us to feed the world population A - all B - all C - i, iii, iv D - ii, iv Communication Critical thinking Communication Information Literacy Our physical planet Sytems Global interactions Globalisation and sustainability - how is everything connected The decisions you make affect people around the world A - all B - all C - all D - all information literacy critical thinking collaboration Free choice Free choice Free choice Free choice A - all B - all C - all D - all Communication Self management Research Thinking Critical thinking 8k Coordinated Sciences Unit title MYP2 Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills through the eyes of systems, evidence, a scientist transformation identities and relationships. through the eyes of a scientist Bi Bii Ci Cii Di-iv Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. introduction to chemistry change, balance scientific and technical innovation forces relationships, energy, scientific and technical movement innovation action is reaction; the consequences of putting things together the forces that interact with everything Ai Aii Aiii Bi Bii Biii Biv Ci-v, Di-iv Ai Aii Aiii Bi Bii Biii Biv Ci-v, Di-iv Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. anatomy systems; balance; models Ecology and the diversity of life Change, consequences, environment. Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. Go Green Relationships, environment, interaction. Ai Aii Aiii Bi Bii Biii Biv Ci-v, Di-iv Globalization and The impact of the environment to A, B, C, D sustainability. Exploration to the population and demography develop : population and and evolution as a whole. demography. Globalization and Different cultures, similar A, B, C, D sustainability. Exploration to problems, different solutions. develop : human impact on the environment. Scientific and technical All the measurements of the world A, B, C, D Quantity and Units Systems, models, patterns. MYP3 Astronomy and Space Systems, models, transformation. From Nothing to Life Relationships, consequences, interaction. fairness and development the built up for life innovation. Exploration to Develop: systems, models, methods; products, processes and solutions. Orientation in space and The universe is complex. time. Exploration to develop : scale, duration, frequency and variability. Identities and relationships. What makes you, you? Exploration to develop : physical and social development; transitions; health and well-being; Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, critical thinking skills, transfer skills. A, B, C, D Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. A, B, C, D Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. Coordinated Sciences Unit title Key and related concepts RELATIONSHIPS, evidence, models, patterns Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives identities and relationships We can organize all substances by observing their properties of matter (macro level) and explain this by how their particles behave (micro level) A, B-i, B-ii, Biii, C-i, C-ii, C-iii en C-v and D-iii, D-iv Forces RELATIONSHIPS, Consequences, energy, movement Scientific and technological innovation Forces cause a change of motion plants SYSTEMS, fairness and development energy, form, funcion How do the FORM and FUNCTION A, B, C, D of it's SYSTEM enable plants to provide us with food rich in ENERGY. Communication skills, organization skills, affective skills, critical thinking skills. Research RELATIONSHIPS, Evidence, patterns The 'Scientific Method' is a systematical way to gain knowledge. I. Communication skills Research VI. Information literacy skills Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information Thinking VIII. Critical thinking skills Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas X. Transfer skills Utilizing skills and knowledge in multiple contexts Organizing all substances MYP4 Scientific and technological innovation ATL skills skill cluster 1 : Critical thinking Break down large concepts and projects into component parts and combine parts logically, as appropriate. COMMUNICATION: Take effective notes in class, Use and interpret a range of disciplinespecific terms and symbols INFORMATION LITERACY SKILLS: Process data and report A, B, C and D COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS INFORMATION LITERACY SKILLS CIRITICAL THINKING SKILLS A, B, C, D Unit title Key and related Global context concepts Hygiene to help the relationships, fairness and development human body fight environment disease homeostasis relationships, balance scientific and technical innovation genetics Biology Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Hygienic measures are a necessity Ai Aii Aiii, Bi for the prevention of an epidemy Bii Biii Biv, Civ, Di-iv the maintenance of the balance Ai Aii Aiii, Bi within the organisms' body Bii Biii, Ci ii, Di-iv you are a mirror image of your Ai Aii Aiii, Bi parents Bii, Ci-v, Diour senses make things up Ai Aii Aiii, Bi Bii Biii Biv, CiPhysics Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection skills, critical thinking skills. Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection Communication skills, collaboration skills, organization skills, affective skills, reflection ATL skills change, consequences. systems, function, models identities and relationships Key and related concepts RELATIONSHIPS, function Global context Statement of inquiry Scientific and technical innovation Electromagnetic radiation COMMUNICATION, SYSTEMS, models Scientific and technical innovation The path along which a light pulse A, B, C and D Communication skills: make inferences and propagates can be predicted. draw conclusions; Critical thinking skills: make models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues The invisible can be known A AFFECTIVE SKILLS: perseverance The pendulum RELATIONSHIPS, patterns Scientific and technical innovation Radioactivity CHANGE, RELATIONSHIPS, Consequences Energy Environment SYSTEMS, evidence, function, models Scientific and technical innovation SYSTEMS, energy Scientific and technical innovation senses Unit title Properties of light identities and relationships MYP5 Electric circuits Energy Scientific and technical innovation A pendulum can be used to determine the gravitational acceleration g Disintegration, fission and fusion of a nucleus provide energy and ionising radiation. Eerything is made of atioms The three main quantities that describe electric circuits, voltage, current and resistance, are strongly related to one another Objectives B, C and D A CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: gather and organise relevant information t oformulate an argument;Interpret data COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: A, B, C and D CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: Evaluate evidence and arguments; recognise and evaluate propositions; Evaluate and manage risks; CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS: Makes guesses, ask what if questions and generate testable Energy is the bridge that connects A CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS almost all topics of Physics. TRANSFER SKILLS: Unit title How do Fossil Fuels have an impact on our world? Rate of Reactions and the Scientific MYP5 Method Key and related concepts Global context SYSTEMS and GLOBAL Globalization and INTERACTION, sustainability balance, consequences, energy, interaction RELATIONSHIPS, Scientific and technical conditions innovation consequences, evidence, interaction How strong is a bond? SYSTEMS, form, interaction, models Scientific and technical innovation Batteries producing energy with chemical reactions CHANGE, energy, transfer Scientific and technical innovation Chemistry Statement of inquiry Objectives Using Fossil Fuels as a source of A and D energy has a global impact, interacting with the balance of global systems, causing global consequences for our environment. Experiments provide EVIDENCE for A, B, C and D the RELATIONSHIP between the CONDITIONS of a reaction and the rate of reaction. Different conditions will have CONSEQUENCES forofhow the form A and D The building blocks matter a SYSTEM, in which they INTERACT with each other. A MODEL of substances at a micro-level will help us understand their FORM and other properties ofamatter at a A, B and D Substances CHANGE in chemical reaction. This uses or produces ENERGY, which can be TRANSFERRED. ATL skills skill cluster 1 : Critical thinking skill cluster 2: Affective skills skill cluster 1 : Critical thinking skill cluster 2: Affective skills skill cluster 1 : Critical thinking skill cluster 2: Affective skills skill cluster 1 : Critical thinking skill cluster 2: Affective skills Mathematics Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Numbers Form, Logic, Relationships Quantity, Representation, System. working mathematically Form, Logic Pattern Algebra 1 Connections, Relationships Change, Generalization, Pattern, Representation, Simplification. Form, Logic, Relationships Pasttern MYP2 statistics, probability (ch 14, 15 and 19) Geometry: Angles, reasoning and shapes, geometric constructions (ch 10 and 13) Algebra 2 Area, volume, circles (ch 11,12) Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Orientation in space Explore Multifaceted, transferable identityies and time, Scientific of numbers across a range of aplications. and technical innovation Personal and Do you know how MAthematician work? cultural expression A: i. , ii. , iii. B: i. ii. III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills A: i, ii,iii B i, ii III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection Scientific and Decision-making can be improved by using a technical innovation model to represent relationships which means that we use letters to record, analyse and generalise number patterns (generate a formula) We use algebraic techniques to solve linear equations. Orientation in space What do you really know about the world? and time, Scientific and technical innovation A: i, ii, iii B i, ii III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills A: i, ii, ii B i, ii III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Form Quantity, Representation, System. Orientation in space Should we measure it? and time, Scientific and technical innovation Connections, Relationships Pattern Scientific and Decision-making can be improved by using a III. Organization skills, IV. technical innovation model to represent relationships which means Affective skills, V. Reflection that we use letters to record, analyse and skills A: i, ii, iii generalise number patterns (generate a B i, ii, iii formula) We use algebraic techniques to solve C i, ii, iii, iv, v linear equations. D i, ii, iii, iv, v Form Change, Generalization, Pattern, Representation, Simplification. Orientation in space Can we make understand how we make it? and time, Scientific and technical innovation A: i, ii, iii B i, ii, iii A: i, ii, iii C i, ii, iii, iv, v D i, ii, iii, iv, v III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Unit title Key and related concepts Global context NUMBERS, The Basic Skills Change Quantity, Simplification. Scientific and We will explore the signifigance of converting, B i, ii, ii technical innovation rounding and estimating numbers in specific C i, ii, iii, iv, v situations in order to allow for a better communication results. Ratio and Proportion (Ch03) Change, Communication Orientation in space It is important to know how to solve for unit Equivalence, Measurement, and time rates and identify the connection between a Quantity, Simplification. ratio and a fraction. Algebraic Expressions (Ch04) Change Quantity, Representation, Simplification. Pythagoras (Ch05) Logic, Systems Measurement, Model. Orientation in space When given two sides of a right-angled and time triangle, we can find the third side. Rightangled triangles can be made from other shapes. A: i, ii, iii B i, ii, iii C i, ii, iii, iv, v D i, ii, iii, iv, v I. Communication skills, III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Indices (Ch06) Connections, Systems Equivalence, Justification, Simplification. Scientific and Students will work with indices and see how B: i, ii, iii technical innovation they can be used to express very large or small C i, ii, iii, iv, v numbers in a concise way.In order to work out D i, ii, iii, iv, v complex algebraic expressions we first should be able to use index laws to simplify and evaluate arithmetic expressions. I. Communication skills, III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Equations and Inequations (Ch07) Form, Logic, Relationships Equivalence, Justification, Model, Simplification. Identities and Statement of Inquiry: Equations are a useful relationships, tool to logically model real life situations and Scientific and find solutions to a wide variety of problems. technical innovation A: i, ii, iii I. Communication skills, III. Ci Organization skills, IV. D i, ii, iii, iv, v Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Coordinate Geometry (Ch.08) Change, Communication, Relationships Model, Pattern, Representation. Orientation in space Through this unit we will explore the and time relationship between lines and their algebraic expression. We will use information to model mathematically a situation and solve a real life problem. A: i, ii, iii B i, ii, iii C i, ii, iii, iv, v D i, ii, iii, iv, v MYP3 Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills I. Communication skills, III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills B: i, ii, iii I. Communication skills, III. C i, ii, iii, iv, v Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Scientific and Algebra uses letters and symbols to represent A: i, ii, iii I. Communication skills, III. technical innovation numbers, quantities and operations, and B i, ii, iii Organization skills, IV. employs variables to solve mathematical C i, ii, iii, iv, v Affective skills, V. Reflection problems. skills I. Communication skills, III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Formulae and Problem Development, Time, place Scientific and In this unit we will apply the knowledge of A: i, ii, iii I. Communication skills, III. Solving (Ch09) and space technical innovation equations and line to model and solve real life B i, ii, iii Organization skills, IV. Justification, Model, System. problems. C i, ii, iii, iv, v Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Geometry (Ch10) Communities Measurement, Space. Orientation in space and time A: i, ii, iii B i, ii, iii C i, ii, iii, iv, v D i, ii, iii, iv, v I. Communication skills, III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Perimeter, Area and Surface Area (Ch.12) Time, place and space Model, Space. Scientific and With a given amount of material the area can technical innovation be maximised and the perimeter can be minimised. In this unit we will investigate the environmental and economical importance of such a development. A: i, ii, iii B i, ii, iii C i, ii, iii, iv, v D i, ii, iii, iv, v I. Communication skills, III. Organization skills, IV. Affective skills, V. Reflection skills Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives Are you saying I am irrational? Key:Form Related: Relationships Personal and cultural expression The process of reducing to a less complicated A-i form requires a sophisticated application of B-ii mathematical relationships and properties. C-iii Communication skills Yes, I am absolutely positive Key: Relationships Related: Measurement, Quantity Globalization and sustainability The method of determining quantity using a defined unit improves measurements' accuracy. VIII. Critical thinking skills Can you walk the line? Key: Logic, Time, Place, Space Related: Equivalence Orientation in Space In this unit students will find out how algebra A-i,ii,ii and Time can be expressed visually, in geometry and D-i,ii,iii,iv,v vice versa. But can you prove it? Key: Logic Related: Generalisation, System Orientation in space Logic helps us create rigorous arguments to B-i,ii,iii and time generalise observations and create systems of C-iv,v mathematical principles. Which triangle is right for you? Key: Relationships Related: Measurement Scientific and Generalizing relationships between A-i,ii,iii technical innovation measurements can lead to better models and B-i,ii,iii methods C-i,ii,iii,iv, D-i,ii,iii,iv,v A-ii B-ii C-i D-ii, iii MYP4 ATL skills X. Utilizing skills and knowledge in multiple contexts VIII.Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas VI. VI. Information literacy skills VII. Media literacy skills I. Communication skills Critical thinking skills: Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Functions Key: Relationships Related: Representation Fairness and Development Functions allows us to descriptive phenomena A-iii and analyse real life situations. B-ii C-i,ii D-v I. Communication skills VI. Information literacy skills VIII. Critical thinking skills Parabola Keys: Form Related: Model, Pattern, Representation, System Globalization and sustainability Representing quadratic functions in equivalent forms can lead to better systems, models and methods. Representing equivalence in a variety of forms has helped humans apply their understanding of scientific principles and optimise solutions in different contexts such as communication, production and use of materials, engineering etc. A-i,ii,iii B-i,ii,iii C-i,ii,iii,iv, D-i,ii,iii,iv,v V. Reflection skills VI. Information literacy skills I. Communication skills Mapping the World Key: Relationships Related: Model Globalization and sustainability Generalizing and applying relationships between measurements in space can help define "where" and "when". A-i,ii,iii B-i,ii,iii C-i,ii,iii,iv, D-i,ii,iii,iv,v IX. Creative thinking skills X. Transfer skills IV. Affective skills I. Communication skills VI. Information literacy skills How well do date reflect reality? Key: Relationships Related: Change Fairness and Development We must take care to ask the right questions and to measure the correct data to understand relationships so we can use information to make the world a better and fairer place. A-i,ii,iii C-i,ii,iii,iv, D-i,ii,iii,iv,v Critical thinking skills Communication skills Media literacy skills Transfer skills Information literacy skills The only sure thing? Key: Logic Related: Measurement Personal and cultural expression An individual's understanding of risk and chance is highly dependent on both logic and their personal experience A-i,ii,iii B-i,ii,iii C-i,ii,iii,iv, D-i,ii,iii,iv,v Reflection skills Collaboration skills Critical thinking skills Information literacy skills MYP5 Arts Drama Unit title Melodrama Key and related concepts Global context Communication, expression, Personal and cultural genre, play, role expression Scary Play Identity, Genre, Presentation, Role Personal and cultural expression Statement of inquiry Objectives We make assumptions about others A, B, C, D based upon body language, facial expression and appearance. We can create tension and fear by A, B, C, D following and challenging conventions of the horror genre. ATL skills Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Visual Arts MYP2 Unit title Uses of Pencils Key and related concepts Global context Communication, innovation, Scientific & Technical presentation Innovation Statement of inquiry Objectives Prior knowledge of specific theory is A, B, necessary so that creativity may begin There is value in recognising and A,B,C,D observing special events through ritual and with joy and happiness Celebrations: Ancient Greece, lifestyle, Mythology, Olympic Games Andre Derain Lnadscape Painting Identity, audience, presentation, composition, expression, visual culture Fairness & development Aesthetics Orientation in time and I am able to identify the important space elements of colour and landscape painting by learning about Andre Derain's work A,B,C,D ATL skills Thiniking, self management, communication Thinking, communication, selfmanagement, research Thiniking, research, self management, communication Drama Unit title Stage Fighting Key and related concepts Aesthetics, audience, boundaries, composition Global context Personal and cultural expression Taking a stand (IDU week) Change, audience, genre, presentation, structure Fairness and development Clowning Communication, genre, play. Personal and cultural expression Statement of inquiry The aesthetics of a performance are as importance as the content (e.g. script, structure) Individuals have the power to change the world, but collective actions can strengthen individual resolve and make more of a difference. Comedy and humour are universal and transcend languages and cultures. Objectives A, B, C, D A, B, C, D A, B, C, D ATL skills Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Visual Arts Unit title Perspective rules with architectural drawing Key and related concepts Global context Communication, boundaries, Science & Technical composition, narrative, style, Innovation representation Statement of inquiry Objectives By applying the rules for perspective, A,B,C,D we can create an accurate 3d drawing on a flat surface ATL skills Thiniking, research, self management Animals at Risk Communication, audience, boundaries, composition, presentation, expression, style A poster contains clear imagery, letttering and design so that it can communicate an effective message Thinking, communication, selfmanagement, research MYP3 Globalization & sustainability A, B, C, D Drama Unit title Brecht Key and related concepts Communication, audience, structure Global context Orientation in space and time Statement of inquiry Objectives We can use "old" theatrical techniques A, B, C, D to communicate new, relevant ideas. Commedia dell'Arte Identity, boundaries, genre, play, role Identities and relationships There are established conventions for A, B, C, D making people laugh. Group project Creativity, composition, expression, presentation, expression, role, play Personal and cultural expression As directors and actors we can tell our A, B, C, D own story ATL skills Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking, Information Literacy Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking, Information Literacy Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Visual Arts Unit title Key and related concepts Global context My Cultural Heritage in Identity, composition, Personal & cultural MYP4/5 Art & Design narrative, style, visual culture expresssion 17-18 Pop Art society and Change, xpression, lifestyle in the 1950s interpretation, style, genre, and 1960s and me as a visual culture pop artist Escher Cityscapes Personal andcultural expresssion Aesthetics, boundaries, Science & Technical innovation, composition, Innovation expression, style, expression Statement of inquiry Objectives The process to cultural discovery leads A,B,C,D to artistic creation ATL skills Thiniking, research, self management Societies and communities in post-war A,B,C,D USA and Europe saw changes in lifestyle nd values. Pop artists showed this n their artwork. They wanted art to be accessible and relevant to the general public. Pop Art served a function in the community and is a reflection of how western culture has changed since WW2. Thinking, communication, selfmanagement, research Escher's cityscape compositions create A,B,C,D a unity between geometric form and the infinite imagination Thinking, communication, selfmanagement, research Drama Unit title Storytelling Theatre Key and related concepts Global context Change, audience, narrative, Personal and cultural play, role expression Statement of inquiry Objectives Storytelling theatre expresses cultural A, B, C, D values and ideas. Talking Heads Identity, composition, expression, role Identities and relationships Elizabethan Theatre Culture, audience, presentation Communication, Interpretation, Narrative, role Orientation in space and time Personal and cultural expression Drama can deal with serious social and B, C, D cultural issues in a sensitive and realistic way without preaching to the audience or resorting to stereotypes. Culture and Art are shaped by time A and place. The issues and relationships dealt with A, B, C, D in Shakespeare's plays are timeless and universal but as a performer and director we can always bring something new to the stage for our audience and learn something as an artist. MYP4/5 Staging Shakespeare 18-19 ATL skills Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Creative Thinking, Information Literacy Reflection, Collaboration, Creative Thinking Visual Arts Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Under development Objectives ATL skills Design MYP2 MYP3 Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Who are you? Communities; aesthetics creativity communication, adapation, collaboration identities and relationships. personal and cultural expression what makes you, you? A, B, C, D I communication different perspective, different story A, B, C, D heroes communities; design, evaluation, perspective personal and cultural expression every person can be someone's hero. A, B, C, D I communication II collaboration IV affective VII media literacy I communication II collaboration IV affective VII media literacy Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills design a shelter against development a natural disaster Orientation in space and time inventiveness saves the world. A, B, C, D store goggles Orientation in space and time I communication II collaboration IV affective VII media literacy I communication II collaboration IV affective VII media literacy I communication II collaboration IV affective VII media literacy finding your never ending story development; invention, sustainability & innovation school is in need of help systems; design, adaptation, scientific and global ergonomics, function innovation A, B, C, D service within the school community A, B, C, D Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills kitchen safety and hygiene communities; sustainability Communities (subcultures) have different perspectives and ways of expressing themselves, resulting in a range of possibilities to marry form and function A, B, C, D VI information literacy, VIII critical thinking skills, IX creative thinking skills design a healthy lunchbox aesthetics; form, invention sustainability Orientation in space and time A, B, C, D mixing cultures communities; innovation , markets and trends Personal and cultural expression master chef system; evaluation, markets fairness and and trends, resources development I communication, II collabiration, III organisation, VI information literacy, VII media literacy skills. I communication, II collaboration, III organisation , VI information literacy, VIII critical thinking skills, IX creative thinking skills I communication, II collaboration, III organisation , VI information literacy, VIII critical thinking skills, IX creative thinking skills MYP4 2 are better then one. A, B, C, D inequality in quality and charaters makes the world better. A, B, C, D Physical and Health Education Unit title Key and related concepts Floorball Basic skills MYP2 Communication movement 3:3 and space Fitness Circuit Change, Development, Choice, energy volleyball Lineball, basic skills Change space gymnastics Roll forward/ handstand Change Balance, space basketball Basic skills ball/ circuit relationships Interaction, adaption 10 2:3 Global context Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills Oriantation in time and space Communication and interaction between team players is important for orientation in space and time. C, D Communication Scientific and students develop the basic skills of fitness and technical innovation become more aware of their body, the way they move and the use their musscles A, C Information literacy skills B, C Critical thinking skills D Transfer skills, reflecting skills Interaction, Orientation in space Through performance, re ection and using and time feedback, you should see improvevement in your technique. Oriantation in time aesthetic movements require certain skills which and space must be mastered in order to complete the task diverse methodes of communication drive team interaction A, C collaboration skills, information and literacy skills Oriantation in time and space when you work together you can achieve a common goal B,C collaboration skills and organization skills Oriantation in time and space Using self evaluation to plan improvements helps one to gain confidence and perform at a higher level C transfer skills, reflective skills A, C Communication skills, affective skills D affective skills, reflectve skills Acrogym Basic skills Group of 3 4 moves free running Basic skills Obstacle run relationships place and space softball Throwing/ catching Communication table tennis change developmentRefinement Fairness and development Development of skills requires a process of adaptation, refinement and reflection athletics, shuttlerun, high jump, 100 meter sprint Communication Fairness and development In order to reach your personel goal you must work B on your overall perseverance organization skills, communication skills netball National sport Relationships Environment Personal and cultural expression relationschips help to foster a sense of communitie collaboration skills, reflective skills Identities and relationschips Individual connections, relationships, and choices have far-reaching impacts and influence upon others soccer skills Time, Fairness and development change Environment, choice Systems Scientific and The function of a player will change in response to technical innovation interactions with teammates and opponents. Energy Basic Communication Movement, interaction A, C communication skills, critical thinking skills Unit title floorball coaching MYP3 Key and related concepts 3:3, Relationships Interaction, choice Global context Statement of inquiry Oriantation in time and space Adation, Through interaction with, we can communicate insights and knowledge in a deeper way. Scientific and Planning and implementing positive lifestyle technical innovation choices enables us to achieve balance and change across the dimensions of health. Objectives ATL skills C, D fitness Circuit ( bodyweight) change energy volleyball Technical skills, 3:3 gymnastics Carthwheel/ round off basketball Skills, basic rules, 4:3 communication Creativity, systems change Time, place and space Relationships Environment, interaction Identities and relationschips Oriantation in time and space Fairness and development Through good communicate skills with our peers, A, C we can be more creative in our performance Performance is maximised when the athlete’s form D is balanced To care for others and build strong relationships A, C makes it easier to have fair teamplay. communication skills, reflection skills critical thinking skills, transfer skills collaboration skills, critical thinking skills Dance Basic steps, different styles, routine 4x8 freerunning Basic skills, obstacle run communication Creativity, movement Personal and cultural expression exploration of the different dance styles develop a B, C routine to encapsulate this learning. creative thinking skills, organization skills change Adaption Oriantation in time and space Using self evaluation to plan improvements helps one to gain confidence and perform at a higher level C transfer skills, creative thinking skills self defence relationships Perspectives Identities and relationschips Choices made are adapted according to the relationship with other players. D collaboration skills, reflection skills, affective skills badminton development Choice Fairness and development Development of skills requires a process of adaptation, refinement and reflection A reflection skills, critical thinking skills The desire to know more drives exploration and aspiration B Personal and cultural expression The sports we are exposed to can be related to a number of factors D rganization skills,communication skills media literacy skills Oriantation in time and space Teams with an understanding of tactics and positioning gain a competitive advantage A,C athletics, shuttle run, communication longjump, 400 m sprint ultimate frisbee National sport soccer skills culture Environment, space Basic change Movement, space Systems Fairness and development B, D collaboration skills, reflective skills, critical thinking skills information and litaracy, critical thinking skills communication skills, collaboration skills Unit title Key and related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry identities and relationships Organizing the Olympic Games offers a big A, C opportunity for a country. The are winners and losers. For some people it creates opportunties and for some people not. critical thinking skills, collaboration skills, Scientific and Understanding the way our body changes and B, D technical innovation adapts to the demands of exercise helps us balance our lives. Systems Fairness and When information is shared accurately and clearly C development the end result is more effective organization skills, critical thinking skills floorball. 3:3+ Change and Relationships keeper on 1 goal fitness Change Circuit for MYP 2 and 3 MYP4 Objectives ATL skills Systems volleyball Technical skills, 4:4 Communication gymnastics Roll backwards, handstand roll basketball Technical skills, referee Change place and space Acrogym Theme/ music Group of 5 6 moves freerunning year 1 create a game year 2 judo year 3 Boxing year 4 Softball, play, pitching catching relationships choice, interaction Table tennis Communication skills Time, Oriantation in time and space Complex decision making requires space and time. D creative thinking skills, reflecting skills communication Interaction, environment Oriantation in time and space It is important to practice non- verbal and verbal communication to create balance and harmony in space and time. A, C collaboration skills, communication skills Movement that involves interacting with each other, regardless of gender, age, fitness and skill level is important for an healthy group ambiance. B,C organization skills, creative thinking skills Space, Identities and relationschips Change time, place and space Environment Oriantation in time and space Using self evaluation to plan improvements helps one to gain confidence and perform at a higher level C transfer, creative thinking skills communication Interaction Fairness and development Teams with strong game sense and effective communication gain a competitive advantage A, C communication skills, critical thnking skills change Refinement Fairness and development Development of skills requires a process of adaptation, refinement and reflection C affective skills athletics, Cooper test, communication javelin throwing, hurdle Choice, systems Scientific and Performing in a team or partnership requires group B technical innovation cohesion media literacy skills, organization skills la cross National sport relationships Culture Identities and relationschips The sports we are exposed to can help us grow in relationships reflection skills, critical thinking skills communication Adaption, space Oriantation in time and space Individuals are responsible for their lifestyle choices C soccer on 1 goal 5:5 D collaboration skills, communication skills Unit title MYP5 Key and related concepts Global context floorball 5:5 Communication + keeper on 1 goal class Interaction, systems tournament fitness. Change Systems Bootcamp, essay health Orientation in time and space volleyball Skills, referee, 6:6 Communication Apation, systems Oriantation in time and space gymnastics Handspring change movement Statement of inquiry Objectives ATL skills In order to make systems work effectively you must C, B communicate with each other and make adaptions if necessary Scientific and It is necessary to critically reflect upon your A, D technical innovation achievements in order to improve Balance, Organization skills Critical thinking skills, organization skills, reflecting skills Communication skills, information literacy skills Analyse the different formations used in volleyball and which one is most effective for current ability level is necessary to improve. A, C Planning an aesthetic performance requires refinement of skills and choreography D Organization skills, creative thinking skills basketball Communication, Creativity Technical skills, referee, 5:5 Fairness and development Students can help each other learn skills and stategies. A, C reflective skills, critical thinking skills Dance Choose a dance style, music and clothes, freerunning year 1 create a game year 2 judo year 3 Boxing year 4 self defence Communication Creativity, time, place and space change Time, place and space Personal and cultural expression Dance can be a powerful way to express and communicate themes, ideas and beliefs. B, C creaive thinking skills, collaboration skills Oriantation in time and space Using self evaluation to plan improvements helps one to gain confidence and perform at a higher level C creative thinking skills, Reflection skills Relationschips Interaction, energy Change Time, place and space Identities and relationschips Fairness and development Every individual action affects and is affected by other actions. To use the time, place and space creatively, you could make the change D Affective skills, collaboration skills transfer skills athletics, 5 km charity run, relay, shot put Communication Systems, choice Scientific and The understanding of skill development along with B technical innovation good planning and communication can enhance the effectiveness of their teaching Organization skills, information literacy skills rugby National sport communication Perspectives, adaption Personal and cultural expression How effective communication whilst playing rugby D effects performance' reflection sills, collaboration skills soccer Advanced skills, tournament change Movement, space Oriantation in time and space The refinement of technique is integral to achieving B change and increased efficiency of movement. Organization skills badminton C