Reimagining The Four Freedoms

Reimagining The Four Freedoms
Name: ________________________________ Date: _____ Per: ____
Background: President Franklin D. Roosevelt presented an ambitious characterization of liberty when, in
his 1941 Annual Message to Congress, he argued that Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship,
Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear should be accepted as human rights not only in the United
States, but “everywhere in the world.”
Artist Normal Rockwell was inspired by these ideals and painted his interpretation of them in the
paintings we analyzed. However, in this day and age, are Rockwell’s interpretations accurate? Are they
outdated? Are they representative of America?
Inspired by the legacies of Roosevelt and Rockwell, Reimagining the Four Freedoms is an exhibition
inviting contemporary artists to consider two questions:
**How might notions of freedom, as presented by Roosevelt and Rockwell during the World War II
era, be reinterpreted for our times? What does freedom look like today?
This exhibit (that you will be looking through this period) represents the diverse spectrum of responses
received from artists across the nation and in Canada. Their compelling artworks in all media give voice
to their observations and concerns about freedoms found and lost in our times.
INSTRUCTIONS [Benchmark Assessment]:
Step 1: Review the art selected for the exhibit and choose ONE image that you find powerful and meaningful.
Step 2: Use the graphic organizer on the backside of this to analyze the image.
Step 3: Write a paragraph analysis of how the artist develops the THEME of the painting/image.
This is a benchmark assessment, weighted 25% of your grade.
You will be graded on two parts:
(1) the quality of your analysis of the image—the graphic organizer on the back will
help you analyze the image and (2) the quality of the writing in your analysis
What image have you selected (title)?
Who is the artist?
What was your first reaction when you saw this image? Explain.
Why did this particular image stand out to you more than any other of the images?
Give me a summary of what is going on in the image.
Study the image. What really stands out to you about it? Be detailed and explain your thinking.
Which of the Four Freedoms does this image connect to? (Some images tell you, some do not). Tell
me what YOU think.
Think about the title of this image. Does it fit the image? Why or why not?
Write an analysis paragraph in which you:
--make a conclusion about the image: what message is the artist trying to convey and how you know
(explain your thinking clearly)
--explain whether you think the artist’s work is more relevant and connected to our society than
Rockwell’s image was and why you feel this way. Explain your thinking.
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