Exam Questions

-Helping students with their career plans
-Helping students create resumes, cover letters, and personal statements
-Helping students research job ads and CEGEP/university programs
-Helping students figure out what career direction is best for them
In this role, you will be coaching students who are your peers at your CEGEP of choice on how
to develop their career plans.
You don’t need to know program specific information but do need to understand the campus
culture and dynamics of the CEGEP.
1.) I can see on your transcript that you took a Career Development class in high school and
have brought your portfolio from that class. Can you tell me what the most important thing
you did for your portfolio is, and how you will use that in your role as a peer mentor?
2.) Can you talk about the group project in your portfolio? What was your role and how did
you contribute to your group? What skills did you learn from that project?
3.) Can you speak about the process of revising a resume and cover letter? What is
involved in such a process and what advice do you have for a peer who needs to edit his or
her resume?
4.) What is a personal statement or letter of intent? Why are these important? How would
you instruct a peer in writing one for a university program?
5.) Our CEGEP prides itself on this Career Development Centre, and we often do
presentations all around campus. Do you have any prior experience with giving
presentations? Please speak about 2 presentations you have done with your Career
Development class.
6.) What has your Career Development class taught you about the topic that you would try
to pass onto your peers if given the chance?
7.) What has your group project in your Career Development class taught you about your
personality and the specific skills that you can offer your team at work?
8.) Describe a conflict or problem that you encountered in your Career Development class
and how you resolved it. This could be punctuality, attendance, working with others, and/or
motivation or feeling worthy of receiving good grades.