TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES 1338 ARLEGUI ST., QUIAPO, MANILA DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SOIL MECHANICS CE 401- CE41FA3 FINAL REQUIREMENT MANUSCRIPT “A STUDY OF SOIL PROPERTIES IN EASTERN APALIT, PAMPANGA” SUBMITTED TO: __________________________ ENGR. LORENZO R. ADRIANO OCTOBER 2018 “A STUDY OF SOIL PROPERTIES IN EASTERN APALIT, PAMPANGA” Abstract The study of physical properties of soil helps in managing the resources while working with sorts of soil. Not all the soils have comparable properties even with the same location. Soil is a complex, living, changing and dynamic element of the agro ecosystem. It is concern in alteration, and can be either degraded or wisely managed. A thorough comprehension of ecology of the soil ecosystem is a key section of designing and managing agro ecosystem in which the long-term fertility and productive ability of the soil is maintained or even improved. Soil consists of particles such as minerals as well as organic matter, water and air. By measuring some of these aspects and identifying how they respond to management in an agricultural context, a foundation for assessing the health of the soil can be established. Physical properties of soil can be discussed under the following heads: Soil color, Soil odor, Moisture content, Cementation, Angularity, Toughness, Dry strength, Dilatancy, and Specific Gravity. Water content considerably influences the engineering behavior of fine-grained soils. In the order of increasing moisture content, a dry soil will be classified into four states: solid state, semi-solid state, plastic state, and liquid state. The water contents at the boundary of these states are regarded as Atterberg Limits whereas the plastic limit is the time when the consistency, caused by the soil water content, is transformed from a semi-solid state to a plastic state and the liquid limit is the time when the consistency is transformed from a plastic state to a liquid state. This paper is to analyze study the soil properties by way of determining its Atterberg Limits (Plastic Limit and Liquid Limit). Keywords: Atterberg Limits; Liquid Limit; Plastic Limit; Soil Physical Properties Introduction The province of Pampanga is situated at the central region of Luzon and is a part of the region III. Sitting on the northern shore of Manila bay, Pampanga is bordered by Tarlac up to the north, Bulacan by the east and Nueva Ecija to the northeast. It is categorized as a first-class, highly urbanized city and governed autonomously by the province. It covers a total area of 2,002.20 square kilometers occupying the southcentral section of the Central Luzon Region. Its terrain is relatively flat with one distinct mountain, Mount Arayat and the notable Pampanga River. Among its municipalities, Porac has the largest area with 314 kilometers; Candaba comes in second with 176 square kilometers; followed by Floridablanca with 175 square kilometers. Santo Tomas, with an area of only 21 square kilometers is the smallest.This study will test the physical properties of soil in the town of Apalit, Pampanga. The municipality of Apalit is located in the eastern part of the province. The total land area of the Apalit is 61.47 km2 (or 23.73 sq. mi). The total area of the municipality represents the 3.07% of the whole area of the province. Apalit is accessible by both land and rivers and is subdivided into twelve barangays namely Balucuc, Calantipe, Cansinala, Capalangan, Colgante, Paligui, Sampaloc, San Juan, San Vicente, Sucad, Sulipan, and Tabuyuc. (Apalit, Pampanga. n.d.) Because of the uneven subdivision of the town, the researchers will only test the selected part of Apalit. Since the town is located at the upland areas of Pampanga, it is appropriate and needed to examine the soil properties of the area to contribute in future projects, erection and construction works, and also to minimize the geotechnical failures that may come up for future projects and structures. Objectives General Objective: To determine the different soil properties in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga Specific Objectives: To describe the color, odor, moisture content, angularity, cementation, dry strength, dilatancy and toughness of soil in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga To quantify the specific gravity of soil in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga To know the Atterberg limits such as liquid limit and plastic limit and shrinkage limit of soil in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga Materials and Methods The experimental research in this study is primarily concerned on determining the soil consistencies of different soil samples from 6 barangays in Apalit, Pampanga. The researchers determined the soil consistencies using 3 samples for liquid limit test, 2 samples for plastic limit test and 1 sample for the shrinkage limit test of each soil from the 6 barangays in Apalit, Pampanga. The soil used was obtained from 6 barangays of the locality of Apalit, Pampanga, and it was collected in its natural state from a depth of 1m, 1.5m, and 2m, after the extraction the soil was air dried and carefully transported to Manila. The soil collected was brown in color and has an earthly smell. The researchers conducted the Atterberg Limit test on the soil from the 6 barangays to determine the soil consistencies for future references. Liquid Limit Test The liquid limit of a soil is the moisture content, expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven-dried soil, at the boundary between the liquid and plastic states of consistency. The moisture content at this boundary is arbitrarily defined as the water content at which two halves of a soil cake will flow together, for a distance of ½ in. (12.7 mm) along the bottom of a groove of standard dimensions separating the two halves, when the cup of a standard liquid limit apparatus is dropped 25 times from a height of 0.3937 in. (10 mm) at the rate of two drops/second. Plastic Limit Test The plastic limit of a soil is the moisture content, expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven-dry soil, at the boundary between the plastic and semisolid states of consistency. It is the moisture content at which a soil will just begin to crumble when rolled into a thread ⅛ in. (3 mm) in diameter using a ground glass plate or other acceptable surface. SOURCE: Soil Mechanics: Laboratory Manual 2nd Edition Results Table 1.7 shows the summary of six barangays from sample 1, 2, 3 and 4 of coarse grained soil. Table 1.8 shows the summary of six barangays from sample 1, 2, 3 and 4 of fine grained soil. Table 1.9 and 1.10 shows the summary results that the soil in Apalit, Pampanga which gives a majority description and identification of the following: sub-angular, brown in color, odorless, moist, strong in cementation, very high in dry strength, no dilatancy, and medium in toughness. Table 2.7 shows the data for the summary of the moisture content determination of soils on the EASTERN Apalit, Pampanga which have an average of 31.485%. The weight of tin cups ranges from 32 g to 36.67 g. The wt. of water ranges from 12.63 g to 18.45g. The moisture content ranges from 17.65% to 35.29%. Table 3.7 shows the specific gravity of the soil of the barangays. The specific gravity ranges from 2.45 to 2.59. The average specific gravity of the eastern Apalit, Pampanga is 2.54. Table 4.7 shows data for the liquid limit of the soils in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga. The liquid limit of the barangay ranges from 20.64 % to 30.69%. The average liquid limit of soil in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga is 25.41%. Table 5.7 shows data for the plastic of the soils in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga. The plastic limit of the barangay ranges from 10.48 % to 22.13%. The average plastic limit of soil in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga is 17.13 BARANGA ANGULARITY COLOR ODOR Y MOISTURE CEMENTATION CONTENT Sub-rounded 1 Light Odorless Moist Strong Odorless Moist Weak Brown Sub-angular 2 Pale Brown 3 Sub-rounded Brown Odorless Moist Weak 4 Angular Brown Odorless Moist Strong Angular Dark Odorless Moist Strong Odorless Moist Strong 5 Brown Sub-rounded 6 Reddish Brown 7 Moist Iyam Ilaya Light Moist Brown TABLE 1.7 Fine Grained Soil BARANGAY DRY STRENGTH DILATANCY TOUGHNESS COLGANTE Low None Low PALIGUI Very High None Medium SAMPALOC Medium None Medium SAN JUAN Very High None Medium SAN VICENTE Very High None High SUCAD Very High None Medium TABLE 1.8 MOISTURE CONTENT SOIL AREA ANGULARITY COLOR ODOR Eastern Apalit, Sub-angular Brown Odorless Moist Pampanga TABLE 1.9 CEMENTATION DRY STRENGTH DILATANCY TOUGHNESS Strong Very High None Medium TABLE 1.10 BARANGAY WT. OF WT. OF WT. OF WT. OF WT. OF WATER TIN CUP TIN CUP TIN CUP WATER DRY CONTENT + WET + DRY SOIL SOIL SOIL COLGANTE 35.5 g 106.32 g 87.87 g 18.45 g 52.51 g 35.29 % PALIGUI 33.90 g 84.88 g 70.94 g 13.94 g 37.04 g 37.71 % SAMPALOC 34.33 g 122.7 g 109.47 g 13.23 g 75.13 g 17.65% SAN JUAN 36.67 g 84.24 g 69.79 g 12.63 g 57.48 g 21.20 % SAN 35.24 g 84.24 g 69.80 g 14.44 g 34.56 g 41.88 % VICENTE SUCAD 32.00 g 84.87 g 71.17 g 13.70 g 39.17 g AVERAGE 35.18 % 31.485 % TABLE 2.7 BARANGAY SPECIFIC W1 W2 W3 W4 1 68 90 188 174 2.75 2 68 88 186 174 2.5 3 58 84 182 168 2.17 4 68 88 186 174 2.5 5 58 84 182 168 2.17 6 68 90 188 174 2.75 7 64 78 176 170 1.75 Ilayang Iyam 68 78 176 174 1.25 GRAVITY AVERAGE SPECIFIC GRAVITY = 2.23 TABLE 3.7 TABLE 4.7 TABLE 5.7 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: In further development of the study, the data gathered from the experimental procedures used will be statistically tested to provide significant data using one OneWay Analysis of Variance. In One-Way ANOVA, the mean of the groups of the study which is represented by the different barangays will be compared. Based on the degrees of freedom calculated, the f critical region of rejection of null hypothesis will be determined. The study will be having its own F value, and will then be compared. SUMMARY FOR MOISTURE CONTENT Groups Samples Sum Average Variance 0.3529 0.001195 Colgante 3 1.057 Paligui 3 1.1312 0.377067 0.001042 Sampaloc 3 0.5296 0.176533 0.000251 San Juan 3 0.6359 0.211967 0.000763 San Vicente 3 1.2564 0.4188 Sucad 3 1.0553 0.351767 0.001787 0.000885 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 1416.11 5 283.22 28.70 2.8E-06 3.105 Within Groups 118.47 12 9.87 Total 1534.58 17 F > Fcrit (hence, Ho= rejected) Based from the data calculated using one-way analysis of variance, it is observed that the calculated F value of the study is lower than the determined F critical value from the F distribution chart of one-way analysis of variance. The calculated F value of the study has a value of 3.105, while the F critical value has a value of 28.7. Since, the f value of the study is lower compared to the f critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected which means there is significant difference in moisture content is Eastern Apalit, Pampanga. Calculation: Degree of Freedombetween = Number of Groups – 1 = 6–1 = 5 Degree of Freedomwithin = Total number of samples –Number of Groups = 18-6 = 12 Degree of Freedomtotal = Degree of Freedombetween + Degree of Freedomwithin = 5 + 12 = 17 (Degree of Freedombetween = 5, Degree of Freedomwithin = 12) Using the F-Distribution Table: Fcritical = 3.105 SUM OF SQUARES = = 31.48 SStotal = ∑(moisture content per trial – 31.48)2 = (32.51- 31.48)2 + (34.20- 31.48)2 + (39.16- 31.48)2 + (34.57- 31.48)2 + (41.0231.48)2 + (37.53- 31.48)2 + (19.41- 31.48)2 + (17.22- 31.48)2 + (16.33- 31.48)2 + (18.21- 31.48)2 + (21.72- 31.48)2 + (23.66 - 31.48)2 + (44.7 - 31.48)2 + (42.17 - 31.48)2 +(38.77 - 31.48)2 +(34.45 - 31.48)2 +(31.36 - 31.48)2 + (39.72 - 31.48)2 = 1534.58 SSwithin = ∑(moisture content per trial – µbarangay)2 = (32.51- 35.29)2 + (34.20- 35.29)2 + (39.16- 35.29)2 + (34.57- 37.71)2 + (41.0237.71)2 + (37.53- 37.71)2 + (19.41- 17.65)2 + (17.22- 17.65)2 + (16.33- 17.65)2 + (18.21- 21.2)2 + (21.72- 21.2)2 + (23.66 - 21.2)2 + (44.7 – 41.88)2 + (42.17 - 41.88)2 +(38.77 - 41.88)2 +(34.45 – 35.18)2 +(31.36 - 35.18)2 + (39.72 - 35.18)2 = 118.47 SSbetween = SStotal - SSwithin = 1534.58 – 118.47 = 1416.11 MSbetween = = MSwithin = Fvalue = = = = 28.70 = 283.22 = 9.87 SUMMARY FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Colgante 3 7.3595 2.453167 0.007537 Paligui 3 7.7407 2.580233 0.00112 Sampaloc 3 7.7035 2.567833 0.00055 San Juan 3 7.5483 2.5161 San Vicente 3 7.6109 2.536967 0.004138 Sucad 3 7.7804 2.593467 0.001605 Source of Variation SS df MS Between Groups 0.040087 5 0.008017 3.020503 0.05415 3.105875 Within Groups 0.031852 12 0.002654 Total 0.07194 17 0.000977 ANOVA F P-value F crit F > Fcrit (hence, Ho= rejected) Based from the data calculated using one-way analysis of variance, it is observed that the calculated F value of the study is lower than the determined F critical value from the F distribution chart of one way analysis of variance. The calculated F value of the study has a value of 3.0205, while the F critical value has a value of 3.105. Since, the f value of the study is lower compared to the f critical value, the null hypothesis is fail to reject which means there is no significant difference in specific gravity in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga. Calculation: Degree of Freedombetween = Number of Groups – 1 = 6–1 = 5 Degree of Freedomwithin = Total number of samples –Number of Groups = 18-6 = 12 Degree of Freedomtotal = Degree of Freedombetween + Degree of Freedomwithin = 5 + 12 = 17 (Degree of Freedombetween = 5, Degree of Freedomwithin = 12) Using the F-Distribution Table: Fcritical = 3.105 SUM OF SQUARES = = 2.54 SStotal = ∑(specific gravity per trial – 2.54)2 = (2.5231- 2.54)2 + (2.4804- 2.54)2 + (2.3560- 2.54)2 + (2.5990- 2.54)2 + (2.6001- 2.54)2 + (2.5416- 2.54)2 + (2.5540- 2.54)2 + (2.5686- 2.54)2 + (2.5909- 2.54)2 + (2.5294- 2.54)2 + (2.4804- 2.54)2 + (2.5835- 2.54)2 + (2.5251 - 2.54)2 + (2.6064 2.54)2 +(2.4794 - 2.54)2 +(2.6376 - 2.54)2 +(2.5594 - 2.54)2 + (2.5834 - 2.54)2 = 0.07194 SSwithin = ∑( specific gravity per trial – µbarangay)2 = (2.5231- 2.59)2 + (2.4804- 2.59)2 + (2.3560- 2.59)2 + (2.5990- 2.54)2 + (2.6001- 2.54)2 + (2.5416- 2.54)2 + (2.5540- 2.52)2 + (2.5686- 2.52)2 + (2.5909- 2.52)2 + (2.5294- 2.57)2 + (2.4804- 2.57)2 + (2.5835- 2.57)2 + (2.5251 - 2.58)2 + (2.6064 2.58)2 +(2.4794 - 2.58)2 +(2.6376 - 2.45)2 +(2.5594 - 2.45)2 + (2.5834 - 2.45)2 = 0.031852 SSbetween = SStotal - SSwithin = 0.07194– 0.031852 = 0.040087 MSbetween = MSwithin = = = = 0.008017 = 0.002654 Fvalue = = = 3.020503 SUMMARY FOR LIQUID LIMIT Groups Count Sum Average Variance Colgante 3 0.9206 0.306867 0.018906 Paligui 3 0.782 0.260667 0.003872 Sampaloc 3 0.619 0.206333 3.41E-05 San Juan 3 0.6588 0.2196 San Vicente 3 0.7759 0.258633 0.016665 Sucad 3 0.8169 0.2723 0.000282 Source of Variation SS df MS F Between Groups 0.019953 5 0.003991 0.580632 0.714622 3.105875 Within Groups 0.082476 12 0.006873 Total 0.102429 17 0.001479 ANOVA P-value F crit F > Fcrit (hence, Ho= rejected) Based from the data calculated using one-way analysis of variance, it is observed that the calculated F value of the study is lower than the determined F critical value from the F distribution chart of one way analysis of variance. The calculated F value of the study has a value of 0.5806, while the F critical value has a value of 3.105. Since, the f value of the study is lower compared to the f critical value, the null hypothesis is fail to reject which means there is no significant difference in liquid limit in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga. Calculation: Degree of Freedombetween = Number of Groups – 1 = 6–1 = 5 Degree of Freedomwithin = Total number of samples –Number of Groups = 18-6 = 12 Degree of Freedomtotal = Degree of Freedombetween + Degree of Freedomwithin = 5 + 12 = 17 (Degree of Freedombetween = 5, Degree of Freedomwithin = 12) Using the F-Distribution Table: Fcritical = 3.105 SUM OF SQUARES = = 0.2541 SStotal = ∑(liquid limit per trial – 0.2541)2 = (0.4347- 0.2541)2 + (0.3245- 0.2541)2 + (0.1614- 0.2541)2 + (0.3142 - 0.2541)2 + (0.2754- 0.2541)2 + (0.1924- 0.2541)2 + (0.2115- 0.2541)2 + (0.2075- 0.2541)2 + (0.2 - 0.2541)2 + (0.2632 - 0.2541)2 + (0.2051- 0.2541)2 + (0.1905- 0.2541)2 + (0.3778 0.2541)2 + (0.2766 - 0.2541)2 + (0.1215 - 0.2541)2 + (0.2917- 0.2541)2 + (0.26260.2541)2 + (0.2626- 0.2541)2 = 0.102429 SSwithin = ∑( liquid limit per trial – µbarangay)2 = (0.4347- 0.3069)2 + (0.3245- 0.3069)2 + (0.1614- 0.3069)2 + (0.3142 - 0.2607)2 + (0.2754- 0.2607)2 + (0.1924- 0.2607)2 + (0.2115- 0.2064)2 + (0.2075- 0.2064)2 + (0.2 - 0.2064)2 + (0.2632 - 0.2196)2 + (0.2051- 0.2196)2 + (0.1905- 0.2196)2 + (0.3778 0.2586)2 + (0.2766 - 0.2586)2 + (0.1215 - 0.2586)2 + (0.2917- 0.2723)2 + (0.26260.2723)2 + (0.2626- 0.2723)2 = 0.082476 SSbetween = SStotal - SSwithin = 0.102429– 0.082476 = 0.019953 MSbetween = = MSwithin = Fvalue = = 0.003991 = = = 0.006873 = 0.580632 SUMMARY FOR PLASTIC LIMIT Groups Count SuSum Average Variance Colgante 2 0.4426 0.2213 0.008581 Paligui 2 0.381 0.1905 0.000462 Sampaloc 2 0.2096 0.1048 0.000229 San Juan 2 0.2671 0.13355 0.000367 San Vicente 2 0.3288 0.1644 0.043159 Sucad 2 0.4265 0.21325 0.001176 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 0.021047 5 0.004209 0.467929 0.788927 4.387374 Within Groups 0.053974 6 0.008996 Total 0.075021 11 F > Fcrit (hence, Ho= rejected) Based from the data calculated using one-way analysis of variance, it is observed that the calculated F value of the study is lower than the determined F critical value from the F distribution chart of one way analysis of variance. The calculated F value of the study has a value of 0.4679, while the F critical value has a value of 4.3873. Since, the f value of the study is lower compared to the f critical value, the null hypothesis is fail to reject which means there is no significant difference in liquid limit in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga. Calculation: Degree of Freedombetween = Number of Groups – 1 = 6–1 = 5 Degree of Freedomwithin = Total number of samples –Number of Groups = 12-6 = 6 Degree of Freedomtotal = Degree of Freedombetween + Degree of Freedomwithin = 5 + 6 = 11 (Degree of Freedombetween = 5, Degree of Freedomwithin = 6) Using the F-Distribution Table: Fcritical = 4.387 SUM OF SQUARES = = 0.1713 SStotal = ∑(plastic limit per trial – 0.1713)2 = (0.2868- 0.1713)2 + (0.1558- 0.1713)2 + (0.1753- 0.1713)2 + (0.2057- 0.1713)2 + (0.1155- 0.1713)2 + (0.0941- 0.1713)2 + (0.1200- 0.1713)2 + (0.1471- 0.1713)2 + (0.3113- 0.1713)2 + (0.0715- 0.1713)2 + (0.2375- 0.1713)2 + (0.1890- 0.1713)2 = 0.07502 SSwithin = ∑(plastic limit per trial – µbarangay)2 = (0.2868- 0.2113)2 + (0.1558- 0.2213)2 + (0.1753- 0.1905)2 + (0.2057- 0.1905)2 + (0.1155- 0.1048)2 + (0.0941- 0.1048)2 + (0.1200- 0.1335)2 + (0.1471- 0.1335)2 + (0.3113- 0.1644)2 + (0.0715- 0.1644)2 + (0.2375- 0.2133)2 + (0.1890- 0.2133)2 = 0.053974 SSbetween = SStotal - SSwithin = 0.07502 -0.053974 = 0.021047 MSbetween = = MSwithin = Fvalue = = = = 0.004209 = 0.008996 = 0.4679 Discussion The study is about the soil consistency in different barangays of Apalit, Pampanga. This study determines the soil properties as well as plastic limit and liquid limit. First is the determination of the physical properties of the soil by inspection. Second is the determination of soil consistency using plastic limit, the process is placing the soil added with some water in the glass plate then using re-roll and re-ball process until it forms 3mm and then placed it in the oven with a tin can. Next is the through liquid limit, the process is placing the soil in the liquid limit device or casa grande after placing it cut the soil in middle using the groove tool then blow it until it closes at that time get the other half of the soil in the device and place it in the oven with a tin can. After conducting the experiments, data were gathered and recorded. Conclusion After conducting several experiments, we have determined the physical properties as well as both plastic limit and liquid limit of soil samples we have gathered in Apalit, Pampanga The physical properties of the majority of the barangays of Apalit, Pampanga is Sub-angular, brown in color, odorless, moist, has strong cementation, very high dry strength, non- dilatant and medium in toughness. The maximum value calculated from the liquid limit determination of soil samples in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga is from Colgante having an average liquid limit of 30.69% while the minimum value of liquid limit of soil samples is from barangay Sampaloc having an average moisture content of 20.64%. The average liquid limit of soils in Eastern Apalit, Pampanga is 25.41%. This implies that the soil type is soft. Therefore, there is a high chance of erosion in the place when raining. 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