9th Grade Syllabus 2018-2019

Dr. Adnan Omran
3145 Medical Plaza Dr., Garland, TX 75044
Tel: 972-675-2062 Fax: 972-675-2063
“Where Knowledge, Faith, Academics and Character Meet.”
9th Grade English I Course Syllabus
Assalamulaikum Dear Students and Parents,
I am so excited to be returning for my sixth year as an English instructor at BHA! I love BHA and I LOVE
my students. This is currently my fifth year of teaching, having previously taught English in New York City and in
the South Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas, Texas. I am a graduate of CUNY Queens College in Queens, NY with
a bachelor’s degree in English and Secondary Education and hold Texas State Teaching Certification in English
Secondary Education. I have a Master’s degree in Education Policy & Leadership at SMU with administrator
My primary emphasis in all that I do in the classroom, whether it be the books I choose or projects I assign,
is to prepare our students to be college-ready academically and mentally, which may mean they will be exposed to
college material to ensure their success. I incorporate learning activities, group projects, partner work, and
discussion to make learning fun, creative, and hands-on for students as well as tying in Islam in all aspects of
literature and English.
English I is a rigorous course focused on preparing students to be academically and mentally ready for
college level English. The curriculum includes and integration of the TEKS and Common Core standards with
emphasis on vocabulary, grammar, writing across genres, literary analysis, poetry analysis, developing presentation
skills, self-reflection, and applied English skills. Students can expect a challenging, high-expectations, no-excuses
environment. Every assignment has been well thought-out in advance, so please put effort into each one.
In ninth grade we will read four novels, poetry, and several non-fiction articles and essays. Our writing will
be focused on developing a strong thesis, argument, providing evidence, creative writing, as well as informal
journaling to tie in Islamic character building within every lesson.
Expect homework several times a week to involve novel reading and a writing component and/or
grammar/vocabulary practice. There will also be a class blog where homework may be frequently assigned to.
Projects will be assigned throughout the year. Presentations or public speaking will be a regular component of the
class. Expect periodic notebook checks (announced and unannounced) throughout the school year.
The tentative plan for the marking periods is as follows:
● Marking Period 1: To Kill a Mockingbird, Performance Assessment, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury &
Research Project, Literary Analysis Essay
● Marking Period 2: Hamlet by William Shakespeare,
● Marking Period 3: Hamlet, Literary Analysis Essay, EOC Prep
● Marking Period 4: The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley, High School Poetry Night
Vision: Brighter Horizons will be a model Islamic educational system, within which learners may develop to their fullest potential and become a
generation of leaders and individuals who are highly motivated to be successful in this life and beyond.
The following is my supply list for the school year. The class novels will be ordered by the school and must be
paid for by the students in order for your child to receive a copy. Notebook paper, markers, poster board, tissue,
wipes, and glue can be stored in my room and used throughout the school year.
● 1 3-subject spiral notebook (college-ruled)
● 1” 3-ring binder
● 1 pack of dividers (5 tabs)
● Loose leaf paper (one pack for class + personal stash)
● Pens (dark ink). Assignments in pencil will not be accepted.
● Pencils (for annotating)
● Colored ink pens for grading
● 4 highlighters (orange, yellow, pink, blue)
● 2 Post it notepads
● 1 pack of multi-color Expo Markers
● 1 box of tissue
My classroom expectations are as follows:
✓ Be respectful and have a good attitude.
✓ Be prepared.
✓ Come to class on time.
✓ Do the right thing: Strive to perfect your deen in all aspects of your character.
✓ Nothing less than your very best! 
Binders, Bellringers and Journals
Organization is key to success! To practice organizational skills you will be required to keep a binder with you at all
times. All of your English material will be kept in it and I will do random checks that will count toward your grade.
Tabs should be labeled as: Vocab, Lit Handouts, Graded Work, Tests/Quizzes, STAAR
A 3-subject spiral notebook will be required for in-class work. The tabs should be labeled as: Bell Ringers, Notes,
and Writing. Your spiral notebooks will be checked regularly and at random. You MUST record the learning
objectives in the bell-ringer section of your notebooks every day.
You will spend the first few minutes of every class doing the Bellringer. The topics will help you prepare for the
SATs, college entrance, vocabulary, and further your understanding of English objectives or themes we are
discussing inshallah. All entries will be kept in your binder and will count as a grade. It is your responsibility to keep
up with the entries.
Class Procedures
Beginning of class:
✓ Come to class on time with your supplies BEFORE entering the classroom and with a good attitude.
✓ Head straight to your seat, copy down the objective, and begin the bellringer immediately in your
✓ Have your class novel, binder, highlighters/pens out on your desk and be ready to work.
✓ Have your homework out on your desk and pass in to a point person when asked.
End of Class:
✓ Copy down the homework, throw away trash, and leave the class nice and tidy.
Heading & Turning in Assignments
Vision: Brighter Horizons will be a model Islamic educational system, within which learners may develop to their fullest potential and become a
generation of leaders and individuals who are highly motivated to be successful in this life and beyond.
Every assignment handed in must be completed neatly on looseleaf paper with the proper heading. Handwriting
must be legible and in dark ink pen or typed on printer paper ONLY. Anything completed messily, without a
heading, or in pencil will not be accepted and must be re-done.
Have your homework out at the beginning of class while you complete the bellringer. Homework will be collected
at start of class and put into your class tray. Classwork/groupwork assignments completed during class time should
be placed into your class tray AS YOU LEAVE THE CLASSROOM (not during class).
Name of Assignment
Objective: SWBAT…
Dropbox: Every student will create an online portfolio of their formal writing assignments. This will prepare you
for the college skill of uploading & submitting your assignments online. You will submit a hard copy in class and
will be expected to upload a soft copy of your final drafts into your Dropbox folders by the due date.
Makeup work: Students are expected to make up work they missed while absent. It is the student’s responsibility
to inquire about, complete, and return assignments within five school days of returning to school.
Late assignments: Assignments should be neat, complete, original work, and submitted on time. BHA’s high
school policy regarding late assignments is as follows:
Days Late
1 Day
2 Days
3 Days
More than 4 Days
-10 pts
90% max
-30 pts
70% max
-50 pts
50% max
50% max or 0
You will receive a zero slip if you do not hand in homework. This will be turned in as a placeholder for your
homework until you turn it in and will serve as documentation that you did not complete your work on time.
Grading Policy:
Terms 1 and 3
Tests/Projects 50%
Terms 2 and 4
Tests/Projects 50%
Midterm/Final 10%
*Refer to Student Handbook for school policies such as dress code, ID, etc.
Vision: Brighter Horizons will be a model Islamic educational system, within which learners may develop to their fullest potential and become a
generation of leaders and individuals who are highly motivated to be successful in this life and beyond.
Student Responsibilities/Expectations:
▪ Students are to be seated in their desks with their supplies ready to start the class when the bell rings.
Anyone not in their seat will be required to get a tardy pass.
▪ All assignments should be written in pen using dark ink only. Assignments written in pencil will not be
▪ It is the responsibility of the student to approach me for work missed due to an absence or tardy
immediately after returning to school or prior to the absence. Any missed work not submitted within 5 days
will be recorded as a 0.
▪ Students should submit assignments on time. The teacher will announce due dates but may/may not give
reminders. Therefore, students should use planners to keep up with homework and due dates.
▪ Students should keep themselves organized. Binders should be kept updated. I give frequent
announced/unannounced Binder Checks throughout the school year.
▪ Since careful consideration has been put into creating beneficial assignments, students should perform at
their maximum potential. Put your best effort into every assignment.
Cell Phone Policy: Unless explicitly told you may use your cell phone, cell phone usage in class is strictly
prohibited. If I see your phone, I will take it and submit it to the front desk. No warnings and no second chances.
Makeup Tests/Quizzes Policy
● Pertains to students who have an excused absence.
● It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the date and time of makeup test/quiz with the teacher.
● Tests/ quizzes should be made up within five school days of return to school.
Retake Tests/Quizzes Policy
● If the student scores less than 70% on a test/quiz, he/she will be allowed to remediate via test retake
● Students may retake multiple tests/quizzes per nine weeks per subject.
● The maximum points that can be scored on a retake are half credit.
● The retake should be taken when offered.
Copying/Cheating, Plagiarism
DO NOT DO IT! Students are expected to act honorably and with integrity. All students involved in copying,
cheating by giving or receiving help (especially on tests or quizzes), or plagiarizing will receive a zero that cannot be
made up or replaced. In addition, students will be subject to disciplinary action. Furthermore, Allah loves those who
are honest and have true character. Cheating is not worth the bad deeds.
● An instance of cheating will disqualify you from the incentive program that semester.
Discipline Policy:
In order to maximize learning, it is very important that you follow the rules and procedures of the class. They are
meant to benefit you and the effectiveness of the class! I follow the school policy for discipline (Step 1: Verbal
Warning, Step 2: Phone Call Home, Step 3: Infraction Slip, Step 4: Discipline Referral.)
Vision: Brighter Horizons will be a model Islamic educational system, within which learners may develop to their fullest potential and become a
generation of leaders and individuals who are highly motivated to be successful in this life and beyond.
Failure to comply with expectations results in disciplinary action as per school policy.
Our Edmodo page will be used for blog post assignments, Journal assignments, classroom announcements, polls,
etc. It is the student’s responsibility to join the class Edmodo page and turn in all assignments in a timely manner.
Please check Sycamore regularly and have your child check for grades, assignments, quizzes, tests, writing,
homework, or announcements.
Please contact me through email, phone, or even text for any questions or concerns. I encourage my students to
contact me with any issue or personal situation to build a habit of communication with professors.
Thank you for the opportunity to teach your child. I look forward to what I hope will be a great year of rigorous
learning, thinking, and growth, inshAllah.
*The teacher reserves the right to change or adjust syllabus as they see fit.
Tahsina Siddiqui, M. Ed Education Policy & Leadership,
B.A. English and Secondary Education, Certified in English Language Arts
9th-12th Grade English Teacher & Department Head, Brighter Horizons Academy
tahsina@bhaprep.org, voicemail ext. 155
I, ______________________________________ have read and acknowledge the policies and procedures set
forth for Ms. Tahsina’s English I class. By signing below, I affirm that I will strive to uphold the highest of
standards in and out of class.
____________________________________________(Student signature) ________________________(Date)
____________________________________________(Parent signature) _________________________(Date)
Vision: Brighter Horizons will be a model Islamic educational system, within which learners may develop to their fullest potential and become a
generation of leaders and individuals who are highly motivated to be successful in this life and beyond.