Forces and Motion Quiz

Forces & Motion Quiz
First & Last Name:
1. State Newton’s 1st Law
2. State Newton’s 2nd Law
3. State Newton’s 3rd Law
4. How much force is needed to accelerate a 4 kg skateboard at 6 m/s^2?
A. 24 N
C. 18 kg
B. 12 N
D. 24 m/s^2
5. A force of 54 N is applied to 18 kg bowling ball, how fast does the bowling bowl accelerate?
A. 9 m/s
C. 3 m/s^2
B. 18 m/s^2
D. 21 m/s^2
6. What is the mass of a bird that is pushed by wind with a force of 8 N and accelerates at a rate
of 4 m/s^2?
A. 2 N
C. 4 m/s^2
B. 8 kg
D. 2 kg
7. Fill in the blank. 36 N = __ kg X 6 m/s^2
A. 3
C. 4
B. 6
D. 12
8. Which of these is NOT an example of motion being transferred?
A. Surfing
C. Baseball Bat to Baseball
B. Car Crash
D. Dominos
9. Surfing requires both an Applied push and pull force. Explain.
The image above is an example of Normal Force between the box and the incline. Is this force
A. Diagonally
C. Perpendicularly
B. Parallel
D. Horizontally
11. Gravity is a force also seen in the image above. What force other than Normal Force and
Gravity do you notice?
A. Frictional Force
C. Tension Force
B. Spring Force
D. Applied Force
12. There is a Tug-of-War match between an Elephant and 5th Grade class. Where does the
Tension Force apply?
A. The ground underneath the opponents
C. The 5th Grade Class
B. The Elephant
D. The rope used between the opponents
13. Which force is used to push a sailboat forward?
A. Air Resistance Force
C. Spring Force
B. Applied Force
D. Gravitational Force
13. What force is NOT applied to someone using a parachute?
A. Gravitational Force
C. Normal Force
B. Tension Force
D. Air Resistance Force
14. A bungee cord is a different example of a Spring Force. If the bungee cord is STRECTCHED
to its limit. Is the force repulsive or attractive?
A. Repulsive
B. Attractive
15. A magnet being used to pick up nails off the ground is an example of what kind of Action at
a Distance Force?
A. Gravitational Force
C. Magnetic Force
B. Electrical Force
D. None of the Above