How to Create a Hall Plot in OFM 2005 4082945 01 4082945 01

How to Create a Hall Plot In OFM
Hall proposed a technique for analyzing injection wells that basically assumes a series of
steady-state injection conditions. Required data are cumulative volume injected and a
good record of injection pressure. For reference, see Hall, K. R. and Yarborough, L., "A
New Equation of State for Z-Factors Calculations”, Oil and Gas J. (June, 18, 1973)82-92.
Creating the Hall Coefficient Calculated Variable
In this procedure, you will create a calculated variable to be used in the Hall plot using
the Pilot Waterflood BField demo project.
1. From the OFM window, select File>Open Workspace.
The Open OFM Workspace dialog box displays.
2. Open the Pilot Waterflood BField demo project by choosing the file path
c:\Program Files\Schlumberger\OFM\Sample Databases\Pilot Waterflood
3. Choose the file named Pilot Waterflood BField.mdb and click Open.
The Pilot Waterflood BField map displays.
4. Select Database>Calculated Variables.
The Edit Calculated Variables dialog box displays.
5. Click New.
The Edit Calculated Variable box displays.
6. Type in the equation @RSum(@Step(Win.Wipre,
Win.Wipre=0)*@Dom(date) ) and Click OK. The Edit dialog box displays.
7. Type in HallPlot in the Name portion of the box and Click OK.
The Edit Calculated Variables dialog box displays with HallPlot displayed in
the variable list.
8. Click Close.
Creating the Hall Plot
1. Select Analysis>Plot.
The Edit Plot dialog box displays.
2. From the Plot Data tab, select Winj.Cum for the x-axis variable and HallPlot
for the y-axis variable. Click OK.
3. From the well drop down list on the toolbar, select the 503WI:B well. The
Hall plot displays with data.