Diets – balanced and unbalanced Objectives: •I will know the seven components of a balanced diet and the purpose of each •I will understand foods are needed in different quantities in different situations •To describe what is meant by balanced diet. •To compare meals and explain whether people’s diets are balanced. Keywords: Diet, balanced, deficiency, malnourished. 7 Components of a Balanced Diet Component Food source Purpose/Use Protein Fish, meat, eggs To build and repair cells Carbohydrate Bread, pasta, cereal To provide energy Fat Meat, chocolate, butter Insulation and Energy Water Anything wet or soggy!! To keep you alive Vitamins Fruit, vegetables Minerals Red meat, spinach, milk Potatoes, fruit, veg, cereals Fibre Keep everything working properly Calcium – strong bones Iron – healthy blood To keep everything flowing smoothly! Describe each meal (draw a picture if you want), include details of the type of food they will provide you with.Which meal provides the most energy? Is this meal a balanced meal? Comparing Meals! With your partner, complete the following. Write a short guide to what you believe are the nutritional needs of a – • Pregnant woman • Heavyweight boxer •A man with a broken leg What’s on YOUR plate?! What kind of food makes a healthy diet? Lots of people talk about dieting all the time, and they say pretty negative things about it… But it is really important thing to get right! What do YOU think makes a diet healthy? Four pictures one word! d c r l a ____ i h e o t h n a r f Balanced diet. Balanced diet: Eating the right amounts of ALL the food groups for our bodies to work properly. Bounce! • Name foods that go under the food group your teacher says! • Last three standing get a HP! 3 mins. Quick quiz! 1-5 in books • 1) Which food group is the main source of energy? • 2) Which food group is our emergency source of energy? • 3) Which food group is responsible for helping our body grow and repair itself? • 4) Which food group helps our immune system? • 5) Which food group is essential for ALL our body functions? • You need to eat all 7 groups every day to be healthy. 0 0 0 0 Which food groups do you need the most of? _ _ _ _ _ (2Ltrs a day) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fuel) _ _ _ _ _ (roughage) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (growth, repair) _ _ _ (storage) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (calcium) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (oranges) Biggest! Smallest! Each f____ g____ is needed by my body to be healthy. I need to eat a b_________ d_____ to be healthy. A balanced diet means eating the right amounts of carbohydrate, p_______, f_______, fat, v________, minerals and w______. A h_______ meal has all food groups at the right amounts. An unh_________ meal has the wrong amount of each food group, (usually F….). This is called an unb_______ meal. I will be malnourished if I do not eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet is not the same for every person. Which food group does each person need more of and why? Professional athlete. Growing child Bodybuilder What about a postman? • The body builder… • Needs more protein to build and repair muscles. • The growing child… • Needs calcium to build healthy bones and teeth. • Needs carbohydrate (for energy) and protein • Needs carbohydrate for energy. • The athlete… • The postman… Which word in each row is the odd one out? Why? Chicken Cheese Cereal Fat Water Fibre Bread Cooking oil Butter Calcium Oxygen Iron Potato Chicken Pasta Green pepper Pear Tomato Potato Carrot Lettuce Plenary Draw the Ladybird – add its legs and antennae with the 7 components of a balanced diet. Problems of an unbalanced diet Objectives: to know the health problems linked to being overweight - to know why it is unhealthy to be underweight Starter What do you think this picture is trying to tell you? Obesity Strokes Diabetes - your risk is doubled - Risk rises rapidly with weight Physical Psychological Aspects -Breathlessness -Anxiety -Mobility -Low self-esteem -Fitness -Depression Coronary Heart Disease -Low confidence Cancer Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) - increased risk of colon, breast, womb, kidney and oesophagus cancer Infertility Deficiency Diseases Night Blindness Malnutrition Muscle Wastage Infertility Anorexia Rickets Psychological Impacts Anaemia Scurvy -low self esteem Task 1: You have to use the information on an unbalanced diet to produce a leaflet warning of the dangers of obesity and malnutrition. Task 2: Homework Find out out many calories are in 1 bag of walkers crisps, a can of coke and a Snickers. How many bananas would you needs to eat to get the same number of calories? What exercise would you need to do and how much to burn of those calories. Homework • Page 8 and 9 in your white books. Healthy or unhealthy? Where’s the vitamins and minerals?! Healthy or unhealthy? Healthy or unhealthy? Where’s the vitamins and minerals?! Healthy or unhealthy? Where’s the protein, carbohydrate and fat?! Healthy or unhealthy? Cheese sandwich Healthy or unhealthy? Where’s the protein, vitamins and minerals?! Healthy or unhealthy? Bread. ‘Getting the balance right’ The food you eat during the day should provide you with enough energy to get through the day. Even if you are lying in bed, completely inactive, you are still using energy to keep: your heart beating your lungs working your body temperature constant all the chemicals in your body going The ‘ticking over’ speed at which our bodies work is the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). The BMR varies from person to person. My BMR is __________________ What happens if the balance is wrong? If you take in more energy than your body needs it will store this extra as fat and your body mass will increase. If you do not take in enough energy, your body will use its fat reserves to provide energy and your body will decrease in mass. (sankey diagrams) To work out your BMR – Women: 661 + (4.38 x weight in pounds) + (4.33 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age) = BMR Men: 67 + (6.24 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.9 x age) = BMR To estimate the total number of calories your body needs each day, multiply your BMR by the appropriate number given below: * 1.2 for people who get little exercise * 1.3 for people who get a moderate amount of exercise * 1.7 for people who are very active * 1.9 for people who are extremely active For foodies… Name the 7 groups you need to make your meal balanced. Name two things that might happen to you if you do not eat a balanced meal. Plenary For masterchefs! John is a office worker and Jill is a builder. How would their diets be different? (2 marks) How would the diet of a small boy be different to an adult? (3 marks)