Determining the Population of Sciurus carolinensis on the University of Mary Washington’s Campus BIOL 322 Animal Ecology November 20, 2012 by Joseph W. Bryan 2 ABSTRACT Knowing the relative abundance and density of a species is helpful in many preservation methods. The purpose of this paper is to show the estimated population size, absolute density and distribution of Sciurus carolinensis on the University of Mary Washington’s campus. Counts were collected using the quadrant sampling method, the data collected was analyzed, and several calculations were made to determine these important ecological statistics. The data shows that this organism exhibits clumped distribution and has an expected population size and absolute density for the ecosystem of the campus. INTRODUCTION Precise and accurate population estimation is a vital skill a successful ecologist possesses. This ability is valuable when designing species conservation methods or analyzing a species’ effects on the environment. In this study, the population of Sciurus carolinensis on the University of Mary Washington’s campus in Fredericksburg, Virginia was estimated. S. carolinensis, the gray squirrel, is native to eastern North America (UNEP, 2010). These squirrels exhibit home ranges of 1 to 2 or 1 to 4 acres for females and males respectively (Fuller, 2004). They are most active either 2 hours after sunrise or 2 to 5 hours before sunset during summer months, or 2 to 4 hours before sunset during winter months (Koprowski, 1994). Both the time of year and the weather conditions affect the squirrel’s activity. They are typically less active during winter months and during inclement weather, such as high winds or heavy rain (Koprowski, 1994). Therefore, the best-suited time to count squirrels would be during the peak hours of activity under dry and temperate weather conditions. Gray squirrels may exhibit varied 3 densities depending on the availability of tree seeds, a major food source. This indicates that their densities will be highest in wooded landscapes. For example, the gray squirrel’s typical density in small woodlots is approximately 6 squirrels/acre (Koprowski, 1994). Because the University of Mary Washington’s campus contains woodlots as well as open areas with buildings, the densities throughout the habitat will vary. The purpose of this study is to estimate the population of grey squirrels on campus to determine their distribution, density, and other ecologically significant information. METHODS This study was performed on the University of Mary Washington’s campus in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The area is approximately 3209 feet in length and 1020 feet in width, giving a total area of roughly 75.14 acres. This area was divided into 24 rectangular quadrants, each with dimensions 802 feet by 170 feet, or approximately 3.13 acres (Figure 1). This shape and size were chosen to reduce edge effect and accommodate the squirrel’s home range, respectively. To determine the number of quadrants that should be counted two-stage sampling was implemented, in which 3 quadrants were chosen at random using a random numbers table. After quadrants 1, 6 and 18 (Figure 1) were measured and marked off using flags, two others and I spread out equidistantly, walked the length of each quadrant and counted the squirrels that were observed. Each count took place during dry weather in the afternoon. With the preliminary data, the following equation was used to determine the number of quadrants needed to be counted to obtain a 45% level of accuracy: n = t 2 s2 (Equation 1), where n is the number of d2 quadrants that should be counted, t is the student’s t-value with 95% reliability and 4 2 infinite degrees of freedom representing a value of 1.96, s is the variance of the mean number of squirrels observed from the three preliminary observations, and d2 is the mean of the number of squirrels observed from the three preliminary observations times the chosen level of accuracy. The counts were converted into an estimate of total population ^ size using the Area Density Method with the following equation: N = A ´ å ni (Equation a ^ 2), where N is the estimated population size, A is the number of quadrants occupied by the total population, a is the number of quadrants sampled, and ni is the number of individuals counted in the ith sample area. The variance of the population was determined é 2 é A2 - Aa ù ê aå ni - å ni using V^ = ê ú´ N a ( a-1) ë a û êê ë ( ) ùú(Equation 3), where V 2 ú úû ^ is the variance of the N estimated population size. To better report the fluctuation in the data gathered, a 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated using the following equation: 95% CI = 2s (Equation 4), where s is the standard deviation of the samples collected and n is the n number of samples collected. The distribution was determined by dividing the sample _ variance (s2) by the sample mean ( x ) and comparing that value to 1. A value equal to 1 indicates random distribution, a value significantly greater than 1 indicates clumped distribution, and a value significantly less than 1 indicates regular distribution. The significance was determined using the following chi square test: c 2 = (n-1)s2 _ (Equation x 5), where c 2 represents the calculated chi square value, n represents the number of 5 _ samples gathered, and s2 and x represent the above-mentioned values. The calculated chi square value was then compared to a critical chi square value (Figure 2). Finally, the density was determined by estimating the total population size and dividing that number by the size of the campus to give a unit of squirrels per acre. RESULTS Preliminary counts in quadrants 1, 6, and 18 resulted in 5, 8, and 18 squirrels, respectively. From this data and using Equation 1 it was determined that 9 quadrants needed to be counted to obtain 45% accuracy. All counts were conducted according to the methods described above and the results are listed in Table 1. Using Equation 2, the total population was estimated to be 155 squirrels. From this value and Equation 3, the variance of the estimated population size was calculated to be 1271. Equation 4 gives a 95% confidence interval of 3.76. Dividing the sample variance by the sample mean results in a value of 4.93. To determine if this value is significantly greater than 1, Equation 5 was implemented, resulting in a calculated chi square value of 39.45. This value was greater than the value indicated on Figure 2, showing that 4.93 is significantly greater than 1 and indicating clumped distribution. Finally, the density of the grey squirrel population was calculated to be 2 squirrels/acre. DISCUSSION The results of this study were somewhat expected. First, the clumped distribution was anticipated due to the scattered woodlands where squirrels would most likely inhabit and the numerous buildings where squirrels would not be located. Next, the overall density seems realistic as well. The University of Mary Washington’s campus is not suitable to support a high density of squirrels. Only small areas of the campus are wooded 6 areas where one would observe higher densities. Finally, the estimated population size, though low, appears to fit the general environment of the campus. The low number may have been due to the cold weather during which the counts took place. LITERATURE CITED Fuller, Jimmy. “Gray Squirrel.” Radford University. 8 April 2004. 7 October 2012. Koprowski, John L. 1994. Sciurus carolinensis. Mammalian Species 480: 1-9. UNEP-WCMC. 2010. Review of the Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge. Table 1. Data collected for Sciurus carolinensis inhabiting the University of Mary Washington’s campus in Fredericksburg, Virginia including sample number, quadrant counted (Quad.), and number observed (Num. Obs.). Data was collected between October 26, 2012 and November 17, 2012. Sample Number Quad. Numb. Obs. 1 1 5 2 2 11 3 3 0 4 6 8 5 7 1 6 9 2 7 15 8 8 16 5 9 18 18 Total: 58 Figure 1. University of Mary Washington’s campus divided into 24 equal quadrants. Figure 2. Chi Square Table with the comparison value circled in red. Preliminary = P Final = F P Quadrant Counted Number in Quadrant 1 5 P 6 8 P 18 18 F 2 11 F 3 0 F 7 1 F 9 2 F 15 8 F 16 5