REVIEW : FIVE CASE STUDIES APPLYING SOFT SYSTEMS METHODOLOGY TO KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 29018002 29018003 GITA PARTIWI PUTRI INTAN SARI BACKGROUND PARTNE R JOINT VENTURE Complex Subject to constant change Highly competitive Cost critical CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SUB - CONTRACTOR SOFT SYSTEMS METHODOLOGY Soft System Methodology Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is a system approach that is used to analyze and learn different perceptions in complex and messy situations (Maqsood, et al, 2001; Andrews, 2000) “SSM is helpful for knowledge elicitati on in complex and poorly defined areas” (Finegan, 1994) SSM PROCESS 1. The problem situation in its unstructured form Start 7. Action to improve the problem situa Again? tion 2. The problem situation expressed as a rich picture 6. Identification of the feasible, desir able changes 5. Comparison of models(4) with the real world(1&2) Real World 3. Root definitions of relevant, purposeful activity systems 4. Conceptual models of the systems named in the root definition System Thinking THE CASE STUDY Australian construction contractor company Bridge Project BAMTEC Innovation Project History Road Project Pretenders CASE STUDY : PRETENDERING Stage 1 The problem situation: The pre-tendering approach mostly resides in the heads of team member in a tacit form. The tacit knowledge will loss if an individual team member leave the organization Stage 2 Rich Picture: STAGE 3 Root Definition A system owned by the precontracts team, who together with the Chief Estimator and the Design Managers, takes prospective projects from the Business Manager, together with knowledge, processes and technology, to prepares preliminary understanding of the project and cost estimates(X)by setting the criteria to assess the feasibility (Y) , in order to as sess the feasibility of making a tender bid (Z) . Customer: Regional Manager (RM) Actors: Engineering Manager, Chief Estimator, Design Manager, Pre-Contr acts team, Business Manager. Transformation: Knowledge, process and technology together with details of prospective projects (input) , are used to prepare an understanding of the project and a cost estimate (output). Weltanschauung: To assess the feasibility of making a tender bid, RM need a good understanding of the project, cost and timeline details. Owner: Pre-Contracts Team Environment: Competitive, quality, cost and time critical, community and corporate goals. STAGE 4 Conceptual Model CASE STUDY : PROJECT HISTORY STAGE (1) & (2) Rich Picture Diagram CASE STUDY : PROJECT HISTORY STAGE (3) STAGE (4) CONCLUSION • SSM encourages group learning, ideal as a group decision-making approach. • SSM is recommended where an organization is seeking to achieve changes in workplace culture and transformation into a learning organization. Thank you!