ME 472 (Corrosion Engineering) Chapter#1 ~2 Instructor: Dr. Ihsan-Ul-Haq Toor Office: 63-358/Phone:7493 Lecture Contents What is corrosion? Importance of the subject? Why Corrosion? Environmental factors for corrosion? How corrosion takes place Electrochemical nature of corrosion Forms of Corrosion ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor What is Corrosion? The destruction of a metallic material by chemical, electrochemical, or metallurgical interaction with the environment ” Fig-1. Corrosion of a deserted boat (left) and a tank (right). [1] P.R. Roberge, Corrosion Engineering Principles and Practice, first ed., McGraw-Hill, USA, 2008. [2] Z. Ahmad, Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control, first ed., Elsevier, UK, 2006. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Importance of this subject? Almost every engineer/scientist at one time or another will be exposed to MATERIALS /especially metals (design, synthesis, application etc) Examples: Petrochemical industry (oil and gas), Structures, Desalination industry, , power industry, Nuclear industry, and so on; Metals are the most abundant and each has different properties (80 known elements are metals) These different elements have been combined to develop roughly > 40000 different alloys and still going on ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Importance of this subject? Bettis-Besse nuclear power plant 6” of corroded arbon steel were lost Only 1/6” stainless steel was left to support the 2500psi inside the reactor core ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Importance of this subject? Human life and safety ALOHA incident 1998/ Pilot managed to land the plane on the island of Maui, Hawaii (one flight attendant was died) ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Importance of this subject? Economic Impact 3~5% of GNP of Development country ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Economic Impact of Corrosion ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Economic Impact of Corrosion Direct loss : Approximately 3 - 5% of GNP in developed countries. About 15 - 25% of this expense could be avoided if currently available corrosion technology were effectively applied. Cost of corrosion in U. S. about $ 276 billion in 2002 that is equivalent to 3.1 % of GNP. Cost of corrosion to oil and gas producers in U. S. $ 2 billion that are increasing because of deeper wells and more hostile env.(500 F, H2S). Indirect loss Plant shutdown. Loss of product. Loss of efficiency Contamination. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Why Corrosion? Corrosion is natural process and it returns the metal to its oxidized state or combined state in the form of chemical compound that are similar to the mineral from which they are extracted ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Materials & Environment ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Defining the environment is very important Some environments are more corrosive than others, but there can be exceptions Moist air is more corrosive than dry air Hot water is more corrosive than cold water Polluted air is more corrosive than clean air Acids are more corrosive than bases (alkalies) to steels Salt water is more corrosive than fresh water No corrosion will occur in a vacuum, even at very high temperatures ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor How Corrosion Takes Place? Corrosion process requires a complete corrosion cell/circuit, which includes; 1. 2. 3. 4. Anode Cathode Electrolyte Electrical path Galvanic Cell ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor How Corrosion Takes Place? Anodic reactions/Oxidation reaction takes place at anode (generation of electrons) The electrode at which chemical oxidation occurs (or + electricity leaves the electrode and enters the electrolyte) is called the anode General Reaction (metal oxidation) MMn+ + ne- (gives off electrons)) Zn Zn2+ + 2eFe Fe2+ + 2eAl Al3+ + 3eFe2+ Fe3+ + e- ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING (Zn corrosion) (Fe corrosion) (Al corrosion) (Ferrous ion oxidation) Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor How Corrosion Takes Place? Cathodic reactions/reduction reaction (consumption of electrons) Electrons released at the anode travel to the cathode by a metallic path where they react with the ions in the electrolyte and cause reduction of the positive ions. The electrode at which chemical reduction occurs (or + current enters the electrode from the electrolyte) is called the cathode . O2 + 2H2O + 4e- → 4OH- (oxygen reduction in water/bases) O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O (oxygen reduction in acids) 2H2O + 2e→ H2 + 2OH- (hydrogen evolution in water/bases) 2H+ + 2e- → H2 (hydrogen evolution in acids) Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu (metal deposition=>copper plating) Fe3+ + e- → Fe2+ (metal/ferric ion reduction) ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor How Corrosion Takes Place? ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Behavior of Water pH = - log [H+] Neutral= - log [1* 10-7]= 7 Acidic? Alkaline? ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Electrochemical nature of Corrosion Zn is placed in aerated (with O2) dilute HCl solution (acidic solution): CR↑ or ↓? ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion of Metals Behavior of Active and Passive metals Passive ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Active Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion of Metals 1: Change in Gibbs Free Energy The change in Gibbs free energy, ΔG , for any chemical reaction indicates the tendency of that reaction to go. Reactions occur in the direction that lowers the Gibbs free energy. The more negative the value of free energy , the greater the tendency for the reaction to go. 2: Pilling–Bedworth Ratio PB Ratio= Md / nmD M and D are the molecular weight and density, respectively, of the corrosion product scale that forms on the metal surface during oxidation; m and d are the atomic weight and density, respectively, of the metal n is the number of metal atoms in a molecular formula of scale; for example, for Al 2 O 3 , n = 2. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion of Metals 2: Pilling–Bedworth Ratio If Md / nmD < 1, film would be expected to contain cracks and pores and be relatively nonprotective. If Md / nmD > 1, film/scale will be in compression, protective of the underlying metal. If Md / nmD >> 1, the scale that forms may buckle and detach from the surface because of the higher stresses that develop. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types-Uniform/General Rates of uniform attack are reported in various units; millimeters penetration per year (mm/y); grams per square meter per day (gmd), inches penetration per year (ipy), mils (1 mil = 0.001 inch) per year (mpy), and milligrams per square decimeter per day (mdd). Steel, for example, corrodes at a relatively uniform rate in seawater of about 0.13 mm/y, 2.5 gmd, 25 mdd, or 0.005 ipy. These represent time -averaged values. Generally, for uniform attack, the initial corrosion rate is greater than subsequent rates . ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types-Uniform/General Metals are classified into three groups according to their corrosion rates and intended application. A. < 0.15 mm/y ( < 0.005 ipy) — Metals in this category have good corrosion resistance to the extent that they are suitable for critical parts, for example, valve seats, pump shafts and impellors, springs. B. 0.15 to 1.5 mm/y (0.005 to 0.05 ipy) — Metals in this group are satisfactory if a higher rate of corrosion can be tolerated, for example, for tanks, piping, valve bodies, and bolt heads. C. > 1.5 mm/y ( > 0.05 ipy) — Usually not satisfactory. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types-Pitting This is a localized type of attack, with the rate of corrosion being greater at some areas than at others. If appreciable attack is confined to a relatively small, fixed area of metal, acting as anode, the resultant pits are described as deep. If the area of attack is relatively larger and not so deep, the pits are called shallow. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types-Pitting “Ratio of deepest metal penetration to average metal penetration” as determined by the weight loss of the specimen, is called pitting factor . A pitting factor of unity represents uniform attack. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types- Fretting FC is the result of “slight relative motion (as in vibration) of two substances in contact, one or both being metals. It usually leads to a series of pits at the metal interface. Metal - oxide debris usually fills the pits so that only after the corrosion products are removed do the pits become visible. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types- Cavitation Cavitation – erosion is the loss of material caused by exposure to cavitation, which is the “formation and collapse of vapor bubbles” at a dynamic metal – liquid interface. Example, in rotors of pumps or on trailing faces of propellers. This type of corrosion causes a sequence of pits, sometimes appearing as a honeycomb of small relatively deep fissures. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types- Dealloying Dealloying is the “selective removal of an element from an alloy by corrosion”. One form of dealloying, dezincification, is a type of attack occurring with zinc alloys (e.g., yellow brass) in which zinc corrodes preferentially, leaving a porous residue of copper and corrosion products. The tensile strength and ductility are seriously reduced. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types- Parting Parting is similar to dezincification in that one or more reactive components of the alloy corrode preferentially, leaving a porous residue that may retain the original shape of the alloy. Parting is usually restricted to such noble metal alloys as gold – copper or gold – silver and is used in gold refining. For example, an alloy of Au – Ag containing more than 65% gold resists concentrated nitric acid as well as does gold itself. However, on addition of silver to form an alloy of approximately 25% Au – 75% Ag, reaction with concentrated HNO3 forms silver nitrate and a porous residue or powder of pure gold ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types- Intergranular This is a localized type of attack at the grain boundaries of a metal, resulting in loss of strength and ductility. Improperly heat - treated 18 - 8 stainless steels or Duralumin - type alloys (4% Cu – Al) are among the alloys subject to intergranular corrosion. At elevated temperatures, IGC can occur because, under some conditions, phases of low melting point form and penetrate along grain boundaries; for example, when nickel - base alloys are exposed to sulfur - bearing gaseous environments, nickel sulfide can form and cause catastrophic failures and is called sulfidation . ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Types- Cracking “ A brittle failure of a metal/alloy caused by the simultaneous action of a tensile stress and a specific corrosion environment” [Stress corrosion cracking] Mechanical damages of a metal caused by the presence of, or interaction with, hydrogen are as follows : [Hydrogen induced cracking] When a metal is subjected to cyclic stress in a corrosive environment, the number of cycles required to cause failure at a given stress may be reduced well below the dotted line obtained for the same metal in air. [Corrosion Fatigue] ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Corrosion Cells ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Faraday’s Law The greater the flow of electricity through the cell, the greater the amount of METAL that corrodes. This relationship is showed by Faraday ’ s law: Weight of metal reacting = kIt where I is the current in amperes (A), t is in seconds (s), and k is a constant called the electrochemical equivalent g/c. [Columb=1As] OR m=Iat/ zF Where; I= Current involved during a reaction a= Atomic weight of the material T= time of reaction Z= number of equivalents exchanged F= Faraday’s constant ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Types of Cells 1: Dissimilar Electrode Cells/Galvanic cell/Voltaic cell A potential difference exists when two dissimilar metals, electrically connected, are immersed in a corrosive solution. A cell that produces electricity as a result of the spontaneous cell reaction. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Types of Cells Cell notation Zn(s) I ZnSO4 (aq) II CuSO4 (a) I Cu(s) ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Salt bridge: is used for: Electrical connection betw een the two half cells Prevents mixing of the elec trolytes Keep the electrical neutralit y in each half-cell as ions flow into and out of the salt bridge ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Types of Cells 2: Concentration Cells -Difference in the composition/salt, content of the soil or solution, Change in oxygen concentration ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Types of Cells 2: Concentration Cells Differential aeration cells can also cause pitting damage under rust (Fig. 2.5 ) and at the water line — that is, at the water – air interface (Fig. 2.6 ). The amount of oxygen reaching the metal that is covered by rust or other insoluble reaction products is less than the amount that contacts other portions where the permeable coating is thinner or nonexistent. Differential aeration cell formed by rust on iron ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Water-line corrosion, showing differential aeration cell Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Types of Cells 3: Electrochemical Cells A cell in which non spontaneous reaction is driven by an external power source. For example: Electrolysis M+ M m+ ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Material Selection to avoid the corrosion issue To solve the problem, we can say that; i) Use more corrosion resistant material ii) Use a corrosion prevention strategy such as coating, or cathodic protection or use inhibitors However to decide the best suitable method, which is effective and economical, we need to consider many things such as ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Material Selection to avoid the corrosion issue Estimating the corrosion performance of a material ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Material Selection to avoid the corrosion issue Material selection depends on: ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Risk Management R (risk) = P (probability) × C (consequences) Hence, the risk of a corrosion related failure equals the probability that such a failure will take place multiplied by the consequence of that failure. Consequence is typically measured in financial terms — that is, the total cost of a corrosion failure, including the cost of replacement, clean - up, repair, downtime, and so on. Any type of failure that occurs with high consequence must be one that seldom occurs. On the other hand, failures with low consequence may be tolerated more frequently. ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor Risk Management R (risk) = P (probability) × C (consequences) ME 472: CORROSION ENGINEERING Copyright@ Dr. Ihsan Toor