OUTLIERS REFLECTION RUBRC ISC 100 STUDENT NAME______________________________ VALUE: 10% of overall mark CONTENT and ANALYSIS- The student has included items from both the text and personal/Seneca experiences that are relevant to the questions posed. Their analysis is thorough and contains some original ideas that are communicated clearly, with a logical, sequential flow that allows the reader to easily follow the question and the student’s reflection. Possible marks 14/Student Mark_________ Comments_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ FORMAT OF REPORT- Word processed, in proper paragraph format. Complete sentences, MLA format, with the correct citations. Possible marks 2/Student mark__________ Comments_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ SPELLING, GRAMMAR, DICTION AND PHRASING-(Greater than five errors=0) Possible marks 3/Student Mark__________ Comments_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION/DEADLINE- Assignment is organized and submitted in the proper format, on the set deadline date. Submission is consistent with faculty instructions. A reminder that a student will receive a 5%/day late penalty. Possible mark 1/Student Mark___________ TOTAL MARKS POSSIBLE 20/ Student Mark ____________