1 SDE-1010 Assignment Sheet Name of assignment: Academic Plan of Study Teacher: [Put your teacher name here] Week Due: Week Eight Submit this assignment: [via hard copy or drop box; put that information here] Directions for the assignment - Fill out the form on the following pages. The form projects the course requirements for the length of your entire course of study, but you are only required to fill out the classes you are taking this semester and the ones that you plan to take next semester. Bonus points will be given to students who complete the plan for their entire course of study. Include classes you have already taken at Rhodes and classes you have already taken at other colleges. After you complete a draft of the following form, meet with an advisor to review and approve your Plan of Study. In order to receive full credit for this assignment, an advisor needs to sign off on your Plan of Study. Keep the plan as a guide for scheduling classes in the future, and have an advisor sign off whenever you make revisions. Your advisor appointment may be with any Rhodes advisor—either academic (program faculty) or non-academic (from the Office of Advising in the Public Service building, 1st floor, room 148). Please plan for at least 20 minutes for this appointment. It’s preferred you work with the non-academic Advising Center to complete this assignment if you are a first term student. The phone number for Advising is 419-995-8400. The Advising Center will accept walk-in appointments, but you can ensure the efficiency of your visit by making an appointment. Grading criteria – An Adviser signature earns full credit for this assignment. Why do this assignment? In order to increase your chances of being successful at college, it’s wise to identify a clear pathway to reach your ultimate goal—to earn a degree. Completing this assignment will clarify one potential pathway to your ultimate academic goal. Student Learning Outcomes Students will be able to Navigate the college environment, including such features as Canvas, Advising, Counseling, Financial Aid, the Academic Success Center, the Testing Center, and Career Services Evaluate the roles of the campus resources in terms of their potential effects on student success 2 Academic Plan of Study Name: _________________________________________ Major (or expected major): ______________________________________________ Today’s date: _____________________ Projected graduation date: _____________________ Classes taken at other colleges (If none, leave this box blank and go to page two to fill in the classes you are taking at Rhodes this semester and next semester.) College name Course name / course number Term Year TOTAL CREDIT HOURS Credit Hours 3 Rhodes classes Course name / course number Term Year Credit Hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS Rhodes classes Term Course name / course number Year TOTAL CREDIT HOURS My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the advising recommendations listed above. I accept full responsibility for choosing the appropriate courses to fulfill the degree requirements in my program of study. This is a class exercise and is not an official class schedule. Student Signature ________________________________ Date ______________ Adviser Signature ________________________________ Date ______________ Credit Hours