Newsela Roosevelt & Latin America Reading Comprehension questions.ESL

Reading Comprehension Questions:
Roosevelt Corollary and Latin America
Name: ________________________
Date: _____________ Period:
Use the Newsela article “The Roosevelt Corollary and Latin America” to answer the
following questions. Each answer should be written as a sentence. If you lost your
copy of the article, it is posted in Mr. Barber’s American History Schoology page under
chapter 20.
1. This article refers to the term “the Monroe Doctrine.” Look on page 352 in your
textbook and find the definition for the term. Write it in a sentence.
2. In the article, look at the section “European threats.” What reason did the
European countries threaten to send soldiers to Latin American countries?
3. In 1901, what Amendment gave conditions for Cuba’s independence from Spain?
4. Look at the section “A new plan” in the article. During this time period in history,
do you think Latin American countries liked Roosevelt’s plan to “police the
western hemisphere?
**hint: the western hemisphere included all of Latin America