Tuesdays with Morrie Final Project Directions: Choose one of the following topics to complete your final project for Tuesdays with Morrie. The written portion of this project must be typed, double spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman. Be sure to use MLA format when referencing the book and using a quote in your paper! You may use first person point of view in your paper. You will present your project to the class. PROJECT DUE DATE: _______________________________ 1. Find a song with lyrics that relate to at least three of Morrie's aphorisms. Then, write a 1 to 1 ½ page paper explaining how it relates to the aphorisms you chose to focus on. Your paper should break the song apart, explaining exactly how it connects to the aphorisms. Be prepared to share the song and lyrics with the class. 2. What do you think is the most important message in the book? Write a two page paper explaining your response with quotes from the book and with details from your life that prove the message or theme is important to you. 3. Create a list of questions about life similar to lessons in the book and interview someone you know over 60. Ask them specific questions about their life experiences. Type your questions and take notes on the person’s responses. Then, write a 1 to 1 ½ page paper detailing your interview process and your thoughts about the responses you got from the person you chose to interview. Point out any responses that may connect with Tuesdays with Morrie. 4. Write an original song or a poem that connects with an aphorism, theme, character, or situation in the book. (poem or song must be at least 25 lines long). Then, write a 1 to 1 ½ page paper explaining how your original song or poem connects to the book. 5. 20 POINT EXTRA CREDIT OPTION: Morrie tells Mitch that the way you find meaning in life is if you “devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning” (Albom 43). Find a way that you can devote yourself to your community. This may be some type of community service, creating something useful for someone, helping someone in a time of need. Requirements for Option 5: 1. You will need to type a proposal that explains what your project/community service will be. You must have this typed proposal turned in to me by_______________. o THIS MUST BE SIGNED BY A PARENT IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE ACCEPTED. o You must complete the proposal in order for this option to count. If you complete this project without turning in the signed proposal first, you WILL NOT receive credit. This project must include detailed journal entries about your progress (at least two a week)- what you’ve accomplished, any challenges you’ve faced, etc. You will need photographs of the progress- pictures of you creating your project, donating your time to community service, etc. Finally, write at least one page reflecting on this process- what did you learn as you completed this task? o What if the project/community service is a failure or I am unable to finish it by the due date? The world’s best entrepreneurs embrace failure, and I ask my students to adopt this mentality too. The only truly failed project is the one that doesn’t get done. I want students to strive to deliver and present a successful product at the end of the year, but I don’t want the quest for perfection to lead to an incomplete attempt. Final Project Rubric Find a Song Points Possible Points Earned Connects the song to at least 3 aphorisms 10 Presentation: organized, loud voice, eye contact, explains connection of the song to the book Paper: thoughtful response, demonstrates critical thinking, explains how the song connects to the chosen aphorisms. Proper use of quotes/aphorisms, free of spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, MLA format Neat, organized, reflects effort 30 50 10 Total: 100 Original Song/Poem Points Possible Points Earned Song/Poem is at least 25 lines long 10 Presentation: organized, loud voice, eye contact, explains connection of the song/poem to the book Paper: thoughtful response, demonstrates critical thinking, explains how your original song or poem connects to the book. Proper use of quotes/aphorisms, free of spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, MLA format Neat, organized, reflects effort 30 50 10 Total: 100 Essay Presentation: organized, loud voice, eye contact, explains connection of the essay to the book Paper: thoughtful response, demonstrates critical thinking, includes details from your life that prove the message or theme is important to you. Proper use of quotes/aphorisms, free of spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, MLA format Neat, organized, reflects effort Points Possible Points Earned 30 60 10 Total: 100 Interview Presentation: organized, loud voice, eye contact, explains connection of the interview to the book Paper: thoughtful response, demonstrates critical thinking, includes thoughts about the responses you got from the person you chose to interview. Points out any responses that may connect with Tuesdays with Morrie. Proper use of quotes/aphorisms, free of spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, MLA format Neat, organized, reflects effort Points Possible Points Earned 30 60 10 Total: 100 Community Service Project Points Possible Points Earned Presentation: organized, loud voice, eye contact 30 Journal Entries: documents project process, includes photographs/videos, completed at least two journal entries each week during the projects process Paper: thoughtful response, demonstrates critical thinking, reflective of the process and learning experienced through this project Free of spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, MLA format Neat, organized, reflects effort 20 60 10 Total: 100 + 20 extra credit