asian american

Burabari Bornu
Euguenia Novokshanova
English 0093
As Parents Age, Asian-Americans Struggle to Obey a Cultural Code
The main idea of this article is all about how Asian-Americans struggle to keep their
cultural code in place by taking care of their elders at home instead of taking them to the nursery.
But due to the population diversity, it is becoming hard for Asian-American to keep their cultural
code. The Asians are now implementing programs to help them take care of their elders while at
home with them. Families are now having issues on elder’s care. Also, due to language barriers,
it is hard for people to take their elderly ones in nursery. Although, people are creating programs
to help with this issue, but there are still some issue which is language barrier.
In my culture, we do not take elders to nursing home. We take care of them because it is
our custom to do so. We believe that it is our responsibility to care for them and provide
whatever they might need. We feel like they will not be comfortable being in a nursing home and
they will not care for them the way we want. Because we want them to be happy, comfortable
and not be depressed, we tend to keep them with us and live as a one big happy family. Also,
because we will be required to pay the nursery, it is considered a waste of money.
This problem can be resolved if there are enough funds and programs that will carter for
this individual who needs them. There should be funds so that the low-income people can afford
it. Also, there should be different programs that will assist people in this type of situation. There
shouldn’t be a language barrier because that’s the number one problem in this situation.