Geotechnical Engineering for US Offshore Wind Infrastructure Boston April 25, 2016 Performance of Anchors for Floating Offshore Windfarms Charles Aubeny Texas A&M University Background: Multi-Line Attachment at Anchor Moorings to Floaters Moorings to Floaters Attachment Ring Plate Stiffeners Anchor Line/Chain Caisson Shell Caissons & Piles Plate Anchors Consideration of Anchor Alternatives Ideal anchor characteristics: • Suitable for variable & complex soil profiles • Adaptable to catenary & taut moorings (horizontal & inclined loading) • Amenable to precise positioning in array Piles & Caissons Driven Dynamic (courtesy JD Murff) (deAguiar et al, 2009) Suction ( courtesy E Clukey) Drag Embedded Plates VLA Mode DEA Mode Shank Drag Embedment Anchor, DEA (courtesy JD Murff) Vertically Loaded Anchor, VLA Direct Embedment Plate Anchors Pile Driven, PDPA NAVFAC (2011) Dynamic, DEPLA O’Loughlin et al (2014) Suction, SEPLA (courtesy R Wilde, Intermoor) Performance Considerations for Anchors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Soil profile constraints Vertical load capacity Precision of positioning Installation cost Efficiency Performance under sustained loading Potential loss of embedment Other (anchor-specific) 1. Soil Profile Constraints Considerations: soil type + heterogeneity 2. Vertical Load Capacity Vertical (TLP) Stiff Clay, Sand (Catenary) Inclined (taut, catenary) Caissons/Piles Soft Clay (taut) Drag Embedded Anchors 3. Precision of Positioning Horizontal positioning to within 0.3m Caissons/Piles Drag Embedment 4. Installation Cost “Inexpensive” “Costly” Driven Piles Offshore Pile Driving from Jack-up Rig 5. Efficiency Fmax Fmax Anchor mass concentrated at depth Soil Strength Gradient 1.6 kPa/m Caisson Plate 18m x 3.6m 4.3m x 6.7m Fmax = 5565 kN Fmax= 8630 kN W = 650 kN W = 214 kN Fmax/ W = 8.6 Fmax/ W = 40 (Can double for horizontal loading) Bearing more efficient than friction Other aspects of efficiency: required vessel trips required vessel size required equipment 6. Behavior under Sustained Loading Static Load a. Pore pressure redistribution/loss of suction >25% capacity reduction for caissons Pore Water Flow b. Creep effects should keep sustained load < 30% monotonic (Doyle, 2013) Dissipation of Suction Anti-Symmetric Pore Pressure Distributions Applied Load H Densification Load V Pore Dissipation Of Water Suction Flow Dissipation Of Suction Densification Pore Water Flow Consolidation movements still an issue! 7. Potential Loss of Anchor Embedment 1 Counter-measures Control 1, 2 & 3 or Higher safety factor 2 3 Uplifting => loss of embedment => brittle failure Diving => increased capacity after ‘failure’ Driven Piles • Soft-stiff clay, sand, soft rock/heterogeneous • Any load angle • Precise positioning • Costly installation • Low efficiency • Noise requires mitigation Dynamically Installed Piles Soft-stiff clay, sand/heterogeneous Any load angle Inexpensive installation Some uncertainty in positioning Limited experience in stiff clay & sand Efficiency: heavy but compact Suitability for multi-line uncertain Suction Caissons Soft-stiff clay, sand/homogeneous Any load angle Precise positioning Simple installation Low efficiency Partial capacity loss under sustained loads Trenching around mooring chain Drag Embedded Anchors - DEAs (excluding soft clays) Stiff clay, sand, soft rock Inexpensive installation Horizontal loading only (catenary) Moderate uncertainty in positioning May be impacted by scour Vertically Loaded Anchors (VLAs) Homogeneous soft clay Inclined loading (<40o) Inexpensive installation High uncertainty in positioning Brittle failure at high load angles Pile Driven Plate Anchors: Hammer Soft-stiff clay, sand/heterogeneous Any load angle Precise positioning Costly installation Brittle failure at high load angles Noise requires mitigation Pile Driven Plate Anchors: Vibratory/Jetted Soft-stiff clay, sand/heterogenous Any load angle Precise positioning Reduces issues with noise Costly installation Brittle failure at high load angles Limited experience in energy industry Dynamically Embedded Plate Anchors (DEPLAs) Soft clay/homogeneous* Any load angle Moderate uncertainty in positioning Inexpensive installation Brittle failure at high load angles Relatively immature technology *’flying wing’ may work in sand Suction Embedded Plate Anchors (SEPLAs) Soft clay only Any load angle Precise positioning Intermediate installation costs Brittle failure at high load angles Concluding Comments Wide range of soil profiles + any load angle Pile driven plate anchors Driven piles Dynamically installed piles (multi-line uncertain) Uniform soft clay soil profiles + any load angle Suction caissons, SEPLA, DEPLA VLA (positioning possible issue) For catenary mooring systems DEAs (positioning possible issue) Suction caissons Acknowledgments NSF M1503234 Sanjay Arwade, Don DeGroot (Umass Amherst) Melissa Landon (UMaine) Senol Ozmutlu & Leopoldo Bello (Global Maritime) Questions?