Mars Reflection Report

Mars Reflection Report
Discuss the following questions with the members of your group. Choose someone in your group to take
minutes of the discussion.
On a separate paper answer the following questions (five sentence paragraph each question). On
Wednesday we will be in the computer lab so you will have time to type it out and I want each team
member to give input and for the team to work on merging the several files (each team member will do at
least one question on the computer then you will merge the files into one document) Be prepared to share
out (with time permitting) on thursday and friday
1. In reference to Part II, are there criteria not listed that you would add to the list? If so, what would
you add?
Would these criteria be ranked among your top five? If so, then justify your choice.
2. In reference to Part III, are there foods not listed that you would add to the list? If so, explain why you
would add these foods to the list and estimate values (high, medium, low) for each criterion. Include a
reference to any information you have to look up. If you think the list is complete, explain why.
3. Consider your three best foods: could you survive indefinitely on this diet? Be productive and healthy?
happy? Why or why not?
4. Why do you think your group was restricted to only three foods?
5. How do you think your final list of three foods would change if you included more than fi ve criteria
for ranking each food?
6. Would you grow additional types of foodstuff s after developing the infrastructure to sustainably
produce your three chosen foods? Explain your answer.
7. Part II lists 15 criteria for ranking foods. Which of these criteria are related to sustainability? Justify