30 Days: Immigration Video Worksheet

"30 Days: Immigration” Video Worksheet
Questions are in chronological order
1. How many illegal immigrants are there currently in the United States?
2. How has border security changed after 9/11
3. Describe what the “Minutemen” do.
4. What are Frank’s three rules for this 30 Days experience?
5. What is the first disagreement that Frank has with his host family?
6. How much money does the family survive on? What does Frank have to
say about this?
7. Describe the argument that Armida’s teacher has with Frank.
8. What type of immigrants are the Gonzalezes? Why?
9. How is Armida breaking sterotypes?
10. What was going on in the Senate on Day 15?
11. What is the condition of Rigo’s house in Mexico?
12. How do the conditions in Mexico influence Armida?
13. How does Franks attitude after the Mexico trip?
14. Why are the children unable to see their grandparents? Describe their
reaction to the video of them.
15. What is Armida’s concern with college after she gets accepted?