Ladder Diagram




T4, Timer File

• The timer file stores only timer elements.

• An element is a word or group of words that work together as a unit.

• A timer is made of three pieces or words.

– Preset value

– Accumulated value

– Status bits

• The preset value and accumulated value are 16-bit signed integers.

• Status bits are single bits that make up one 16-bit word.

• These three words work together as a unit.

One Timer Element Is

Made of Three 16-bit Words

Timer Addressing

• Sample timer element addressT4:2

– T4 = timer file 4

– :2 = timer element #2 (0-255 timer elements per file)


• A sub-element is part of an element addressable as a unit.

• The preset value and accumulated value are sub-elements of a timer.

– T4:0.PRE

– T4:0.ACC

Timer Status Bits

• Timers have three status bits.

• Done bit (DN) is true when the accumulated value and preset are equal.

• Timer timing bit (TT) is true when the timer is timing.

• Enable bit (EN) is true when the timer instruction is enabled or true.

Timer Bit Addressing

• Status bit addresses for timer file 4, timer element 2 (T4:2) are listed below:

– T4:2/DN is the address for the done bit.

– T4:2/EN is the address for the enable bit.

– T4:2/TT is the address for the timer timing bit.

Retentive Timer and

Its Reset Instruction

Timer Instructions


C5, Counter File

(1 of 2)

• The counter file stores only counter elements.

• An element is a word or group of words that work together as a unit.

• A counter is made of three pieces or words.

– Preset value

– Accumulated value

– Status bits

C5, Counter File

(2 of 2)

• The preset value and accumulated value are

16-bit signed integers.

• Status bits are single bits that make up one

16-bit word.

• These three words work together as a unit.

One Counter Element Is

Made of Three 16-bit Words

Counter Addressing

• Sample counter element address C5:2

– C5 = timer file 5

– :2 = counter element #2 (0-255 timer elements per file)


• A sub-element is part of an element addressable as a unit.

• The preset value and accumulated value are sub-elements of a counter.

– C5:0.PRE

– C5:0.ACC

Counter Status Bits

(1 of 2)

• Counters have five status bits.

• Done bit (DN) is true when the accumulated value and preset are equal.

• Count up enable bit (CU) is true when the up counter is true or enabled.

• Count down enable bit (CD) is true when the count down counter is enabled or true.

Counter Status Bits

(2 of 2)

• The overflow bit (OV) is true when the up counter has overflowed above +32767.

• The underflow bit (UN) is true when the down counter has underflowed below -32768.

• The update accumulator bit (UA) is a highspeed counter status bit for fixed SLC 500


Counter Status Bit Addressing

• Status bit addresses for counter file 5, counter element 0

(C5:0) are listed below:

– C5:0/DN is the address for the done bit.

– C5:0/CU is the address for the count up enable bit.

– C5:0/CD is the address for the count down enable bit.

– C5:0/OV is the address for the count up overflow bit.

– C5:0/UN is the address for the count down underflow bit.


SLC 500 Count Up Counter

SLC 500 Count Down Counter

SLC 500 Count

Down Counter Instruction

Reset Instruction to

Reset Counter C20:7

Using the Clear Instruction to Clear

C5:0.ACC and C5:1.ACC

Comparison Instructions

• Input instructions that test the relationship between two values, source A and source B

– Source A is an address.

– Source B can be an address or a constant value.

Equal Instruction (EQU)

• Test when two values are equal.

• Instruction is true when source A is equal to source B.

An Equal Instruction

Controlling OTE Instruction

Not Equal Instruction (NEQ)

• Test when two values for inequality.

• Use this instruction to determine if two specified sources are not equal.

• Instruction is true when source A is not equal to source B.

Not Equal Instruction

Less Than Instruction (LES)

(1 of 2)

• Test when one value is less than another.

• Instruction is true when the data stored in source A is less than either the data stored in the address specified as source B or a constant entered in source B.

The Less Than Instruction

(2 of 2)

Less Than or Equal (LEQ)

• Determine if one source of data is less than or equal to another.

• Instruction is true when the data stored in source A is less than or equal to either the data stored in the address specified as source

B or a constant entered in source B.

Less Than or Equal Instruction

Greater Than Instruction (GEQ)

• Determine if one source of data is greater than another.

• Instruction is true when the data stored in source A is greater than either the data stored in the address specified as source B or a constant entered in source B.

The Greater Than Instruction

Greater Than or Equal (GEQ)

• Determine if one source of data is greater than or equal to another.

• Instruction is true when the data stored in source A is greater than or equal to either the data stored in the address specified as source

B or a constant entered in source B.

Greater Than or Equal Instruction

Data-handling Instructions

• Used when data needs to be moved or copied from one data file source to another

• When data needs to be converted to a different radix

Move Instruction (MOV)

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• This is an output instruction that moves a copy of one data file element to a specified destination.

• The source can be an address or constant.

• When instruction is true, a copy of the source data will be moved to the specified destination address.

Move Instruction

(2 of 2)

Masked Move Instruction (MVM)

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• This is an output instruction that moves a copy of one data file element through a mask to a specified destination.

• When true, a copy of the data specified in the source is moved through a hexadecimal mask to the specified destination.

Masked Move Instruction

(2 of 2)

Hexadecimal Masking

• Source data is passed through the mask bit by bit.

• Mask bit in same position as source bit determines if data is to pass or not.

• To pass data through mask, set appropriate mask bit.

• To mask data from passing, reset the appropriate mask bit.

Source Data Moved through the Mask to the Destination

Mask Rules

• Mask is either a hexadecimal value or the address where the mask will be found.

• Data is evaluated on a bit by bit basis.

• Mask 1 bits allow data to pass.

• Mask 0 bits hold data from passing.

• Destination bits that correspond to zeros in the mask are not changed.

FRD Instruction Converting BCD Input

Data to Integer

TOD Instruction Converting

Integer Output Data to BCD

Copy File Instruction (COP)

• Output instruction that copies a user-defined group of 16-bit data file words

• Must copy consecutive dat file elements

• Copy up to 128 one-word elements

• Source and destination can be different file types

Copy File

Programming Parameters

(1 of 2)

• Source is the address of the file to be copied.

• The # symbol in front of the source address specifies this address as the beginning of a user-defined source file.

• Destination is the starting address from which the number of source elements specified in the length parameter will be copied.

• # specifies copying a user-defined file.

Copy File Programming Parameters (2 of 2)

• Length parameter is the number of consecutive elements to be copied.

• Because different file types can be copied, the destination file type and length specify how many elements will be transferred.

Example of Copy

File Instruction Operation

Ladder Containing

Copy Instruction

AND Instruction

• The AND instruction performs a logical AND operation on two 16-bit words.

OR Instruction on a Ladder Rung

Exclusive-OR Instruction on a Ladder Rung

Not Logic As an Output Instruction on a PLC Ladder Rung

The Limit Test Instruction Testing for

Values between 0 and 1750

The Limit Test Instruction Testing for

Values outside the Range of 0 to 100

Data Flow from a VFD into the PLC

Scale with Parameters
