How To Rate Amazing = 5 Name Had This? (rate) 5= Amazing 1=Nasty Nasty = 1 Country of Origin Health Benefits Fight Back with Food broccoli Brussel sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Bok choy Garlic Onions (all kinds) The above veggies are the most important for cleaning out your body and keeping your metabolism high Sweet peppers green Sweet peppers colored Hot peppers (banana) (jalapeno) etc. Carrots Alfalfa Sprouts Romaine Lettuce Spinach (all kinds) The above veggies contain powerful antioxidants that boost your immune system and give you iron avocadoes Olives (and oils,pesto) Eggplant` SWEET potato Eggs (not a veggie) Provide healthy fatty acids that keep you full and have no effects on cholesterol levels Fruits Grapefruit/Lemons/limes Oranges Tangerines (cuties) ALL BERRIES (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries cherries Kiwi fruit tomatoes Peaches/plums These are the best fruits for cleansing the liver because they contain organic acids that lower insulin levels and help you burn fat. Herbs Cilantro Basil Parsley Dill leaf Thyme Oregano Mint Green tea These are especially helpful for the detoxification process in the liver and have medicinal purposes Nuts and Seeds Almonds Cashews Walnuts Pecans Pistachios Sunflower seeds Pumpkin (pepitas) Sesame seeds Great in moderation, nuts provide essential oils and keep you full when you would rather have a doughnut Your Liver What is it For??? When functioning effectively, your liver is your main detoxification center that keeps your metabolism burning and pumps out excess fat through the bile. A “fatty liver” is clogged with fat, and unable to function effectively (stores fat) 1. Why are we reading about the liver? 2. Name 2 toxins that the liver can clean. 3. What are legumes? 4. Name 2 healthy oils. 5. What does apple cider vinegar do?