Name______________________________________ Date________________ Period: ______ Case ___________________________________________________ DBQ Assessment Rubric TOTAL: ___________ out of 20/5 = ______________ CRITERIA 0. MISSING 1. INITIAL Introduction and Thesis There is no introduction The writer provides a relevant introduction to the essay topic and a thesis with 3 or less points of argumentation Claim Body paragraphs do not begin with a claim Claims are present but struggle to make sense or indicate the argument being made in each body paragraph Evidence Analysis Language Conventions 2. MEETS 3. COMPETENT The writer provides a somewhat accurate and concise introduction to the essay topic and a thesis with 3 points of argumentation Each body paragraph begins with a claim that somewhat lets the reader preview the paragraph’s point of argumentation and subject matter Each body paragraph introduces a piece of evidence that is somewhat supportive of the claim being made The writer provides a mostly accurate and concise introduction to the essay topic and a strong thesis with 3 points of argumentation Each body paragraph begins with a claim that lets the reader preview the paragraph’s point of argumentation and subject matter Each body paragraph introduces a piece of evidence that is generally supportive of the claim being made Each body paragraph introduces a piece of evidence that is directly supportive of the claim being made The writer mostly explains the meaning of how the evidence supports the claim drawing on reasoning and/or other supportive details The writer clearly explains the meaning of how the evidence supports the claim drawing on reasoning and other supportive details No evidence is present Evidence is not supportive of claim No analysis is present Each paragraph makes an attempt to explain the connection between the claim and evidence but in a way that is inadequate or unclear The writer partially explains the meaning of how the evidence supports the claim drawing on reasoning and/or other supportive details Language shows a basic control Language is adequate Language is unable to be understood Sentences show a little variety and word choice is appropriate Errors may be distracting and may occasionally impede understanding Some sentence variety and appropriate word choice There may be some distracting errors, but they do not impede understanding Language is competent Sentences are somewhat varied and word choice is sometimes varied and precise There may be a few errors, but they are rarely distracting. 4. EXEMPLARY The writer provides an accurate and concise introduction to the essay topic and a strong thesis with 3 points of argumentation Each body paragraph begins with a strong claim that lets the reader preview the paragraph’s point of argumentation and subject matter The essay shows a good command of language Sentences are varied and word choice is varied and precise There are few, if any, errors to distract the reader.