Mussolini & was Hitler believed in fascism: the idea that Stalin a Communist believed that the Totalitarian Regimes in Europe & Asia by one nations need strong dictators, total authority government should control all property & business party, but that people can keep private property “Totalitarianism and World War II” Essential Question: –Why did powerful dictators come to power in Europe in the 1920s & 1930s? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Totalitarianism Fascism Communism Censorship Indoctrination Secret Police aka Police terror Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin Hideki Tojo Adolf Hitler Nazism Aryan “Totalitarianism and World War II” Anticipation Guide: ■ What is a Totalitarian dictator? What are the characteristics of a Totalitarian dictator? ■ Throughout the history of the world, there have been many examples of Totalitarian governments. What countries or dictators can you think of? (Past) ■ Do you see evidence of Totalitarianism in current times? Where? Who? Explain your answer. (Present) Characteristics of Totalitarianism - YouTube Video After WWI, events from 1919-1939 led to another WW: The punishing terms of the Treaty of Versailles led to resentment in Germany Reparations payments slowed Germany’s ability to rebuild after WWI In the 1920s-1930s totalitarian dictators noted the weakness of the League of Nations and began to pursue aggressive foreign policies. The depression in USA triggered a world-wide depression in the 1930s when international trade declined & U.S. investment in Europe Germany inflation was so bad, money was worthless ended Due to the economic depression, bitterness, & desperation nationalism increased & citizens turned to totalitarian dictators to maintain order and rule the nation Britain, France, and members of the League of Nations wanted to avoid another war BUT powerless to stop aggression (no military, promoted disarmament, collective security and negotiation). Totalitarian leaders came to power by promising jobs and promoting nationalism, expansionism and militarism Dictators controlled all aspects of the nation by eliminating rivals (secret police), denying liberties, censorship, indoctrination After Vladimir Lenin’s death in 1924… …Joseph Stalin gained control of the Soviet Union System of Gov’t: Communism Beliefs: Gov’t ownership of property, farms and industry. Gov’t control of economy and social equality. He used censorship, indoctrination (nationalist and militarist propaganda) and a secret police to eliminate rivals (camps) Not all totalitarian dictators were Communists… Fascist governments were controlled by dictators who demanded obedience from citizens (denial of rights) Unlike Communists, fascists believed people could keep their property …In Italy, Germany, and Spain, people turned to an extremely nationalist gov’t called fascism In Italy, Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Party seized power by promising to revive the economy, rebuild the military, and create a new Roman Empire (nationalism) Italians felt betrayed by the treaty, had a suffering economy, & unemployment rose. Did not receive land promised after WWI System of Gov’t: Fascism with high militarism. Beliefs: Expansionism. Dictatorial one-party rule, Destroy all opposition. Mussolini’s “Militarism” The “Blackshirts” After WWI, Japan gained wealth by selling supplies to the Allies. Japan became the strongest nation in Asia and was ready to conquer new lands to provide resources for Japanese industry Emperor Hirohito, System of Gov’t: gave full control Militarism & of the Japanese Imperialism military to Hideki Beliefs: Tojo who served Expansionism to as a military take control of dictator natural resources The harshness of the Treaty of Versailles created bitterness in Germans who believed the punishment was excessive and wanted revenge. Germans wanted strong leader to improve economy. The Nazis were a fascist group in Germany that wanted to overthrow the disloyal Weimar Republic = Jail Adolf Hitler was an early Nazi recruit and quickly rose to power in the party using Communists and Jews as scapegoats Hitler was impressed by Mussolini and used many of his ideas to make the Nazi Party strong in Germany Beliefs: Germans were members of a master race called Aryans and all non-Aryans were inferior Promoted Expansionism: Hitler declared that Germans needed living space and should conquer Eastern Europe and Russia Strong Central Gov’t: Called the Treaty of Versailles an outrage and promised to regain land taken from Germany after the war Promoted Militarism: Hitler put Germans to work by building factories, highways, weapons, and increasing the military. He created a secret police called the Gestapo to eliminate rivals and control all aspects of Germany AND elite squad of ultra-loyal Nazi Aryans called the “Totalitarianism and World War II”- Rise of Dictators (video) “Totalitarianism and World War II” Essential Question: –What caused WWII? What factors led to the outbreak of World War II in 1939? ■ Anti-Semitic ■ Nuremberg Laws ■ Kristallnacht ■ Appeasement ■ Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939 ■ Blitzkrieg tactics In 1933, Hitler was named chancellor (prime minister) of Germany and used his power to become dictator Hitler speech after wining Germany elections-Video In 1935, Hitler began a series of anti-Semitic laws called the Nuremburg Laws that deprived German Jews the rights of citizens, jobs, property, forbade mixed Jewish marriages, and required Jews to wear a yellow star In Nov 9,1938, Hitler ordered Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) a series of mob attacks on Jewish synagogues, businesses, homes and on the streets. Signaled the starting point of eliminating the Jews from German Life . In the 1930s, Japan, Italy, and Germany began aggressively expanding in Africa, Asia, and Europe Japan aggressively expanding Military dictator Hideki Tojo promised to conquer new lands to provide natural resources for Japan’s industrialization (coal, timber, iron, ore, control of China) Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931. Mainland China in 1937 killing 300,000 unarmed soldiers & civilians. Invaded Indochina & the East Indies In 1935, Mussolini began his campaign to create an Italian Empire by invading Ethiopia and other African Nations Ethiopian soldiers defending their country from the Italian military The League of Nations condemned Japan and Italy but did nothing to stop the attacks in order to maintain world peace The failure of the League of Nations to stop Italy or Japan, encouraged Hitler to expand Germany too By 1936, Hitler had expanded the German military (violating what?) and moved troops into the Rhineland In 1938, Germany annexed Austria and the Sudetenland In 1939, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia 1938, Leaders of League of Nations meet with Hitler and Mussolini. Appeasement was proposed by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to avoid war. Appeasement: In order to avoid war, Germany was allowed to keep Rhineland, Sudetenland and Austria IF Hitler promised to stop expanding Mussolini Hitler Chamberlain At the Munich Conference, 1938 In 1939, Hitler demanded the return of Poland to Germany but wanted to avoid a war with the USSR Stalin and Hitler =NaziSoviet Nonaggression Pact (1939), promising to divide Poland and to never to attack each other On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland On September 3, 1939, Britain and France declared war on the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and World War II began When World War II began, German blitzkrieg tactics (air raids, artillery, tanks) led to conquest of Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, France, the Balkans. Axis take North Africa In 1941, Hitler broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact and invaded the Soviet Union By 1941, Germany and Italy controlled most of Europe and North Africa Meanwhile, Japan conquered new territories in Asia and threatened Guam and the Philippines From 1939 to 1941, the United States remained neutral, but not isolated, from the global conflict TPS: Why did the U.S remain neutral toward Totalitarians? “Totalitarianism and World War II” Mind Mirror: ■ 2 main ideas from the text in complete sentences. ■ 2 main ideas that you have inferred about your dictator based on your notes in complete sentences. ■ 3 vocabulary terms that apply/relate to this dictator, include definition of term in your own words and explanation of HOW does it relate/apply to your dictator. ■ 3 symbols/drawings that represent your dictator and/or their story. ■ 1 thesis statement answering: Was ______ a Totalitarian dictator? Why? Explain (3 examples) Closure Activity ■On your map, label the following: –The 3 main Axis Powers –The territories under the control of the Axis Powers by 1942 ■On your timeline, identify the 5 most important events that contributed to World War 2; For each event, provide a brief summary & an image