39 Gross Siemens New High Bay Warehouse Library in Plant Simulation-unlocked

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016
HBW – High Bay
Guido Groß
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Table of Contents
• About the Library
• Creating a Sample Warehouse
• Parametrizing the HBW Model
• Removing Parts from Warehouse
• Creating Your Own WMS
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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
About the Library
• The HBW library has been created from
• Replaces the former HBW3D library
which is no longer supported
• The HBW library provides more objects
than the previous HBE3D library
• The HBW library is free of charge, it
does not need any special license
• The library is part of the Plant Simulation
13 installation
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
• The HBW library can be used to create a
high bay warehouse system for the
automotive and other industries
• The High Bay Warehouse is a storing
object, based on the built-in object
• The warehouse management system
controls all activities for storing and
retrieving products in the warehouse
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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
The Objects of the Library
• The HBW library provides two objects
• The warehouse management system
WMS controls all storing places in the
• The object Racklane provides the
functionality of an entire rack lane
• The method userSetTarget can be used
to get all storing parameters from the
warehouse and storing them as
attributes of the MU which activates the
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
The MUs of the Library
• The EUR_Palette is a standard palette
with the dimension 800 x 1200 x 144
mm³. Its capacity is 1.
• The EUR_Palett_2x2 also is a standard
palette but has a capacity of 2x2
• Both MUs can be used as template for
your own MU
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Warehouse Management System (WMS)
• The WMS collects all information about
the rack lanes of the warehouse during
the INIT phase
• Clicking the Show Content button
displays a table with all products and
quantities currently stored in the
• For each product you can define in
which rack lane the product should be
• If you want to automatically remove
products, you can define the time at
which removing will start and the interval
between two removing activities
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
The Racklane Object
• Each Racklane of your simulation model can
be parametrized individually
• You can define the parameters of the rack
serving unit
• Define the number of columns and
rows of the racks and the
dimension of the storage places
within the racks
• Define the
dimension of the
conveyors serving
the RSU
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Geometry of a Rack Lane
Box Depth
Box Depth
Track Width
Safety Distance 0.1m
• All storage places of a rack lane have
the dimension defined above
Safety Distance 0.2m
or IN
ter 1
• Converter1 is automatically parametrized
to feed in all MUs for the rack lane
or OUT
Exit Length
• You can define the length of the
conveyor IN and OUT
ter 2
Conveyor Width
• You also can define the width of the
• The length of the connecting conveyor
between the two convertersSiemens
is calculated
PLM Software
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• The rack lane has two racks, the
dimension of each rack is defined by the
Number of Columns, the Number of
Rows and the dimension of a storage
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
The Rack Serving Unit
• You can define the height of the RSU
Height of RSU
• The RSU drives on rails on the floor
• The Load Handler drives up and down
• The Carrier moves the palettes in and
out of the rack
Load Handler
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Creating a Sample
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• Start Plant Simulation 13, create a new
model, select 3D only
• Open the library manager and add the
HBW library
• Switch to Planning View
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• Add a Source and a conveyor with a
length of 10m
• Add a Table, drag it over the Source and
drop it there
• Open the Table and enter the
parameters for creating four different
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• Add a second Source and a second
Conveyor as shown on the left hand side
• Select EUR_Palette_2x2, move it over
the Source and drop it there. The Source
will now create instances of
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• Insert a TransferStation between the two
• Select Load from Line to Line1 at
position 8m
• On tab Advanced Attributes select
Always stop container and
Homogeneous loading
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• Insert the Method userSetTarget
• Select Line1, click the right mouse
button and select Create Sensor
• Enter userSetTarget as the control of the
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• Insert the object RackLane three times
• Make sure that Line1 and the three
RackLanes are connected
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• Add a conveyor and a Drain
• Insert the WMS object
• Click Reset and Start in the
EventController to start the simulation of
the warehouse
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
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Parametrizing the
HBW Model
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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
• In a first step we want to make sure that
product AA will be stored in RackLane2,
product BB in Racklane1, and product
CC and DD in the Racklane
• Open the dialog of WMS by double
clicking its icon
• Click Open Table of Predefined Racks
• Enter the name of the products and the
rack lane where you want to store the
• Reset and Start the simulation run to
view the results
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating a Sample Model
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Removing Parts
from Warehouse
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Removing Parts from Stock
• By default, parts will be removed from
stock automatically
• Removing starts after 20 minutes and
parts will be removed every 5 minutes
• Here we want to show how you can
remove parts from stock on your own
• For this, clear the check box Activate
automatic removing from stock
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Removing Parts from Stock
• Insert a Method object
• Insert a Variable of type integer and call
it RemoveOrderNo
• Open the Method
• First we need to know how many parts of
each type are currently available from
stock. This will be done by using method
stock of the WMS
• Select one of the products and the
quantity you want to remove from stock
• Increment the order number
• Call removeProducts of the WMS
• One or more palettes will be removed
from stock. The palettes have the
attribute OrderNo with the Siemens PLM Software
RemoveOrderNo you defined
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Removing Parts from Stock
Here you see a sample implementation of
the method with random access for product
and quantity
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Creating Your Own
HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating Your Own WMS
• If you want to create your own WMS,
you have to support several functions.
These functions will be described in
detail below.
• Create a new Frame in the Class Library
• Insert a Method and call it INIT
• This method needs to have a callevery statement:
• Starting at root, all methods with the name register will be called. The parameter for
the method register is the identifier HBW, the WMS object, and the method which
should be called to register (register_HBW)
• The rack lanes will then register themselves by calling the method register_HBW
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating Your Own WMS: Method register_HBW
• The Method register_HBW is called by each
rack lane
• The following parameters are defined:
• RackLane: the name of the rack lane
• Box_W: the width of a storage place
• Box_D: the depth of a storage place
• Box_H: the height of a storage place
• Columns: the number of columns of one
• Rows: the number of rows of one rack
• These are the definitions of a rack lane
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating Your Own WMS: Method getFreePlace
• We need a method called getFreePlace.
The usage of this method can be seen in
the method userSetTarget
• The Method getFreePlace has the following parameters:
Product: the name of the product (input parameter)
sizeW: the width of the product or the palette carrying the product (input parameter)
The size parameters can be used
sizeD: the depth of the product or the palette carrying the product (input parameter)
to select a rack lane with the
place dimension fitting the
sizeH: the total height of the product and the palette carrying the product (input
size parameter
orderNo: the order number for storing the product/palette (output parameter)
Racklane: the name of the rack lane where the palette/product will be stored (output parameter)
Side: left or right defining the rack within the racklane (output parameter)
Column: the column number of the rack (output parameter)
Row: the row number of the rack (output parameter
• The return value of the method is of type boolean, true if the output parameters have
valid values, false otherwise
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating Your Own WMS: Sequence of Storing Products
Product is on the
way to the
storage place
Storing process
finished, RSU
During this time, the products are
not available in stock, they are
somewhere on a conveyor or the
RSU. This is used to prevent
removing products before they
are in stock. The storage place
should be marked as reserved to
make it unavailable for other
the products are in stock.
This method is called by the RSU
after the palette is stored in the
storage place.
• OrderNo: the order number
defined in getFreePlace
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating Your Own WMS: Removing Products
• Add a Method and call it removeProducts
• Parameter of the method:
• OrderNo: the order number of the remove order, mostly defined by the calling
• Product: the name of the product to be removed from stock
• Quantity: the number of products (not palettes) to be removed
• First check if the product is defined in the warehouse
• Check if there are enough products available in the warehouse
• Determine the Racklane from which the palettes have to be removed
• You might have to remove more than one palette from the warehouse. For each
palette to remove call:
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating Your Own WMS: Parameters of appendOrder
• Each rack lane provides the method appendOrder to append orders to the RSU
• This method has the following parameters:
orderNo: the order number for storing or removing palettes
orderType: the type of the order (put or get)
Column: the column number where to store or remove the palette
Row: the row number where to store or remove the palette
Side: left or right to define the rack where the palette should be stored or removed
• After the RSU has finished removing a palette from the warehouse, the method
RemoveFinished of the WMS will be called
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HBW – High Bay Warehouse
Creating Your Own WMS: Method RemoveFinished
• This method will be called after a palette was removed from stock
• Now you can mark the storage place as free for other palettes
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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016
Guido Groß
Senior Software Engineer
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
Weissacher Straße 11
D-70499 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 1389 255
Fax: +49 711 1389 299
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