Jordan Polla12

Jordan Pollard
Mr. Danzine
Social Justices
January 27, 2019
Catholic Social Teachings Review Ques
1. A virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do the good
2. Prudence helps us discover the good in every situation and choose the right methods for
achieving. It can help us to recognize injustice and how to combat it. Fortitude is the spiritual
courage to do what is right, even when we are fearful. It helps us work on behalf of others and
for fairness, even in the face of personal sacrifice. Temperance regulates our appetites for
created pleasures. It can motivate us to be just in how we use and develop the good creation
that God gave to us.
3. The theological virtues-faith, hope, charity, have their origin, motive, and object in our loving,
Triune God. Faith empowers us to believe in God and his teachings and that of his Church. We
are just when we make our faith an active faith. Hope helps us trust in God's help and not
relying solely on our own efforts. Christians working for justice trust that the Holy Spirit works
through them and that their efforts are worthwhile because of God's presence. Charity is the
queen of virtues, enabling us to love God above all and our neighbors as ourselves. Charity
moves us to give people their due in all cases and to uproot injustice wherever we might find it.
4. Justice is the cardinal virtue whereby we give God and neighbor what is their due by right
5. Commutative justice-Commutative justice calls for fairness in our exchanges with others,
respecting their dignity in transactions, contracts, and promises. b. Distributive justiceDistributive justice, often administered by governmental agencies, shares the goods if creation,
making sure that each person gets what is necessary to live a truly human life. Legal justice
regulates the obligations citizens have to the larger society and to the government. Social justice
applies Jesus' gospel to society's structures, systems, and laws to protect people's rights and
ensure a peaceful, loving society.
6. It's sometimes called contributive justice because we all have a duty to help create the goods,
services, and other values necessary for living together in the community.
7. Charity cannot substitute for justice. Charity is more oriented to service and geared to private,
individual acts, responding to immediate needs. Social justice is targeted to social change,
working in the public arena to address long-term needs and to change unjust structures and
institutions. We cannot say we are loving people if we are not just, if we refuse to give others
what is their due by right.
8. The biblical images justice as a might stream that washes away all injustice. Justice is a prime
concern of God. The biblical view of justice is one of covenant, fidelity to relationships. We are
just when we are faithful, that is, when we love God above all, love our neighbor as another self,
and respect and wisely use God's good earth.
9. Fidelity to a relationship means to be faithful to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by
continuing loyalty and support. In order to be just, it's important to be loyal to friends and
family. An example of Justice in the Old Testament is God's faithfulness to the covenant made
with Abraham despite the unfaithfulness of the Chosen People. Abraham and God kept a loyal
covenant and good came out of it.
10. Workers in Vineyard. Don't compare what you have to one another, be happy and grateful with
what you have. Forgive 7 times 77 times. Shouldn't give people what they deserve, you should
give them better. An eye for and eye. Don't retaliate against others, wish of the best for them
11. Compassion is the feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
12. Christians promoted justice through the ages when they shared their property and goods,
condemned selfishness, and encouraged sharing. St. Augustine of Hippo promoted justice when
he said we shouldn't complain about not having the power to see Jesus, because we can see him
in the poor.
13. The Church's modern social teaching doctrine flows from the seminal papal encyclical of Pope
Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum, which responded to unjust economic realities of the day.
14. Catholics have a serious obligation to form their consciences in light of the social teaching of
Church. It forms an essential element in the proclamation of Christ's gospel
15. 1891 Leo XIII- the Condition of Labor-role of state to pass laws. 1967 Paul VI- Relationship
between peace and development. 1971 Synod of Bishops- Justice is an ingredient to the
church's mission. ○ 1963 John XXIII- Peace on Earth- Rich and poor nations. 1965 Vatican II- The
church in the modern world. - Relationships between church and modern world.
16. He left his education to help support his family. His devotion and own personal sacrifice in
working for justice. His spirit of peace and love. He still lived on $5,000 a year.
17. Catholic teaching holds that people have a right to survive economically and to escape political
persecution. Christians have a duty to share with others.