SQL Server Consolidation Assessment Maintain Overview Key Features and Benefits These are some of the benefits of this offer: • Analyze and document current SQL Server environment. • Gather performance metrics for all included SQL instances. • Provide “consolidated views” of future SQL Server landscapes. • Reduce total cost of ownership through consolidation and upgrades. • Recommend general and consolidation best practices. • Identify SQL Server consolidation and upgrade path blockers. The SQL Server Consolidation Assessment is a 5 day delivery done in 2 phases (1+4), available exclusively for Microsoft Premier Support customers, this offering provides customers with roadmaps for SQL Server consolidation and version upgrade. Consolidation options covered include: multi-database single-instance servers, multi-instance on one or more physical servers, and finally reduction of physical servers through virtualization (Hyper-V) or cloud based technologies. As part of the assessment, the offering also provides customers with baseline statistics for current system performance and workload profiles. Workflow The Consolidation Assessment consist of 2 different Phases. The first would be dedicated to configure the Data Collection Tools conducted by a trained engineer. The Second would be dedicated to Data Analysis. Phase 1 (Remote/Onsite) • Data collection: Performed with the SQL Server Consolidation Assessment toolkit and the Microsoft Assessment Planning Tool, but also trough an environment Survey with the customer over the course of the engagement. The data will usually be collected over a long period of time. It is recommended to collect data at least for one month. Phase 2 • Analysis: The data will be analyzed by an accredited engineer. • Reports: A final Report with all the findings and a consolidated view of the Environment • Closing Meeting: Session to present all conclusions and reports Review Pre-requisites A tools machine, where we can install and execute our custom assessment utility. Such machine should have the following: • RAM –Minimum 4GB, recommended 8GB; • CPU –Minimum 1 processor, recommended 4 processors; • 50GB disk space free; • OS –Windows Server 2008/Windows 7 or above, with the latest security updates; • SQL Server 2014 or onwards Installation (Database Engine, SSIS and SSRS – Optional) • Full network Connectivity to the target SQL Server instances; • Powershell3.0 or newer; • NET Framework 4.0 Full installation.. • Admin access on the tools machine and target servers • Agreement to install components on SQL targets – Change Request needed • SQL Agent must be running at targets at all times Deliverables • Technical report summarizing consolidation details • Closeout meeting Scoping The scope of this delivery covers up to a 50 SQL Instances on the same domain. • Help customers assess the key considerations when consolidating in their environment • Help customers evaluate 3 consolidation options (Database, Instance, Server) • Help customers understand the risks and benefits of consolidation • Help customers build a strategy for consolidation by answering “What, When and How” What we do NOT do as part of the assessment • Provide a consolidation “design” document • Provide an endorsement of the customer’s proposed consolidation “design” • Analyze more than a 50 SQL Instances Delivery Days Phase 1 would require 1 day, while the number of days required for Phase 2 is 4. Both phase belong to the same request, but the dispatch should be done with enough time apart to allow the data collection to capture the full picture and performance profiling of the servers during peak processing days 2014 © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This data sheet is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY