Lesson 3 Carbon cycle

Lesson 3
The Carbon Cycle
Nutrient Cycles
Includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals
95% of our bodies are made of four elements
Obtained from food, water and air
Plants obtain from soil, water and air
Cycles can move quickly or can remain in one place for a long time
When matter accumulates in one place its known as a reservoir
Ex. Ocean, Atmosphere, Rocks, Plants
In the atmosphere, carbon is attached to some oxygen in a gas called Carbon
Even though carbon dioxide makes up only 0.04% of the gases in the atmosphere,
plants receive the needed carbon dioxide to grow
The Carbon Cycle
 Large quantities of carbon is stored in several different reservoirs/sinks in
Ex. Ocean, Forests, Soil, Atmosphere
The majority of the exchange between the various carbon reservoirs/sinks occurs
because of two important processes
Carbon Reservoirs
 These locations are also referred to
Largest active carbon sink in the world
Organisms in the ocean use the carbon from the dissolved carbon dioxide to build
their tissues
A large portion of the matter in trees are made of carbon which is collected from
the atmosphere
These deposits were formed from decomposing organisms compressed over
million years
o EX. Forest
Human Activities Change the Carbon Cycle
The burning of the fossil fuels release the stored carbon into the atmosphere
increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide now higher than it has been over
the past 800, 000 years
o This concentration of carbon dioxide has been linked to causing global
climatic change which has the potential to change the most important
abiotic factors in ecosystems: water availability and temperature