Lab Roles & Responsibilities: Science Lab Teamwork

Lab Director (LP)
- Reads directions to the group
- Keeps group on task
- Only member allowed to ask
teacher questions
Materials Manager (MM)
- Obtains any necessary materials
- Only member allowed to be out
of their seat
- Cleans all materials at end of lab
- Returns all materials at end of lab
Lab Director (LP)
- Reads directions to the group
- Keeps group on task
- Only member allowed to ask
teacher questions
Materials Manager (MM)
- Obtains any necessary materials
- Only member allowed to be out
of their seat
- Cleans all materials at end of lab
- Returns all materials at end of lab
Technical Manager (TM)
- Records data in tables, charts, and
graphs during the lab
- Checks of steps to assist Director
with lab procedures
- Assists with cleanup of materials
Safety Director (SD)
- Helps LP keep group on task
- Makes sure safety procedures are
being followed
- Reports accidents to the teacher
- Keeps track of time
Technical Manager (TM)
- Records data in tables, charts, and
graphs during the lab
- Checks of steps to assist Director
with lab procedures
- Assists with cleanup of materials
Safety Director (SD)
- Helps LP keep group on task
- Makes sure safety procedures are
being followed
- Reports accidents to the teacher
- Keeps track of time