Seminary SRC Leadership: Fraternal Solidarity & Development

The Role of the Seminary SRC in advancing fraternal
What is leadership?
1. The ability to give direction, guidance, control etc to
someone or to a group of persons
2. The ability to cause CHANGE, to provide solutions
which affect lives
Role of the Leader
1. To understand the goal of the group in order to give clear directions
2. To be able appreciate the obstacles preventing us from achieving those goals
3. To be able to make the changes needed to get the group to achieve the goal
What are the visible signs of lack of
1. Goals are not clear
2. Problems linger
3. Solutions are not implemented
Who then can be a leader?
1. Anyone can be a leader but not everyone is a leader
2. The one who influences you leads you
3. The one with the vision can lead
4. The one with the position is not necessarily the leader
The SRC as a leadership organism
■ What are the goals of the SRC?
■ What kind of problems is it made to solve
■ How does it effectively solve these?
What are the goals of the SRC?
To seek the general welfare of the seminarians and to advise in relation to such
matters concerning seminarians’ welfare.
To work in all deliberations and in close harmony, with the formators of the
Seminary in all matters affecting the interests of seminarians.
To organize other extra-curricular activities to enhance the total and integral
development of the seminarians.
Three types of relationships the SRC
needs to cultivate
■ Staff – Seminarian relationships
■ Seminarian – Seminarian relationships
■ Seminarian – Others
Staff – Seminarians relationship
■ Key actors
– Rector
– Dean of Students
– Staff Body
■ Expectations
– 1) act as a conduit between students and staff;
– 2) serve as liaison in bringing any issues/suggestions/feedback from Seminarians
to the attention of the Staff;
– 3) relay key messages from the administration to the student body;
– 4) suggest, develop and implement solutions to problems related to campus life in
consultation with the Staff;
Seminarian – Seminarian Relationships
Inter-relationship between classes
Inter-relationship between dioceses and ethnic groups
Inter-relationship between prefects and seminarians
Inter-personal relationships
Seminarians and Others
Cultivate relationships between Seminarians
■ Seminarians of other Seminaries
■ Students of Other Catholic Tertiary Insitutions (eg. Pax Romana)
■ The faithful and youth of the dioceses making up the seminary (SEED)
■ The environment
Qualities needed by members of the
■ Passionate
– Their positive spirit is infectious, both throughout the SRC and with the entire
student body.
– are great at motivating others to complete a task.
■ Creative Thinkers
– They can look at issues and problems from different perspectives.
■ Committed
– They are willing to see things through to completion, no matter how challenging
the task may be.
■ Team players
– They know that to succeed requires a team effort and are great at working with
■ Advocates
– They have a deep concern for representing all students and listen carefully to
all concerns.
■ Role-models
– They set an example to all other students demonstrating the key values of;
Respect, Resilience, Compassion.
What are some of the toughest
challenges to expect?
■ Building the team.
■ Remaining confident during setbacks.
■ Managing misunderstanding
■ Leading change. Leaders don’t just do things, they change things.
■ Learning from criticism/ Asking for feedback