Chew on This - Meat - Quiz

Chew on This - “Meat” - Quiz - Quiz Version. Circle the correct letter.
1. How does the town of Greeley, Colorado smell?
a. Rotten eggs
b. Burning hair
c. A stinky toilet
d. All of the above
2. How does the smell in Greeley, Colorado affect residents and visitors to the town?
a. Nausea
b. Headaches
c. Vomiting
d. Both A and B
3. What town in our region has a dog food plant similar to the one in Greeley, Colorado?
a. Arlington
b. Hermiston
c. Irrigon
d. Stanfield
4. What is ironic about the sign at the entrance of Greeley, Colorado, which states “ALL AMERICAN
a. The town smells horrible, the citizens suffer because of the odor, and the quality of life is poor
due to industry.
b. The town smells horrible and the citizens suffer because of the odor, but the people are happy.
c. The slaughterhouses offer the low-paying jobs and hire poor immigrants who have little power to
improve workplace safety, or pay.
d. Both A and C.
e. Both B and C.
5. What are two gases produced by lagoons? Write the letters of both correct answers. Like: ___, ___
a. Hydrogen dioxide
b. Hydrogen sulfide
c. Ammonia
d. Hydrogen trioxide
6. What are the health problems related to gases produced by manure lagoons like the ones here in
Morrow County?
a. Headache and dizziness
b. Permanent damage to the nervous system and brain
c. Permanent damage to the respiratory system and brain.
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
7. What are some of the health problems of today’s chickens used for fast food?
They live in constant pain because their extreme weight gain causes many problems.
They are so overweight they have heart attacks before 6 weeks old.
Their legs are crooked from extreme weight.
All of the above.
8. True=A; False=B “Flip-over disease” is most likely caused by cows gaining too much weight too fast.
9. What does the subheading “McCannibals” refer to?
a. Chickens are not fed enough food, so they have to eat each other to survive sometimes.
b. Farmed chickens are too crowded and often attack and eat one another.
c. Chickens are fed leftover chicken meat, fat, blood, and bone from chicken slaughterhouses.
d. None of the above.
10. What impact did Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle have?
a. The president and the congress approved the Meat Inspection Act of 1906
b. The president and the congress approved the Animal Welfare Act of 1906
c. The president and the congress approved the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
d. Both A and C
e. Both A and B
11. What difference did the unions that started in the 1950’s make in the lives of workers?
a. Improved wages, health insurance for workers, better workplace safety rules
b. Slowed down the production lines, made work enjoyable, improved wages
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
12. Why are OSHA inspections rare in meatpacking plants?
a. Lobbyists backed by large corporations and fast food companies paid congress to vote against
increased inspections of meatpacking plants.
b. Lobbyists backed by large corporations and fast food companies convinced congress that
inspections are expensive.
c. Lobbyists backed by large corporations and fast food companies convinced congress that
inspections take a long time.
d. None of the above.
13. Why don’t workers complain about line speed injuries?
a. They do not belong to a union and do not have job protection.
b. Most of the workers are recent immigrants who do not speak English or may lack proper
c. Meatpacking workers are employed “at will” and can be fired for any reason.
d. All of the above.
14. Which of the following are NOT an actual title from an OSHA accident report?
a. Employee Killed by Unguarded Meat Grinder
b. Employee Killed When Arm Caught in Meat Grinder
c. Employee Hospitalized from a Sprained Ankle
d. Employee Caught and Killed by Gut-Cooker Machine
15. What does OSHA stand for?
a. Original Safety and Health Administration
b. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
c. Occupy Safety and Health Administration
d. Ocular Safety and Health Administration
16. What is E. Coli?
a. A virus that causes food poisoning
b. A bacterium that causes food poisoning
c. A disease that causes food poisoning
d. A gas that causes food poisoning
17. What is the problem with E. Coli and America’s current system of food processing?
a. The problem is that one outbreak can potentially sicken millions of people.
b. The problem is the huge feedlots, slaughterhouses and hamburger grinders have made it easier
for E. Coli to spread through the nation’s food supply.
c. The meatpacking system that arose to supply the nation’s fast-food chains and provide
hamburgers that all taste the same has proven to be an extremely efficient system for spreading
E. Coli and other diseases.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.