Unit: Lesson 8: Understanding Covalent Bonding Lesson Objectives: 1. strong electrostatic attraction between two nuclei and the shared pair(s) of electrons between them. 2. dot and cross diagrams to show electrons in simple covalent molecules, including those with multiple bonds and dative covalent (coordinate) bonds. 3. the relationship between bond lengths and bond strengths in covalent bonds. 4. tetrahedral basis of organic chemistry Bonding Types Theory: Tutor Presentation • The physical properties of a substance depend on its structure and type of bonding present. Bonding determines the type of structure. • CHEMICAL strong bonds • ionic (or electrovalent) • covalent • dative covalent (or co-ordinate) • metallic • PHYSICAL weak bonds • van der Waals‘ forces (weakest) • dipole-dipole interaction • hydrogen bonds (strongest) Covalent bonding If ionic bonds form between metals and non-metals, between what class of element do covalent bonds form? Non-metals and non-metals Theory: Tutor Presentation Nirvana Why? Electron loss Electron gain Covalent Bonding Theory: Tutor Presentation • Covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing electrons to form molecules. • One single covalent bond is a sharing of 1 pair of electrons, two pairs of shared electrons between the same two atoms gives a double bond and it is possible for two atoms to share 3 pairs of electrons and give a triple bond. • This kind of bond or electronic linkage does act in a particular direction i.e. along the 'line' between the two nuclei of the atoms bonded together, this is why molecules have a particular shape. In the case of ionic or metallic bonding, the electrical attractive forces act in all directions around the particles involved. Why do covalent bonds form? Theory: Tutor Presentation Covalent bonds often form between atoms with too many electrons in their valence shells to give away, but not enough to easily fill. Thus they share electrons with their neighbours, in such a way that including the shared electrons the shells are full Delocalizing electrons over two atoms instead of one lowers the energy of the system Theory: Tutor Presentation Covalent Bonding electrostatic attraction between nuclei and the shared electrons is localised and in a specific direction giant covalent structure is a lattice of many atoms bonded covalently Covalent Bonding Covalent bonding describes a chemical bond where a pair of electrons are shared between 2 atoms. Theory: Tutor Presentation But how does this hold 2 atoms together? Attractive forces Repulsive forces The atomic separation of particles in a nucleus is determined by the balance of these forces Atoms with a covalent bond are held together by an electrostatic attraction between the nucleus of each atom and the shared electrons. Theory: Tutor Presentation Covalent Bonding A chlorine atom has an electronic configuration of [Ne]3s23p5. By each sharing a 3p electron, they can achieve this. Two chlorine atoms would both want to gain another electron. Covalent Bonding – Dative Theory: Tutor Presentation A co-ordinate bond (dative covalent bond) is a covalent bond where both of the electrons in the bond come from just one of the atoms involved. • It is represented by an arrow coming from the atom donated the electrons. • The atom that accepts does not have a full outer shell of electrons – it is electron deficient. • The donating atom, donates a non-bonding pair of electrons – this is known as a lone pair. • Co-ordinate bonds do not differ in strength from regular covalent bonds. Theory: Tutor Presentation Covalent Bonding – Dative Lone Pairs Theory: Tutor Presentation Lone pairs occur in elements from group 5, 6 and 7 Lone pair Lone pairs Lone pairs affect the shape of the molecule Covalent Bonding Theory: Tutor Presentation • Example 1: Two hydrogen atoms form the molecule of the element hydrogen (H2) H H H H • Example 2: One atom of hydrogen combines with one atom of Chlorine to give you hydrogen chloride (HCl) Cl H Cl H Covalent Bonding Theory: Tutor Presentation Draw the bonding in ammonia (NH3) H H H N H N H H Covalent Bonding Theory: Tutor Presentation Draw the bonding in methane (CH4) H H H H C H H C H H Covalent Bonding Theory: Tutor Presentation What about oxygen? O O each atom needs two electrons to complete its outer shell O O each oxygen shares 2 of its electrons to form a DOUBLE COVALENT BOND Supervised Learning Covalent Bond Diagrams Draw dot cross diagrams for the following: Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide Carbon tetrafluoride Physical Properties (Covalent Bonding) For simple covalent molecules (not giant covalent) Theory: Tutor Presentation • Electrical Don’t conduct electricity as they have no mobile ions or electrons • Solubility Tend to be more soluble in organic solvents than in water • Boiling point The forces between molecules (intermolecular forces) are weak and known as van der Waals forces. Attractions between molecules increases as the molecules get more electrons. e.g. CH4 -161°C C2H6 - 88°C C3H8 -42°C as the intermolecular forces are weak, little energy is required to separate molecules from each other so boiling points are low Bond Length in Covalent Molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation • Bond length is defined as the distance between the centres of two covalently bonded atoms. • The length of the bond is determined by the number of bonded electrons (the bond order). • The higher the bond order, the stronger the pull between the two atoms and the shorter the bond length. • Generally, the length of the bond between two atoms is approximately the sum of the covalent radii of the two atoms. • Bond length is reported in picometers. Therefore, bond length increases in the following order: triple bond < double bond < single bond. Theory: Tutor Presentation Bond Length in Covalent Molecules To find the bond length, follow these steps: 1.Draw the Lewis structure. 2.Look up the chart below for the radii for the corresponding bond. 3.Find the sum of the two radii. EXAMPLE : CCL4 Determine the carbon-to-chlorine bond length in CCl4. SOLUTION Using Table A3, a C single bond has a length of 75 picometers and that a Cl single bond has a length of 99 picometers. When added together, the bond length of a C-Cl bond is approximately 174 picometers. EXAMPLE : CO2 Determine the carbon-oxygen bond length in CO2. SOLUTION Using Table A3, we see that a C double bond has a length of 67 picometers and that an O double bond has a length of 57 picometers. When added together, the bond length of a C=O bond is approximately 124 picometers. Bond Strength in Covalent Molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation Triple bonds between like atoms are shorter than double bonds, and because more energy is required to completely break all three bonds than to completely break two, a triple bond is also stronger than a double bond. Similarly, double bonds between like atoms are stronger and shorter than single bonds. Bonds of the same order between different atoms show a wide range of bond energies. Single Bonds Multiple Bonds H–H 432 C–C 346 N–N ≈167 O–O ≈142 F–F 155 C=C 602 H–C 411 C–Si 318 N–O 201 O–F 190 F–Cl 249 C≡C 835 H–Si 318 C–N 305 N–F 283 O–Cl 218 F–Br 249 C=N 615 H–N 386 C–O 358 N–Cl 313 O–Br 201 F–I 278 C≡N 887 H–P ≈322 C–S 272 N–Br 243 O–I 201 Cl–Cl 240 C=O 749 H–O 459 C–F 485 P–P 201 S–S 226 Cl–Br 216 C≡O 1072 H–S 363 C–Cl 327 S–F 284 Cl–I 208 N=N 418 H–F 565 C–Br 285 S–Cl 255 Br–Br 190 N≡N 942 H–Cl 428 C–I 213 S–Br 218 Br–I 175 N=O 607 H–Br 362 Si–Si 222 I–I 149 O=O 494 H–I 295 Si–O 452 S=O 532 Theory: Tutor Presentation Bond Strength in Covalent Molecules 1. Bonds between hydrogen and atoms in the same column of the periodic table decrease in strength as we go down the column. Thus an H–F bond is stronger than an H–I bond, H–C is stronger than H–Si, H–N is stronger than H–P, H–O is stronger than H–S, and so forth. The reason for this is that the region of space in which electrons are shared between two atoms becomes proportionally smaller as one of the atoms becomes larger. 2. Bonds between like atoms usually become weaker as we go down a column (important exceptions are noted later). For example, the C–C single bond is stronger than the Si–Si single bond, which is stronger than the Ge–Ge bond, and so forth. As two bonded atoms become larger, the region between them occupied by bonding electrons becomes proportionally smaller. 3. Noteworthy exceptions are single bonds between the period 2 atoms of groups 15, 16, and 17 (i.e., N, O, F), which are unusually weak compared with single bonds between their larger congeners. It is likely that the N–N, O–O, and F–F single bonds are weaker than might be expected due to strong repulsive interactions between lone pairs of electrons on adjacent atoms. The trend in bond energies for the halogens is therefore 4. Cl–Cl>Br–Br>F–F>I–I Theory: Tutor Presentation Bond Strength in Covalent Molecules 1. Elements in periods 3 and 4 rarely form multiple bonds with themselves, their multiple bond energies are not accurately known. Nonetheless, they are presumed to be significantly weaker than multiple bonds between lighter atoms of the same families. Compounds containing an Si=Si double bond, for example, have only recently been prepared, whereas compounds containing C=C double bonds are one of the beststudied and most important classes of organic compounds. 2. Multiple bonds between carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen and a period 3 element such as phosphorus or sulfur tend to be unusually strong. In fact, multiple bonds of this type dominate the chemistry of the period 3 elements of groups 15 and 16. Multiple bonds to phosphorus or sulfur occur as a result of d-orbital interactions. 3. In contrast, silicon in group 14 has little tendency to form discrete silicon–oxygen double bonds. Consequently, SiO2 has a three-dimensional network structure in which each silicon atom forms four Si–O single bonds, which makes the physical and chemical properties of SiO2 very different from those of CO2. Bond Strength in Covalent Molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation Bond strengths increase as bond order increases, while bond distances decrease. The Strength of Covalent Bonds Depends on the Overlap between the Valence Orbitals of the Bonded Atoms. The relative sizes of the region of space in which electrons are shared between (a) a hydrogen atom and lighter (smaller) vs. heavier (larger) atoms in the same periodic group; and (b) two lighter versus two heavier atoms in the same group. Although the absolute amount of shared space increases in both cases on going from a light to a heavy atom, the amount of space relative to the size of the bonded atom decreases; that is, the percentage of total orbital volume decreases with increasing size. Hence the strength of the bond decreases. Theory: Tutor Presentation Shapes of molecules • The shapes of molecules and ions can be accurately predicted using the Sidgwick-Powell Rules. • These rely on the fact that the vast majority of molecules contain an even number of electrons arranged in pairs - bond pairs and lone pairs Shapes of molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation We often draw molecules as 2-dimensional structures, take methane for example. However, realistically very few shapes are ‘flat’. Methane actually looks like this: We can show that molecules are 3D like so: Shapes of molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation So how do we predict the shape that a molecule will be? We use electron pair repulsion theory! This is based on the concept that: 1. Each pair of electrons around an atom repels all of the other pairs. 2. Pairs of electrons take up positions as far away from each other as possible in order to minimize this repulsion. Shapes of molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation In order to work out the shape of a molecule, you need to work out the number of electron pairs around the central atom. In order to do this you must draw a dot and cross structure for the molecule. Don’t take short-cuts, it often leads to silly mistakes! You also need to learn the bond angles and shapes that can occur! Theory: Tutor Presentation Sidgwick Powell Rules 1. The electron pairs in a molecule arrange themselves to be as far apart as possible so as to minimise repulsion. Theory: Tutor Presentation Sidgwick Powell Rules 1. The electron pairs in a molecule arrange themselves to be as far apart as possible so as to minimise repulsion. 2. Lone pairs are more repelling than bond pairs Theory: Tutor Presentation Sidgwick Powell Rules 1. The electron pairs in a molecule arrange themselves to be as far apart as possible so as to minimise repulsion. 2. Lone pairs are more repelling than bond pairs 3. A double or triple bond behaves just as a single pair for these purposes Shapes of molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation 2 pairs of electrons eg BeCl2 • To be as far apart as possible, the electron pairs are arranged at 180°- the molecule is linear Shapes of molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation 3 pairs of electrons eg BF3 Three pairs as far apart as possible is achieved by arranging the pairs at 120° - trigonal planar Theory: Tutor Presentation Shapes of molecules Four pairs of electrons In each of the 3 molecules below there are four pairs. Methane is tetrahedral; ammonia is pyramidal and water is V -shaped. Note the lone pairs are more repelling Theory: Tutor Presentation Shapes of molecules Five bonding pairs of electrons PCl5 has five pairs of bonding electrons - these are arranged in a trigonal bipyramid Theory: Tutor Presentation Shapes of molecules Six bonding pairs of electrons SF6 has six pairs of bonding electrons; these are arranged symmetrically as shown - octahedral Shapes of molecules Worked example: What is the H-C-H bond angle in methane? Theory: Tutor Presentation 1. Draw a dot and cross diagram for the molecule. It is okay to show outer electrons only. 2. Count the number of areas of electron density around the central atom. In this case there are 4. 3. Use this to chose the shape that the molecules is based on. 4. Use the shape to assign an appropriate bond angle. 4 areas of electron density is tetrahedral. 109.5o This method works when there are no non-bonding pairs of electrons. Shapes of molecules Theory: Tutor Presentation Worked example, dealing with lone (non-bonding) pairs: What is the HN-H bond angle in ammonia? 1. Draw a dot and cross diagram for the molecule. In this case there are 4. 2. Count the number of areas of electron density around the central atom. 4 areas of electron density is tetrahedral. This shape is trigonal pyramidal. 3. Use this to chose the base geometry of the molecule. Note: Lone pairs repel more than bonding pairs, so the angle changes. 4. Identify that one of the areas of electron density is a lone pair and assign the actual shape. 5. Use the new shape to predict the bond angle. 107o Shapes of molecules: Tips and Tricks Theory: Tutor Presentation We use the term electron density rather than pairs of electrons to avoid confusion. In CO2 there are four pairs of electrons, but only 2 areas of electron density due to the double bond. Sometimes central atoms can bond happily without having a full pair of electrons – don’t get caught out! Repulsion between pairs of electrons: Sometimes you have to predict shapes of ions! bonding pair – bonding pair lone pair – bonding pair lone pair – lone pair Increasing repulsion Remember to include this in your dot and cross! Try and predict the shape of the NH4+ ion and the ClF4- ion!. Theory: Tutor Presentation Theory: Tutor Presentation Required Reading Websites • http://chemguide.co.uk/atoms/bonding/covalent.html#top • http://chemguide.co.uk/atoms/bonding/doublebonds.html#top • http://chemguide.co.uk/atoms/bonding/dative.html#top • http://chemguide.co.uk/atoms/bonding/shapes.html#top • http://chemguide.co.uk/atoms/bonding/shapesdouble.html#top