Academic Action Plan Student: Xyon Uhuru Absences/Tardies: 2 Current Grade Course (s): Health Date Given: 9/17/18 Teacher: R. Dilligard 78 Due Date: On or before 9/19/18 by Health 11:59pm I, Xyon Uhuru, agree to take full responsibility for improving my academic standing in Health by implementing the action plan described below. I recognize that my cooperation with the below Academic Action Plan will be rewarded with the explained credit for the assignments I make up. ADD WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO DO TO IMPROVE/MAINTAIN YOUR CURRENT GRADE BELOW. PLAN OF ACTION: I will attend tutoring (if offered) and/or seek assistance in class when I don’t understand. I will NOT MISS ANY assignments. I will complete ALL assignments & submit on Its Learning ON TIME! I will use class time wisely. I will pay attention to everything our teacher tells us what to do Deadline to complete work: On or before 9/19/18 by 11:59pm (NO EXCEPTIONS) Assignments I would like to receive permission to make-up for partial credit (list assignments here): Chapter 1 PowerPoint Chapter 20 powerpoiint Chapter 1 Assessment Chapter 1 vocabulary Here’s how I will be graded: Makeup assignments that received a 0 will be replaced with a 50%, pending all work is completed and is accurate. Submission of this document shows that all parties fully agree with the terms of the above Academic Action Plan.