OBTANING CONSTRUCTION PERMIT- READY RECKONER A step wise guide for obtaining Construction Related Approvals Haryana Enterprise Promotion Centre - HEPC TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Contents Background .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Investor CAF filling process ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Pre Establishment Stage – ................................................................................................................................................. 8 1. FOREST NOC- DEPARTMENT OF FOREST.......................................................................................................... 8 2. APPROVAL OF BUILDING PLAN...........................................................................................................................10 3. Airport Authority of India ........................................................................................................................................ 4 4. National Monuments Authority.............................................................................................................................. 6 5. TEMPORARY POWER CONNECTION – UHBVN/DHBVN ................................................................................ 8 6. TEMPORARY WATER CONNECTION – HARYANA URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY..................11 7. FACTORY BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL – DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR....................................................... 1 8. CONSENT TO ESTABLISH- HARYANA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD........................................ 3 9. FIRE FIGHTING SCHEME – URBAN LOCAL BODIES......................................................................................... 7 10. ERECTION OF BOILER- DEPARTMENT OF BOILERS, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE ........................10 Post Establishment .............................................................................................................................................................13 1. PERMANENT ELECTRICITY CONNECTION – UHBVN/DHBVN...................................................................13 2. PERMANENT WATER CONNECTION – HSIIDC/ULB/ PHED.......................................................................15 3. FACTORY LICENSE – DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR..........................................................................................19 4. CONSENT TO OPERATE – HARYANA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD........................................20 5. FIRE NOC – URBAN LOCAL BODIES...................................................................................................................... 2 6. OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE................................................................................................................................... 5 7. REGISTRATION OF BOILER – DEPARTMENT OF BOILERS, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE.............. 5 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Background Haryana Enterprise Promotion Board Govt. of Haryana introduced “Single Roof Clearance System” which aims to create an investorfriendly climate in Haryana with a focus to facilitate the investor for speedy clearances for setting up Enterprise. Haryana Enterprise Promotion Centre (HEPC), was set up with a statuary backing. HEPC facilitate investors in obtaining all sorts of clearances for the Enterprise via portal – www.investharyana.nic.i n under one roof. HEPC is fully committed to provide clearances in time bound manner. HEPC acts an umbrella to facilitate investor for obtaining all the state level industrial clearances from one portal. HEPC ensures that the clearances/ approvals are granted within the timelines of 45 days (under Section 8 (1) and 8 (4 of Haryana Enterprise Promotion Rules 2016). At HEPC level, a provision of granting deemed clearance has been made in Haryana Enterprise Promotion Act, 2016. The provision mentions that if any department fails to grant clearance within the SLA of 45 days, the deemed Clearance power shall be executed to the investor on the 46th day of the application submission. Composite Application Form – CAF HEPC provides all industrial related clearances to new or existing enterprises through a common form. CAF follows the principle of “Information and Document once submitted by the entrepreneur during any point of his investment cycle should not be asked again by any other agency for approval in the State”. The state of Haryana has mandated under the Haryana Enterprise Promotion Act, 2016 that all new/ existing industrial related approvals shall be provided through Online Composite Application Form Only. Key Features of Composite Application Form are – 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page 1 Online Application Submission Online Payment without any physical touch point Tracking of Status Auto fetching of common information in Service Forms Issuance of Certificates from the online portal Email and SMS alerts to the user whenever any action is taken on the CA HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Investor CAF filling process The detailed CAF filling process is also available on the web portal of Invest Haryana https://investha r ya na .in/ #/ ca ffill ingguide New User Registration on Invest Haryana PortalStep 1: Visit https://investharyana.in/ (Use Google Chrome for best view of website) Page 2 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Step 2: Signing I n/ New I nvestor Registration Once the investor has successfully registered by submitting the valid email and contact number, login credentials will be generated. The investor is required to use these credentials to sign in to the account and fill the details. Page 3 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Click on New Investor Registration The user will fill the information like contact details, email address details etc. Page 4 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Once the investor has successfully registered by submitting the valid email and contact number, login credentials will be generated. The system will send auto generated e mail for verification of account on users registered email address. Once the user verifies the account, the login credential will automatically become active. The user will login with the credentials to fill the CAF. CAF is divided into two parts. First step involves filling the basic Composite Application Form, wherein the User will fill the one time basic Information details which will after be auto reflected in the other forms. Second part of CAF is filling of required Service Clearance Forms. The user can apply for service clearances which are required for the setting up the business. Following is the process of filling the First step of CAF. The user click on “Add CAF” to add the project related details. The user will select the Project Type Page 5 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Once the form is completely filled, the user will finally submit the form. Once this stage is over, the invetor will move to the second stage of the approval cycle i.e. Filling applicable service forms of sevices required by an investor. The user will see the following dashboard .The following details will be reflected, where the information investor has already provided at the time of creating user login, shall be auto fetched and user will not be required to fill that inform ation again. After filling, user is required to click on “Service Clearance” button. Page 6 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Click on Service Clearance to view the list of services. The user details are saved in the user profile and will be auto populated whenever the investor will apply for any service. Page 7 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Pre Establishment Stage – Pre –Construction is referred as the Pre- Establishment stage. All approvals required to construct/establish a unit fall under this stage. Under Pre Establishment Stage the following approvals are provided through Invest Haryana portal. The detailed checklist and procedure required for applying for these services and movement of the application are given below. HEPC ensures that the approvals are granted within the stipulated timeline of 45 days of application. 1. FOREST NOC- DEPARTMENT OF FOREST Department Department of Forest Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS 15 Days Page 18 191 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Checklist Documents to be provided by the Applicant for Permission of Tree Felling e-Service Copy of Tatima Current Jamabandi clearly mentioning type of land Consent of all shareholders on affidavit in case of co-Partners Copy of mutation (only for Agricultural Land Copy of Purpose/Administrative sanction for which the trees are to be felled. NOC in respect of Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900 (PLPA, 1900) or Forest or Restricted Land (Clarification e-services) Proof of ownership (Jamabandi/Mutation/Lease Deed) Copy of Tatim Optional Documents: Procedure Page 19 Copy of Girdawari Copy of Approved Plan Copy of collaboration/Agreement Copy of Project Report Copy of Environment Clearance 1. Filling of application at e-Disha counter on website https://haryanaeseva.gov.in or common Services Centre (CSC) or Self Login or Invest in Haryana Website (www.investharyana.nic.in) HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 2. Examination of application at Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Level. 3. Acceptance/ Rejection of Application. 4. Accepted Application forwarded to concern Ranger Officer for inspection. 5. Forwarded to concerned Block/Beat/In charge for Inspection by Range Officer. 6. Range officer ensures the site inspection by himself/herself/Block/Beat/In charge. 7. Range officer submits the Inspection Report to DFO. 8. DFO reviews the Inspection reports submitted. 9. If approved NOC/Permission granted and NOC/Permission/Inspection Reports uploaded online. 10. Real time status of application can be tracked from the User login. SMS on user’s registered mobile number is sent on registration, approval or rejection. 11. Final approved NOC/Permission can be downloaded by the User online. 12. Time Line for Delivery: 15 Working days for entire process. 13. Service Charges: Rs. 30/- (Thirty) per application at CSC/e-Disha counter 14. Departmental charges: NIL 2. APPROVAL OF BUILDING PLAN Department Haryana Urban Development Authority, HSIIDC, Urban Local Bodies and Town and Country Planning 35 Days Timeline Notified under Uniform Building Code Serial No. under Code 4.5 (Building Plan Approval – 20 days) Uniform Building Code 4.9 (Plinth Level Certification- 7 Days) Code Code 4.11 (2) ( Occupation Certificate – 8 Days) Link for Uniform https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Th eHa r ya na Buil dingCod e2017 2ndA mend m ent forE ODB - d97466 7ca b.pd f Building Code Page 110 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE KEY FEATURES COVERED UNDER UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1. The Competent Authority conducts single joint inspection by constituting a team of officials/ officers including officers/ officials from departments of the site/ buildings, wherever required, in following stages: i. Pre-Construction. ii. During Construction. iii. Post Construction. 2. The department ensures that the same inspector shall not inspect the same site/ building in consecutive stages. 3. The inspection team shall conduct inspection of site/ building on any Tuesday of the month. 4. The inspecting officers will submit/ upload (online) single inspection reports within 48 hours to Competent Authority. 5. The Competent Authority shall pass an order within a period of twenty days of submission of building plans, accompanied by all necessary documents as mentioned in Code 2.1, either sanctioning or rejecting it. 6. The owner (or the Architect, in case of self-certification) shall submit a certification from an Architect (or by himself, in case of self-certification) that the construction of building up to DPC level is as per sanctioned plan. 7. The Competent Authority shall verify the certification and shall issue consent/ comments within seven days of receiving the certification. 8. The DPC certificate shall deemed to be accepted, if it is in conformity with Code, but no consent/ comments have been passed by Competent Authority within specified time. 9. For fast track building plan approval, the competent authority approves building plans considering the risk based classification of buildings depending upon height. (2) The buildings are categorized in three risk categories (i) Low Risk: Low Risk category includes plotted residential and commercial sites having maximum permissible height up to 15 meters and area up to 1000 square meters; plots (all sizes) of industrial plotted colonies. (ii) Moderate Risk: Moderate Risk category includes commercial sites having maximum permissible height up to 15 meters and area from 1001 square meters to 2000 square meters. (iii) High Risk: High Risk category consists of buildings other than building stated above at (i) and (ii). Page 111 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 2.1 Haryana Urban Development authority Checklist Document Required for Applying Duly attested Copy of Possession Certificate Form BR-I duly signed by the owner /owners & the architect with stamp Form BR-II duly signed by the owner/owners & the architect with stamp Photocopy of Allotment Letter duly attested Photocopy of Fee Receipt for Plan Scrutiny and Malba Fee paid online. Purchasable area amount calculation and receipt. Labour Cess calculation and receipt. Security fees, Malba fees calculation and receipt . Procedure Page 112 10. The application software will be available on HUDA's portal which will be accessed by the empaneled Architects of HUDA through User ID and Password allotted by HUDA. 11. Public Health Engineering oriented parameters and structural Engineering stability parameters will be captured in the form of check list in the architect's console and the deviations be highlighted by the system automatically wherever HUDA regulations are silent, the provisions of National Building code norms shall be followed. 12. The Architects will upload the building plan in the required format. Current outstanding dues will be checked with PPM before the submission of plan by the architect. In case there are outstanding dues then the architect has the option to pay the dues and scrutiny fee online/ offline mode. 13. An amount of Rs 1O/- per entry is to be paid by the applicant as processing fee (inclusive of taxes prevailing as on date). 14. If the plan is technically Okayed by the AutoDCR (Automatic Development Control Rule), printout of the plan having the signatures of Architect and the owner of the plot along with the required documents will be submitted at Single window of the concerned Estate office. 15. The ownership of the plot will be checked by the record keeper from the PPM application & the plot file. If the allottee details are found to be correct then the record keeper will enter his comments on the PPM window and forward the same to the concerned JE else reject the case by taking the approval from the Estate officer. Three extra days will be added in the process in case of mismatch in the allottee details. 16. The uploaded building plan will be reflected on the PPM application window of concerned JE, SDO (Survey) & EO. The JE will check the calculations and purchasable area amount visit the site within 2 working days and submit the report to Estate officer through SDO (survey). In the absence of concerned JE, SDO (Survey) will have the power to assign this job to some other JE. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 17. On receipt of report of the JE/SDO (Survey), the Estate Officer has the option to accept or reject the plan. In case of rejection, the Estate Officer shall record the reasons for the same on the PPM application. The status of the plan will be sent to the allottee through an SMS automatically triggered from the PPM application on the registered mobile number of the allottee. In case of approval of the building plan, printout of the approval letter will be generated through the system and dispatched on the address of the allottee along with SMS and e mail confirming the acceptance of the building plan by the concerned Estate office. Both the documents i.e. sanction letter & approved building plan will also be reflected on the property account of the allottee. 2.2 Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. Checklist Document Required for Applying 1. BRS-I 2. Certificate of conformity to regulation and structural safety for the relevant buildings (depending upon type and height) in the relevant Form BRS-II. 3. A site plan as required under Code 3.2 of Haryana Building Code 2017; 4. A building plan or plans along with an un-editable Compact Disc/ DVD or any other electronic medium permissible by the Competent Authority from time to time containing the drawings in “.DWG” format as required under Code 3.4; 5. Details of specifications of the work to be executed in Form BR-II; 6. Structural drawings (for record) as per Form BR-V(A2); 7. Fire safety design as required under National Building Code or under Haryana Fire Services Act, 2009, if applicable; 8. Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning (H.V.A.C.) service plan wherever required; 9. Certificate of conformity to regulation and structural safety for the relevant buildings (depending upon type and height) in the relevant Form BR-V(A2); 10. Public health services plan in un-editable compact Disc/ DVD or any other electronic medium, containing drawings in “.DWG” Format; Page 113 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 11. Scrutiny fees (non–refundable) at the rate of ten rupees per square metres of the covered area achieved, shall be deposited through e-challan in favour of concerned DTP of T&CP, Department, Haryana. 12. Malba Fees. • For plot of size upto 500 sqm. = Rs. 5000.00/- • For plot of size 501 to 1000 sqm. = Rs. 10,000.00/- • For plot of size 1001 to 4000 sqm. = Rs. 15,000.00/- • For plot of size 4001 to 20,000 sqm. = Rs. 25,000.00/- • For plot of size 20,001 and above = Rs. 50,000.00/13. Self-certified copy of qualification and work experience of Structural Engineer/ Proof Consultant. 14. Undertaking regarding installation of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant (if applicable). 15. Undertaking regarding ‘no vehicle shall be parked outside the site / premises’ from allottee. 16. Undertaking for obtaining NOC/clearance from Environment Deptt. Under MOEF, Government of India notification No. 1533 dated 14.09.2006 (if applicable). 17. Undertaking that the allottee shall pay applicable Labour cess to the Industrial Safety & Health, Labour Department, and Haryana as applicable under the building and other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996 (as amended from time to time). 18. Undertaking regarding installation of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps/tube lights & energy efficient lighting (more than LED) and star rating - 5 for Electric Appliances in the building. 19. Undertaking regarding installation of Rain Water Harvesting System (if applicable) Procedure Procedure for Approval of Building Plans under self-certification(in case of Industrial buildings) : 1. HSIIDC has simplified the self-certification procedure in case of Industrial buildings. 2. While submitting the duly certified building plans (industrial Category) by Empaneled Architect the following documents will be required from allottee side: i) Documents as prescribed under para 2.1 of Haryana Building Code- 2017. ii) Scrutiny fees and malba fees. iii) ) Augmentation charges (if applicable) {the same can also be deposited after issuance of building plans}. iv) Combined Undertaking (including the undertaking regarding deposit of Labour cess in the Labour department) as available on the official website. i.e. http://hsiidc.org.in/downloads 3. After receiving the above documents and the Building plans duly certified by Empaneled Architect (through www.investharyana.in portal), the Corporation issues an auto generation receipt mentioning that Building plans duly certified by Empaneled Architect have been received and the same are being kept in the office for record with this Page 30 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE understanding that these plans have been prepared as per the provision of approved zoning plan and Haryana Building Code 2017 (as amended from time to time). 4. Based on these certified plans the construction can be started at site. In case of default, HSIIDC reserves the right to take action against the empaneled architect as well allottee in accordance with the provisions of the Haryana Building Code -2017. Note: No site inspection is conducted by HSIIDC for obtaining approval of Building plans in case of industrial buildings. 2.3 Urban Local Bodies Checklist Document Required for Applying 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ownership Proof FORM BR-I Form of application FORM BR-II Specifications regarding materials to be used in the construction Form BR-IV(Only in case of Revision Of Building Plan) FORM BR-V (A1) Certificate of conformity to Code and structural safety for Residential and Commercial Buildings upto 15 metres height OR FORM BR-V (A2) Certificate of conformity to rules and structural safety for all buildings except as stated in Form BR-V(A1) 6. Form-BRS-I Form of application under self-certification 7. Form BRS-II Certificate for structure conforming under self-certification Procedure Page 31 1. This application software will be available on DULB’s website which will be accessed by the Citizen or through CFCs established in ULBs. 2. Public Health Engineering oriented parameters and structural Engineering stability parameters will be captured in the form of check list, the provisions of National Building Code norms to be followed. 3. For procedure and checklist please refer link https://ulbharyana.gov.in/approval-revisionofbuilding-plan.html 4. Citizen will upload the building plan in the required format 5. The owner ship of the plot will be checked by the Clerk. If the details are found to be correct then the Clerk will enter his comments and click on update. Once clicked update, HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE system will randomly allocation an inspector to this application based on Risk based assessment in case of high risk. 6. The concerned ATP/ME/AE will see the application and will check the risk involved in the application, if low / Moderate then without doing inspection of the site, charges will be calculated by the officer and chargers will be communicated to citizen via SMS / Email to pay online. In case of high Risk, Building inspector will inspect the building and will upload the inspection report on the portal. They can also reject the application if not found feasible with reason of rejection. 7. After charges are paid by citizen, concerned ATP/ME/AE will enter his comment and move the application to concerned Commissioners / Executive Officer / Secretaries in Municipal Corporation / Council /Committees respectively for final approval / Rejection. In case of approval of the building plan, SMS and e-mail confirming the acceptance of the building plan will be intimated to citizen for online download of sanction letter. 2.4 Town and Country Planning Checklist Document Required for Applying 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Date of application on prescribed BR-I & BR-II submitted for approval of building plans Name of the Applicant / Company Date of CLU Area in Sqm./Acres Validity of CLU Structural Certificate on prescribed BR-V(1) for a height upto 14.50 meters and Form-BR-V(2) for height above 14.50 meters along with copy of qualification Degree of the certifying Engineer Scrutiny fees @ Rs. 10/- Sqm. of the total built-up area Three sets of building plans:The site plan shall be drawn to a scale not less than:- 1:200 for sites upto 1000 Sqm. - 1:400 for sites above 1000 Sqm. and upto 4500 Sqm. - 1:800 for sites of 4500 Sqm. and above. 12. The building plans shall be drawn to a scale not less than:- 1:50 for sites upto 1000 Sqm - 1:100 for sites above 1000 Sqm. but less than 2000 Sqm - 1:200 for sites above 2000 Sqm. Page 32 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The Public Health Services should be earmarked on the plans. Two sets should be cloth mounted /laminated duly signed by Owner and Architect Structural drawings duly signed by Structural Engineer Status of payment of EDC 18. Approval from any other authorities, as required Procedure Page 33 1. Applicant submits the application at concerned office along with BR-I, BR-II and BRV with Scrutiny fee, Labour Cess fee, NOC of AAI (for buildings with height more than 30 mtrs) etc. with four set of Building Plans and structure drawings. 2. Scrutiny of documents by Office (concerned) 3. If any discrepancy found, application is put on hold and observation is conveyed to the applicant. 4. Applicant will remove the discrepancy and submit the details 5. One set circulated to each of the following for examination: 6. Concerned Circle / District Town Planner office 7. SE / Executive Engineer - HUDA 8. Fire Officer, Urban Local Bodies 9. Meeting of BPAC fixed to review the comments / report of all above 10. Plan reviewed by BPAC as per Zoning Plan, HBC 2017 and NBC 11. If any discrepancy found, application is put on hold and observation is conveyed to the applicant. 12. Applicant will remove the discrepancy and submit the details 13. If found OK, signed by BPAC members 14. Verification of the License / CLU permission / pending dues by the Department 15. Orders issued for release of Building Plans and approval conveyed in BR-III. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 3. Airport Authority of India Checklist Document Required for Applying 1. Signed print out of submitted online NOC application with NOC ID sheet. 2. Site Location Plan, duly approved and authenticated by the municipal authorities/Urban Development authority/ any other licensed authorized agency. 3. Surveyed Site Elevation in meters (AMSL) and WGS-84 Coordinates ( in DD°MM’SS.s” format) means up to one tenth of second from a qualified professional or an agency, authorized for the purpose by the concerned Department/Unit/Local Body of the Government. 4. Undertaking on Form 1A (refer 6.4 below) on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10 for Building and smoke emitting industrial unit/ chimneys Applications. Page 34 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. The user will visit https://investharyana.in/#/ After creating an CAF account, the user will fill the Service Form The user will fill the form for AAI- Building Plan Approval. On receipt of the application, the designated officer of AAI at the airport will scrutinize the documents. 5. The applicant should provide their email address for expeditious communication. The completed applications will be forwarded by the airport office to the Regional NOC Cell for further processing as per para 4. 6. The designated AAI officer at the Regional/ Station Level NOC Cell is responsible for the assessment and for the issue of NOC for permissible height/elevation. 7. Based on the calculations done by NOCAS w.r.t. Aeronautical Ground Aids (AGA) surfaces or Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS), Communication Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) facilities and inputs from the Flight Procedures Design Experts w.r.t. PAN-OPS , the permissible height clearances are decided by the Designated Officer ( through NOC committee) with following options: 4.1. No Objection for the requested top elevation (Above Mean Sea Level) / height with conditions. 4.2 . No Objection for the restricted top elevation (Above Mean Sea Level) / height with Conditions. 4.3. Objection for the requested top elevation (Above Mean Sea Level) / height with reasons Form for AAI- Building Plan on Invest Haryana Portal Page 35 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 4. National Monuments Authority Checklist Document Required for Applying 1. Form I 2. Form II Page 36 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Procedure 3. The user will visit https://investharyana.in/#/ 4. After creating an CAF account, the user will fill the Service Form 5. Any individual applicant/firm/ Government organization who wants to get the clearance from NMA on their proposed sites of construction/reconstruction which falls within the limit of any centrally protected monuments/sites is required to complete Form-I as provided on the Invest Haryana Portal. 6. After successful submission of Form-I by the individual, it has to be verified/inspected by the respective Competent Authorities of respective states. 7. After completion of Step 2, the Competent Authority is required to complete Form-II at their level. 8. On successful submission of Form-II by the Competent Authority, the application will be forwarded to NMA for further consideration/decision. 9. After completion of step 4, the decision of NMA will be made available on the Competent Authority/applicant portal. Form for NMA- Building Plan on Invest Haryana Portal Page 37 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 5. TEMPORARY POWER CONNECTION – UHBVN/DHBVN Department Department of Power Timeline Notified under RTS Within 30 days from receipt of complete application charge & documents 102, 103 & 104 Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS Checklist https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Documents Required while Applying Proof of Ownership / Legal occupation of the premises. This may be any one of the following: a. Copy of sale deed/allotment letter or lease deed or rent deed in the name of the applicant b. Property tax receipt or tax demand notice as proof of ownership and rent deed or any other legal proof of being a tenant and paying rent as proof of occupancy. c. For agriculture supply connection- a copy of Khasra Girdawari/Jamabandi In the name of applicant. Proof of identity:a. Where the applicant is an individual (any one of the documents given below). Electoral identity card. Passport Driving license Ration card Photo identity card issued by a Govt. Agency Pan card Aadhar card b. Where the applicant is a Company, Trust, Educational Institution, Govt. Deptt., the application form shall be signed by an authorized person along with a relevant resolution/authority letter of the company/institution concerned. In case of a registered company all the Directors shall be jointly and severely liable Page 18 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Procedure Refer table below (Table 1) Table 1 – Timelines and Procedure for obtaining Electricity Connection Sr no. Action Taken Time allowed (in days) for connections on LT 11KV 33KV Above 33KV 1 Acknowledgement of receipt of complete Application Intimating Deficiencies to the applicant Attending Deficiencies by the applicant. Immediate Within 2 days from the date of receipt of Application Within 7 Days 2 Inspection of consumer premises Within 7 days from the date of receipt of complete application. 3 To issue the demand notice This is applicable to all industries( Optional) 4 Time limit for complying with the demand notice by the applicant Valid for 2 months in case of LT connections and 3 months in case of HT & AP connections, which may be further extended as per the Electricity Supply code on the request of consumer after paying the extension charges 5 To carry out inspection and Testing of consumer’s installation by the licensee. 5 Page 19 15 20 25 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 6 To issue service connection order. 5 5 5 10 7 Time limit for licensee/ applicant to complete the work required for Providing electric supply. 10 30 45 100 8 Time limit for release of connection to the applicant after completion of the work. 3 7 7 7 Page 110 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 6. TEMPORARY WATER CONNECTION – HARYANA URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Department HUDA Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS 10 Days Checklist 141 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otified S ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Document Description Proof of Ownership/Allotment letter. Possession Certificate. Building plan approval letter. Road cut fees receipt. Registered Plumber certificate. Purchased Water meter invoice. Procedure Page 20 1. All requests for new Water & Sewerage connections and payments thereof will only be accepted through online system as per process given below. 2. Applicant will apply for New Water and Sewerage connection through online system along with uploading the invoice and photo of Water meter purchased by consumer. 3. On submission of application online the applicant will receive a confirmation message on his registered mobile number. 4. The application submitted by the applicant will reflect in the JE login. 5. Concerned JE will check the details of the application and upload the feasibility report after field verification in the online system and forward it to SDE. 6. For Residential plots SDE will approve the connection online on the basis on report submitted by J.E. 7. For industrial and commercial plots XEN will approve the connection online on the basis on report submitted by J.E. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 8. After approval of connection by SDE a SMS/Email will be sent to the concerned applicant for depositing the requisite amount for releasing the connection. 9. Once the requisite amount is paid by the applicant the connection will be released. 10. The number of days to process the applications are as follows: - 5 working days for residential properties. - 6 working days for commercial properties. 11. All inspection reports of the installation of Water meter will be made during the 1st visit of the Meter reader. 7. FACTORY BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL – DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Department Labour Department Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS 45 Days Page 21 189 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Checklist Document Required for Applying Form No.1 Application for approval of building plan From No. 1-A Details of work rooms. Questionnaire Annexed to Form No. 1-A Checklist regarding various provisions relating to safety, health & welfare of workers. Stability Certificate Factory Building plan-indicating relevant details relating to natural lighting, ventilation, means of escape Flow chart with brief description of manufacturing process NOC from Local authority NOC/Consent from Pollution Control Board NOC from Fire Station Officer Safety Report DETAILS OF PLAN DETALS OF FORM NO. 1 DETALS OF FORM NO. 1-A The Proof of payment of Cess @ 1% of the cost of construction under the BOCW Act, 1996. Procedure Page 22 1. The application can be applied at the end user login; same application can be viewable at the Department officer login. The Department officer will check the application under (new/in process/marked/unpublished/observation/Reply) for application, & process the application via verifying the applicant document list under the scrutiny. The process flow for Department officer is explained below: 2. First level- The Assistant of the Factory Wing check’s the online application for Factory Building Plan inside his login and comment online at the Departmental portal. The same application will be marked to the second level officer (Deputy Director IS&H). 3. Second level- The DDIS&H will review the comments of the assistant on the factory online application. If agreed on the comments of the Assistant of the Factory wing, the officer DDIS&H process the application & mark it to the JDIS&H (Joint Director).In case of the objection in the application the JDIS&H can generate the observation & publish it .The same observation can be viewable at the End user login & it can be replied via End user too. 4. Third Level- The Joint Director (IS&H) can review the same application and mark the application to the Draftsman for verification of the documents. The Draftsman will mark application to the Additional Director (IS&H) for review/objection of the Factory Building Plan License. The Addl. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Director(IS&H) will final send the online Factory Building plan application to the CIF(Chief inspector of Factories) for final publishing of the Factory Building Plan. 5. Fourth Level- The CIF (Chief Inspector of Factories) will grant the final certificate and same can be viewable at the Factory owner login online. 8. CONSENT TO ESTABLISH- HARYANA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Page 23 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Department Haryana State Pollution Control Board Timeline Notified under CTE Air and Water Act Timelines notified under HEPA and HEPR Link for RTS 120 Days Page 24 45 Days http s://inv est ha ryan a.in / c on tent /image s/H EPR2 016 - cd a9 250 7eb .pd f HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Checklist Documents required for Applying Site plan/location plan of industry Partnership deed/ memorandum of article of association/proprietorship Procedure certificate/resolution of board of director Land documents such as registration deed/ Jamabandi / Rent Deed / lease deed indicating detail of the property. Allotment letter of the designated authority if the site of the project is located in the industrial area. Brief project report with manufacturing process flow sheet. Compliance report of previous consent to operate conditions in a noted from (in case of modernization/expansion only). CA certificate regarding capital investment cost w.r.t. land building, plant, and machinery of the proposed project. Feasibility report/ scheme of effluent treatment plant/sewage treatment plant, air pollution control devices /HWM with Hydraulic Design calculations based upon the pollution load and prescribed parameter as applicable. Clearance / permission in case of the projects falling in the revenue estates covered in the notification no 191(E) Consent to Establish for new units 1. The new units requiring CTE, shall apply for the same on the on-line portal of the HEPC i.e. http://investharyana.in along with all documents applicable for respective industrial units/ projects mentioned in the checklist given at Annexure-V along with performance security as per the slab given at Annexure-VI and requisite NOC/CTE fee as prescribed by the Board to be deposited through online payment gateway of the HEPC, as per fees schedule available on the website of the Board i.e. www.hspcb.gov.in 2. The CTE applications for the projects/industries having investment more than Rs. 10 crore and involving CLU cases of more than 1 acre land, submitted on the portal of HEPC, are marked to the Nodal Officer deputed by the Board with HEPC for processing and deciding the same as per procedure laid down by the Board. 3. After scrutiny, CTE is granted by the Nodal Officer under his digital signature if the application is found complete but show cause notice for refusal of CTE is issued for 15 days if the application is found incomplete. 4. Reply of show cause notice submitted by units is examined and if the unit submits the satisfactory compliance report for the shortcomings conveyed through show cause notice, then the CTE is granted by the Nodal Officer. Page 25 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. If the reply of show cause notice submitted by the unit is not found satisfactory or the unit fails to submit the reply of show cause notice, then the CTE is refused by the Nodal Officer. The CTE applications for the projects/industries having investment upto Rs. 10 crore and change of land use (CLU) cases upto 1 acre in confirming zones, which are submitted on the portal of HEPC, are marked at the level of DLCC to the concerned Regional Officers for processing and deciding the same as per procedure laid down by the Board who further mark the same to the concerned field officer for scrutiny and recommendation. After scrutiny, the field officer submit the proposal to for Regional Officer for grant if the application is found complete and for issue of show cause notice for refusal of CTE for 15 days if the application is found incomplete. Reply of show cause notice submitted by units is examined at the level of field officer. If the unit submits the satisfactory compliance report for the shortcomings conveyed through show cause notice, then the field officer recommend the case for grant of CTE. If the reply of show cause notice submitted by the unit is not found satisfactory or the unit fails to submit the reply of show cause notice, then the case is recommended by field officer to Regional Officer for refusal of the same. The CTE is granted or refused by Regional Officer based upon recommendation of field officer and issued online to the unit under the digital signatures of the Regional Officer. Instructions already issued vide order dated 02.03.2016 for clearances of CTE applications within 30 days if the application is complete and within 60 days if the application received is incomplete. No inspection is required for the purpose of dealing the cases of CTE unless any violation come to the notice of the Board. The validity period of CTE so granted will be as under:- The CTE for the projects requiring Environmental Clearance, shall be granted for a period upto 07 years subject to the validity of Environmental Clearance or the date of commissioning of the project, whichever is earlier. The CTE, for the projects not requiring Environmental Clearance, shall be granted for a period upto 05 years including stone crushers, hot mix plants, screening plants, brick kilns etc. or the date of commissioning of the project, whichever is earlier. Page 26 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 9. FIRE FIGHTING SCHEME – URBAN LOCAL BODIES Department Urban Local Bodies Timeline Notified under RTS 60 Days Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Timeline Notified under HEPA & HEPR Link for RTS 43 Link for HEPR notification https://investharyana.in/content/images/HEPR2016-cda92507eb.pdf Serial No under HEPR Annexure 1 Checklist Page 27 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Document Required while applying Procedure 45 Days ID Proof/ Authority Letter Three set of drawings of the proposed site Fire Consultant Certificate Sanction of Building Plan Fire Questionnaire(down load and submit Manually Check List as per N.B.C. 2005(Download and submit manually ) Resolution /Authority letter regarding signatory of document Alarm/Ventilation consultant certificate As per Haryana Fire Service Act, 2009, any person proposing to construct a building to be used for any purpose other than residential purpose or a building proposed to be used for residential purpose of more than 15 meters in height, such as group housing, HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE multistoried flats, walk up apartments, etc. before the commencement of the construction, shall apply for the approval of Fire Fighting Scheme conforming to national Building Code of India, the Disaster Management Act, 2005 (53 of 2005), the Factories Act, 1948 (Act 63 of 1948) and the Punjab Factory Rules, 1952, and issue of no objection certificate on such form, along with such fee, as may be prescribed. Step by Step procedure for applying for Fire Fighting Scheme: 1. User registers on Invest Haryana 2. After filling the CAF details as described above, user will fill the service Form for Fire Fighting Scheme. 3. After successfully submission, the application will be assigned automatically to the concerned Nodal officer of the department 4. The Nodal officer/verifier will scrutinize the details, in case more information is required or for any other clarification, the officer will seek that information within 7 days of application submission 5. Once all the required information is obtained by the officer/verifier, the application will be forwarded to the concerned district officer within 1 day 6. If the height of the building is < 15mts, the case is forwarded to the concerned Municipal level. If the height exceeds 15mts the case is forwarded to Director Office of ULB, Panchkula. 7. Once the file is received by the concerned bodies, Single joint inspection is carried out by the agencies at the premise of the establishment. 8. The Inspection report is submitted within 48 hours on the web portal of the department 9. The user can view and download the inspection report by entering the transaction ID of the application and mobile number. 10. If the inspection report is found satisfactory, the file is forwarded to MC commissioner for granting final approval to the end user 11. Once the certificate is issued by the department, the user can view and download the approval certificate from the online portal Page 28 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Inter Department Flow of Application- Page 10 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 10. ERECTION OF BOILER- DEPARTMENT OF BOILERS, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE Department Industries and Commerce Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS 15 Days Page 10 112E https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Checklist Documents Required for Applying Procedure Page 10 MSME/UAM Registration certificate of the firm. Profile of the firm Form XVIII as per IBR regulation 392(4) Type of jobs executed by Firm with special reference to their maximum working temperature enwalled The Firm approved by boiler Directorate / Inspectorate other than Haryana (i) For class-I boiler repairer - Degree in Mechanical Engineering certificate and 5 year experience certificate in fabrication, erection, repair or maintenance of boiler (ii) For class-II boiler repairer - Diploma in Mechanical Engineering certificate and 3 year experience certificate in fabrication, erection, repair or maintenance of boiler (iii) For class-III boiler repairer - The firm shall 5 year experience certificate in fabrication, erection, repair or maintenance of boiler (iv) For Special class boiler repairer - Degree in Mechanical/welding Engineering certificate along with 3 years’ experience in specialized welding technology and IBR approved welder certificate in TIG welding List of technical personnel with designation, educational qualifications and relevant experience. List of rectifier/generator, grinder, general tools and tackles, dye penetrant kit, expander and measuring instruments as per regulation 392(5)(1) Internal Quality control system of the firm(if any) List of IBR approved welder with their current certificate Certificate of incorporation/partnership deed 1. The application is submitted online by boiler owner with all the prescribed documents as per IBR 1950. 2. Online application along with documents submitted is checked and verified by the CIB. 3. If any discrepancy is found in the application and documents, the case is put on hold with intimation to the applicant. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 4. The applicant will revert to on hold application and submit the requisite information within 15 days failing which the application will liable to be rejected. 5. After completion of online application and documents the Permission letter for start the erection work of boiler and steam pipeline issue to the applicant. 6. After completing the erection work of boiler and steam pipeline satisfactory the applicant will submit the completion report of boiler owner and boiler erector. 7. Inspection notice issued to the boiler owner for inspection/hydraulic test of boiler and steam pipeline within 10 working days. 8. After inspection Provisional Order/Form V for running the boiler is issued within 07 working days by the CIB. 9. Applicant apply for steam test within 30 days after issuing the Provisional order 10. Steam test notice issued to the applicant 11. After steam test Registration no. and Regular Certificate for 12 months will be issued within 15 working days Page 10 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Post Establishment Post –Construction is referred as the Post- Establishment stage. Once the construction is completed, the establishments seek approvals to operate the building. All approvals required for post construction falls under this stage. 1. PERMANENT ELECTRICITY CONNECTION – UHBVN/DHBVN Department Power Department Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS 30 Days Checklist 59 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Documents Required for Applying Inspection of site/premises where new connection is required. Advise for payment of charges – demand notice. Payment Made In Compliance Of Demand Notice Procedure Page 10 For timelines and procedure, refer the table below HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Sr no. Action Taken Time allowed (in days) for connections on LT 11KV 33KV Above 33KV 1 Acknowledgement of receipt of complete Application Intimating Deficiencies to the applicant Attending Deficiencies by the applicant. Immediate Within 2 days from the date of receipt of Application Within 7 Days 2 Inspection of consumer premises Within 7 days from the date of receipt of complete application. 3 To issue the demand notice This is applicable to all industries( Optional) 4 Time limit for complying with the demand notice by the applicant Valid for 2 months in case of LT connections and 3 months in case of HT & AP connections, which may be further extended as per the Electricity Supply code on the request of consumer after paying the extension charges 5 To carry out inspection and Testing of consumer’s installation by the licensee. 5 15 20 25 6 To issue service connection order. 5 5 5 10 Page 10 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 7 Time limit for licensee/ applicant to complete the work required for Providing electric supply. 10 30 45 100 8 Time limit for release of connection to the applicant after completion of the work. 3 7 7 7 2. PERMANENT WATER CONNECTION – HSIIDC/ULB/ PHED Department Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS Department Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS Department Page 10 HSIIDC 15 days 126 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Urban Local Bodies 7 Days 28 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Public Health Engineering Department HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS Checklist - HSIIDC 12 Days 48 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Documents Required for Applying RLA by Estate Div. Plot verification & Physical possession by IA Div. Building Plan Approval by IP Div. have been approved/completed on the esewa portal. Procedure HSIIDC Page 10 1. An allottee has to apply for Water connection online through their respective 2. Dashboard on the www.investharyana.nic.in 3. Application submission process 4. Press the „login‟ link provided on the upper right corner of the home page 5. The user can now login along with the credentials provided to him/her at the time of registration process 6. After successful login the user will be redirected to the user dashboard where the HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 7. User can see the menu on the left hand side. The brief description of the menu which the required to select is as under 8. The user has to click the “Other Services” under “Process” available on the extreme right hand side. 9. Then user has to select “Water Connection Application” from the “Other Services”. 10. Then click the “Add” button OR select the previous filled application which is not yet submitted. 11. After filling the required details viz: Purpose of connection & Present status of project the user can “Save” the application. After making the payment through the link “Make Payment” for Water connection charges‟ the applicant will able to submit the application only after realization of the same. The acknowledgement generated from the system needs to be duly filled & signed by the allottee. 12. The scanned copy of duly filled & signed of acknowledgement is to be uploaded by the allottee. 13. After approval of the application by the Corporation, the allottee can download the sanction letter which will be available on their dashboard only after realization of requisite fees of Road Cut charges, if applicable. In addition to above, Meter Testing fee is also to be deposited as per the demand raised. The payments are to be deposited through the respective link of “Make Payment”. 14. Once the application has been submitted successfully, the allottee will not be allowed to modify/update the data/information. 15. An allottee can apply for online Water connection, only when activities/processes viz: a)RLA by Estate Div.; b)Plot verification & Physical possession by IA Div.; c) Building 16. Plan Approval by IP Div. have been approved/completed on the esewa portal. 17. The rates of fee have been described in water tariff policy of the Corporation available on the website www.hsiidc.org.in of the Corporation. Checklist – ULB Page 10 Documents Required for Applying HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Procedure- ULB Photo ID Ownership Proof Plumber Report Approved Building Plan (New connections Only) House Tax Receipt (Existing Unauthorized Connection) 1. After completing the process, please submit your application form. 2. The fee will be calculated by the concerned officer of the concerned Municipal Corporation on following grounds: 3. Connection charges 4. Road cut charges 5. Meter testing fees 6. Penalty/charges for regularization of unauthorized connections. For Inter departmental movement of application refer the flow chart below. Page 10 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Checklist – PHED Documents Required for Applying Procedure- PHED Photo ID Ownership Proof Caste Proof Plumber Report Approved Building Plan (New connections Only) 1. Login to www.investharyana.in 2. After filling the Service form for new connection, the application will be submitted with the concerned JE 3. JE for checking feasibility at site and entry of status / updating will be made, in BISWAS. 4. JE will submit feasibility report to SDE. Further, the feasibility status of the connection will be updated online by concerned JE/SDE in charge from the login ID of SDE concerned. 5. If connection is found feasible, SMS will be sent to consumer at registered mobile number and will be informed to deposit necessary connection charges & for verification of original documents. 3. FACTORY LICENSE – DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Department Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS Page 50 Labour Department 45 Days 189 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Checklist Documents required for Applying Procedure Signed & scanned copy of Form 2 Copy of factory building plans approval letter List of director/ partners AOA/MOA/Partnership Deed, only relevant pages may be uploaded Board resolution authorizing the Occupier Sanctioned load from HVPNL/Latest Electricity Bill 1. At the time of final submission of form no. 2 as an application for factory license, OTP (One Time Password) is sent to registered mobile number for verification. Once verified, the application is submitted into the system for internal processing. Internal processing: 2. The application can be applied at the end user login; same application can be viewable at the Department officer login. The Department officer will check the application under (new/in process/marked/unpublished/observation/Reply) for application, & process the application via verifying the applicant document list under the scrutiny. The process flow for Department officer is explained below: 3. First level-The Assistant of the Factory Wing check’s the online application inside his login and comment online at the Departmental portal. The same application will be marked to the second level officer (Deputy Director IS&H). 4. Second level-The DDIS&H will review the comments of the assistant on the factory online application. If agreed on the comments of the Assistant of the Factory wing, the officer DDIS&H process the application & mark it to the JDIS&H (Joint Director).In case of the objection in the application the JDIS&H can generate the observation & publish it .The same observation can be viewable at the End user login & it can be replied via End user too. 5. Third Level-The Joint Director (IS&H) can review the same application and mark the application to the Additional Director (IS&H) for final approval of the Factory License. 4. CONSENT TO OPERATE – HARYANA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Department Timeline Notified Air and Water Act Page 50 Haryana State Pollution Control Board 120 Days HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Timelines Notified under HEPA and HEPR Link for RTS Checklist 45 Days http s://inv est ha ryan a.in / c on tent /image s/H EPR2 016 - cd a9 250 7eb .pd f Document Required for Applying A) Industrial project • Consent to operate application in prescribed format online • Adequate fees prescribed for obtaining consent to operate, along with latest audited balance sheet • Compliance to the conditions stipulated in consent to establish (CTE) issued by the Board for 1st time consent to operate case. •. In case of renewal of consent to operate (CTO), compliance status to the conditions stipulated in previous consent to operate order/ conditions of bank guarantee (if any) issued by the Board / directions if any issued for time bound compliance • Copy of Environmental Clearance of Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MOEF&CC)/State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) (if applicable).. • Latest layout map of the factory • Copy of latest environmental statement. • Process flow chart and detailed manufacturing process B) Mining Project • Consent to operate application in prescribed format online. • Adequate fees prescribed for obtaining consent to operate. • Copy of Environmental Clearance of Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF & CC) / State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) (if applicable). • Copy of Consent to Establish order. • In case of consideration of fresh consent to operate, compliance status of the conditions stipulated in consent to establish (CTE) issued by the Board. • In case of renewal of consent to operate (CTO), compliance status to the conditions stipulated in previous consent to operate order issued by the Board. • Copy of lease deed/renewal executed. • Copy of latest approved mining plan & mine closure plan. • Copy of Forest Page 50 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Clearance/Temporary Working Permission order. • Copy of last IBM return. • Copy of last Environmental Statement Procedure Page 50 1. The new industrial units/projects falling under Red, Orange and Green Categories listed as Annexure-I, Annexure-II & Annexure-III respectively, after completing the construction and installation of their project with valid CTE, shall apply for 1st CTO before commissioning their proposed production/activities and even before starting the trial run of such activities/trial production, through the online portal of the HEPC i.e. http://investharyana.in along with the documents as per check list given at Annexure-IX and requisite consent fee as prescribed by the Board, which will be deposited through online payment gateway of HEPC, as per schedule available on the website of the Board i.e. www.hspcb.gov.in 2. The industrial units/projects failing under white Category as per Annexure-IV, are exempted from Consent Management for obtaining CTE and CTO under Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981 and there is no necessity for obtaining the CTE and CTO by the industries covered under white category and other units not covered under Red, Orange and Green category and intimation to the Board in this regard shall suffice. 3. No documents are allowed to be submitted manually. 4. The validity of CTO will be 5 years in case of Red category, 10 year in case of Orange category and 15 years in case of Green Category of HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Page 50 industries subject to deposition of consent fee by the units for the said period depending upon the category of the industries. The units can operate their projects only after obtaining prior CTO. At the time of obtaining 1st CTO, the industries will deposit the prescribed testing fees for analyzing their samples of effluent/air emission/noise, as applicable, only from the Board’s laboratories which is given at Annexure-F. The CTO applications for the projects/industries having investment more than Rs. 10 crore and involving CLU cases of more than 1 acre land, submitted on the portal of HEPC, are marked to the Nodal Officer deputed by the Board with HEPC for processing and deciding the same as per procedure laid down by the Board which will forwarded through online system to the concerned Regional Officer for scrutiny and verification. Regional Officer further mark the application to the concerned field officer for scrutiny, verification and recommendation. Inspection of the industry will be carried out by the authorized officer/ officers of the Board before commissioning of the production in the unit and before giving the 1st CTO, after getting approval from the Competent Authority, to check the status regarding installation of pollution control measures/ devices undertaken at the time of obtaining the CTE, as well to assess their structural adequacy before deciding the cases of 1st CTO. After scrutiny of the application and site inspection of the industry, case is recommended for grant of CTO by the field officer to the Regional Officer in case application is found complete and the unit found installed the required pollution control devices at site. Thereafter, the Regional Officer will forward to the case to the Nodal Officer of the Board with HEPC with his recommendation for grant of CTO and the CTO will be issue by the Nodal Officer through online system to the unit under his digital signature. After verification if the application is found incomplete and discrepancies are observed in the installation of pollution control devices at site, show cause notice for refusal of CTO is issued for 15 days after approval from Regional officer. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 12. If the unit submits the satisfactory compliance report for the shortcomings conveyed through show cause notice, then the field officer recommend the case for grant of CTO to the Regional Officer who further submit his recommendation to the Nodal officer of Board with HEPC for grant of the same and then CTO is granted at the level of Nodal Officer. 13. If the reply of show cause notice submitted by the unit is not found satisfactory or the unit fails to submit the reply of show cause notice, then the case is recommended by field officer to Regional Officer for refusal of the same who further submit his recommendation to the Nodal officer of Board with HEPC for refusal of the same and then CTO is refused at the level of Nodal Officer. 14. The applications for the 1st CTO, for the projects/industries having investment up to Rs. 10 crore and change of land use (CLU) cases up to 1 acre in confirming zones, which are submitted on the portal of HEPC, are marked at the level of DLCC to the concerned Regional Officers for processing and deciding the same as per procedure laid down by the Board who further mark the same to the concerned field officer for scrutiny, verification and recommendation. 15. Inspection of the industry will be carried out by the authorized officer/ officers of the Board before commissioning of the production in the unit and before giving the 1st CTO, after getting approval from the Competent Authority, to check the status regarding installation of pollution control measures/ devices undertaken at the time of obtaining the CTE, as well to assess their structural adequacy before deciding the cases of 1st CTO. 16. After scrutiny of the application and site inspection of the industry, case is recommended for grant of CTO by the field officer to the Regional Officer in case application is found complete and the unit found installed the required pollution control devices at site and the CTO will be issued by the Regional Officer through online system to the unit under his digital signature. 17. After verification if the application is found incomplete and discrepancies are observed in the installation of pollution control devices at site, show cause notice for refusal of CTO is issued for 15 days after approval from Regional officer. Page 50 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 18. If the unit submits the satisfactory compliance report for the shortcomings conveyed through show cause notice, then the field officer recommend the case for grant of CTO to the Regional Officer and CTO is granted at the level of Regional Officer. 19. If the reply of show cause notice submitted by the unit is not found satisfactory or the unit fails to submit the reply of show cause notice, then the case is recommended by field officer to Regional Officer for refusal of the same who refuse the CTO and issue the letter to the unit for refusal of CTO under his digital signature. 20. Instructions already issued for clearances of CTO applications, within 60 days in normal circumstances and in 85 days in case of incomplete applications, vide order dated 20.10.2015 Page 51 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 5. FIRE NOC – URBAN LOCAL BODIES Department Urban Local Bodies Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS Checklist 60 Days 38 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf Documents Required for Applying Procedure Page 32 Approval of Fire Fighting Scheme from Competent Authority Permission Letter/BR-III Checklist as per NBC 2005 Detail of dedicated fire staff, with name, Qualification & Contact Nos. Detail of Building Total tower approved Applied for Nos. of towers (With tower nos. & name) Remaining for Nos. of towers (With tower nos. & name) Detail of already issued NOC (With tower nos. & name) Authorization letter with Employee ID proof Photographs of the fire system in working condition As per Haryana Fire Service Act, 2009, any person proposing to construct a building to be used for any purpose other than residential purpose or a building proposed to be used for residential purpose of more than 15 meters in height, HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE such as group housing, multistoried flats, walk up apartments, etc. before the commencement of the construction, shall apply for the approval of Fire Fighting Scheme conforming to national Building Code of India, the Disaster Management Act, 2005 (53 of 2005), the Factories Act, 1948 (Act 63 of 1948) and the Punjab Factory Rules, 1952, and issue of no objection certificate on such form, along with such fee, as may be prescribed. For obtaining Fire NOC, the department will have a single joint inspection with other authorities wherein the Inspector will visit the premise of the firm along with other concerned authorities and will submit the inspection repost within 48 hours of inspection. Step by Step procedure for applying for Fire NOC: 1. User registers on Invest Haryana 2. After filling the CAF details as described above, user will fill the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page 33 service Form for Fire Fighting Scheme. After successfully submission, the application will be assigned automatically to the concerned Nodal officer of the department The Nodal officer/verifier will scrutinize the details, in case more information is required or for any other clarification, the officer will seek that information within 7 days of application submission Once all the required information is obtained by the officer/verifier, the application will be forwarded to the concerned district officer within 1 day If the height of the building is < 15mts, the case is forwarded to the concerned Municipal level. If the height exceeds 15mts the case is forwarded to Director Office of ULB, Panchkula. Once the file is received by the concerned bodies, Single joint inspection is carried out by the agencies at the premise of the establishment. The Inspection report is submitted within 48 hours on the web portal of the department The user can view and download the inspection report by entering the transaction ID of the application and mobile number. If the inspection report is found satisfactory, the file is forwarded to MC commissioner for granting final approval to the end user HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Once the certificate is issued by the department, the user can view and download the approval certificate from the online portal For internal movement of application refer the flow chart as attached below Inter Departmental Flow of Application Page 34 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 6. OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE Department Haryana Urban Development Authority, HSIIDC, Urban Local Bodies and Town and Country Planning 35 Days Timeline Notified under Uniform Building Code Serial No. under Code 4.5 (Building Plan Approval – 20 days) Uniform Building Code 4.9 (Plinth Level Certification- 7 Days) Code Code 4.11 (2) ( Occupation Certificate – 8 Days) Link for Uniform https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Th eHa r ya na Buil dingCod e2017 2ndA mend m ent forE ODB - d97466 7ca b.pd f Building Code Haryana Urban Development Authority Checklist Document Required for Applying Affidavit regarding misuse of the plot Copy of Sanctioned Building Plan showing the violations attested by the Architect Photographs of Front, Back, Kitchen and Toilet Photographs of Front, Back and inside Fire Safety Certificate Rain Water Harvesting Certificate from concerned Executive Engineer of HUDA Report from approved Plumber (HUDA approved) regarding Sanitary fittings Nil Report from Architect in form BR-V Report from Owner in form BR – IV Structure Safety Certificate Photo of Solar Heating System Procedure 1. The building plan file is submitted by the Allottee on single window. 2. Junior Engineer will inspect and submit site report for compounding the violations has been prepared. May be sent to SDE (s) after verification of ownership signature and C.deed. Page 35 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 3. Record Keeper will check the Ownership and signature of the allottee are verified as per record. The C.deed has been executed/not executed /not required. 4. Accountant will verify (1) At present nothing is due on account of Dues/EC subject to Audit. (2) Extension Fee paid up to the current year. (3) POC/OC has already been issued hence nothing is due. (4) The Plot/Building is fully paid. (5) The Dues/Extension Fee checked as above subject to Audit. 5. SDE survey will check Site report prepared by JE is as per site and rates are as per latest compounding policies. The case is recommended for approval of compounding of violations. 6. The application is recommended for approval to Estate Officer. 7. Zonal Administrator will approve the compounding fees. 8. Junior Engineer will check the compounding fee demanded from the allottee has been received and send the application to EO for final approval. 9. Estate Officer will approve the application and OC will be generated from the system. Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. Checklist Document Required for Applying 1. BRS –III 2. BRS –IV 3. Detail of compoundable violations from the approved building plans, if any in the building, jointly signed by the owner, Architect and Structural Engineer, along with demand draft of the due payment for composition charges of such violations at the rates determined by the Competent Authority shall be submitted along with Form BRS-III. 4. Both the Owner and Architect shall give an affidavit that no provision of the Haryana Building Code, 2017 has been violated excluding compoundable violations. 5. Photographs of front, side, rear setbacks, front and rear elevation of the building shall be submitted along with photographs of essential areas like Page 40 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE cut outs and shafts from the roof top. An uneditable compact disc/ DVD containing all photographs shall also be submitted. 6. FIRE NOC. 7. Undertaking regarding installation of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant (if applicable). 8. Undertaking regarding ‘no vehicle shall be parked outside the site / premises’ from allottee. 9. Undertaking for obtaining NOC/clearance from Environment Deptt. Under MOEF, Government of India notification No. 1533 dated 14.09.2006 (if applicable). 10. Undertaking regarding installation of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps/tube lights & energy efficient lighting (more than LED) and star rating - 5 for Electric Appliances in the building. 11. Undertaking that the allottee shall pay applicable Labour cess to the Industrial Safety & Health, Labour Department, and Haryana as applicable under the building and other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996 (as amended from time to time). 12. Self-certified copy of qualification and work experience of Structural Engineer/ Proof Consultant. Note : A proforma of combined Undertakings is available on the official website i.e.http://hsiidc.org.in/downloads. Procedure Procedure for obtaining the Occupation Certificate under self-certification (in case of Industrial buildings) : 1. The Empaneled Architect who has certified/ approved the plans under self-certification shall submit an application (through www.investharyana.in portal) for grant of occupation certificate on Form BRS-III along with completion drawings, Completion Certificate (by third Party) on Form BRS-IV and along with the documents prescribed under Code 4.11 (1) and the Combined Undertaking as available on the official website i.e.http://hsiidc.org.in/downloads. 2. The concerned field office shall proceed for single joint site inspection of the subject building in reference to the Completion Certificate submitted by the Architect (Third party). 3. After the single joint site inspection, the case is placed before Building Plan Approval Committee (BPAC). If the Committee observes that the case is clear from Planning, Estate Page 41 HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE (w.r.t. Ownership) & Public Health point of view then show cause-cum-Demand notice is issued to the allottee mentioning that either he may remove the deviations (if any) done at site from Sanctioned building plans or pay composition fee. If the Committee does not find the case fit for granting the Occupation certificate then observations of the Committee shall be conveyed to the allottee as well as Architect. 4. After receiving the composition fee, Occupation Certificate (FORM BRS V) is granted by the concerned DTP/STP. 5. If no communication is received from the Competent Authority within Eight working days of submission of the application for “Occupation Certificate”, the owner is permitted to occupy building, considering deemed issuance of “Occupation certificate” and the application form i.e. Form BRS-III shall act as “Occupation Certificate.” Urban Local Bodies Checklist Document Required for Applying FORM BR-IV (A) (For Residential and Commercial Buildings upto 15 metres height. Application for permission to occupy) OR FORM BR-IV (B) (For all Buildings except as stated in Form BR-IV(A) Application for permission to occupy) FORM BR-V (A1) (Certificate of conformity to Code and structural safety for Residential and Commercial Buildings upto 15 metres height) OR FORM BR-V (A2) (Certificate of conformity to rules and structural safety for all buildings except as stated in Form BR-V(A1) ) FORM BR-VI (Completion Certificate by an Architect) FORM BRS-III (For Buildings Residential and Industrial Buildings applied under Code2.2 Application for permission to occupy) FORM BRS-IV (Certificate of conformity to rules and structural safety for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Buildings upto 15 meters.) FORM BRS-V(Form of Occupation Certificate Residential and Industrial Buildings applied under Code 2.2) Procedure Page 42 1. This application software will be available on DULB’s website which will be accessed by the Citizen or through CFCs established in ULBs. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 2. Public Health Engineering oriented parameters and structural Engineering stability parameters will be captured in the form of check list, the provisions of National Building Code norms to be followed. 3. For procedure and checklist please refer link https://ulbharyana.gov.in/issuance-ofoccupationcertificate.html 4. Citizen will upload the Occupation Certificate in the required format 5. The owner ship of the plot will be checked by the Clerk. If the details are found to be correct then the Clerk will enter his comments and click on update. Once clicked update, system will randomly allocation an inspector to this application based on Risk based assessment in case of high risk. 6. The concerned ATP/ME/AE will see the application and will check the risk involved in the application, If low / Moderate then without doing inspection of the site, charges will be calculated by the officer and chargers will be communicated to citizen via SMS / Email to pay online. In case of high Risk, Building inspector will inspect the building and will upload the inspection report on the portal. They can also reject the application if not found feasible with reason of rejection. 7. After charges are paid by citizen, concerned ATP/ME/AE will enter his comment and move the application to concerned Commissioners / Executive Officer / Secretaries in Municipal Corporation / Council /Committees respectively for final approval / Rejection. In case of approval of the Occupation Certificate, SMS and e-mail confirming the acceptance of the Occupation Certificate will be intimated to citizen for online download of sanction letter. Town and Country Planning Checklist Document Required for Applying Page 43 Application on prescribed Form BR-IV Name of the Applicant / Company Date of CLU Area in Sqm./Acres Validity of CLU HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Structural Certificate on prescribed BR-V(1) for a height upto 14.50 metres and Form-BR-V(2) for height above 14.50 metres alongwith copy of qualification /degree of the certifying Engineer Scrutiny fees @ Rs. 10/- Sqm. of the total built-up area Labour cess @ Rs. 600/- Sqft. for RCC and Rs. 450/- Sqft. for shed on total built-up area No dues certificate regarding Labour Cess Approval of Building plans and verification of services laid down at site Compliance of the CLU Conditions Status of payment of EDC Status of development works carried out at site along with photograph and video CD/DVD Public Health Services Plans Approval from any other authorities, as required NOC from MOEF, if built-up area is more than 20,000 Sqm NOC regarding Fire safety, if applicable NOC from HAREDA regarding installation of Solar Water Heating System, if applicable Access permission taken from XEN or NHAI, if the site abuts on Schedule road or NH. As-built drawing duly singed by Owner and Architect Procedure Page 44 1. Applicant submits the application at concerned Office on Form BR-IV, BR-V (2) with three sets of Deviation Drawings, As Built Drawings, site photographs and other requisite documents viz. 2. Copy of the Degrees of Architect and Engineers 3. Lift Certificate 4. Chief Electrical report for Installation 5. Fire NOC - scheme approval 6. Scrutiny of documents at Office (concerned) 7. If any discrepancy found, application is put on hold and observation is conveyed to the applicant. 8. Applicant will remove the discrepancy and submit the details 9. Request is sent to the following for sending their report regarding completion of work: - CA (HUDA) - Concerned Circle / District Town Planner Office - SE (HUDA) HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 10. Report received from the above offices. 11. If any observation is to be conveyed based upon the reports received from above offices, same is conveyed to the applicant. 12. Applicant will remove the discrepancy and submit the details 13. Occupation is granted 7. REGISTRATION OF BOILER – DEPARTMENT OF BOILERS, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE Department Industries and Commerce Timeline Notified under RTS Serial No under RTS dated 11.10.2017 Link for RTS 22 Days Page 45 96 https://investha r ya na .in/co ntent/i mages/Co nsolidate d N otifiedS ervic es 53c9654e8a . pdf HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE Checklist Document Required for Applying MSME/ UAM REGISTRATION NUMBER. Form II Form III Form III C Form IV 5 Radiography report(if any) Ownership Performa Ownership Declaration Boiler Drawing Steam Pipeline drawing Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/ Partnership Deed Inspection fee Purchase bill Material test certificates of pipe and fittings. Consent letter of IBR approved boiler erector Consent letter of boiler owner for awarding the work to boiler erector Procedure Page 46 1. The application is submitted online by boiler owner with all the prescribed documents as per IBR 1950. 2. Online application along with documents submitted is checked and verified by the CIB. 3. If any discrepancy is found in the application and documents, the case is put on hold with intimation to the applicant. 4. The applicant will revert to on hold application and submit the requisite information within 15 days failing which the application will liable to be rejected. 5. After completion of online application and documents the Permission letter for start the erection work of boiler and steam pipeline issue to the applicant. 6. After completing the erection work of boiler and steam pipeline satisfactory the applicant will submit the completion report of boiler owner and boiler erector. 7. Inspection notice issued to the boiler owner for inspection/hydraulic test of boiler and steam pipeline within 10 working days. 8. After inspection Provisional Order/Form V for running the boiler is issued within 07 working days by the CIB. HARYANA ENTERPRISE PROMOTION CENTRE 9. Applicant apply for steam test within 30 days after issuing the Provisional order 10. Steam test notice issued to the applicant 11. After steam test Registration no. and Regular Certificate for 12 months will be issued within 15 working days Page 60