Cli t Ab Climate Absolute l t R Radiance di and dR Refractivity f ti it Ob Observatory t (CLARREO) CLARREO Mission Overview January 2010 NASA Langley Research Center p , Virginia g Hampton, Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 1 CLARREO Mission Overview • Mission Purpose, Objectives, and Requirements • Measurements and Instruments • Spacecraft Bus and Observatory • Launch Vehicle Strategy Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 2 Mission Objectives and Purpose Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 3 CLARREO Goal and Objectives Mission Goal: To provide accurate, broadly acknowledged climate records that are used to enable validated long-term climate projections that become the foundation for informed decisions on mitigation and adaptation policies that address the effects of climate change on society. Key Societal Objectives: 1. To establish a multi-decade benchmark climate record that is global in extent, accurate accu ate with t rigorous go ous ttraceability aceab ty to international te at o a sta standards, da ds, a and d tested against independent methods. 2. To enable an operational climate forecast that is tested and broadly trusted through a disciplined strategy using state state-of-the-art of the art observations and mathematically-rigorous analytical techniques to establish credibility. 3. To enable the creation of decision structures that assimilate accurate data and forecasts into intelligible and specific products, promoting international commerce, societal stability and security. Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 4 - Aerosols - Albedo Cli t System Climate S t Model M d l - Temperature - Water Vapor R and Roe dB Baker, k 2007 Reducing uncertainty in predictions of ΔT is critical for public policy affecting adaptation to changes in sea level and precipitation Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 5 CLARREO Science Goal and Requirements Overall Science Goal: Make highly accurate, global, SI-traceable decadal change observations sensitive to the most critical critical, but least understood understood, climate forcings, responses, and feedbacks. Specific Key Science Requirements: 1. To measure the absolute spectrally resolved radiance in the infrared with high accuracy (0.1 K 3σ brightness temperature) by downward-directed spectrometers in Earth orbit. 2. To measure the absolute spectrally resolved nadir reflectance of solar radiation from Earth to space with high accuracy (0.3% 2σ). Solar radiation reflectance constitutes a powerful and highly variable forcing of the climate system through changes in snow cover, sea ice, land-use, aerosol, and clouds. 3. To utilize Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) radio occultation as a source for another benchmark of the climate system. This technique is traceable to the international standard second and is an independent method complementing the spectrometers. 4 T 4. To use CLARREO as a hi high h accuracy calibration lib i standard d d ffor use by b operational, i l climate li relevant infrared and reflected solar instruments like CERES, CrIS, IASI, VIIRS and Landsat. Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 6 CLARREO Mission Description Launch Requirements Nominal Orbit Altitude (Km) Inclination Design Operational Life Estimated Launch Readiness Date (LRD) CBE Instrument Size Launch Site Requirement (East or West Coast) Mechanical Interface LEO 609 90° 3 years NET 2016-19 Variable West Mechanical Interfaces Individual specified interfaces for each payload element Field Of View (FOV) Infrared Instrument FOV = 2.4 2 4° - (Pointed either nadir, zenith, or 45° from zenith) Reflected Solar Instrument FOV = 500m, with 100 km swath - (Pointed either nadir or off-nadir up to 120°) GNSS-RO Instrument - Occultation antennas (2) centered 65° w.r.t. nadir, ±10° in nadir-ram/wake planes, ±45° out of plane - Precise Orbit Determination (POD) antenna, ±75 ±75° cone w.r.t. zenith Science and C&D Handling g Science Downlink Format Science Data Downlink Frequency CCSDS X Band Science Data Rate (Gb/day) 314 Gb/day Instrument Housekeeping Telemetry Instrument Housekeeping Telemetry Data Rate (Gb/day) S-Band & X-Band Onboard Data Storage (Gb) ≥ 314 Gb ~ 1 Gb/day Attitude Control Pointing Knowledge (1 sigma) Pointing Accuracy (1 sigma) Jitter ACS GPS Receiver Star Trackers < 0.1 degree or 360 arc sec < 0.1 degree or 360 arc sec < 0.1 degree or 360 arc sec over 0.1 second g torque q rods 3-axis stabilized - reaction wheels and magnetic Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Instrument Thermal Requirement Payload Mass Payload Mass Allocation (w/contingency) Mass Margin 295 kg 30 percent NTE Payload Mass (kg) 384 Payload Power Payload Orbit Average Power Allocation (W) Payload Peak Power Allocation (W) Power Margin 405 W 618 W 30 percent NTE Orbit Average Payload Power (W) 527 Bus Voltage (V) 28 Thermally Isolated p Propulsion Observatory Environmental & Facility (driven by Instrument) NASA Risk Classification EMI/EMC Vibe Th Thermal l Vacuum V Radiation Clean Room Class Special Facility Needs Yes 5 yyears Mission Capability p y Class C GSFC 7000 GSFC 7000 GSFC 7000 GSFC 7000 10K None Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 7 Mission Goal: To provide accurate, broadly acknowledged climate records that are used to enable tested and trusted long-term climate projections that become the foundation for GOAL:decisions To provide accurate, credible and tested climate recordsthat thataddress lay the the effects of informed on mitigation and adaptation policies groundwork for informed decisions on mitigation g g and adaptation p p policies that climate change on society society. address the effects of climate change on society. CLARREO Orbital Path CLARREO 2 CLARREO 1 Deep Space IR FOV GNSS GNSS Radio Occultation (RO): SI-traceable measurements of GNSS Doppler shifts (to determine atmospheric refractivity) Nadir IR FOV: MOC SI traceable measurements of the Mid and Far-IR spectrum of the Earth and atmosphere SOC NEN EOS Data Operations System Users Science Data Systems Solar Instrument FOV: SI traceable direct and reflected solar irradiance/reflectance TDRS Two spacecraft in 609 km polar orbit. Spacecraft separated by 90 degrees (TBR). Nadir IR coverage area with 5 degree cone angle CLARREO Architecture Top-Level Diagrams DRAFT Title: CLARREO Mission High-Level Operational Concept Graphic Figure/Table/Type: OV-1 Date: 9/24/2009 1 OnlyFigure: 3 Pre-decisional / For PlanningVersion: Purposes SCaN CLARREO GNSS Users Science Data Processing Center 9 Measurements and Instruments Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 10 CLARREO Measurement Concept & Instrument Suite Key Measurement Concept : Make climate measurements that are SI traceable Payload Suite Infrared Measurements • One infrared interferometer • On-orbit O bit calibration lib ti and d verification ifi ti systems t • Primary measurement is nadir benchmarking • Inter-calibration at nadir only Reflected Solar Measurements • One suite of grating spectrometers • Nadir benchmarking approx. 95% of duty cycle • Sun and lunar views for calibration • Inter-calibration requires off-axis pointing GNSS Radio Occultation (RO) • One GNSS-RO system • Fore and aft occultation antennas • Zenith antenna for precise orbit determination Instrument Observatory I FTS Infrared Spectrometer Reflected Solar Spectrometer 1 Reflected Solar Spectrometer 2 Reflected Solar Spectrometer 3 GNSS Radio Occultation System Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 5 tto 50 micron i Observatory II FTS 5 tto 50 micron i Nadir Nadir Grating Grating 320-640 nm 320-640 nm Gimbal-mounted Gimbal-mounted Grating Grating 600-1200 nm 600-1200 nm Gimbal -mounted Gimbal -mounted Grating Grating 1150-2300 nm 1150-2300 nm Gimbal -mounted Gimbal -mounted POD POD 1 Receiver 1 Receiver 3 Antennas 3 Antennas 11 Infrared Instrument Suite Baseline Instrument Package: ¾ FTS, calibration-verification system, thermal management hardware, support structure, and electronics ¾ Mass: 85 kg CBE ¾ Average Power: 158 W CBE ¾ Instrument Dimension: ~42x65x70 cm3 ¾ Data Rate: 224 kb/sec ¾ Data D t Volume: V l 19.3 19 3 Gb/day Gb/d Instrument Description: ¾ A Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) for SI traceable measurements of the Mid and Far-IR spectrum of the Earth and atmosphere using two detectors within a single instrument ¾ Utilizes one ambient black body and deep space as onorbit calibration sources. ¾ Utilizes one phase-change cell equipped blackbody and an emissivity monitoring system ¾ Uncooled U l d pyroelectric l ti d detector t t ffor th the F Far-IR IR and d an actively cryocooled MCT detector for the Mid-IR Characteristics: ¾ Spectral Range: ~ 5-50 μm (200-2000 cm-1) ¾ ~5 to 15 μm (actively cooled MCT) ¾ ~15 to 50 μm (Pyroelectric) ¾ Unapodized Resolution: 0.5 cm-1 ¾ Radiance Scale Accuracy: 0.1 K 3σ ¾ FOV: ~2.4 deg ¾ GIFOV: ~24 24 km ¾ Integration Period: ~ 8 seconds Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 12 Reflected Solar Instrument Suite Baseline Instrument Package: ¾ Three spectrometers, thermal management, and electronics ¾ Mass: 75 kg CBE ¾ Average Power: 99 W CBE ¾ Instrument Suite Dimension: ~185x58x91cm3 ¾ Data Rate: Up to 160 Mb/sec (compressed) ¾ Data D t Volume: V l U Up tto 130 Gb/day Gb/d ((compressed) d) Instrument Description: ¾ A trio of pushbroom hyperspectral imagers with high spatial and spectral resolution for SI traceable direct and reflected solar irradiance measurements ¾ Calibration of detectors obtained through precision apertures -neutral density filters rotated via filter wheels ¾ Field of regard (FOR) needed for Solar-Lunar Calibrations, Intercalibrations, and Benchmarking achieved with two-axis gimbal Characteristics: ¾ Spectral Range: 320 – 2300 nm ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ~320 to ~640 nm (“Blue”) ~600 600 to ~1200 1200 nm ((“Red”) Red ) ~1150 to ~2300 nm (“NIR”) Spectral Sampling: ~2 – 4 nm Range of pointing: 120 degrees Swath Width: ~100 km cross-track S i lS Spatial Sampling li :~0.5 0 kkm at Nadir N di Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 13 GNSS Radio Occultation Instrument Figure from “COSMIC Update and Highlights” C. Rocken, UCAR Baseline Instrument: ¾ Receiver, antennas, and cabling ¾ Mass: 16 kg CBE ¾ Average Power: 32 W CBE ¾ Dimensions: ¾ Receiver: ~19x12x23 cm3 ¾ POD Antenna: ~31 cm dia. x 4 cm (cone) ¾ RO (Ram-Wake) (R W k ) Antennas: A t ~48x87x2 48 87 2 cm3 ¾ Data Rate: 112 kb/sec ¾ Data Volume: 10 Gb/day Instrument Description: ¾ GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) receiver using radio occultation (RO) to measure atmospheric refractivity through Doppler shifts ¾ Traceable to international standards (time) ¾ Used to derive atmospheric pressure, temperature, and water vapor concentration Instrument Subsystems: ¾ One GNSS receiver ¾ One zenith facing, choke ring, precise orbit determination ((POD)) antenna ¾ Electronically steerable phased array ram and wake RO antennas Instrument Operations: ¾ Number of occultations : ~2000/day/observatory ¾ ¾ Rising and Setting Occultations ¾ ¾ 1000 each from GPS and Galileo Ram/Wake antennas provide both options with observatory yaw flip Clock corrections on ground if necessary Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 14 Spacecraft Bus and Observatory Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 15 S Spacecraft ft Requirements R i t and d Drivers Di • Mission Orbit: - • Mission Lifetime: - • Instrument Field of Regard’s (FOR’s) –drives instrument location and solar array design Launch Vehicle: - • The mission lifetime shall be a minimum of 3 years Operational consumables for 5 years of life Post-mission orbit lifetime: <25 years – Controlled de-orbit drives propulsion system P l d Payload: - • The spacecraft will be in nearly circular polar orbits at 609 km (+/-200m) ( / 200m) altitude, 90 degree inclination angle (+/-0.1) degree and 90°separation in longitude of ascending node between observatories – beta angle in 90 degree orbit drives solar array design Minotaur Mi t IV+ Launch L h Vehicle V hi l launch l h capability, bilit ffairing i i di diameter t and d CG offset ff t lilimits it – drives di instrument location, mass of spacecraft, and solar array design Mission Success: - Spacecraft Reliability allocation –drives drives redundancy redundancy, mass and costs Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 16 CLARREO Ob Observatory t Concept C t CLARREO Observatory On-orbit Configuration CLARREO Observatory (stowed configuration in Minotaur IV+) Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 17 S Spacecraft ft Bus B S Subsystems b t • • Central Electronics Processor Provide C&DH, Communications, Thermal, Propulsion and payload command and telemetry interfaces (SSR, C&DH computer) - • Propulsion System - Monopropellant – Hydrazine blowdown system - 4 +4 22 N Thrusters for orbit maintenance and controlled re-entry Thermal System - • X-Band for downlink for stored engineering g g and payload data S-band for command uplink and telemetry downlink Data Volume: 314 Gbits/day Th Thermal l control t l using i radiators di t and d MLI Mechanical/Structural System - Communications System - • 158 A-Hr Li-ion batteryy capacity p y 28V Direct Energy Transfer Power Bus Deployable, 10.0 m2 (1060W EOL) Command and Data Handling - • • Electrical Power System Aluminum sheet over aluminum honeycomb panels Attitude Determination & Control System - 3-axis 3 i stabilized t bili d attitude ttit d control t l system t Star trackers, IMU’s, CSS, Magnetometers Reaction Wheels and Magnetic Torque Bars GPS for Orbit determination • Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 18 Launch Vehicle Strategy Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 19 Launch Vehicle Trades Pre-Phase A trade studies evaluated multiple launch vehicle options to id tif the identify th mostt cost-effective t ff ti access-to-space t solution. l ti Options Considered ¾ Individual launches – – – – – – Falcon 1 and 1e Pegasus XL Taurus XL Minotaur I and IV+ Taurus 2 Falcon 9 ¾ Single launch with dual manifest on an EELV (Atlas V or Delta 4) using the Dual Satellite System (DSS) currently under development ¾ Evaluation for Pre-Phase Pre Phase A focused mainly on the costs of the different options Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 20 CLARREO Launch Vehicle Options 9,000 Ma ass to 609 k km Polar Orrbit (kg) 8,000 Currently Available for Planning through NASA Launch Services Currently Under NLS Contract but not Expected to be Available for CLARREO Launch 7,000 Expected to be Added to the NLS Contract in 2010 6 000 6,000 5,000 4 000 4,000 3,000 2 000 2,000 30% System Margin CLARREO Allocated Wet Mass (950 kg) 1,000 0 Falcon I Pegasus Minotaur Falcon 1e Taurus Minotaur XL I 3210 IV+ Delta II Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only Taurus II Atlas V Delta IV Falcon 9 Series (Low) 21 Mission Architecture Strategy for MCR • The three most cost competitive and viable mission architectures available when future launch vehicles are included in the trade space are: - Launch two observatories as a dual-manifest on a single EELV • - Launch two observatories individually on two Minotaur IV+ vehicles • • Derivative D i ti conceptt iis tto replace l th the EELV with ith a F Falcon l 9 if th the F Falcon l 9 proves to have polar orbit capability and dual-manifest capability Derivative concept is to replace the Minotaur IV with a Falcon 9 if the Falcon 9 proves to have polar orbit capability Launch four observatories with one spectrometer (IR or RS) on four Falcon 1e launch vehicles (assumes that the Falcon 1e cost < Minotaur IV cost) Based on current data, the Minotaur IV+ appears to be the most costeffective solution, but launch vehicle trade studies will continue to be conducted in Phase A Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 22 Mission Architecture Decision Tree Orbit 1 Orbit 2 IR Suite IR Suite RS Suite RS Suite GNSS RO GNSS RO IR + IR + S + S IRS + IRS Individual Launches Dual Manifest Individual Launches M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Minotaur IV+ Taurus II Falcon 9 EELV w/DSS Falcon 1e M6 Secondary Payloads M7 Taurus XL Minotaur IV+ Taurus II EELV Falcon 9 Future Phase A Trade Space Pre-decisional / For Planning Purposes Only 24