PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide For PI Asset Framework Client 2.10 included with PI Server 2018 OSIsoft, LLC 1600 Alvarado Street San Leandro, CA 94577 USA Tel: (01) 510-297-5800 Fax: (01) 510-357-8136 Web: http://www.osisoft.com PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide © 2009-2018 by OSIsoft, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of OSIsoft, LLC. OSIsoft, the OSIsoft logo and logotype, Managed PI, OSIsoft Advanced Services, OSIsoft Cloud Services, OSIsoft Connected Services, PI ACE, PI Advanced Computing Engine, PI AF SDK, PI API, PI Asset Framework, PI Audit Viewer, PI Builder, PI Cloud Connect, PI Connectors, PI Data Archive, PI DataLink, PI DataLink Server, PI Developers Club, PI Integrator for Business Analytics, PI Interfaces, PI JDBC Driver, PI Manual Logger, PI Notifications, PI ODBC Driver, PI OLEDB Enterprise, PI OLEDB Provider, PI OPC DA Server, PI OPC HDA Server, PI ProcessBook, PI SDK, PI Server, PI Square, PI System, PI System Access, PI Vision, PI Visualization Suite, PI Web API, PI WebParts, PI Web Services, RLINK, and RtReports are all trademarks of OSIsoft, LLC. All other trademarks or trade names used herein are the property of their respective owners. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the OSIsoft, LLC license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202, DFARS 252.227-7013, FAR 12.212, FAR 52.227, as applicable. OSIsoft, LLC. Version: 2.10 Published: 11 May 2018 Contents PI AF Client installation and upgrade........................................................................... 1 PI AF Client installation and upgrade............................................................................................................... 1 Install PI AF Client........................................................................................................................................2 Define a PI AF server connection................................................................................................................. 4 Enable multiple languages for PI AF Client...................................................................................................5 Upgrade PI AF Client................................................................................................................................... 5 Version Incompatibility................................................................................................................................ 7 PI AF Client installation and upgrade through the command line.....................................................................8 Extract the contents from the PI AF Client install kit.................................................................................... 8 Install PI AF Client through the command line............................................................................................. 9 Upgrade PI AF Client through the command line....................................................................................... 12 PI AF clients and Windows authentication......................................................................................................13 Run PI System Explorer with elevated permissions.....................................................................................13 Firewall between PI AF server and PI AF Client...............................................................................................13 Firewall between PI AF Client and PI Data Archive......................................................................................... 14 AF Collective Manager...................................................................................................................................14 Accessing AF Collective Manager...............................................................................................................14 Technical support and other resources....................................................................... 15 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide iii Contents iv PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide PI AF Client installation and upgrade During PI AF Client installation, you install components that allows you to access and administer the data in PI AF. PI AF Client installation and upgrade Prior to PI AF 2.7, PI SDK was installed with the PI AF Client. Beginning with PI AF 2.7, PI SDK is no longer included in the PI AF Client install. The PI AF Client installation now includes the PI Network Subsystem (PINS). PINS is installed on a PI AF Client machine that does not include PI Data Archive. PINS enables communication between the PI AF Client machine and PI Data Archive. PI Network Subsystem (PINS) The PI AF Client installation now includes PINS. If you are upgrading an older PI AF Client that includes the PI SDK, the PINS portion of the PI AF Client install upgrades the existing PINS files and services. After you install or upgrade the PI AF 2.7 Client, PINS is shown as PI Network Subsystem Support in the Programs and Features applet in the Control Panel. PINS consists of the following services: • PI Network Manager (pinetmgr) • PI Message Subsystem (pimsgss) The combination of PI Network Manager (pinetmgr) and PI Message Subsystem (pimsgss), as well as supporting files, is referred to as the PI Network Subsystem. PI AF Client features The PI AF Client installation includes these features: • PI AF SDK .NET 4 Beginning with PI AF 2.7, PI AF SDK .NET 3.5 is only available as an installation feature if you have previously installed the PI SDK. To use the .NET 3.5 version of the PI AF SDK, you must first install PI SDK, and then install the PI AF Client. In upgrades where PI SDK has not been uninstalled, the feature is automatically selected. • PI System Explorer PI System Explorer supports multiple languages. Install the PI System Explorer MUI Language Pack to enable multi-language access. If PI System Explorer does not support a particular language, the user interface displays English. See Enable multiple languages for PI AF Client. ◦ Management plug-in The Management plug-in is a PI System Explorer plug-in. This is a plug-in to PI System Explorer and enables administrators or advanced users to manage bulk operations on analyses and notification rules in a database. ◦ AF Collective Manager PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 1 PI AF Client installation and upgrade AF Collective Manager provides a graphical user interface for creating, editing, and managing PI AF collectives. Note: The PI System Explorer installation is not optional if you want to install the Analysis Management plug-in. • PI Builder • PI AF User Documentation Shared features as part of the PI AF Server installation Prior to PI AF 2.8.5, PI AF Client features and components were installed with the standalone PI AF Client install kit only. Beginning with PI AF 2.8.5, PI AF Client features and components are also available as part of the PI Server install kit as Individual Features, in addition to the standalone PI AF Client install kit. Topics in this section • Install PI AF Client • Define a PI AF server connection • Enable multiple languages for PI AF Client • Upgrade PI AF Client • Version Incompatibility Install PI AF Client Beginning with PI AF 2.7, PI SDK is no longer included in the PI AF Client install. The PI AF Client installation now includes the PI Network Subsystem (PINS). PINS is installed on a PI AF Client machine that does not include PI Data Archive. PINS supports communications between the PI AF Client host computer and PI Data Archive. Before you start • If you are running the PI AF Client install kit on the same host computer as the PI AF server, OSIsoft recommends that you install PI AF server first. • If you intend to install PI ProcessBook or PI WebParts, OSIsoft recommends that you install PI SDK before you install PI AF Client. • If you intend to install PI Builder on this computer, you must install Microsoft Excel 2010 SP2 or later first. If Microsoft Excel is not present, PI Builder cannot be installed. • Ensure that you have closed all PI AF client applications before you start the PI AF client installation program. • PI AF Client version 2.9.5 and later will not allow a connection to PI AF server version earlier than 2.4. • PI AF Client version 2.9 and later will not allow a connection to PI AF Server version earlier than 2.3. • Ensure that you have administrative privileges on the computer. 2 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide PI AF Client installation and upgrade Procedure 1. Log into the PI AF Client host computer with an account with administrative privileges. 2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the PI AF Client install kit. 3. Double-click the PI AF Client Install kit executable file. The Welcome to the PI AF Client Installation window opens. 4. Click Next to continue. The Installation Directories window opens. Default locations for 32bit and 64-bit client applications are displayed in the PIHOME and PIHOME64 fields, respectively. 5. Accept the default installation directory or specify a new installation directory for either installation type. a. Click Browse next to the installation type (either 32-bit or 64-bit). The Change current destination folder window opens. b. Specify the desired destination folder. Navigate to an existing folder in the Look in... drop down field, or use the Up one level button. If you want to create a new folder in the installation directory, click Create a New Folder. Or specify an installation directory path in the Folder name field. c. Click OK. 6. Click Next to continue. The Default Server Information window opens. 7. As an optional step, enter the computer name of the default PI AF server in the Default Asset server field. 8. Enter the computer name of the default PI Data Archive server in the Default Data server field. Note: This is mandatory. 9. Click Next to continue. The Select Features window opens. 10. In the Select Features window, select the PI AF Client features and components you want to install: Option Description PI AF SDK .NET 4 Required. Provides programmatic access to the PI Data Archive and PI AF server, and is used by PI AF client applications. PI System Explorer Optional. A graphical user interface tool for accessing the PI AF server and PI Data Archive. It includes AFImport and AFExport utilities. Management Plug-in Optional. A plug-in to PI System Explorer for managing analyses and notifications in the PI AF server. Requires that PI System Explorer be installed. AF Collective Manager Optional. AF Collective Manager provides a graphical user interface for creating, editing, and managing PI AF collectives. PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 3 PI AF Client installation and upgrade PI Builder Optional. An Excel add-in that provides configuration and access to the PI Data Archive and PI AF server. PI AF SDK .NET 3.5 This feature is only listed if you have previously installed PI SDK x86 and x64, and is needed if you wish to install PI ProcessBook or PI WebParts, or another client that requires PI AF SDK .NET 3.5 components. PI AF User Documentation Optional. Provides PI System Explorer documentation in compiled help format. Choose from the following actions: ◦ To select a single feature, click and select ◦ To select a feature, together with dependent features, click ◦ To deselect a feature, click and select and select 11. Click Next. 12. In the Ready to Install the Application window, carefully review the PI AF Client features you have selected, as well as the servers under Default Settings you have selected for the PI AF server and PI Data Archive. If you need to change anything, click Back and modify your selections. 13. Click Install. You may be prompted by a User Account Control message to allow the installation to run. Click Yes to allow the installation to continue. 14. Click Yes to allow the installation to continue from the UAC prompt. The Updating System window opens, displaying the installation progress. 15. Click Next and, in the Installation Is Complete window, validate that all modules in the PI AF Client 2017 R2 Setup have installed successfully. 16. Click Close. After you finish Validate the PI AF client installation by running the PI System Explorer client application. Define a PI AF server connection You need to define a PI AF server if you did not enter a PI AF server name during the PI AF Client installation. Note: See "PI AF server connections" in Live Library (https://livelibrary.osisoft.com) for more information about connecting to PI AF Application Service and other services, managing PI AF identities and mappings, and other PI AF connection-related topics. 4 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide PI AF Client installation and upgrade Procedure 1. On a Windows Start menu or Windows Start screen, right-click PI System Explorer and select Run as administrator. 2. In response to the There are no PI AF Servers defined. Do you want to define one? message, click Yes. 3. In the PI AF Server Properties window, the computer name where you installed the PI AF Client is displayed in the Host field. Select the entire name string and enter the computer name of a PI AF server on your network. 4. Click Connect. Note: If DNS cannot resolve the computer name, you may need to enter the full network name of the server in myassetserver.mycompanyname.com format, or the IP address of the server. 5. Click OK. The PI System Explorer window should be displayed. Enable multiple languages for PI AF Client PI AF Client supports multiple languages. Install the PI AF MUI language pack to enable multilanguage access. If PI AF Client components do not support a particular language, the user interface appears in English. Procedure 1. Download the PI AF MUI language pack from the OSIsoft Technical Support website (http:// techsupport.osisoft.com). 2. Install the PI AF MUI language pack. Upgrade PI AF Client The features that are automatically selected will depend upon the version from which you are upgrading. If you are upgrading from an older version of PI AF Client, some features that are installed may not be selected, so you need to select options manually. Note: Beginning with PI AF 2.7, PI SDK is no longer included in the PI AF Client install. The PI AF Client installation now includes the PI Network Subsystem (PINS). PINS is installed on a PI AF Client machine that does not include PI Data Archive. PINS supports communications between the PI AF Client machine and PI Data Archive. PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 5 PI AF Client installation and upgrade Before you start • If you are running the PI AF Client setup program on the same host computer as the PI AF server, OSIsoft recommends that you upgrade PI AF server first. • If you intend to install or upgrade PI ProcessBook or PI WebParts, OSIsoft recommends that you install or upgrade PI SDK before you upgrade PI AF Client. • If you intend to install or upgrade PI Builder on this computer, you must install Microsoft Excel 2010 SP2 or later first. If Microsoft Excel is not present, PI Builder cannot be installed. • Ensure that you have closed all PI AF client applications before you start the PI AF client installation program. • PI AF Client version 2.9.5 and later will not allow a connection to PI AF server version earlier than 2.4. • PI AF Client version 2.9 and later will not allow a connection to PI AF Server version earlier than 2.3. • Ensure that you have administrative privileges on the computer. Procedure 1. Log into the PI AF Client host computer with an account with administrative privileges. 2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the PI AF Client install kit. 3. Double-click the PI AF Client install kit executable file. The Application Maintenance window opens. 4. Select Modify. 5. Click Next to proceed with the upgrade. The Select Features window opens. 6. Select the PI AF Client features and components to upgrade on the computer. In the Select Features window, features are selected based on what was previously installed in the PI AF Client. You can select other features as long as your computer meets the prerequisites for each selected component: 6 Option Description PI AF SDK .NET 4 Required. Provides programmatic access to the PI Data Archive and PI AF server, and is used by PI AF client applications. PI System Explorer Optional. A graphical user interface tool for accessing the PI AF server and PI Data Archive. It includes AFImport and AFExport utilities. Management Plug-in Optional. A plug-in to PI System Explorer for managing analyses in the PI AF server. Requires that PI System Explorer be installed. AF Collective Manager Optional. AF Collective Manager provides a graphical user interface for creating, editing, and managing PI AF collectives. PI Builder Optional. An Excel add-in that provides configuration and access to the PI Data Archive and PI AF server. PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide PI AF Client installation and upgrade PI AF SDK .NET 3.5 Listed if PI SDK x86 and x64 was previously installed. Required if you wish to install or upgrade PI ProcessBook or PI WebParts, or another client that uses PI AF SDK .NET 3.5 components. PI AF User Documentation Optional. Provides PI AF user guides in compiled help format. Choose from the following actions: ◦ To select a single feature, click and select ◦ To select a feature, together with dependent features, click ◦ To deselect a feature, click and select and select 7. Click Next. 8. In the Ready to Install the Application window, carefully review the PI AF Client features you have selected, as well as the default settings you have selected for the PI AF server and PI Data Archive. If you need to change anything, click Back and modify your selections. 9. Click Install. 10. You may be prompted by a User Account Control message to allow the upgrade to run. Click Yes to allow the installation to continue. 11. Click Yes to allow the upgrade to continue from the UAC prompt. The Updating System window opens, displaying the upgrade progress. 12. Upon completion, click Next and choose from the following actions: ◦ If no reboot is required, the Installation Is Complete window is displayed and you can validate that all modules in the PI AF Client Setup have upgraded successfully. Click Close. ◦ If a reboot is required, the Reboot Your Computer to Finish window is displayed. You can review which modules caused the reboot requirement in the Comment column. Click Yes to restart the computer now. Version Incompatibility The following incompatibilities exist between certain versions of the PI AF server and Client: • PI AF server version 2.9.5 and later will not allow a connection from PI AF Client version earlier than • PI AF server version 2.9 and later will not allow a connection from PI AF Client version earlier than • PI AF Client version 2.9.5 and later will not allow a connection to PI AF server version earlier than 2.4. • PI AF Client version 2.9 and later will not allow a connection to PI AF Server version earlier than 2.3. PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 7 PI AF Client installation and upgrade Note: The version number from a previous PI AF installation may be displayed under Programs and Features Control panel if the installation or upgrade was performed remotely or performed using SQL Script execution. As a workaround, remove the entry (uninstall) from the Programs and Features Control panel. Note: PI AF Client earlier than PI AF 2015 R2 (version 2.7.5) cannot connect to a PI System that has been enabled to use case-sensitive UOM abbreviations. Refer to "Case sensitivity of UOM abbreviations" in Live Library (https://livelibrary.osisoft.com). PI AF Client installation and upgrade through the command line Launch an installation or upgrade of the PI AF Client through a command-line prompt with command-line arguments. The use of the command line arguments is an alternative way to install or upgrade the PI AF Client without the use of the PI AF Client install wizard user interface. Extract the contents from the PI AF Client install kit Launch the PI AF Client install kit to extract the files required for an installation or upgrade through the command line, cancelling the installation after the files have been extracted. Follow these steps to extract the contents from the PI AF Client install kit (PI AF Client_2018_.exe ). Note: Check the actual executable filename in your install kit to ensure you are using the correct filename in your command line syntax. The executable filename PI AF Client_2018_.exe shown is to illustrate an example of usage for the command line syntax. Procedure 1. Double-click the install kit to be extracted. If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled for the logged on user, a UAC message displays asking if you want to allow the installation to make changes to the computer. 2. Click Yes to continue. Click No to Cancel. A dialog displays with a default extraction path for the installation files. 3. Change the path if you want to extract the files to a different location. You can use the folder icon to browse to and select a different location, or you can type a new path. 4. Click OK to continue or click No to Cancel. A dialog displays with a progress bar showing the progress of the file extraction. Click Cancel to exit the extraction process. 5. The Welcome window opens. At this point the files have been extracted, so you can click cancel to exit the installation. 6. Navigate to the location where the files were extracted. 8 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide PI AF Client installation and upgrade Install PI AF Client through the command line Procedure 1. Extract the PI AF Client install kit by double-clicking on the file. 2. Specify the directory for the extraction. 3. Cancel the install wizard when it launches with a prompt. 4. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the PI AF Client install kit. 5. Open the silent.ini file and edit the configuration text to your desired deployment in accordance with the instructions found within the silent.ini file itself. 6. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the silent.ini file is located. 7. Run the installation with the command: setup.exe /f silent.ini. Features specified by ADDLOCAL property for PI AF Client installation This table lists the features specified by the ADDLOCAL property. Feature names are casesensitive. ADDLOCAL values consist of a comma-separated list and cannot contain any spaces. To install all features, use ADDLOCAL=ALL. Note: PI AF SDK 4.0 is a required feature. It must be specified if individual features are to be included. Internal Feature Name / Name Used in Command Line External Feature Name Description ALL N/A All features are installed. FD_AFSDK PI AF SDK 4.0 (REQUIRED) This feature installs PI AF Client core files: the PI AF SDK and the AF Common Controls. FD_AFExplorer PI System Explorer This feature installs PI System Explorer, which provides a user interface for displaying the hierarchical structure of the PI AF servers and other PI AF entities. The AFImport, AFExport, and RegPlugIn utilities are also included. FD_AFAnalysisMgmt Management (Requires FD_AFExplorer) This feature installs the management client in PI System Explorer. FD_AFBuilder PI Builder This feature installs the PI Builder add-in to Excel. If Excel is not installed, it is ignored. PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 9 PI AF Client installation and upgrade Internal Feature Name / Name Used in Command Line External Feature Name Description FD_AFSDK35 PI AF SDK .NET 3.5 (Requires PISDK installation). Installs the AFSDK .NET 3.5 components needed to support .NET 3.5 based applications. FD_AFDocs PI AF documentation This feature installs the documentation, which is a set of PI AF .CHM help files. Command-line properties for PI AF Client installation Properties Description ADDLOCAL Specifies features to install. See Features specified by ADDLOCAL argument for PI AF Client installation. ADDLOCAL=ALL All PI AF Client features are installed. ALLUSERS Specifies the per-computer or per-user installation context. A value of 1 should be specified, which is the per-computer installation. ALLUSERS=1 Install context is the computer. REBOOT Allows the computer to restart during the installation process. Use a value of Suppress for silent installations. REBOOT=SUPPRESS Any restart of the host computer will be suppressed until the end of the bundle installation. AF_SERVER Specifies the default PI AF server name (the computer where the PI AF Application Service resides) for the PI AF Client. If a value is not defined by the user and the PI AF Application Service is not resident on the target host computer, the default PI AF server name is not set during the installation. If not set, the default PI AF server name can be set manually after the installation has completed. If a value is not defined and the PI AF Application Service has already been installed on the same host computer, then the current computer will be set as the default PI AF server. The AF_SERVER property is not used during an upgrade. AFSDKONLY 0: Default. No change to the install. 1: On a clean install, installs AF SDK only. If it is an upgrade, it will upgrade normally. SENDTELEMETRY 0: Default value during silent installation is 0. 1: Specifies participation in the PI System Customer Feedback Program. 10 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide PI AF Client installation and upgrade Properties Description SHUTDOWN_OPTIONS Specifies whether or not install should stop services and applications that have the AFSDK.dll file locked and in use at the time of the upgrade. 1: Automatically close applications and attempt to restart during the installation 2: Do not close applications. (A reboot will be required.) When not set, defaults to SHUTDOWN_OPTIONS=1 to prevent user from having to reboot at end of the installation. If option 2 is specified, SHUTDOWN_OPTIONS=2, then a reboot will be needed if it is an upgrade and the AFSDK is in use at the time of the installation. In that case an automatic reboot will occur unless the REBOOT=Suppress option is set. SKIPLAUNCHCONDITIONS When SKIPLAUNCHCONDITIONS=1 is used, this option bypasses verification of prerequisites and allows the .msi to install even when a condition is not met. Setting this value is NOT a recommended installation. Known Server Table command-line properties Because the PI SDK is no longer installed by default with the PI AF Client, the following properties can be specified to set up the Known Server Table (KST). Property Description IMPORT_KST=[value] Set to 1 to enable the importing of an existing KST.ini file. The KST.ini file can be exported using the PI SDK Utility. KST_INI_FILE=[path\filename] Specifies the path and file name of the KST.ini file (by default, it is exported as KST.ini). PI_ALIAS=[handle] Specifies the name of the default PI Data Archive handle. This setting is ignored if a default PI Data Archive is already defined. PI_SERVER=[network path] Specifies the name of the default PI Data Archive. This setting is ignored if a default PI Data Archive is already defined. If you do not define the PI_SERVER, a PI Server definition is created using the local machine name. PI_USER=[pidemo] Default user for the default PI Data Archive. NOPISDKBUFFERING=1 Disables PI SDK buffering through pibufss if PISDK is already installed. The default, if NOPISDKBUFFERING is specified, is not changing the buffering behavior of an existing PI-SDK installation. Example syntax of PI AF Client installations through the command line The following table provides examples of the syntax you might use in the silent.ini file in conjunction with the AF Client setup.exe file, where you replace the text in the [COMMANDLINE] section of the silent.ini file. Alternatively, if you only need to install the AF Client’s .msi file (AFClient_x64.msi OR AFClient_x86.msi), you can use the provided syntax examples, preceded by msiexec.exe /i AFClient_x64.msi OR msiexec.exe /i AFClient_x86.msi, in a Command prompt window. PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 11 PI AF Client installation and upgrade The format of the .ini file is divided into 4 sections, NUMSETUPMODULES, SETUPMODULES, COMMANDLINE, and UNSUPPORTED_OPERATING_SYSTEMS. The NUMSETUPMODULES is the number of products being installed. The SETUPMODULES section defines the name of the product being installed, and the COMMANDLINE section provides the options that will be passed to that installation. The UNSUPPORTED_OPERATING_SYSTEMS section can be used to block installation for older operating system versions, or to require a particular service pack. Components to install Syntax Notes PI AF Client on PI AFApplication Service host computer /qn REBOOT=Suppress ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL When you install the PI AF Client after the PI AF server installation, it is not necessary to specify the default PI AF server, as the install kit will have already done so. To specify the default PI AF server when you install the PI AF Client /qn REBOOT=Suppress ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL AF_SERVER=PI_AF_Server_Name You specify the default PI AF server by using the AF_SERVER property. Specific features of the PI AF To install the PI AF SDK 4.0, the common files, Client and documentation without PI System Explorer and without Management: /qn REBOOT=Suppress ALLUSERS=1 DDLOCAL=FD_AFSDK,FD_AFDocs The PI AF SDK 4.0 feature is required. To install the PI AF SDK 4.0, PI System Explorer without the Management components, and common files without the documentation: /qn REBOOT=Suppress ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=FD_AFSDK,FD_AFExplorer To specify the PI AF Server and PI Data Archive names, plus install the AF SDK, PI System Explorer, Management, and PI Builder: /qn REBOOT=Suppress ALLUSERS=1 AF_SERVER=PI_AF_Server_Name PI_SERVER=PI_Server_Name ADDLOCAL=FD_AFSDK,FD_AFBuilder, FD_AFAnalysisMgmt To install the AF SDK, PI Builder, and the AF SDK for .Net 3.5 (if the PI SDK is installed): /qn REBOOT=Suppress ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=FD_AFSDK,FD_AFBuilder,FD_A FSDK35 Upgrade PI AF Client through the command line When upgrading a previous PI AF Client install, it is not necessary to re-specify the PI AF Client arguments or features: msiexec.exe /i AFClient_Version #.msi REBOOT=Suppress ALLUSERS=1 /qn 12 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide PI AF Client installation and upgrade PI AF clients and Windows authentication The PI AF SDK is installed as part of the PI AF Client installation. PI System Explorer and other PI AF SDK clients communicate with PI AF server using Windows authentication. Except for configuration of a PI AF collective, the PI AF SDK never connects directly to SQL Server. When you attempt to connect to a PI AF server through PI System Explorer, your login credentials are used. If you have permission to access the PI AF server, the connection is made. If you do not have the appropriate rights, a login window opens where you can enter credentials. For example, this can occur if you are logged in as a local user, are not a domain user, or if the client computer is in a domain other than the domain of the PI AF server. Run PI System Explorer with elevated permissions If you run PI System Explorer or other PI AF client directly on the PI AF server computer and the operating system has user-account control enabled, then using a local administrative account will not elevate the account. You will be prompted to restart with elevated permissions. To avoid this prompt, choose one of these options: Procedure • Run PI System Explorer as Administrator: a. On the Start menu, right-click PI System Explorer or other PI AF client. b. Select Run as Administrator. • Set PI System Explorer to run as Administrator every time it is started: a. On the Start menu, right-click PI System Explorer (or other PI AF client). b. Select Properties. c. On the Compatibility tab, select the Run this program as an administrator check box. • Modify the PI AF security settings so that the user or a group containing the user (other than local Administrators) has appropriate privileges. Firewall between PI AF server and PI AF Client All connectivity between a PI AF Client and a PI AF server occurs through PI AF SDK. The appropriate ports must be open. The PI AF server connection must use the IP address or DNS name of the PI AF server, not the computer name. By default, PI AF SDK communicates with PI AF server through port 5457 and port 5459. • Port 5457 is the primary port that PI AF SDK uses to communicate with PI AF server from the client. • Port 5459 is used by some client products, such as PI OLEDB Enterprise and PI WebParts to communicate with PI AF server. Depending on how connections are defined, PI AF server may perform a reverse-name lookup of the connecting client IP address as part of the authentication process. The method PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 13 PI AF Client installation and upgrade chosen for name resolution may require that PI AF server be able to open outbound connections on some ports: ◦ Resolution by way of entries in the HOSTS file (no port requirement, but clients must have fixed IP addresses). ◦ Resolution by way of DNS (usually port 53). ◦ Resolution by way of NETBIOS name services (port 137). You may also need to open port 445 if you wish to search or browse for accounts while remotely managing PI AF security. Firewall between PI AF Client and PI Data Archive PI AF Clients need to connect to the PI AF Application Service to access the PI AF SQL Server database. They may also need to connect directly to PI Data Archive if PI AF elements have been configured with PI point data references. The connection to PI Data Archive is established directly from the PI AF Client. No direct connection or authentication is needed against the SQL Server or PI AF server. By default, communication to PI Data Archive requires port 5450 to be open; however, you can change this. For detailed information, review the OSIsoft KB article: 2820OSI8 - Which firewall ports should be opened for a PI Server? (https://techsupport.osisoft.com/ Troubleshooting/KB/2820OSI8). AF Collective Manager Starting with PI Server 2018, PI AF collective creation has been moved out of PI System Explorer and into the AF Collective Manager. AF Collective Manager provides a graphical user interface for creating, editing, and managing PI AF collectives. AF Collective Manager is available for installation with the PI Server 2018 install kit and PI AF Client install kit. Accessing AF Collective Manager Procedure 1. Select Start > All Programs > PI System > AF Collective Manager. A message appears informing you that OSIsoft no longer recommends using PI AF collectives as a High Availability option. See the Knowledge Base article: KB00634 - High Availability (HA) options for PI Asset Framework (PI AF) (https://techsupport.osisoft.com/ Troubleshooting/KB/KB00634). 2. To start the AF Collective Manager: ◦ Click No start the AF Collective Manager tool. ◦ Click Yes to read the KB article. The AF Collective Manager window opens. 14 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide Technical support and other resources For technical assistance, contact OSIsoft Technical Support at +1 510-297-5828 or through the OSIsoft Tech Support Contact Us page (https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Contact-Us/). The website offers additional contact options for customers outside of the United States. When you contact OSIsoft Technical Support, be prepared to provide this information: • Product name, version, and build numbers • Details about your computer platform (CPU type, operating system, and version number) • Time that the difficulty started • Log files at that time • Details of any environment changes prior to the start of the issue • Summary of the issue, including any relevant log files during the time the issue occurred To ask questions of others who use OSIsoft software, join the OSIsoft user community, PI Square (https://pisquare.osisoft.com). Members of the community can request advice and share ideas about the PI System. The PI Developers Club space within PI Square offers resources to help you with the programming and integration of OSIsoft products. PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide 15 Technical support and other resources 16 PI Asset Framework Client Installation and Upgrade Guide