Teacher: Ms. Oraham UNIT PLAN AT A GLANCE Grade: Gr. 7 Geography Understand UNIT 1 - PHYSICAL PATTERNS IN A CHANGING WORLD Big Ideas Essential Questions What will students remember long after the unit What driving questions will frame the learning? is over? (enduring understandings) (open-ended; connected to Big Ideas) Identify the location and describe the What are the patterns in physical characteristics of various physical geography around the world? landforms and some key natural processes and human activities that create and change What forces produce landforms geographic patterns? Describe patterns and characteristics of How do patterns in physical major climate regions around the world geography affect people some key natural processes and other around the world? factors that create and change climate patterns Describe patterns and physical characteristics of some major water bodies and systems around the world and some key natural processes and human activities that change water bodies and systems Core Competencies Which core competency or competencies will be focused on in this unit? Communication Creative Thinking Positive Personal and Cultural Identity Critical Thinking Do Personal Awareness and Social Responsibility Responsibility Curricular Competencies Which process skills will students be applying in order to learn the content? List only those that will be assessed. Overall Expectations: A1. Application: analyze some challenges and opportunities presented by the physical environment and ways in which people have responded to them A2. Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process to investigate the impact of natural events and/or human activities that change the physical environment, exploring the impact from a geographic perspective A3. Understanding Geographic Context: demonstrate an understanding of significant patterns in Earth’s physical features and of some natural processes and human activities that create and change those features Specific expectations: A1 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 A2 – 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 A3 – 3.1, 3.3, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 Know Teacher: Ms. Oraham UNIT PLAN AT A GLANCE Grade: Gr. 7 Geography Content What knowledge will students learn and be assessed on? Identify patterns in physical geography and explain the factors that produce them Use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate geographic information about the earth’s physical features and patterns Explain how patterns of physical geography affect human activity around the world Identify, describe, and/or explain types of landforms, landform patterns, climate patterns, effects of natural phenomena, vegetation patterns, river systems, types of agriculture and factors OF Learning AS Learning FOR Learning Assessment Formative How will information be gathered about what students already know (i.e., pre-assessment/accessing prior knowledge)? What strategies will be used to evaluate student learning and adjust teaching? Where will students have the opportunity to share their understanding in order to receive feedback, revise and improve? Class participation Homework completion Exit ticket questions Quizzes Reflective What opportunities will there be for students to reflect on their thinking and feelings as part of their learning? (e.g., self/peer evaluations, partner talk, goal setting, journaling, etc.) Word Wall and Vocabulary Logs Notes and textbook questions Group work and presentations Graphic Organizers Summative How will students demonstrate their understanding of the curricular connections listed above (e.g., performance task, project, portfolio, test, etc.)? How will the assessment criteria be communicated to or created with students? o o o o Journals Performance Task Unit Test Oral Presentation Teacher: Ms. Oraham UNIT PLAN AT A GLANCE Grade: Gr. 7 Geography Understand UNIT 2 – OUR WORLD’S NATURAL RESOURCE: USE AND SUSTAINABILITY Big Ideas Essential Questions What will students remember long after the unit What driving questions will frame the learning? is over? (enduring understandings) (open-ended; connected to Big Ideas) Explore the many ways that people use natural resources, and the environmental What are the different types of resources impact of these actions. available to us? Gather, process, and communicate How has technology affected how we use information about the distribution, use and natural resources? importance of natural resources in a variety How can we predict whether or not of ways resources will be available in the future? Acknowledge how humans’ actions can positively or negatively affect natural resource sustainability, and take action to better the health of the environment Discover how factors such as demand and accessibility determine the importance of resources Core Competencies Which core competency or competencies will be focused on in this unit? Communication Creative Thinking Personal Awareness and Responsibility Social Responsibility Positive Personal and Cultural Identity Critical Thinking Do Curricular Competencies Which process skills will students be applying in order to learn the content? List only those that will be assessed. Overall Expectations: B1. Application: analyze aspects of the extraction/harvesting and use of natural resources in different regions of the world, and assess ways of preserving these resources B2. Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process to investigate issues related to the impact of the extraction/harvesting and/or use of natural resources around the world from a geographic perspective B3. Understanding Geographic Context: demonstrate an understanding of the sources and use of different types of natural resources and of some of the effects of the extraction/harvesting and use of these resources Specific expectations: B1 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 B2 – 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 B3 – 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8 Teacher: Ms. Oraham UNIT PLAN AT A GLANCE Grade: Gr. 7 Geography Content What knowledge will students learn and be assessed on? Know Demonstrate an understanding of how Canada’s natural resources have contributed to its economic development Demonstrate an understanding that people use renewable, non-renewable, and flow resources in a variety of ways to meet their needs Locate and record relevant information from a variety of primary and secondary sources Communicate the results of inquiries for specific purposes and audiences, using media works, oral presentations, written notes and reports, drawings, tables, charts, and graphs Identify patterns of natural resources, using thematic maps Present and defend a point of view on how a resource should be used OF Learning AS Learning FOR Learning Assessment Formative How will information be gathered about what students already know (i.e., pre-assessment/accessing prior knowledge)? What strategies will be used to evaluate student learning and adjust teaching? Where will students have the opportunity to share their understanding in order to receive feedback, revise and improve? Class participation Homework completion Exit ticket questions Quizzes Reflective What opportunities will there be for students to reflect on their thinking and feelings as part of their learning? (e.g., self/peer evaluations, partner talk, goal setting, journaling, etc.) Word Wall and Vocabulary Logs Notes and textbook questions Group work and presentations Graphic Organizers Summative How will students demonstrate their understanding of the curricular connections listed above (e.g., performance task, project, portfolio, test, etc.)? How will the assessment criteria be communicated to or created with students? o o o o Journals Performance Task Unit Test Oral Presentation