Voice Amplifier Review: Parkinson's, Classrooms, Fitness

Voice Aerobics
I work extensively with the Parkinson community and persons with motor neuron disease. I have tried
a number of amplifiers, including the Speech Enhancer. I really like the product from Voice Aerobics (
It is very light weight, easy to use, excellent amplification at a very reasonable price point (around
I recently met with an ATOS rep and got to demo their SoniVox (It looks almost exactly like the
Chattervox). ATOS will accept medicare reimbursement for the SoniVox, which makes the patient's
out of pocket expense 45.78. Pretty good deal, if you ask me.
Kate- I am a fan of the Boomvox by Griffin Lab. It is wireless personal amp device with a 3lb speaker
that can be placed anywhere. The patient wears the over-the-head mic which plugs into a receiver
that they clip to them selves.It's around 350 and a fairly good value for the price. It comes with a littel
carrying case as well. Hope this helps.
I'm a fan of the HiSonic devices.
I'd appreciate feedback about whether 15 or 40 watt amplifiers are better for classrooms and fitness
instruction. The portability factor is pretty great in my opinion.