Current Events Worksheet: Analyze News Articles

Name ________________________________________ Period __________ Date __________
Current Events Assignment
Directions: Find a news article about a recent current event, and complete the following
worksheet. Be prepared to discuss your news article in class. Use only CREDIBLE news
sources. No blogs or opinion pieces! Please bring in a copy of your news source with this
1. Name of the article: __________________________________________________________
2. Name of the news article’s source (Newspapers Title/Website):
3. WHO: (Who is the article about/who is involved in the story?)
4. WHAT: (What is the article about?)
5. WHEN: (When did the events take place?)
6. HOW: (How did the events described occur?)
7. WHY: (Why did the events happen?
Credible Sources: The following is a list of some credible news sources you can use. This
is not a comprehensive list. There are many other sources you can use. If you are not sure if
your source is credible, check with your teacher.
Wall Street Journal
New York Times
BBC News
CBC News
Yahoo News- features articles from a number of news sources
Washington Post
National Geographic
Associated Press
ABC News
CBS News
USA Today
Grading will be based on the following rubric:
4 – Entire Current Event assignment displays the following requirements for each
question/statement above:
a. Demonstrates thoughtfulness, preparation, and accuracy.
b. Reflects real understanding of the story and the issues.
Follows directions.
d. Is complete, neat, and includes entire article.
e. Asks and answers a provocative (for discussion purposes) question.
3 – Current Event assignment is complete but lacks 2 of the above requirements.
2 – Current Event assignment lacks 3 of the requirements.
1 – Current Event assignment lacks 4 of the requirements.
0 – Current Event assignment is not handed at all.