Space Intro



The universe contains around 100 billion galaxies

Each galaxy can contain

hundreds of billions of

stars like our sun

Planets can orbit stars and that is what makes our solar system

The Hubble Telescope caught this image by looking at a single pixel of sky

Our Solar System

Our Solar System contains:

A Star: The Sun

Planets: Which go around the Sun

Satellites: Which go around planets

Smaller objects: Such as asteroids and comets

The Solar System is often shown as being flat like this but it is really 3D

Order of the Planets

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,


You can remember this using the sentence:

My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nachos


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,


My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nachos

Create your own mnemonic to remember the order of the planets


Add a diagram of the order of the planets to your mnemonic

Dwarf Planets

Until 2006 we used to say

Pluto was a planet and that we had nine planets in the solar system

This was done because we were discovering too many objects the size of Pluto

We now call these Dwarf


Our Moon is bigger than

Pluto but can’t be a planet because it orbits Earth not the sun


Our solar system has two main asteroid fields

Asteroids are huge lumps of rock that aren’t big enough to be planets. They often contain metal ore


Comets are collections of

ice, dust and small rocky particles

They tend to have very long highly elliptical orbits

Halley’s comet is one of the most famous and is visible in the sky every 76 years

Heliocentric Model

We used to believe that the Earth was at the

centre of the universe and everything orbited us

Space exploration and use of telescopes means that we now understand that the Earth orbits the Sun

Heliocentric is named after the Greek god Helios which means Sun

Night and Day

The Earth is constantly

rotating on a tilted axis

This causes night and day

The Earth also orbits the


This causes seasons

From space you can see a definite line between

night and day as the

Earth rotates

The Earth is on a tilted axis

Every 24 hours the

Earth turns around this axis once


It is always day on the side of the Earth that faces the


The Sun appears to move across the sky but this is really the

Earth rotating


The position of the

sun also affects our shadows

12 noon



Time Zones

If it was 4:00 in London what time would it be in…




GMT Time











We belong to the GMT time zone which stands for Greenwich Meridian


Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time is when we move the clock forwards by one hour in

spring take it back off in autumn.

This is so that it is lighter during the evenings so lights don’t have to be used and people can shop.

Not every country uses

daylight savings time. It is mostly used in America and


Daylight Savings Time

Task: Read the article and write a response back to

Chris Hill explaining why he is wrong.


• An explanation as to how he is mistaken.

• What daylight savings time is.

• Why it is used.


Seasons are caused by the

Earths tilted axis and its position in orbit around the Sun

The seasons in the

northern hemisphere are always the opposite of those in the southern hemisphere

Everything above the

equator is in the northern

hemisphere everything below in the southern hemisphere

Why do we get Seasons?

Seasons happen due to

Earth being on a tilted axis

When the northern

hemisphere is pointed towards the Sun it is

Summer in the UK

When the southern

hemisphere is pointed towards the Sun it is Winter

Globes also rotate on a tilted axis to represent how the real planet does

Sunrise and Sunset

The tilted axis of the Earth makes the Sun appear

lower in the sky during Winter

The Moon

The Moon is Earths natural satellite

A satellite is something that orbits a larger body

It is a natural satellite because it is not man made

Scientists believe the moon was once part of Earth but was blasted off in a collision as the Earth formed

The Moon

The Moon is held in orbit around the Earth by

Earth’s Gravity

It does not produce its own light like stars do, it just reflects the suns rays

This is why we can see it at night

The moon can sometimes appear to be orange. This is caused by our atmosphere

scattering the light it reflects

Phases of the Moon

It takes the Moon 28 days to orbit the Earth

Over these 28 days the

Moon appears to change shape

This is because only half of the Moon is facing the Sun and we can’t see the dark side

This shows how the moon appeared over the course of a month


A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and the

Earth. This casts a shadow over the Earth

A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth passes between the Sun and the

Moon. This casts a shadow over the Moon.

Solar eclipses are very rare however lunar eclipses happen most years


Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse


The nearest star to us is the sun

We sometimes think of

stars as being very tiny, especially when we look up at the night sky

This is only because they are very far away z


A galaxy is a collection of hundreds of billions of

stars orbiting around a supermassive black hole at the centre

Our galaxy is called the

Milky Way and contains around 300 billion stars just like the Sun

Our Galaxy will one day collide with its closest neighbour Andromeda


Gravity is an attractive

force that affects anything with mass

Even people attract other objects with gravity but our mass isn’t large enough for the force to be very strong

Isaac Newton

discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head


Mass is the amount of

matter (or stuff) an object contains

Mass is measured in

grams (g)

An objects mass is the same wherever it is

An Elephant contains more matter than a mouse so has more mass

Gravity pulls down to the centre of the earth no matter where you stand on it


Mass and Gravity

The effects of gravity only become significant when objects get to the mass of a moon or planet

The more mass an object has the stronger its gravity will be

The sun has the most mass out of anything in our solar system so it has the most gravity

Mass and Gravity

Gravity and Mass are directly proportional

This means as you increase one the other increases at the same rate

If you double the mass of an object you double its gravity v=uhS8K4gFu4s

Distance and Gravity

Gravity gets weaker the further away you get from an object

Every time you double the

distance from an object the effect weakens by four times You don’t have to be far from earth to appear weightless

F = Force of Gravity

F F/4F/16

Gravity Summary

Gravity is changed by two things:

Mass: When we double the mass we

double the effects of gravity

Distance: When we double the distance

we divide the effects of gravity by four


Orbiting is when an object

travels around another due to gravity

Objects will only orbit things with a higher gravitational

force than themselves

E.g. The Moon orbits the

Earth and the Earth orbits the Sun

Orbits are usually circular but not always

They can also be elliptical

Planet Orbits

The further away a planet is from the sun the longer it takes for it to orbit it

The time for a planet to

orbit a star is called a year

A year on Earth is longer than a year on Mercury

The length of a year on

Earth is 365 days

On Neptune a year is 60048 days long

Planet Orbits

The further away from the Sun a planet is the slower it travels


Weight is a force caused by gravity

Weight is the gravitational

force between objects

Because weight is a force it is measured in Newtons


People usually use the word weight wrong and get it confused with mass

Weight, Mass and Gravity

Wherever you are in the

universe your mass will be the same

But depending on how

strong the gravity is you can weigh different amounts

Because gravity is weaker on the moon astronauts weigh very little





On earth you wouldn’t be able to lift a safe because it would weigh too much





On the moon the safe would have the same mass but its weight would be lower





Because it weighs less you would be able to pick up the safe

Gravity Calculations

Weight (N) = Mass (kg) x Gravitational Field Strength (N/kg)

Earths gravitational field

strength is 10N/Kg

If a man had a mass of 80kg then you could enter those numbers into the formula to calculate his weight

Weight = 10 x 80 = 800N


W x G

W: Weight

M: Mass

G: Gravitational Field



Artificial Satellites are man-made objects that are launched in to space and orbit Earth

They are held in orbit by

Earth’s gravity and their own velocity

Over time their orbit will

decay and they can fall back to Earth

This shows all the satellites and space debris in low

Earth orbit

Uses for Satellites

Satellites have many uses including:

• Communications

• Global Positioning System

• Predicting Weather

• Scientific surveys of the

Earth's surface

• Map making

• Spying

• TV

Satellites use solar panels as a renewable way to power their systems

Space Telescopes

A telescope in space has no light pollution or interference from the atmosphere

They are incredibly

expensive though

The Hubble Space

Telescope was launched in


When the Hubble was first launched it didn’t work

It needed ‘spectacles’ due to a mistake

Space Probes

Space probes are used to explore our solar system and beyond

Because they are unmanned they can be made quite small and they don’t need to carry

food or oxygen

This makes them a lot

cheaper than manned space flights

Voyager 1 was launched in

1977 and is very close to entering interstellar space

Every year it travels the same distance as there is between the Earth and Sun

Manned Space Flights

The space race between

America and Russia culminated in Neil

Armstrong setting foot on the Moon in 1969

Humans have yet to travel further due to the time, money and resources it would take

Laika the dog was the first living thing to orbit the Earth and also to die in orbit
