The Alpide Belt Practice

Partner Practice
Name: _______________
Date: ________________
1. Label each of the pictures as either a convergent, divergent, or transform plate boundary. INCLUDE
2. The _____________________________ is an area of volcanoes and trenches that border the Pacific
3. The _________________________ is an area of mountains and volcanoes that stretches from Europe
all the way to South East Asia.
4. What is subduction?
5. Rewrite the following sentence so that it is correct: “Continental crust is more dense than oceanic
crust so it sinks below it when they meet at a convergent plate boundary.”
6. What is the different between a dormant volcano and an active volcano?
7. What are the 7 major tectonic plates?
8. What is thought to cause the plates to move?
9. What plate is made up of 100% oceanic crust?
10. What plate do we live on?
11. The plate boundary of the Nazca and South American plate creates a mountain range. What type of
plate boundary must this be?