Ancient Greek Newspaper The purpose of this assignment is to understand the lasting effect Alexander the Great had on the rest of the world. You are an ancient Greek reporter who is fascinated with the life of Alexander the Great. Now that he has recently died, you’re going to be writing the front page of a daily newspaper exploring different aspects of Alexander the Great’s life. Your assignment is to explore a couple of different websites and research the accomplishments of Alexander the Great. You must have 2 articles on Alexander the Great. You will also research other aspects of Greek daily life during this time for other articles on the front page. It could be their education, city-states, or any other area of Greek life that interests you. Once you have written your articles, you will use it to create a front page of an ancient newspaper. Think about a real front page of the newspaper and use the same things you would find on that to create yours. Greek newspaper checklist: Research Alexander the Great (his life, accomplishments, battles, death…) Research other areas of Greek life (geography, government, and society) Write 2 articles about Alexander and 1 articles about daily life Create newspaper name Draw or paste 3 appropriate pictures. Create newspaper index and any other newspaper characteristics o Weather, ads, comics, and classifieds Make sure to answer the journalist questions (who, what, when, where, why, how) Optional: Videotape a news segment about Alexander the Great Ancient Newspaper rubric Points Alexander the Great Article 1 Alexander the Great Article 2 Points 8 Student is secure in this concept 6 Student is secure with some elements but still developing mastery of concept ___ King Phillip ___ Early life ___ Aristotle ___ Spread of Greek Culture ___ King Phillip ___ Early life ___ Aristotle ___ Spread of Greek Culture Student is secure in this concept Student is secure with some elements but still developing mastery of concept ___ Battles ___ Land Controlled ___ Hellenistic Age ___ Death Student is developing some elements but still in the beginning stage of understanding this concept 6 Student is secure in this concept 4 Student is secure with some elements but still developing mastery of concept 0 Student has no understanding of this concept ___ Geography ___ Government ___ Society ___ Geography ___ Government ___ Society 2 Student is developing some elements but still in the beginning stage of understanding this concept ___ Geography ___ Government ___ Society 4 Index includes the weather, ads, comic/classified, is well organized and thoughtfully put together 3 Index includes the weather, ads, comic/classified, is somewhat well organized and somewhat thoughtfully put together Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. 2 Index may include the weather, ads, comic/classified, is either well organized or thoughtfully put together 0 Index does not include the weather, ads, comic/classified, is neither well organized nor thoughtfully put together Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Rarely gets things done by the deadlines. ___ Battles ___ Land Controlled ___ Hellenistic Age ___ Death Daily Life Points Newspaper index Class time Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very selfdirected. Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. 4 Student is developing some elements but still in the beginning stage of understanding this concept ___ King Phillip ___ Early life ___ Aristotle ___ Spread of Greek Culture ___ Battles ___ Land Controlled ___ Hellenistic Age ___ Death Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. 0 Student has no understanding of this concept ___ King Phillip ___ Early life ___ Aristotle ___ Spread of Greek Culture Student has no understanding of this concept ___ Battles ___ Land Controlled ___ Hellenistic Age ___ Death ___ Geography ___ Government ___ Society Alexander the Great Newspaper Article Please use the following worksheet to organize your research and ensure you cover everything in your article. Article one King Phillip Early life Aristotle Spread of Greek Culture Article Two Battles Land Controlled Hellenistic Age Death Daily Life Article Geography Government Society