Chapter 5 Problems with solutions

Computer Networks
Spring 2009
Chapter 5
Problems 1,4,9,10,22,30,34,35,37,38,39,40,43,44,46
1. Give two example computer applications for which connection-oriented service is
appropriate. Now give two examples for which connectionless service is best.
File transfer, remote login, and video on demand need connection-oriented
service. On the other hand, credit card verification and other point-of-sale
terminals, electronic funds transfer, and many forms of remote database
access are inherently connectionless, with a query going one way and the
reply coming back the other way.
4. Give three examples of protocol parameters that might be negotiated when a
connection is set up.
The negotiation could set the window size, maximum packet size, data rate,
and timer values.
9. Consider the subnet of Fig. 5-13(a). Distance vector routing is used, and the following vectors have
just come in to router C: from B: (5, 0, 8, 12, 6, 2); from D: (16, 12, 6, 0, 9, 10); and from E: (7, 6,
3, 9, 0, 4). The measured delays to B, D, and E, are 6, 3, and 5, respectively. What is C's new
routing table? Give both the outgoing line to use and the expected delay.
Going via B gives (11, 6, 14, 18, 12, 8).
Going via D gives (19, 15, 9, 3, 9, 10).
Going via E gives (12, 11, 8, 14, 5, 9).
Taking the minimum for each destination except C gives (11, 6, 0, 3, 5, 8).
The outgoing lines are (B, B, –, D, E, B).
10. If delays are recorded as 8-bit numbers in a 50-router network, and delay vectors
are exchanged twice a second, how much bandwidth per (full-duplex) line is
chewed up by the distributed routing algorithm? Assume that each router has
three lines to other routers.
The routing table is 400 bits.
Twice a second this table is written onto each line,
so 800 bps are needed on each line in each direction.
22. A datagram subnet allows routers to drop packets whenever they need to. The probability of a
router discarding a packet is p. Consider the case of a source host connected to the source router,
which is connected to the destination router, and then to the destination host. If either of the
routers discards a packet, the source host eventually times out and tries again. If both host-router
and router-router lines are counted as hops, what is the mean number of
hops a packet makes per transmission?
transmissions a packet makes?
hops required per received packet?
Each packet emitted by the source host makes either 1, 2, or 3 hops.
The probability that it makes one hop is p.
The probability that it makes two hops is p(1 − p).
The probability that it makes 3 hops is (1 − p)2.
The mean path length a packet can expect to travel is then the weighted sum of
these three probabilities, or p2 − 3p + 3.
Notice that for p = 0 the mean is 3 hops and for
p = 1 the mean is 1 hop.
a. The probability that a transmission is successful is q = (1-p)2.
b. Let N be the number of transmissions a packet makes until it successfully
reaches the destination host.
Thus, N ~ Geom(q) E[N]= 1/q = 1/(1-p)2
c. The mean number of hops required per
received packet is (p2–3p+3)/(1-p)2.
30. The CPU in a router can process 2 million packets/sec. The load offered to it is
1.5 million packets/sec. If a route from source to destination contains 10 routers,
how much time is spent being queued and serviced by the CPUs?
Here μ = 2 million
λ =1.5 million,
so ρ = λ/μ = 0.75,
from queueing theory,
each packet experiences a delay four times what it would in an
idle system.
The time in an idle system is 500 nsec, here it is 2 μsec.
With 10 routers along a path, the queueing plus service time is 20 μsec.
34. Suppose that host A is connected to a router R 1, R 1 is connected to another router, R 2, and R 2 is
connected to host B. Suppose that a TCP message that contains 900 bytes of data and 20 bytes of
TCP header is passed to the IP code at host A for delivery to B. Show the Total length,
Identification, DF, MF, and Fragment offset fields of the IP header in each packet transmitted over
the three links. Assume that link A-R1 can support a maximum frame size of 1024 bytes including
a 14-byte frame header, link R1-R2 can support a maximum frame size of 512 bytes, including an
8-byte frame header, and link R2-B can support a maximum frame size of 512 bytes including a
12-byte frame header.
The initial IP datagram will be fragmented into two IP datagrams at I1. No
other fragmentation will occur.
Link A-R1:
Length = 940; ID = x; DF = 0; MF = 0; Offset = 0
Link R1-R2:
(1) Length = 500; ID = x; DF = 0; MF = 1; Offset = 0
(2) Length = 460; ID = x; DF = 0; MF = 0; Offset = 60
Link R2-B:
(1) Length = 500; ID = x; DF = 0; MF = 1; Offset = 0
(2) Length = 460; ID = x; DF = 0; MF = 0; Offset = 60
35. A router is blasting out IP packets whose total length (data plus header) is 1024 bytes. Assuming
that packets live for 10 sec, what is the maximum line speed the router can operate at without
danger of cycling through the IP datagram ID number space?
The IPv4 header provides 16 bits to the Identification field. This means that there should
only be a maximum of 216 (6553.6) packets alive at a certain time to ensure that they are all
=1024 bytes/packet * 6553.6 packets/sec * 8 bits/byte
= 53687091.2 bps
= 53.7Mbps
37. Suppose that instead of using 16 bits for the network part of a class B address originally, 20 bits
had been used. How many class B networks would there have been?
With a 2-bit prefix, there would have been 18 bits left over to indicate the
Consequently, the number of networks would have been 218 or 262,144.
However, all 0s and all 1s are special, so only 262,142 are available.
38. Convert the IP address whose hexadecimal representation is C22F1582 to dotted decimal notation.
The address is
39. A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum number of
hosts it can handle?
The mask is 20 bits long, so the network part is 20 bits. The remaining 12
bits are for the host, so 4096 host addresses exist.
40. A large number of consecutive IP address are available starting at Suppose that four
organizations, A, B, C, and D, request 4000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 addresses, respectively, and in
that order. For each of these, give the first IP address assigned, the last IP address assigned, and
the mask in the w.x.y.z/s notation.
To start with, all the requests are rounded up to a power of two. The starting
address, ending address, and mask are as follows:
A: – written as
B: – written as
C: – written as
D: – written as
43. A router has the following (CIDR) entries in its routing table:
Next hop
Interface 0
Interface 1
Router 1
Router 2
For each of the following IP addresses, what does the router do if a packet with that address arrives?
a.) = 1000 0111 0010 1110 0011 11 11 0000 1010
This fits with the second Address/Mask, so it goes to the corresponding hop:
The packet gets sent to Interface 1.
b.) = 1000 0111 0010 1110 0011 10 01 0000 1110
This is going to fit with the first Address/Mask, so it goes to the corresponding
the packet gets sent to Interface 0.
c.) = 1000 0111 0010 1110 0011 01 00 0000 0010
This doesn’t fit any of the addresses in the table if it were ANDed with their
so the router sends this packet to the default, Router 2.
d.) = 1100 0000 0011 0101 0010 100 0 0000 0111
This fits with the 3rd Address/Mask, so it goes to the corresponding hop: the router
sends the packet to Router 1.
e.) = 1100 0000 0011 0101 0011 100 0 0000 0111
This doesn’t fit any of the addresses in the table if it were ANDed with the masks,
so the router sends this packet to the default, Router 2.
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