•Compounding or word-composition is one of the productive types of word-formation in Modern English. Compound words (or compounds) are defined as indivisible lexical units made up of at least two elements which are both derivational bases: •week-end, sugar-basin, snowdrift, tea-pot, fountain-pen, sunset etc.t etc. •Structurally compound words are characterized by the specific order and arrangement of derivational bases. In Modern English the order of the derivational bases is rigidly fixed. As a rule the second element of a compound word makes its structural and semantic center, this fact is proved by the existence of compound words with identical constituent elements which differ in their meanings due to the different arrangement of the derivational bases. •Positional changes of constituent derivational bases within a compound word result in change of meaning. Compare the following pairs of compound words: pond-fish - прудовая рыба fish-pond - рыбоводный пруд flower-garden – цветник garden-flower - садовый цветок life-boat -a boat for saving lives from wrecks or along the coast boat-life - life on board the ship G u e s s w h a t ? The bases built on stems may be of different degrees of complexity: •simple: film-star •derived: chain-smoker •compound: wastepaper-basket Another aspect of compound words which needs special attention is the problem of their classification. English compounds may be classified according to several principles: 1. From the point of view of degree of semantic independence of their constituents compound words fall into two large classes: coordinative compounds (the constituent elements are equally important): oak-tree, boy-friend, Anglo-American, woman-doctor subordinative compounds (the components are neither structurally nor semantically equal in importance but are based on the domination of the head-member which is, as a rule, the second element of the word): dark-blue, wrist-watch, road-building, baby-sitter etc. Coordinative compounds in their turn are further subdivided into several types: reduplicative, the words made up by the repetition of the same derivational base: goody-goody (ханжеский, ханжа), fifty-fifty (равный), hush-hush (тайный) Compounds, formed by joining phonetically variated twin bases. Such words often possess certain emotional or stylistic colouring: hodge-podge (derogatory) - odds and ends, their mixture namby-pamby (ironical) - sentimental, sensitive wing-ding (American jargon) - a fit of rage, ado, quarrel, row fiddle-faddle (colloquial) - nonsense, small talk, chatter fuddy-duddy (colloquial) - a fussy and old-fashioned person Coordinative compounds, built on stems of words of the same part of speech. They usually denote a person or an object that is two things at the same time: a secretary-stenographer, a woman-doctor, a bed-sitting-room 2. Compound words may be also classified according to their part-ofspeech meaning: C nouns : toothbrush, car park, soap opera C adjectives: eco-friendly, fat-free (yoghurt) C verbs: daydream, dry-clean C adverbs: nevertheless, nowadays C pronouns: anyone, everything, nobody C numerals: twenty-seven, three-quarters C prepositions: into, onto C conjuctions: although, however 3. According to the means of composition compounds may be: words, formed by joining together two stems without any connecting elements ball-point, to windowshop words, where components are joined by a linking element : vowels «o» or «i» or the consonant «s» astrospace, handicraft, sportsman words, formed by help of prepositions and conjunctions: here-and-now, free-for-all, do-or-die 4. According to the type of basis that form compounds the following classes can be singled out: Compounds that are formed by joining together bases built on the stems or on the affixes with or without a linking element job-hunt, train-sick, go-go, tip-top Derivational compounds that are formed by joining affixes to the bases built on the word-groups or by converting the bases built on the word groups into other part of speech: ear-minded, hydro-skimmer Thus derivational compounds may be: formed by the help of the suffixes: broad-shouldered, early-riser by conversion: a break-down (развал, разруха, упадок) - from “to break down” a kill-joy (брюзга) - from “to kill joy” “ ”