Antonymy Definition Antonym is a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. Antonyms are words of the same category of part of speech. Definition ● Most antonyms are adjectives which is only natural because qualitative characteristics are easily compared and contrast: fast - slow, wet intelligent - dimwit dry, Definition ● Verbs takes the second place, so as far as antonymy is concerned. Yet, verbal pairs are few in number: stand - sit, remember forget, repair - destroy Definition ● Nouns are antonyms: not rich in heat - frost, peace - war, north - south, toiler lounger Definition ● Antonymic adverbs can be subdivided into two groups: a) adverbs derived from adjectives: quickly - slowly, heavily - weakly b) proper adverbs: ahead behind, above below Classification 1 Antonyms may be defined as two or more words of the same language belonging to the same part of speech and to the same semantic field, identical in style a nearly identical in distribution, associated and often used together so that their denotative meanings render contradictory or contrary notions. Classification 1 Two statements are contradictory if one must be true and the other must be false. "The world is flat" and "the world is not flat" are contradictory because one has to be true and the other must be false. Contrary statements are similar, in that both cannot be true. However it is possible for both to be false. So "the earth is flat" and "the world is spherical" cannot both be true, but if the earth is discovered to be another shape (such as a squashed elliptoid), both statements may be false, making it a contrary argument. Classification 2 Another classification of antonyms is based on a morphological approach root words form absolute and derivational antonyms. Classification 2 Absolute antonyms: bright - dark The presence of negative affixes creates derivational antonyms: legal - illegal, comfortable uncomfortable It must be noted that antonymy of two words may be restricted by their valency: hard cheese - soft cheese BUT hard person mild person Classification 3 (according to V.N. Comissarov) There are three main types of antonymy: gradable, complementary and converse Classification 3 (according to V.N. Comissarov) 1) Gradable antonyms are typically pairs of adjectives that can be qualified by adverbs such as very, quite, extremely, etc. So for example, we can say the tickets were expensive or the tickets were cheap. However, as expensive and cheap are gradable antonyms, we can also qualify how expensive or cheap they were: The tickets were surprisingly expensive. The tickets were very expensive. The tickets were quite expensive. The tickets were incredibly cheap. The tickets were rather cheap. The tickets were undeniably cheap. Classification 3 (according to V.N. Comissarov) 2) Complementary antonyms are pairs of words that are opposite in meaning, cannot be graded and are mutually exclusive. That is, they can exist independently of each other. For example, there might be a daughter in a family but not the complementary opposite of a son, as girls can exist without their complementary opposite of boys. Classification 3 (according to V.N. Comissarov) 3) Converse antonyms are pairs of opposites where one cannot exist without the other. For example, to have a husband, you must have a wife. Therefore, husband and wife are complementary antonyms. Solve it if U dare