- YEAR 8 ENGLISH SCAFFOLD STRUCTURING A SPEECH _________________________________________________________________________ STEP 1: THE WHAT – Start your speech by telling your audience what you are going to discuss/prove/persuade and establishes the foundation for your speech. A good Introduction 'draws the map' for the journey. INTRODUCTION RESPONSE STRUCTURE Attention Getter: startles, gains attention and makes your audience sit up. E.g. rhetorical question or statistic Bond : Link-to Audience through emotion or personal connection Objective: State clearly why you are speaking at this moment. State your Goal, Thesis or what you expect as an Outcome. .. “This evening I am here to convince you that .... " Map your speech: Briefly outline what you will cover in your persuasive speech. Transition: A transition is how you move from one section or point to the next. It is a linking idea. “Let’s begin by ...”, “Let’s start with ...” “Let’s consider …” TOPIC: - YEAR 8 ENGLISH SCAFFOLD STRUCTURING A SPEECH _________________________________________________________________________ STEP 2: THE HOW – The Body of your speech is where the detail is found and is best contained in THREE points (you can have more, but don't confuse your audience). For a Persuasive Speech, this is where you will.. “Tell them” 1. POINT: State your point (argument as outlined in your intro) 2. EXPLAIN: State a reason 3. EVIDENCE: Give an example (Optional: you can use Technique + Quote if you are dealing with a text) 4. RESTATE: Restate your point THE BODY: PARAGRAPHS (AIM FOR 2-3 BODY PARAGRAPHS) RESPONSE Follow the P.E.E.R. Structure for each paragraph STRUCTURE MAIN POINT 1: This is your Topic sentence and sets up a mini argument. EXPLAIN: - State a reason why this point stands - Link back to the topic you are arguing EVIDENCE: Give an example to persuade/prove your point. RESTATE: Restate your thesis point and explain how you have proved it. TRANSITION: Create a linking statement to your next point - YEAR 8 ENGLISH SCAFFOLD STRUCTURING A SPEECH _________________________________________________________________________ STEP 3: CONCLUSION RESPONSE STRUCTURE “Tell them what you have told them”: Always restate your thesis Restate your main points Call-to-Action: eg “I encourage you to …”, “Let’s all contribute …” , “… sign now …”, “make a decision now to be involved …” This is almost a restating of your introduction – it sums up your whole argument.