MAZ INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SHAH ALAM 2018-2019 SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK SUBJECT SECONDARY WEEK : Economics : Form 4 MINUTES PER WEEK TOPIC / SUB TOPICS LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING ACTIVITIES 3. Microeconomic decision makers. 3.1 Money and Banking. Money To understand the need of money to do trade and how it overcame the problems of barter trade. To understand the different functions and characteristics of money. To realize the importance of money and how it encourages specialization. To understand what money market is and to familiarize terms like cash financial assets, liquid assets, near money, physical assets. To understand the basic functioning of a bank and how it makes money. To understand the different types of banks –commercial, central bank, credit union, Islamic bank, investment banks, mutual societies. To be thorough with the functioning of a central bank. To understand the definition of disposable income. To understand a person’s consumption of goods and services. To analyze person’s spending patterns. Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 123-136 Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 136-150 WEEK 1 3.1 Money and Banking. What is a bank? 3.2 Households. The influences on spending. WEEK 2 WEEK 3 3.2 Households. Recent trends in consumer spending. The influences on saving. To understand the causes of changes in consumer spending. To realize the factors affecting a person’s savings and borrowing patterns. Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of RESOURCE MATERIALS Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 150-163 MAZ INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SHAH ALAM 2018-2019 SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. 3.3 Workers. Factors affecting an individual’s choice of occupation. Wage determination. Reasons for differences in earnings. WEEK 4 WEEK 5 3.3 Workers. Reasons for differences in earnings. Investigating wage differentials. Division of labour and specialization. 3.4 Trade unions. Definition of a trade union and its role in an economy. To understand the decision to supply labour and the different types of wage rates. To understand the different types of non-wage factors. To understand the labour market and the factors affecting the supply and demand for labour in the market. To understand occupational wage differentials and why people doing the same job might be earning different salaries. To understand government intervention in labour markets. To understand the reasons for different wages between different group of people like younger and older workers, male and female, skilled and unskilled, public sector and private sector, industrial wage differentials. To understand the division of labour in production process, advantages and disadvantages. To understand occupational specialization of labour, its advantages and disadvantages. To understand clearly the definition, roles and functions of a trade union. To know the different types of trade unions. Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 163-179 Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 179-192 MAZ INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SHAH ALAM 2018-2019 SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK WEEK WEEK 6 WEEK 7 MINUTES PER WEEK TOPIC / SUB TOPICS LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING ACTIVITIES 3.4 Trade Unions. Definition of a trade union and its role in an economy What is collective bargaining? 3.6 Firms and production. Production and productivity. Labour intensive and capital intensive production. Demand for factors of production. To understand the process of collective bargaining and its requirement in situations of industrial disputes. To understand what are the different types of industrial actions that follows an unsuccessful negotiation between the employee and the employers. To realize the advantages and disadvantages of trade union activities. To understand how production adds value to resources. To understand how firms specialize. To familiarize factor productivity and how to measure productivity. To understand the pros and cons of labour and capital intensive production. To realize the determinants affecting the demand for factors of production. To be able to understand when factor substitution is involved. To understand fixed costs, variable costs, average costs, profit, loss, break-even. To understand the motivating factors of firms to produce goods and services. Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 193-195, 219-227 Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 227-241 Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 242-246 3.6 Firms and Production. How can firms increase factor productivity? 3.7.12 Definition and calculation of costs of production. 3.7.5 Objectives of firms. Revision for the chapter. WEEK 8 RESOURCE MATERIALS MAZ INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SHAH ALAM 2018-2019 SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK 3.8 Market structure and monopoly. Monopoly markets. 3.8.1 Competitive markets WEEK 9 WEEK 10 4. Government and the macroeconomy. 4.1 The role of government. 4.2 The macroeconomic aims of government. 4.2.2 Possible conflicts between macroeconomic aims To understand market structure and the different ways in which firms compete with each other. To understand what are monopolies and its features while comparing with perfect competition. To understand the different ways in firms set prices, product differentiate and compete to gain a greater market share. To understand how monopolies act as barriers to other firms artificially and naturally. To know if a monopoly is advantageous or disadvantageous to the economy. To understand the role of the government as an employer, producer, provider, consumer, lawmaker and regulator, tax setter and collector. To understand the macroeconomic aims of the government and how they are achieved through supply side and demand side policies. To understand the possible conflicts between macroeconomic aims. Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 246-266 Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 268-280 MAZ INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SHAH ALAM 2018-2019 SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK WEEK WEEK 11 WEEK 12 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 MINUTES PER WEEK TOPIC / SUB TOPICS 4.3 Fiscal Policy. Classification of taxes. Impact of taxation. 4.3.1 Definition of budget. Reasons for government spending. Reasons for taxation. Principles of taxation. Classification of taxation. Impact of taxation. 4.3 Fiscal Policy. Definition of fiscal policy. Fiscal policy measures. Effects of fiscal policy measures on government macroeconomic aims. LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING ACTIVITIES To explain the meaning and purpose of a government budget. To identify the main areas of government spending and the reasons for and effects of spending in these areas. To understand how taxation is used to finance government spending, influence market outcomes and re-distribute incomes. To describe the qualities of a good tax. To identify and contrast the main types of tax. To analyze the impact of taxation of producers, consumers, government and the macroeconomy. To describe the instruments of fiscal policy and their impact on the budget balance and imbalance. To analyze how fiscal policy measures may be used by a government to achieve its macroeconomic aims. Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 281-295 Topics are discussed in detail and noted into the student’s notebooks. Questions are written into the notebook and are to be answered promptly. Discussion of activity topics in the textbook and exam preparation questions. Complete economics for Cambridge IGCSE and O level. Third Edition. Pg. 295-308 SECOND TERM EXAMINATION. RESOURCE MATERIALS