Create Your Own Island Project Introduction You have stumbled upon an uncharted island in your explorations of the ocean. Your task is to map, label, and name its major features and their locations. Purpose To create an island and draw common coastal and inland features. Materials Poster paper (provided in class) Textbook (Chapter 10) Globe Colored pencils Shoreline/Coastline Notes Procedure 1. Choose the location for your island. Label on your map the ocean and the latitude and longitude. Make sure your latitude and longitude do not overlap an existing landmass. 2. Draw, name, and label the island and each of its 20 features. The name must include the feature (example Sugar Island, Leslie Lake, Shade Swamp, Smith Inlet). 3. Color the island, its features, and the surrounding ocean with colored pencils. 4. Feel free to add additional features (marsh, mountain, volcano, etc). 5. Somewhere on your project, include a description of how each of your coastal features formed and indicate if it is part of a Primary Coast or Secondary Coast. *Do not color your map with markers. You can only use markers to label your features.* Required Features Salt Marsh River /Delta Sea Cave Sea Stack Beach Longshore Bar Barrier Island Bay Inlet Tombolo Barrier Reef Groin Sea Wall Wave-cut Cliff Sea Arch Sand Spit Lagoon Sea Island Jetty Wave-Cut Platform